
Remix to Ignition



5 Years
02-13-2017, 10:46 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2017, 10:46 PM by Ankaios.)

Kai walked mindlessly, paws squelching in the mud along the river's edge. It was lazy here, it's flow marred by not a single rapid as it wound amongst golden fields. Grassy plains grew on either side of it, no doubt flourishing in the silty soil kept and barren of trees by the annual spring floods. Farther up the rolling hills a herd of elk grazed. Their sentries kept a close eye on him, but he had no interest harvesting just then. After all, the bulls were in rut, and he had no desire to piss them off.

No, he sought a very different prize. A mile back he had found a smattering of shells, the remains of a raccoon's feast. River mussels larger than any he'd seen, and the bones of a young trout. He would take either at the moment, stomach growling out it's discontent. He had not eaten in two days, and the gnawing hunger was evolving from irritation to pure pestilence. He hoped to find the mussels at least, and he wouldn't be opposed to some fishing should the opportunity arise.

The day was beautiful, and he took in a deep breath. The air was crisp, whispering of the winter to come. He would do best to fatten up while he still had the chance. At least the sky is clear and the wind is calm, he thought, pausing a moment to take in the marvel of the scene. The sky was a vivid blue and utterly cloudless. The plains were gilded, hanging heavy with the weight of their harvest. The color only seemed to intensify the blue. On the rim of the horizon he could see a blaze of aspen trees and maples, flames crackling in a gentle breeze. Perhaps a meal can wait just a moment, he said to himself, sitting down so he could properly enjoy the view.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
02-13-2017, 11:01 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2017, 11:03 PM by Ardora.)

It was beautiful, even if Ardora wasn't completely fond of the chill in the air. She knew it was necessary, for it was part of the cycle of the seasons, but it didn't mean she had to like it. She loved the warmth; the bright sunny days that Uldormun was known for and delighted in. Of course, the god also enjoyed letting his family have control of the weather most days, so sometimes those warm and delightfully sunny days were far and few between.

This would be one of those days, though there was that slight chill in the air. It was nowhere near the temperature that it was like before the winter of the north; in fact, it was the beginning of spring there, about to welcome in the heat of the summer. It made her curious and debating about whether or not she, along with Phoenix, ought to just migrate with the seasons, spending time in both the Northern and Southern continents, since both have warmth at opposite times. It'd mean they'd never have to go through a cold season, though it would also mean constant travel.

All of that drifted from her mind, however, as she took in the beatuful, csharp colors of the trees ahead. They were golds, reds, browns, yellows, oranges - all the colors of her fur, and more. She laughed delightedly, paws dancing closer to step on the leaves lightly, the soft crunch audible on the still day. She was oblivious to the possible audience; she simply enjoyed the shifting colors that matched her. They might not glow like her, but they matched her. To her, that was a great omen from Uldormun; she'd undoubtedly have a blessed day.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
02-13-2017, 11:24 PM

Ankaios was oblivious to the woman's approach until it was too late. The sound of her approach was audible to him only after she was too close for him to ever dream of an escape. After he saw the hue of her fur her was glad for it. She emerged from the tall grass bathed in embers, coat similar in color to his own. Her ruddy hues were vibrant, though displaces with more black than his own. It took him a moment and a few blinks to realize that there was indeed a faint glow emanating from her pelt. His jaw worked wordlessly for a moment before Ankaios hastily stood and shook himself back to attention, spinning to face the woman head on. "H-hello," he stuttered. "Pardon my surprise, miss," he said, dipping into a courteous bow, though unable to peel his eyes away.

He had not fathomed of meeting another wolf as vibrant as he, apart from those who were native to his homeland. He peered at her surreptitiously, trying to force himself to place her face. He was positive she was a stranger, features unfamiliar to his line. "My name is Ankaios Aeris," he said at last, quietly wondering if the name might spark something in her. "Please forgive the weakness of my countenance, but it's not often I meet others like myself," he said in a tone somewhat more put together, if stiffly formal. Oh well, he thought. Better to be overly courteous than to offend. After all, proper etiquette and courtesies were among the first lessons he'd received as a child, and he still recalled them them to this day. If anyone ought to be on the receiving end, he allowed that it may as well be a specimen as impressive as this one.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
02-18-2017, 09:01 PM

It was a spin, just a slight one, that made her catch glimpse of fire that did not belong to the leaves, and within moments, that fire too was moving to face her. Her eyes widened as she came face-to-face with another wolf, yet another child of fire. Her jaw dropped; she was entirely caught off guard and wasn't expecting this in the least... and apparently, neither was he. Her gaze darted all across his body; his fur was remarkably different from either hers, or Phoenix's. It was the dark embers of the fire, the base. It lightened to the color of leaping flames on his neck, but the majority of his fur reminded her of the deep, glowing red magma of her home. They did share one thing in common: light speckles were spread across his pelt, almost like sparks. While she didn't share the speckles, she sometimes had.... literal sparks, just not actually hot.

Either way, it certainly... put a whole new meaning into a blessed day from the gods. It also worried her, to a degree, as much as it excited her. What was going on in the world that Uldormun had to birth three children over the years? Three of them - her, Phoenix, who was truly a child - and also this wolf, who may be around her age, maybe older. It was simply from that that she knew that this had been planned for a long time, and that their meeting was more than fate.

His stutter - so brief - did make her recover momentarily, amusement flickering through her eyes as he then apologized and bowed. That was... unexpected. Occasionally, there were wolves of the tribe that believed it was respectful to bow and would do so, but that had been the tribe. Her response was automatic: her head bowed in acknowledgement of both the apology and the bow, and acceptance of it as well, but no words were spoken; none were needed. Instead, she listened as he introduced himself, his name as foreign as himself.

"I am Ardora, Seraphina of the Il'daran tribe," she answered, her tone soft, but strong. It had... been a while since she had introduced herself as such. In fact, the last time had been... had been to the foreigners who destroyed her tribe. It felt important to add it now, though, standing in front of a third child of Uldormun, even while she wondered what her fiery god was up to in his domain.

Her lips twitched in a slight smile at the formal words, respect for the man already growing inside of her. Of course, it'd be difficult to displace that when she knew that he was placed here by her god. "You are forgiven, Ankaios Aeris. I truly understand, for it's not every day that the gods bless a wolf in such a manner." She wondered about his wording, though - 'it's not often' were there more of them, with flames in their fur? Or were there others blessed by other gods? She'd heard of it happening, with various colors - non-fire - in the fur of wolves, but they were heard about even less than Uldormun's children. She, for once, was at a loss of what to say as she watched the wolf in front of her; she didn't exactly... run into one like Ankaios every day.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
02-20-2017, 10:07 AM

She replied to his formality in turn, seeming as surprised to see him as he was to see her. She had a much longer title than what he'd given her, and he struggled to keep track of it. Ardora of Il'..who? She seemed to have no trouble remembering his simple name, and promptly forgave him for his brief moment of incompetence. Kai gave her a small smile and a gracious nod. "It's a pleasure to meet you, madam," he said with a tinge of genuine warmth. She was a fascinating specimen after all. "And I believe I have been more generously blessed than you today," he added on, barely restraining a wink. Kai was not normally so forward with women but how could you blame him for flirting a bit? Miss Ardora was not the sort of wolf you saw very day. Her coat seemed to be practically... well, glowing?

Ankaios blinked, trying to clear any interference away from his eyes. He looked over his new companion's shoulder to the brilliant landscape which surrounded them. Had she been drawn to it's fire too, as he was? It was a marvel, to be sure. "Fitting to meet a woman such as yourself in a place like this," he said, ever the gentleman, tone prim and proper yet intending to flatter all the same. "It is inspiring, seeing life in such a vivacious state right there at the end." Who knows, in another week perhaps these branches would be barren and grey, the sky steely and threatening snow. For now it was beautiful, and very much alive.

He turned back to Ardora and smiled at her, one brow raised. "Might I ask more about your homeland, my lady? Your title is regrettably unfamiliar to me, but I think it's safe to say I don't meet wolves similar to me very often." He gave her another weak smile, worried that he might be being too forward with a stranger but his curiosity would not be denied. He had never seen her equal, and to say he was struck by her beauty was... a bit of an understatement. The atmosphere of the day was not helping in the slightest.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
02-26-2017, 03:32 PM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2017, 06:22 PM by Ardora.)

He did not seem to lapse again in his formality past the one instance, and Ardora eyed him with respect. So, on top of being one of Uldormun's children, he was also intelligent and respectful. Okay, she liked that. It was clear that her god knew exactly who to bless, and knew exactly what he was doing. "The pleasure is mine," she responded in kind, smiling softly. The smile widened softly at his words, completely oblivious to the fact that it was... flirting. "I do not think one could be more blessed than the other in a situation such as this." Her voice was quietly chastising, and gently correcting, though not angry in the least; she just didn't see how it was possible to believe such a thing.

As he glanced past her, she also twisted her head to look behind her, and the soft smile returned as she took in the sight of the golds, reds, yellows and browns. The colors of fire, so vivacious and beautiful. The colors of life, too. "It is rather fitting, isn't it?" she mused quietly. She glanced back at him with his next statement, and she shook her head. "I wouldn't say so much an end as it is a... rest. They always come back, after all, after the cold months have passed." This time she wasn't trying to correct him, just wanting to give him a different perspective. Many believed that the winter caused death - which it did, but life always returned. The trees, the animals; they simply escaped the cold, most of the time, and came back again when it was warm. They took... sanctuary, in Ardora's eyes. Sanctuary from the cold.

Her attention drifted again, and she glanced back at the wonderful colors before it was, once again, pulled back to Ankaios. "My homeland?" she echoed, sorrow flashing in her eyes. His words, though, again, made her pause, and the sorrow in her eyes sharpened to something more. "You keep saying that. Are there more of us? With fire in our fur, blessed by the gods?" She needed to know - that came priority over telling of her home and the wreckage of it.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
03-17-2017, 12:44 PM

Kai's rough attempt at flirtation fell flat on it's face. The woman did not seem to have the slightest idea that he'd been trying to be sly. She gently rebuked him and he felt a certain embarrassed heat begin to glow under his fur. He did his best to brush it off, allowing the moment to fall flat. Her comments on the nature of the season were philosophical, and he turned his gaze back to the vibrant beauty which surrounded them. "I suppose so. Each ending begins something new, after all." Still, he would be glad to see winter pass. Having been caught in a blizzard in his youth had somewhat disheartened the male towards the entirety of the season. Of course, he did not particularly enjoy the heat of summer either, and so contented himself with making the most of his time now.

Of course, good company made that all the more enjoyable. Ardora didn't seem keen to speak of her homeland, instead latching onto something he'd said in passing. More of them? Well... That would depend on what she meant. "Brilliantly colored wolves, you mean? Well... Yes. In fact my homeland entirely lacked the bland, grey coats that are more common here. As for those colored akin to us, it was as intermixed as a black wolf among the greys." He shrugged, made slightly uncomfortable in talking about this homeland. As he had spent time in Boreas and Auster, coming to know the wolves here, he had come to understand that the pervasive intensity and religious fervor of his people was not in fact common at all. He had called into question his own view of the gods, and decided finally to live life for himself. To think of them, and to remember the souls he had left behind, was... saddening.

He tried his hardest to change the subject. "I had come here intending to find a meal, not that the company is unappreciated, of course. You are a worthy distraction but alas, the hunger persists. Would you care to join me?" Two minds were better than one after all, and between the two of them they may even be able to fell something as large as a deer if they were lucky. Fish or beaver would do just as well otherwise, but he was not terribly fond of the taste. He hoped Ardora would agree, and possibly have a few ideas of her own.

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