
If I Could Do It Over



11 Years
Dragon Mod
02-26-2017, 04:50 AM

"This way! Hurry! His paws drummed upon the ground, the sound of his best friend behind him. Not only was it hos friend, but the bear pounded the ground behind them as it roared with fury. They had made a huge mistake by messing with it while it was hibernating, thinking it wouldn't wake up. But it did, and now it was after them. They leapt over a log, both stumbling as they ran blindly in the dark, the bear gaining on them. "Kakashi! We need to split up! It can't chase both of us that way!" His breath escaped in short rapid bursts, the idea of splitting up didn't sit well with him, but maybe they'd have a chance of losing it... Alright, meet me at the grove! It was their only chance. His friend moved away, the sound of his pawsteps fading off towards Kakashi's left as he continued to run straight. The bear too would follow his friend, sending alarm bells through his head. Shit! Why the hell had he let him talk him into messing with the bigger predator!?

After a few minutes, he stopped. Panting hard, he turned around and saw nothing but the forest shrouded in darkness. He waited a moment to try and catch his breath before continuing on to their rendezvous point. And once there, he waited again. On edge and on high alert, Kakashi waited...and waited...and waited. An hour or so passed, and still his friend did not show. Swallowing the fear that threatened to choke him, he decided to search out his friend. Surely the bear had given up the chase...

Returning to the forest, he searched the path that his friend would have taken to reach the grove. And when the moon was at its highest point in the sky...he found him. No! He spotted him lying on the ground, the moonlight illuminating his coat. Rushing to his side, he found him still breathing...but barely. Kiba! Get up, c'mon we're almost there! I...we can get help! he nosed him, noting the heavy bleeding coming from Kiba's body. So thick and matted was his fur, he couldn't tell where his wounds were. Kiba remained still, shallow and gurgled breathing the only sound in the night. "I...I'm sorry...Kaka...shi...I tried.." He smiled weakly, breathing becoming more labored. Don't speak, Kiba...e-everything will be alright... He lied down beside him, head resting gently on Kiba's neck as he tried to clean him up. "Tell my...mother I said...I'm sorry..." You can tell her,'re going to make it through this.. His throat tightened when Kiba tried to look at him only to fail. "No...I can...feel were a great...friend, Kakashi...I'm sorry us into this...mess..."'s not your fault. Kakashi whined, his friends body losing warmth. Squeezing his eyes shut, he mentally cursed himself. He shouldn't have let them split up...Just rest, Kiba. I'll get you home...I promise.

Long minutes turned into hours. Kakashi's head rested on Kiba's neck. During the final night hours, he'd fallen asleep. And so too, did Kiba. When he woke, the sky was slowly turning grey as the sun barely began to rise. And with its arrival, he found that Kiba would not be rising with it. Distraught and heartbroken, he buried his head into his bloodied fur. No! No! Kiba! Kiba!!!

"Kiba!" He jolted awake, eyes wide as he panted hard. He had finally woken up from that nightmare. But it would always come back. Kakashi rose and left his den, careful not to disturb Quake in the process. He had been lucky so far not to wake her during his nightmares, but they alway left him exhausted and unable to sleep. Sitting a good few yards from his den, he stared up at the moon. That day always came back to him no matter how hard he tried to forget. It left him feeling shaken...except this time, it hit harder. Seven years had passed since the incident, and still the memory felt fresh, as if it had just happened. Without warning, he felt the hot stream of tears fall silently. And yet, he did not move. I failed you...
