
Don't stress, Don't cry!



8 Years
03-12-2017, 01:18 PM
OOC: Can I use this as Herb collecting and a lesson? - Will be looking for Boneset, Elderberry, Lavender, Motherwort, Watercress and hopefully teaching others how to do it -

With summer in full swing, and one wolf already having pups in the pack, Stardust felt guilty about her lethargy around the pack. She wanted to do something to make up for it, but wasn't sure exactly what. Making her way through the pack territory, Star finds herself on the open grasses of the Dancefloor. Smiling at the flowers and berries that grew in plentiful fashion all over the plain. Perhaps she could illicit help from her pack members to gather herbs. At the very least it would give her a chance to teach the pack something about what helped her keep them healthy. Not knowing the other wolves of the pack made her feel shy, but she couldn't let her insecurities or doubt slow her down. There was an entire pack that would be depending on her and the other wolves who could heal ailments and mend hurts. Letting out a howl, Stardust sent out an invitation to learn some of the Dancefloor's herbs. She would tell them what they were looking for and how to find, handle, and store it.

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
03-17-2017, 12:59 AM

Kairi hadn't really been doing much except exploring the territories and chasing butterflies. But those were starting to get boring, and she couldn't find much of her siblings to play with except for Torin, but he seemed to be kind of a grump butt. "I'm so booooorreedd!" She cried out with a dramatic tone. She flopped onto her rump, trying to figure out what she could do to entertain herself. Bi-colored eyes looked up at the sky, watching the white clouds lazily drift by. Maybe she could make a game out of the clouds! But then doing that by herself would be so boring! Sighing again, she got up and decided to head towards the river. That is, until she heard the howl of someone. Someone that was in the pack, she was sure, but she didn't know who. She looked back, head tilting from side to side until the howl started to fade away. While she didn't know who it was, or what it was for, maybe she should investigate. It would be a lot better then having nothing else to do, right?


She turned around, tripping over her paws as she bounded in the direction where the howl had come from. She wondered who had called, and why. But whatever the case, hopefully it would keep her busy and entertained! She decided to play a game on her way there by racing the clouds. While it was fun for a bit, it still wasn't as fun as playing with someone else. But at least she could now see who had howled, and she sort of recognized her from the first meeting when momma had called wolves together in the pack. As she neared, she slowed her pace until she was quick trotting closer to the woman. "Hi! What's your name? What're you callin' for? Is it um, alright if I'm here? I'm bored and have no one to play with today!" Her tail was wagging, though she couldn't help but pout at the last part. She finally came to a stop a few feet from the woman, looking up at her with expectant eyes.

Walk, "Talk" Think



03-22-2017, 01:04 AM
The days were long, sunny, and beautiful. The Kaliq moved with her head high, romping, a rare show for her. Today was a strange thing, a strange animal. She paces the Dancefloor of the Gods as she often does, looking for... something? Anything? Who and what was around. On the wind she catches Stardust, and one of the children. They were hard to tell apart by scent, but Fortune could usually tell them apart by look. At least the twins were easy-- one male, one female. That made sense.

Stardust howls, and Fortune picks up a light jog to close the gap. Her gaze is gentle, and Kairi shows up before she has a chance to really respond as well. The brave chuckles, watching Kairi as the pup assails the healer with questions. "Easy, Kairi, I'm sure she'll tell us both in a moment," Fortune grins softly, coming to nose her niece about the head and ears. It's an easy gesture, but she really does enjoy children. They make her smile, they're... interesting. Interesting creatures. Always. Her tail wags, a knowing tilt of her head toward the healer. "But yes, what are we looking for?" it's a cheeky chuckle, head tossing with excitement. She's not a healer, but it's a good thing to learn. Fortune is always down to know things.

shock & awe