
The Ocean and The Moon


04-10-2013, 05:18 PM

A silver and Black lining encased the dark flowing trickle of river water. The dark blue of the sky reflected off the surface, the fish that could be seen swam close to the edge of the embankment. They flowed softly through the stream, letting the water steal them away to their next place of home. The fish continued to glide along, until something startled them. The fish scattered in every direction fleeing from the scene. A master of fleeing, best of camouflaged, and the fish were gone in an instant. The full moon showed itself from the ripples of water revealing the cloud that was hiding it's silver friend away. A droplet of a deep red splashed in it's reflection; a mystery of which it came. The dye gained matter and spread like wild fire. A pool of red escaped into the water spreading the disease across the river not missing an inch. A wolf was revealed, slashed at the throat, mouth opened as the blood seeped out from the dame's neck and tongue. The bright blue eyes were empty of the life that was there but the fear remained in her soul as it seeped out through the baby blue orbs. A wolf stood on top of the lifeless female, as blood dripped down the boy's face and traveled down his--

The disturbed brute awoke from the dreaded nightmare. It was his only time to sleep but god had taken it from him. The brute jolted up in the horror of his memory. Just a dream... But the male's dreams were always the remembrance of his history, of the horrid and wicked things he had done to help himself. A deep gasp escaped the air as he tried to ignore he memories that had come to haunt him once more. His eye's closed softly and he began to stand.

A long stroll was scheduled as the brute started off to the sound of rushing water. It was impossible for him to sleep once more, so what better is there then a nice relaxing walk down the river side?

The gravel molted wolf pressed his paws against the ground fallowing the only friend he knew; the moon. The sound of the water rushing over slick rocks chased the male as he walked the path. Though clouds surrounded the black sky, stars twinkled across the never-ending universe. So many other worlds there were to see, how was it possible for him to be anywhere else instead of dreading his life down on earth? There must have been a better way then living like this, there must have been a way to release the pain and agony he held.

The stream expanded and broke into many different paths but the male continued his own on the left edge of the river. Soon the grass became thinner, and sand started to grow into his paw pads. He could smell the ocean.

Oh, how he hated the ocean, it was one of his worst fears to be swallowed whole by the everlasting pool of water. But even though he hated to ocean, he absolutely loved the salty smell of the air that flooding his nose. So the male took off into a lope and headed toward the beach. Sand kicked up from behind him and it stuck up between his toes. Once the sand became wet, he stopped sliding across the surface. His legs shot back away from the water as he stood there almost trembling in fear, but there was not trembling, there was no fear, there was only the quick stop of a lonely male on the beach looking down at his only friend, the moon.

Walk "Talk" Think



04-22-2013, 08:18 PM

It was eerie out. All could be soon was the light of her eyes and the gray of her pelt as the moonlight struck itself upon her pelt. It had long lost its luster and it was a bit disheveled because of the sand. She'd traveled as far down south as she dared. Ever since Saix had returned she'd been avoiding Glaciem like the plague. God how she was torn up inside. A part of her still truly loved him, but the majority of her screamed and begged for her to end her pain. It hurt to have him back in Glaciem. It only brought back such painful memories and sorrow. She couldn't get past him. She couldn't find anything to distract her thoughts. She was stuck wallowing in her self misery.

Paws and lower half of her were submerged in water as she stared out across the ocean. A part of her willed the ocean to take her as the waves lapped softly at her soaked feet. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn't hear the sound of approaching footsteps. The only thoughts in her head were dark ones and her eyes held a vacant expression. She could end it. She really could. Just let herself slip farther and farther into the ocean and slowly drown herself. It would be terrifying, sure, but she was positive an easy calm would claim her in death. She would be reunited with her babies. Oh how she missed them. Death would be worth it, wouldn't it? The girl took another step, deeper into the water. She contemplated it. She wanted it. There wasn't much left holding her back. They'd miss her, sure, but they would get past it. See her as just another lost. They'd slowly get over it.



04-23-2013, 10:40 AM

The sound of a gentle splash in the water echoed through Odin's ears. His nose lifted to the air picking up the scent of another wolf. Should he approach the odd scent? Probably not. But he did so anyway.

His nose led him a little bit down the beach, and then his eyes looked at the molted grey female that was submerging herself in the water. He almost walked past her, not seeing the colors against the dark water. The full moon reflected off the water just beside her, and her colors were outlined so she could be seen.

"No Stop! ...I mean..."

The burst from the male was uncontrolled from his mind. He wasn't realizing that she wanted to go in and drown herself, he was just concerned that she would go to far out and the waves would suck her in.

"You don't want to go too far out."

The boy's green and purple eyes looked across the water, hoping the female heard him. He hated the ocean, but if it was needed he would go out and get her.

Walk "Talk" Think



06-01-2013, 07:36 PM

She hadn't heard him coming up behind her, but a voice startled her out of her thoughts. Mouth opened slightly in shock and the girl turned around in the water to see a multi-colored male. It was too dark to see his eyes, but by the looks of it they were two different shades of something. Head cocked side ways and all thoughts she previously had left her mind. For his comfort more than her own she began making her way back to the shore and then stood at the shoreline letting the waves lap at her paws.

Baby blue hues studied the male for a moment longer. She gave him a questioning look before plopping her rump in the sand without any regard to the sand that covered her pelt or how much her fur was in a disarray. There wasn't too much she cared about. Things had slipped downhill since her mate and children had left her. She doubted much could ever fix that.

"Who're you?"

Her voice held no malice, just a soft curiosity. She hadn't associated with members or Glaciem much. Her sister happened to be the only one she saw, but ever since she'd been with Cifer Arcane never saw too much of her or anyone else. She herself had been leaving the territory more often to escape. She couldn't stand it. Especially since Saix's return.



06-02-2013, 05:55 PM

The dark girl almost blended in with the surrounding ocean. As her rump sat in the washing waves, Odin lifted his paw just a bit looking down at the water. But his colorless eyes returned to the girl, only trying to search for her own. His eyes were so used to the darkened tones of the night that her gray colors seemed to stand out.

Her scent smelled like his, a resident of Glaciem. Maybe these two could be friends. Well he thought at least. His head dipped down just a bit looking slightly up at her since the two were pretty close at height.

"Oh, the names' Odin."

His head turned to the side just a bit, keeping his eyes on her as he returned her question.

"Could I ask for yours?"

She seemed really sweet, her voice left his ears ringing. He wished it were brighter out so he could really see her, and though he was terrified of the ocean, it sure was beautiful. And seeing this woman by the water, only the light could make it much more wonderful. But what was he thinking? He knew how he was with the girls and he didn't want to hurt anyone anymore. Besides, did he really need anyone to love?

Walk "Talk" Think



06-05-2013, 08:43 PM

He offered his name and she nodded, not really thinking that she would have to offer up her own. She came to her senses though as he asked her what hers was. It took her a moment to figure out what he had said. By that point she was blushing.

"Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Arcane."

She felt embarrassed. She'd secluded herself from others for so long now. She seemed to lack the proper etiquette in even talking with other pack wolves. She couldn't even hold up a conversation with her sister, much less anyone new. It was unfair really. She'd become a hermit. A horrible widow that never let herself see the light of day. She really needed to get out more.

"What're you.... what are you doing all the way out here?"

Her voice faltered a minute as if she didn't even know how to carry a conversation. In truth she didn't. She just didn't want to sit there awkwardly either.



06-06-2013, 07:58 PM

She seemed so out of it; was she tired? No that wasn't it. Odin just knew that there really was something wrong. When she didn't reply, his head dipped down a bit as his mis-colored eyes looked up at her. "Arcane, Huh?" She seemed just a bit embarrassed, but really she didn't need to worry about that kind of stuff around this man.

What are you doing all the way out here? Well he could have been all "serious" and sophisticated. But what fun would that be?

His paws finally moved, he let the water touch his paw pads with a shiver running down his back. He walked to the left of her while starting to speak. "Well, midnight strolls, best way to take off some stress, you know? As for a lady like you," His paws came to a halt, one still in the air, coming down slowly as his head turned toward her, "You shouldn't be out here, something could just..." And with a quick instant his body slid across the sand and water to face her as his chest went to the ground, paws spread out and tail waving up in the air, "SNATCH you right up." His maw let out a clever smile and his eyess continued to look up at her, and he started to speak once more. "Lucky for you I ain't one of 'em bastards."

Of course back in those old days, Odin did have somewhat of a reputation. The Rape, the kills, he was such a bad child. But now he actually wanted to make something of his life.

He was hoping their eyes would connect, but either way he gave her another smile and then pounded his paws into the water, try to splash her just a bit and get her into a good mood. Someone from his own pack was actually this far out late at night so, why not have some fun?

Walk "Talk" Think



06-12-2013, 06:07 PM

Blue eyes flecked with green followed his movements as he walked to her left, seeming to want to go further into the water. He suddenly stopped, his movements slow and deliberate. She watched him curiously with a wary look on her face as he talked. Muscles tensed as she prepared to use the powerful tendons in an effort to get away if he suddenly turned on her.

He suddenly moved and Arcane half reared dancing away from him for a few steps before she realized he was playing around with her. A soft hesitant smile crossed her lips as her eyes met his. He attempted to splash her and she danced backwards again attempting to avoid it, but it was in vain. The salt water splashed against her coat. Her tail waved hesitantly before she then scooped her paw and tried to return the favor by trying to soak him.

"I guess I'm lucky you're a good guy then."



06-24-2013, 08:30 PM

His attack was successful, but she had returned a splash back at him to where he jumped out of the way and received some of the water. He gave off a smile in place of hers and kept his eyes connected with her own gaze. Something was odd about the girl, but he couldn't place it.

"Well, I wouldn't really consider myself a good guy either."

His tone was still playful, but he was dead serious. He didn't want to make anything awkward or sad for the girl, and so he kept himself quiet and only let off a positive attitude. He did let go of his fear of the ocean, but ever muscle in his body was tight and strained.

Walk "Talk" Think