
Behind Blue Eyes


02-22-2017, 10:18 AM
I have my mother's dreams,

I have father's eyes,

Since that day by the falls Alfred hadn’t really been interacting with much of anyone in the pack. He had even tried to leave the pack for a bit, to get a breath of fresh air and clear his head, but really what had that accomplished? He ended up feeling worse when he returned… and since then he hadn’t done all that much. There was the meeting he’d gone to… but other than that Alfie had been scarce. Even Koron had noticed the anxiety level spike within him.Could it be because Alfred wasn’t being honest with his own feelings for Razor?

Sure they were related, kind of, but Alfred didn’t think that mattered… did it? He let out a heavy sigh, anxiety flaring up once more as he searched for the monochrome colored brute. Hopefully he’d be able to find Razor at his den… A ruffled grouse hung from his maw as he carried on. Hopefully the prey could work as at least somewhat of an apology…

When Alfred got to Razor’s den he set the bird down, clearing his throat before he spoke up {not that his voice was all that loud}. “Razor? Are you here?”

"Talk," 'Think.'

You can't take that from me;

Just Go ahead And try!



3 Years
02-22-2017, 10:27 AM

Summer had begun and Razor was still curled up into his den. Razor was curled up into a ball, his head lay closer towards his tail as the fluffy black thing covered his eyes. The male was in a lot of thought and it had come to his realization that he wanted to speak with Riv about something. For some reason his brother hadn't even bothered to come by. After the larger of the siblings spouting all about how they had to stick together - when things fell apart he had simply.... run away. Razor's own anxieties lay within the days he had searched for Alfred and had found him no where. Though the male knew perfectly well he should have been spending more time with Jackson and Sabriel as well he just knew.... that his time was nearing closer and closer. He noticed how hard it was to breath and how soon perhaps he wouldn't be able to leave the pack lands much due to his condition.

A familiar voice hit his ears though - they moved the source as he lifted his head. Realizing that Alfred was at the front of the maw - his den was much like a rabbit tunnel he had dug out for himself. Lined with grass and moss that made it easier to lay down in. Also his herbs tucked into holes that he created for storage. As the sweet smell of honey probably wafted out from the entrance. He rose himself and crawled out in front of Alfred - shaking his fur free from any loose straw that had tried to follow him outside of his den. "Alfred you're back." he blinked mildly surprised honestly.



02-26-2017, 11:03 AM
I have my mother's dreams,

I have father's eyes,

Alfred waited, hoping for the best, and soon Razor crawled forth. The other male seemed a bit worn, but Alfie was trying to keep a positive feeling about what was going on with him. He refused to believe that Razor might succumb to his illness, as childish and naive as that notion might be. The brute nudged the fowl that he had caught towards the other male, giving a small, nervous smile. “Yep… I finally made it back home.” He shifted a little, feeling embarrassed about what had gone on. He felt bad about having left… but…

“Razor… I’m sorry.” The young man said at first, lowering his ears as he looked upon the monochrome colored male. “I was… nervous I guess. I get worried when it comes to sharing feelings and stuff… I’m not so good at it but I…” The brute drew his paw through the dirt, almost wishing Koron was here with him now to support him. To give him courage. He could feel his heart pounding already, threatening to make him want to bolt from the area once more.

“I… I’m not good with this sort of thing…” Alfie confessed, his breath hitching a bit in his throat. So rather than tell Razor how he felt Alfred took a step forward, hoping his actions wouldn’t be rejected as he gave Razor a shy, quick lick upon his nose.

The truth was Alfred did like the other male… more than family… more than a friend… It didn’t make sense to him fully yet but… He wanted to be by Razor’s side.

"Talk," 'Think.'

You can't take that from me;

Just Go ahead And try!



3 Years
02-26-2017, 01:18 PM

Wolves came and went, that was really how Razor had been living his life. Ears flicking forward he stared slightly blank faced at Alfred. He could feel the anxiety waving off the other in thick masses. It made Razor shift slightly, raising an eyebrow as the boy tried to explain himself. Of course, Razor could have said a lot of things. He could have selfishly compared Alfred to an aspect of his family life that he'd always hated. The fact that he cared far more than they had about each other. Alfred ran away because he was scared - scared of facing what was in front of him. Razor was upset over that, his heart burned with a sort of pain he knew very well but never bothered to touch on. So as always Razor quickly let it slide by, smiling towards Alfred genuinely. All because of how much he did care for others.

The gentle lick on his nose was welcome. Razor closed his eyes and took a step forward. He pushed his head into Alfie's shoulder, letting his fur sink in as he rubbed along his shoulder line nuzzling into his neck. "I missed you Alfred." now at least that was a true statement as any on this earth. "And I don't want to spend another minute without you. Stay with me and stay here." he swallowed. "I love you."



03-02-2017, 10:01 AM
The young man knew it was selfish… but he hadn’t exactly been taught any different. Hadn’t had the chance to know to know how his anxiety might hurt others. To Alfie’s knowledge he was only hurting himself, even when this wasn’t the case. The young brute breathed in as Razor moved closer, welcoming the touch as the other brute spoke softly. His ears twitched slightly as he listened, and that guilty feeling welled up all the more inside of the youth.

“I’m not going anywhere again, Razor.” Alfred promised. “I… I love you too.” He could feel his heart racing all the more as he uttered those words. They were spoken truthfully though. Gods above he spoke them with as much honesty and truth as he could. “I’m sorry I ran away… I’m sorry I was selfish…” He moved his head over the other male’s neck, holding him close.

“That stops now… I’ve got someone else to care for.” His tail had begun wagging happily back and forth, his eyes slowly sliding closed. “I just hope you can forgive me for the past… as we move towards a new future.” He could feel his heart fluttering… surely this had to be the happiest day of his life.



3 Years
03-02-2017, 10:29 AM

Of course Razor would never let on how hurt he was, or otherwise feeling the way he did. His time here was so short he knew so what was the point of holding grudges for someone he felt so strong for. His breathing rigid as he smiled listening to the others words. He couldn't help but to bury himself further into his fur. Sinking in that scent to his nose, committing it to memory as the entirety of his fur tingled the edges on stand from the feeling. "There's nothing to say sorry for Alfred. I was never mad at you to begin with." Razor said as he matched their eyes. His own blue hues shining as his tail cocked off to the side.

"The past does not define you, you do. And I love whatever you do and whatever happens." Razor narrowed his eyes - feeling a unnecessary amount of protectiveness. It also meant he wouldn't let anyone have Alfred, not until the day he died. He'd keep this one safe.... or at least he'd try.
