
Here's To The Never Ending



9 Years
02-23-2017, 01:39 PM
ooc: Okay so I wanna post Valor first, and then I preferably want Eve to post Fable, but then anyone else with an Ancora can hop in.

Summer brought two things to the aging man - relief from the cold, but also another age. He wasn't entirely pleased with the fact that he'd hit his ninth year this summer anyways, but now that winter was long gone his joints didn't ache as much as they did when the cold was around to irritate them. It also brought on a series of regret that hit him wave after wave. He hadn't spent as much time with his children as he'd wanted to - Glory and Knight were missing and he hadn't seen Exodus around in a little while. Fable and Valor were the only ones left and yet Creed wasn't sure what to do to keep the rest of his family together. Kavdaya was practically non-existent in his and the kids lives and he was getting too tired to be able to go look for his three missing children.

There was still the pang of regret that he hadn't gone to see Avalon and her children either. It'd been a while since he'd reconnected with any of his family and he missed the idea of being whole once more. So in light of all the tragedy of late he'd proposed to his two remaining kids that they go see their cousins in Talis. It wouldn't get their siblings back, but it'd allow him to talk to Avalon to help look for them and Fable and Valor would get to meet the rest of their relatives. It was best to make the trip now before it got cold once again and he'd be too tired to make it.

The trip hadn't exactly been an easy one though, but Creed was a persistent wolf. It'd been so long since he'd been out of the pack territory that he'd almost forgotten what it felt like to travel. Despite his readiness to walk till he dropped, they stopped to rest more frequently than he liked and the journey had taken far longer than he had hoped it would. It helped that he already had been to Auster before, a few years back, and at least knew how to get there.

And then finally they had arrived. Valor had remained quiet for most of the trip, but he could see the boy perk up a bit as the neared Talis' borders. He couldn't help but be thankful that the pack wasn't too far south into Auster. His paws hurt and his legs felt stiff and a fresh meal seemed like the most enticing thing of all. They had made it though. They reached the borders and he paused before them to take a brief moment to look around. The air was humid and muggy and yet he could see the appeal to the place. It wasn't the cold north, like his old family used to be accustomed to, but it was pretty. Certainly it had nice hunting grounds.

Not wanting to put it off any longer, the elder raised his head and let out a call for Avalon and her family.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]

Valor I


8 Years

02-23-2017, 01:51 PM

Valor had been in a never ending bad mood for a while now. It was borderline angry with a lot of pouting mostly. He and Fable were a year now and somehow they'd managed to lose three of their siblings in the process. Glory, Knight, and Exodus were nowhere to be found and more than anything it irritated him. Valor found it easy to pin the blame on his mother, if he could even call her that. She'd been practically non-existent in their lives since they'd been old enough to leave the den. First she'd left on that trip and then she'd come back and had nothing to do with them again. He just didn't understand it.

As young as he was, he could see that her disappearance hurt their father more than anything. He'd turned into a recluse, staying in one spot, and never leaving the pack lands. The fact that he was now a year older probably didn't help. He couldn't fully be mad about the lack of ... well anything they'd done lately. Creed was only one wolf and there was only so much he could do now. Mostly he just felt sorry for their father.

He'd been more than surprised when he'd mentioned a trip to go see their other family. He'd heard about them before, but it never seemed as though they'd get to meet them, until now. He'd been silent for most of the trip. Mostly because it was only him and Fable. The three missing siblings was blatantly obvious and the silence only made it worse, but there was nothing he wanted to talk about. His mood didn't improve until they reached the borders and their dad stopped to howl for someone. Large ears pricked forward as he looked around - the place was pretty, and yet it was damp and warm mostly. Certainly not a place he wanted to live. An inaudible sigh left him as he plopped his rump on the ground to wait for whoever would come greet them.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]


02-23-2017, 02:09 PM

There had been several times on the trip that he had wanted to say something, but his mouth just opened and closed like a fish out of water. With his ears flat against his head, he kept a careful eye on their father. Even though he was trying to hide it, it wasn't hard to see that Creed was faltering. There were times when he had asked to rest so that their Da didn't feel like it was all on him. Besides, this was his first time out of pack lands. Poor Fable couldn't bring himself to care too much though, not with the glaring silence around them. It made their lack of family even more apparent. Unlike Valor, he blamed himself for the matter. He thought that he wasn't working hard enough, that maybe his siblings went off to find someone else who was better than him. Brows pulling together, he kept his thoughts to himself as he stumbled blindly though the new territories. On any other occasion he would have enjoyed the trip, but he just couldn't bring himself to feel anything but sadness and disappointment.

As they neared the borders, he couldn't help but pick up a smell that was slightly similar to theirs. Creed had told them about family here but his nose was telling him that there was a lot more than he could have guessed. His gray and white tail actually bounced slightly between his hocks, his ears fully alert at the top of his head. A small taste of excitement started to boil in his blood as he sat at his brothers side, looking over with wider eyes. "Can you smell that?" he whispered, his mouth tipping towards his green marked siblings ear. "How many do you think there are?" He wished that he could come up with a little game, humming softly as he looked around. When his tummy rumbled, he knew just what to do. A hint of a grin cracked his dry lips, a playful gleam in his gaze. "Closest guess to the real number wins, the loser has to catch some lunch." Fable was tired of not playing with anyone, and was trying hard to lighten the mood.


Art by kanvos



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-23-2017, 04:46 PM
Ooc//sorry for crap tag

Age was just a number. That's what she was trying to tell herself, anyway. But it was hard when the weather couldn't seem to make up its mind this season. Yesterday was cold and chilly. And today was humid and just...gross. The air felt thick, and she figured it was the shift in seasons, or maybe they would be getting a storm soon. Either way, she was inclined to staying inside most days. Except for today, however. She shifted on her bed, Avalon having fallen into a light sleep after her hunt. She was set to call a training today, and she decided she would do it as soon as she woke up. But it seemed that the world had other ideas. A howl pierced the air, startling her awake. Groggy and confused, she listened to the howl until it faded away, and for the life of her, she couldn't place who it was. As the last remnants of the voice faded off, she realized then who it was. "Creed!" She hadn't seen him for a while!

She excitedly rose from her bed and bounded down the halls and straight outside. She moved quickly, the excitement evident with the way her tail was wagging. As soon as he came into view, she gave a bark of greeting. Even more surprising then just his presence, was the presence of the two yearlings at Creed's side! She hadn't met his kids yet, and he hadn't met hers yet, but perhaps today they would all finally meet. "Creed! It's so good to see you!" She stopped when she got close enough to him, nuzzling his neck in affectionate greetings. Of course, she didn't miss the weary look nor the fact that he looked so much older then when she had last seen him...did she look like that too?

Stepping back, she looked back and forth between the two boys as she smiled softly at them. "I take it you two are his boys! I've got pups about your age as well." Well...they weren't pups anymore...but they were her babies, and she would always refer to them as such.
"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
02-26-2017, 01:05 PM

He was sprawled on his back, light streaming in from one of the windows as the male napped. He had done all his patrolling, gotten in a quick hunt, and even helped Arke carry back some herbs that he was going to experiment with. He was tired, so he decided a nap was in order. He'd been asleep for a good couple hours before a howl woke him up. It was a very unfamiliar call, someone he'd never heard nor met before obviously. As soon as he heard it though, he jolted awake and rolled over onto his stomach. One ear flicked when he heard another voice, a younger one also unfamiliar. And when he stood up, stretched, and yawned, he then heard his mother's voice greeting someone by name. Creed? That sounded familiar...wasn't he one of the cousins mom had mentioned before?

Finally he shook the sleep away and made his way outside. There, he found not just two new wolves to meet, but three! Both similar in appearance to the much older male. His kids perhaps? He went over, nodding to each one in greeting before settling down on his haunches and yawning once more. "Hi there! Welcome to Talis! I take it your the cousin mom has talked alot about? I'm Dragon, nice to finally meet you!"


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-08-2017, 03:16 AM

Who was that? Okami remained lying where she was, that is, until her big brother Dragon walked past her. She watched him head towards the border and for once she was curious as to who had shown up on their doorstep. The call didn't sound like someone she knew, then again her social circle was incredibly small. She had never really gone out of pack lands to socialize except once, and the farthest she had gone was to the bifrost. Beyond that? She didn't dare go further just yet. She was unsure of what or who she might encounter, so she had stuck to the surrounding lands exploring. But the curiosity would draw her to her paws, and the large Ancora girl would trail quietly after Dragon's scent. As she neared the borders, she heard and saw her mother greeting the strangers. And then Dragon greeted them as well. Cousins? She had cousins? Her tail wagged timidly behind her as she slowly approached. Blue eyes gazed wide eyed at the two yearlings, flitting once to look at the much older male before falling back on the two boys again. She stopped next to her mother, brushing her fur against her as she seemed to peer out at the newcomers like a pup practically hiding next to her mother. A funny sight really considering she was taller than Avalon. "H-hello."

"Talk" "You" Think

Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag



8 Years
03-08-2017, 04:48 AM (This post was last modified: 03-08-2017, 04:53 AM by Arke.)
ooc// totally not flooding this, nope >.>;

An unfamiliar voice caught the yearlings attention, bringing him to raise his head from his digging. What he was digging for was forgotten now as he focused on that voice. Was it someone he had met before? Not likely. He waited until the howl faded away, and he tried to think if he knew who it was. Nope. Not a clue. He hadn't met too many wolves yet, the little hermit had stuck mostly around pack lands since moving to Auster. Not to mention there weren't many wolves he had come across on this side of the continent anyway, so the likelihood of him coming across someone he already knew was slim to none. Still, he was extremely curious about who had called, so without further ado, he bounded directly towards the borders. When he arrived, he came to find three strangers. One old man and two yearlings like himself, though perhaps a bit younger than he was. And then he also spotted his mother, and two of his siblings. Well well, what was going on here? A party? Or what? He grinned, approaching the party of six with a furiously wagging tail. He looked at one of the boys (Fable), his ever present grin plastered to his face as he practically reached out to sniff him. He sort of smelled similar to him and his family, so who exactly were these strangers? "Hiya! My name is Arke, who're you?"



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
03-09-2017, 08:20 PM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2017, 08:21 PM by Creed.)
ooc: Feel free to skip Valor if you want. I personally don't really care about posting order with so many wolves in the thread xD

Avalon had wasted no time in getting to them. He glanced towards Fable and Valor before looking back at his cousin with a tired smile and weary tail wag. He nuzzled her back for a brief moment before pulling back and getting a good look at her. She was a year younger than himself, but she seemed to be aging well. Then again she also hadn't just made a long journey so naturally she looked better than himself. She also was a female so he certainly wouldn't be commenting on her age.

"It's good ta see ye too." He rumbled affectionately.

She seemed to fully have noticed his children. He smiled softly as she remarked how she had pups around their age. Not that they were really pups anymore, but they always would be in his eyes. He couldn't quite help it. Though they hardly looked like it - Fable had out grown the rest of his siblings, and even Creed too, and every day they filled out more and more into the adults they'd grow into.

"Aye. tha large one is Fable an tha green marked one is Valor."

He didn't comment about the other children that weren't here, but he was glad for the interruption when one of Avalon's older children arrived. He hadn't met the man before, but his scent coated the borders quite a bit so he could tell this must be Dragon, the one Avalon had handed the pack to when she'd stepped down as alpha.

"An ye must be Dragon, one of Avalon's older children. It's nice ta meet ye too." He said with a smile.

He was more surprised when they kept coming. A pale girl, with a rosy coloring and bright blue eyes arrived next. More surprising was the fact that she was Fable's height, but then again it seemed like largeness ran in the family. It was definitely more prominent on Avalon's side than on his own, but it was still there regardless. She seemed shyer though as she pressed herself to Avalon and he offered her a friendly smile as she eyed the two boys.

The last one to arrive was also another boy he hadn't met, but around the same age as Valor and Fable. Another kid of Avalon's maybe? He certainly looked it despite being smaller than the rest. He seemed far friendlier and less shy than the girl and Creed sat back to let the children introduce themselves as he looked to Avalon and Dragon.

"Ah hope ye don' mind us intrudin' like this. Ah figured now was good a time as any ta visit."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
04-02-2017, 11:12 AM

It was all so exciting! He was finally getting to meet more family! He hoped that he would get to meet more in the future, if there were any more to meet, that is. But he wasn't sure how many cousins he had, or if these two were it. Either way, it was refreshing to see some new Ancora faces that weren't his immediate family. He wagged his tail as two more of his siblings showed up, though he wondered where the rest of them were. Maybe they were busy, or not around. He dismissed the thought as his siblings greeted the two yearlings, and in turn Dragon peered at each of them and smiled and nodded. He wanted them to feel welcome. After all, they were family! He remained quiet until Creed spoke to him, "An ye must be Dragon, one of Avalon's older children. It's nice ta meet ye too." He nodded, green eyes meeting Creed's. "Yes, it's nice to meet you, cousin Creed. Mom has told me a lot about you, and I'm glad to have been finally able to meet you!" He tilted his head to the side a bit, eyes a bit wide with wonder and interest. "What kind of accent is that, if I might ask?" He looked at his mom then, "And why don't we have accents?" He concluded, that it would be cool to have an accent!


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.