
Blood Wonderland


02-23-2017, 07:19 PM
A man of soot and faded flames made his way through a new terrain. His orange-golden eyes narrowed and studied the cold earth he walked towards. The sun had transformed to a silver-blue moon, highlighting the gray furs along his back and making his canines shine. It was late but he did not seek shelter. His teeth had clenched in frustration; recalling an endless loop of words that would not get out of his head. I can protect myself. Her eyes had been steady; her voice strong. There was no waver of his dear sister’s lips and he even heard scathing in her growl. She hated him. He would find her, he would… He muttered unintelligible grunts to himself, replaying their fight over and over. Why couldn’t she see it? He meant not to harm her. He wanted to protect her. He… He… He had only lain claws on her to protect her! She couldn’t leave. She couldn’t.

A deep sigh left the man as the night deepened and he relied upon his scent. He was not the smartest of men. Blinded by a foolish emotion. One released in a sigh, a four-letter word that seemed to tumble from the mouth. For him, however, it was a cry. An anguished scream of an emotion that consumed him. He could only love, love, love, and hate, hate, hate. He could not  go back once he fell in the hole others called home, happiness. Love was not home. It was a curse. A prison. And he, the trapped inmate.

His fur was ragged from his time away from the pack and little ribs poked from his large bulk. His eyes were seemingly focused, not the eyes of a crazy man, but there was still an unerring intensity in them. He was on a mission.

OOC: I hope this is easy to follow! Ashe is a little new to me. Also the title is just for fun, not implying any gore just yet. xP



4 Years
02-24-2017, 09:28 PM
This time, she let her devil know where she was going before she left. Telling him she was taking a small walk to get used to the fact that she no longer had a friend watching her back in the sky. There would be no cawing alarm that signaled the proximity of prey, other wolves, or even nearby water sources. It was as though she had been blinded, but this only fueled paranoia and aggression when she was out on her own. Lacking the comfort of her avian son's closeness, Vianni moves with the grace and silence of a jungle cat, her large frame slinking through the blackened spruce-lings of the sunken volcano.

Her eyes were on constant alert, her nose going wild as she searched the place for a spot she could see the lake from. Her ears were set on a swivel, and she would pause her silent treading to look around, ensuring there were no others nearby. Vianni was not a vulnerable female, in fact she could hold her own against Lucifer in a fight. The male was almost twice her height, and he more than outweighed her. It made taking care of lighter wolves easier. Lucifer was also surprisingly agile and swift, so speedy creatures gave her literally no trouble. Still, she worried about ambushes from wolves that wanted her dead. Her pack could still be following, they could have sent more assassins to ensure she never returned.

It was during one of these scanning pauses that Vi spotted the wolf, his ragged fur and disheartened appearance screamed that he may be an easy target. She refrained for the moment, disliking the idea of displeasing her mate after having just earned his complacency once again. Watching him for the moment, Vianni lets out a short bark and waits for the stranger to hear her. If he stopped and looked, she would approach. If not, she might just leave it at that. His down trodden gait caught her attention though. What would he be like?

OOC: Sorry it sucks XD I am coming down with a cold lol
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-27-2017, 05:36 AM

He didn't care that she had told him where she was going, he still followed her at a distance. His eyes stayed on her backside and he moved with his ears back and tail down. Something inside him had been changing, and he knew it had to do with Vianni. He knew she could likely tell with his silence over the last few days and even his unwillingness to hunt that something was wrong. He knew exactly where it started to. That touch of hers on the tundra. It was too gentle with him, a monster, a demon. What reason did she have for trying so hard to make him gentle? He was harsh and violent for a reason and she truly had no idea why, but still what did she think he was so uncaring for?

His companion moved ahead of him at Vianni's heels, just as silently as his master. He even knew something was up with Lucifer, and had been doing his best to stay out of his way and close to Vianni. She wasn't as protective over him but knew better than to want to touch him. A word passed the wolverines lips to Vianni, quiet enough Lucifer didn't hear. The child had nothing but concern in his voice and on his face as he spoke. "Wrong." the word was his only attempt at understanding. He had yet to learn how to complete full sentences in a way that both wolves might understand but he hoped that his female boss might get the gist of his word. That he felt there was something wrong with his boss.

Lucifer kept his distance, paws dragging as he thought deeply. His emotions still toyed with him and he didn't like it one bit. His paws stopped as he heard her bark and he lifted his eyes to see why. The form of the male brought a pang to his chest, not one he could truly understand why but enough that he might place a word to it. Jealousy. Though in the moment he didn't feel like dealing with it too much. So instead he settled for seating himself before laying down. He felt a lack of energy and like he didn't want to do anything. He hadn't even fought with Vianni or given one single growl in the time since her touch. Was he broken? It was likely, as he had too much going on inside for him to know what to do with. His eyes reflected just how tired he felt, the skin beneath them showing every sign of his sleep deprivation recently. He didn't even feel like he cared enough to ensure Vianni didn't touch another. His scabbed over cut gave a gentle throb to remind him of the headache he had.

Lucifer Leviathan
I'm meaner than my demons

You should be scared of me


Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.


03-03-2017, 08:09 AM
A bark interrupted his reverie and he turned to find a woman approaching him. She was clad in brown an seemed to have been watching him. A low growl emanated from his throat but it was not aggressive; it was defensive. A warning one could say - be careful. Yet she seemed to stare at him and thus his hetero-chromatic eyes glimmered. He waited a beat to see a reaction; his hackles rose and his tail lifted, in an assertion that he could defend himself. He spoke alas in a low rumble, "I am Ashe... And who interrupts me?" He thought fleetingly of Blossom. No, no way this woman knew of her... But if she did? The paranoia suddenly began to nibble away at him. What if Blossom was being hidden by someone? Protected by someone? The thought made him sick. He would hurt whomever did so, whoever had taken his sister... It was his role to protect her. He was safe.

He studied her, the lines between his imagination and reality blurring. No, this was a stranger... She knew nothing of Blossom... Surely? He blinked with surprise to see the faint outline of another figure behind her. A friend? A stalker? Yet another stranger? Something in his casual gait suggested that it was not uncommon for him to be there, that perhaps she even knew about him. He raised his muzzle to gesture behind her and muttered, "It seems you are not alone... Welcome." A slight introduction to the apparent meeting taking place. What did they want?

OOC: Sorry this is kind of bad! I've been distracted lately



4 Years
03-05-2017, 06:36 PM
The male seemed to war with himself for a moment after introducing himself as Ashe. Dusty pink eyes watch him as he speaks without speaking. Something bothered him, it was apparent. Soon he quieted, and his eyes flicked back to her mate, who was usually good about tagging along with her. A smirk appears on her face as Ashe mentions Lucifer, and she gives a small laugh. "I am Vianni, and I am very rarely alone. My mate, Lucifer, is the wolf behind me. Pardon our intrusion, you seemed so sad a moment ago..." She did her very best to seem like a normal, friendly female and hoped that Lucifer would take it up as well.

Her demon seemed so down as of late, so torn. It broke her heart to see her king brought down to so little, but there was a sadistic pride in seeing him so confused. There was pride in the fact that she had made him feel something for her other than anger or the need to dominate, but there was also a small fraction of loss. He would bounce back, she was sure, had to believe she hadn't completely torn him apart. Their success depended in part on his ruthless ability to dominate, to make her submit. He had to get back up soon or she would force him up herself, even if it meant sacrificing beauty to do so. "Perhaps, some hunting will perk you up?" She smiled first to Ashe, and then Lucifer.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
03-07-2017, 02:51 PM
(sry not my best<3)

The male turned to face Vi and Lucifer just watched. If she found trouble for herself now he would bail her out but that didn't mean he had the extra energy for it right now. His red eyes were dull but watched even at his distance with a caution to them. His breath came with heavy sighs now and again. He wasn't certain if this male would be trouble or not yet but he was completely sure that he wouldn't be completely into a hunt of the male right now. His approach of Vi had Lucifer perking his ears and a lazy lip twitch to flash his warning. As depressed as he might be in the moment it still gave the male no right to come close to his mate. They were a bonded pair and that was what mattered. She was his and no other would ever have her.

His words to Lucifer were received with a huff. Small talk wasn't really his scene and this male wasn't about to get it out of him. Nor was he ever going to be welcomed if another knew the truth about the behemoth king. He was a murder and a rapist, and he usually enjoyed every minute of it. Vianni turning to him gave him the want to bite her, yet also he didn't. The confusion he did his best to hide. He knew why he was angry with her but yet didn't know why he wasn't. Her words were received with a breath billowing from his nose, not a snort or a sigh but something between.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.


03-13-2017, 04:51 PM
His di-coloured eyes narrowed on hers. She was bright, perky... And she had a mate. The other was drastically quiet in contrast, and it put him on edge. A huff left the trailing male; a signal that he was here but somewhere else in his mind. Thus Ashe focused his attention on the lady. His tail lifted in suspicion and his gaze remained unsteady. "Ashe Raine," he said gruffly, eyes trained on her for signs of recongition. She trailed off and he growled. "What do you know?" His tone was a tad too rude... He turned to look to her mate. He had to walk a fine line, or he would have two wolves upon him. "Apologies," he added, eyes glancing over both of them, "But I do not wish to hunt; I have already eaten... Perhaps you have met a Blossom Raine?" he asked, his voice direct. No point in wasting his time.

OOC: Sorry! Having a hard time writing today