
[$] My Fortunes Come in Chinese Take-Out Bags



4 Years

03-15-2017, 11:10 PM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2017, 05:22 PM by Peregrine.)
OOC: Gathering!! This thread is for anyone interested in seeing how this crazy convoluted Foxy brain baby actually works. The guide can be referenced here at any time if you need it, but I'll try to break things down here as well as I can.

Today we will be gathering fish!! Since fish is classified as a Common/Easy item, we will only need 4 rounds to be successful! Gathering threads can include any activity as long as they are all driven towards collecting, preparing, or storing the item. It's important that you do a little bit of research to make sure you are making logical choices, but other than that, just have fun with it!! Feel free to PM or Skype me at any time if you have any questions! <3

Peregrine came upon the river with glee usually reserved for greeting an old, wayward friend. In part it was hot and she was glad for any chance to escape the heat, and partially because she was hungry. Fishing was about the only form of hunting that she was tolerably decent at, to Tsiry's constant amusement. As it was, the lemur sat perched on her back, delicate fingers gripping tight to the strap of the satchel slung across her back. "So, fishing then?" she asked, a slight hint of humor in her tone. Peregrine rolled her eyes. Tsiry just loved making fun of her astonishing skills as a deadly predator. "It'd be lemur if they didn't taste so bitter and stringy," she quipped right back.

Before her, the Rio rushed and tumbled over a bed of rocks, cavorting about with enthusiasm that she knew better than to tangle with. One misplaced paw and she'd be off for a ride that she'd likely not return from. No, better to find another option. She turned herself upstream, scouting for the best place to begin. She was looking for a calmer spot, and eddy and some shade, where fish would likely be wiling away the heat of the day. She had caught catfish and bass and trout here before, and the occasional walleye too. Trout might have fled further north to escape the heat, but she wasn't about to be picky with it either. Her stomach grumbled.

Peregrine came upon a relatively calmer stretch of water. It was still moving at a good clip, but a bend in the river was causing a bit of it to spin away into a calmer pool. A large oak hung over the water, and as she watched a speck of debris fell to the water's surface. It had not sat there for but a moment when plop! Something snatched it from within the water's depths. She grinned and Tsiry sprang down from her back. Peregrine shrugged off her satchel, careful to set it somewhere safe and out of the way. Meanwhile, the blue-eyed lemur scrambled up the trunk of a young tree, content to watch her friend from the shade. Peregrine had a habit of pushing her in if she was caught dozing, so it was a much safer route for her to take. For Pere, her focus had already shifted entirely to the task at hand. She waded into the water, slightly upstream of the eddy, hoping to maybe catch something unawares in its urgency to take a bit of a rest.

"Talk" "You" Think



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
03-17-2017, 09:14 PM

Brandr navigated alongside the river as he traveled south. He wasn't going anywhere in particular so it didn't really matter to him where he ended up and having a source of water alongside him for the breadth of the journey was very appreciated. As he walked his stomach began to rumble and the boy frowned. Awww man… the last thing he'd had to eat was picking off the remains of a mountain lion kill that he'd found half buried. There hadn't been much left and though he'd gorged himself that had been several days ago. Brandr tried to push the hunger from his mind but it kept coming back with a vengeance and he was in a territory with unfamiliar prey. Perfect…

As he walked along he noticed a woman standing in the water. His eyes lit up, she had to be fishing! His thoughts drifted lazily to the man who had shared his fish with Brandr when he'd first entered this land. Maybe she'd be kind enough to teach him the finer points of fishing. He scrambled to the bank and called out. "Hello there! Are you fishing?"

Some evenings feel like windows where we tip our hats beyond all the failures that afflict us and the dusk that feeds the dawn