
And before I know



6 Years
03-07-2017, 12:55 AM

The tired days dragged on as Liar had mulled it over. He and Marina had spent a lot of time trying to raise Apathy and Chasm on their own but without some sort of structure it was without naught. After the challenge he had slipped from view, his children scattered other than the two youngest ones that he took care of with his mate Marina. So now he was again at a strange stand point in his life. He held nothing against Regulus - Liar had not received any scars that didn't heal either but the large male defended his pack just as any strong leader would. Liar just had to accept because of his youth and aching muscles... he had met an early retirement in the fighting department literally. So what did he seek out? Just the one femme's company that he wanted most. Faite.

She had started her own pack it seemed, from what his nose could pick up she was also a mother. Which on any other end his body twitched a bit at the notion of young. Pups were a soft spot for the man, and perhaps now it was time to stop playing the bad guy. When he had bigger and better things to be thinking about. Regardless he lifted his head in a call for her. Powerful yet just more friendly. Liar was usually very unemotional, but times changed as did love all the same. He had to do what was best for his family anyway. That's what he needed to discuss, nothing had been decided.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



6 Years

03-09-2017, 07:34 PM
Faite Ethereal Adravendi

Faite hadn't given much thought to the challenge since it'd ended. It'd been a rough battle for both men, but ultimately Regulus had come out on top. She couldn't say she was surprised, but she was pleased that her sibling had been able to keep his position. She had yet to travel to Celestial to see how her brother was faring, but a part of her was still reluctant to head back. She missed her other siblings, and her father, but the death of her mother was still fresh in her mind every time she thought about visiting Regulus. It just wasn't something she wanted to face so it was easier to shove it to the back of her mind.

She hadn't thought much about Liar either to be honest. She'd only met with the man once and he'd seemed nice enough. She wasn't one to hold grudges over a pack challenge either, at least not in this case. There was no use tracking the man down and punishing him over something she didn't know the full story to. She'd heard Regulus' words to Liar after their battle had ended, but hadn't thought much of them either. Whatever ill feelings there would be would be between Liar and Regulus and honestly she didn't really care to know more about it. She had her own problems without having to worry about possible feuds.

Of course she hadn't really expected to see Liar after that day so needless to say she was surprised when she heard his voice summoning her to the borders. Curiosity got the better of her so she set off to the borders. She reached him quickly enough and eyed him curiously before taking a seat not far from him. He seemed to have healed up okay after the fight, but then again his wounds hadn't been so severe that some months of healing could not reverse the damage.

"What brings you to Lirim?"


I like to imagine
That you smile when you hear my songs

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



6 Years
03-09-2017, 11:01 PM

The male stiffened a bit, as he went to lay on his stomach. Faite did not waste time getting here and he smiled towards her. He had forgotten what Regulus said at the challenge - the past was the past and he left it there. Not to mention the promise he made was to Surreal not to the fire red giant so it mattered not. After all Liar respected him for defending his home and Liar's elder children who he had been fighting for seemed to have all vanished. All for naught though - he had a younger family to take care of still and a wife he could say to take care of as well. Surely if the red male saw him now he could change his mind. Regardless his ears perked forward.

"I came to talk.... and to also discuss if it would be possible for me and my family to become a part of your pack. Currently my wife and I our youngest need structure I'm worried for them and you are the closest wolf I know who I trust other than my family." Liar said as he hummed a bit. "I'm retiring from the fighting life style, a history of abuse has left my joints sore and stiff. I figure I'd try to learn something else, but my children are young they can learn many things you teach them and Marina would be of use as well. Regardless.... how have you been Faite. You smell of pups yourself." the man chuckled as he rose again in a sitting position. Trying to ignore the pain in his shoulders.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.