
This Place Calls to Me [Joining]



5 Years
03-15-2017, 03:06 PM

Ankaios found he much preferred this southernmost continent. It was far more remote than it's northern counterpart. Here he could roam for days on days without encountering another wolf. It's beauty was pristine, largely untouched, even if it's creatures were a bit strange... He shrugged it off. The plants and herbs here fascinated his hungry mind, and he had spent most of his travels here examining them, trying to determine their uses. Without a test subject or a teacher, and unwilling to start eating random plants just to see what happened, he had been met with limited success.

It was the middle of the night when, for the first time since arriving in Auster, that he encountered the borders of another pack. He stumbled as if struck, blinked in confusion, and then hastily bounded backwards a few paces. He certainly didn't want to be ambushed by a border patrol, especially one as batty as you'd have to be to be patrolling at this time of night. He might not have been surprised to find those out gazing at the stars, however. It had been with awestruck amazement, neck craned directly upwards for the most part, that he'd been traveling.

The night sky was devoid of all clouds, and the stars shone with a brilliant intensity, despite the glaring presence of a full moon. It may as well have been high noon for the clarity in which he saw the world. Stumped, Kai sat down and waited. He did not want to pause in his journey, but he was also intrigued by a pack who had the wisdom to make their home far from the cramped, well-worn lands in the north. He pondered for only a moment before tipping his head back and letting loose a gentle howl. He would announce his presence (after all, it was only polite) but if there was no one around to hear him he would gladly go off on his own way.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
03-18-2017, 01:28 PM

Things were on his mind. Things seemed to always be on his mind as of late. His disrespectful brother. The lack of training.  The resources around them that were depleting thanks to the sogginess of the ground and the cold of winter in Auster. And a plethora of other things, none of them good it seemed. Kimahri lay atop a fallen log as he watched Dragon pace around with one eye open. An amused growl slipping past as his tail twitched. He'd been watching the young alpha deal with a great many things concerning the pack, and so far, it seemed the pack often left the boy struggling. And yet, the dog didn't give up. Kimahri didn't know whether or not to admire him for persevering, or think him a fool for putting up with them all. If it were up to him, he'd have them all punished for not doing their duties. But alas, all he could do was advise the kid and he either listened or he didn't. He had to admit, the wolf had too good a heart for his own good. But how long would that last before he was fed up? He didn't have much time to think on it anymore as the sounds of a howl echoed in the air. Dragon stopped, brows furrowing as he looked towards the borders. "Who would be out here in the middle of the night?" He questioned with curiosity. "One could also ask why you're up and pacing around at this hour instead of sleeping." Kimahri answered, watching him with one half opened eye. "Why do you always have to talk back?" He huffed, though didn't wait for the jaguar to answer as he instead trotted off towards the borders.

On his way, he thought about who it might be. Nobody came to the borders in the dead of night, though he wondered if maybe it was a lost traveler or-- "If I didn't talk back, you're life would be incredibly boring!" Dragon nearly jumped out of his skin when Kimahri spoke, and he turned to see that the cat was keeping pace beside him. "Hey! Don't sneak up on me like that! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Kimahri chuckled, teeth flashing as he lumbered past him. "But if that happened, then I'd have no one to tease." Dragon stopped for a moment, watching as Kimahri continued on towards the borders. Shaking his head, he too followed behind, a smirk lifting the corners of his lips.

It didn't take long for him to arrive, and what he saw was mind boggling! He swore that a piece of the sky had fallen to the ground, because there was no way in the world that a wolf could look like that! He slowed down again, green eyes wide as he approached the stranger. He glanced up towards the sky for a moment, the stars shining brilliantly and the colors of the stars and planets always made him awestruck. Returning his gaze to the male at the borders, he regarded him the way a pup did when it discovered something new for the first time. "I...are you real? Or am I dreaming...I've never seen a wolf look like the sky over these fields before..." He half mumbled to himself, have to the stranger. But then, where were his manners? "Ah, ahem. Welcome to the borders of Talis. My name is Dragon. I am the Drakon, alpha of these lands. Beautiful night, isn't it?"


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



5 Years
03-18-2017, 03:43 PM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2017, 07:16 AM by Ankaios.)

Ankaios heard the sound of approach shortly before a large, earthen male appeared. He was, as most were, taken aback by Kai's unusual appearance. He had long ago grown disaffected by the surprise, and merely waited for the stranger to get a handle on it. He let out a quiet, dignified chuckle at the younger male's questions. "I am quite real, and if you are dreaming I must say you're a rather coherent sleep-talker." He would admit he was a bit surprised when he introduced himself as the leader of this pack, though he would consider himself fortunate that he had been around to heed his call at all. "A pleasure, Dragon. My name is Ankaios Aeris. Your lands are indeed quite beautiful," he commented, briefly turning his gaze skyward again.

Looking back to the male he gave a sheepish shrug. "I hope I am not keeping you from your duties. I couldn't help my interest, but of course did not wish to trespass. Are the entirety of your lands as breathtaking as this one?" Kai couldn't imagine being surrounded by such beauty every night, and he had been struck several times by the untamed beauty of the other lands which surrounded them. He would not be surprised at all to hear that the young man had claimed others as fantastic as this, and he could not hide his intrigue either. His manners were ever present; he could not stand being thought of as rude or ill-bred, and he did not wish to impose upon Dragon either. All he could do was hope the male had a moment to spare.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
03-18-2017, 09:47 PM

He lightly laughed at the male's sleep walking comment. He supposed it would be true, but seeing as how he was awake well...he didn't think about it too much as the male introduced himself. Ankaios Aeris. A unique name for a unique looking wolf. He couldn't help but grin a bit at his comment about the starlit plains, and it made him all that much more proud of having found this place. He had searched for weeks until he finally found this place, and night after night, he never got tired of looking up at the sky. Shooting stars, shifting galaxies, lights, the planets seemingly revealing themselves...who wouldn't want to live here? "Thank you, took me a while to find this place." He murmured.

His attention was fully drawn to the Ankaios now as he spoke again. This male seemed to be pretty polite, but then again most were upon coming to his borders. Then again it was only two others before this one, both of which had disappeared. Even so, he shook his head. "Not at all, I like to come out and look at the stars on clear nights like this." Nearby, he heard a scoff. "Just admit you had nothing better to do and you couldn't sleep!" Dragon's ears fell back, head whipping around as he glared at Kimahri. "Kimahri, I swear to the heavens if you keep it up I will skin you alive!" "Ha! I'd like to see you try, pup!" A low growl slipped up in Dragon's throat, but he chose to ignore the jaguar as he returned his attention to Ankaios. "I am really sorry about that..." Why does he always have to try and embarrass me? Jerk! Trying to shake it off, he answered the star-clad mans question. "I'd like to think we have some really beautiful lands. The Castle is definitely something to look at. It towers over the fields and forests, and even though it's old and it's walls crumbling, I feel like it has a lot of secrets and mystery surrounding it both inside, and out."


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



5 Years
03-19-2017, 12:08 PM

Dragon seemed pleased by his kind words, and Ankaios nodded graciously. He had done well for himself for being so young, Kai concluded. He could not attest to the earthen male's leadership of course, but certainly he must be at least ambitious to have achieved so much at such a young age. It was admirable. "I was stunned to find such a fertile, untapped land south of the bridge which connects us to the north. Yours seems to be the only pack with sense enough to claim a piece of it. The entire place might as well be yours," he added with a somewhat bemused laugh. It was true after all. Without the competition for borders, who was there to tell them where they could and could not roam?

Ankaios startled when a third voice broke suddenly into the conversation. His head whipped to find it's source, and his surprised only further when he realized there was a tawny feline lurking there are Dragon's back. He had not noticed it's scent, so intertwined as it was with Dragons, who seemed none too pleased that the cat had opened it's whiskered maw. He apologized to Kai afterwards, who could only flick his tail in amusement. "Oh, no need. Don't stop a brawl on my account. Should either of you need patching up, I have a bit of knowledge in the healing arts. It is nice to meet you as well, Kimahri," He chuckled and gave a polite nod to the jaguar as well, thinking that from that brief exchange one or the other might come to need it. Were they always so adversarial? It seemed an odd dynamic for a pair of friends.

Kai's ears perked at the mention of a castle. Dragon spoke of crumbling stone walls, and Ankaios assumed he was referring to one of several strange, unnatural structures that were hidden away across both continents. Each fascinated Kai, and he could do little to restrain the curiosity burning in his eyes.  "You don't say? I'd very much like to see it," he said thoughtfully in a ponderous tone that was more akin to thinking out loud than furthering their conversation. Yet again he looked skyward. This was a beautiful place, and he truly felt as though he had been called here. Very much on impulse he blurted out, "Are you seeking new members for your pack, Dragon?" He kept his tone level, not quite disinterested but neither too eager. If Dragon's lands were at their capacity, well... There was nothing for that. Still, he hoped he might be able to beg the man for a tour of this castle at least...

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
03-20-2017, 02:17 AM (This post was last modified: 03-22-2017, 03:05 PM by Dragon.)

"As was I," It seemed that Ankaios had come to the same conclusion that Dragon had the first time he had come across these lands. In a way, he was glad for it. Auster had been left unclaimed, and it boggled his mind as to why. Boreas was too cluttered with them, though he wasn't sure exactly how many packs were there, he had sense enough to know that they were all there and not here. While he hadn't gotten around to visiting every land in Auster, he had explored a number of them and so far...Talis was the only pack here. He grinned, laughing a bit at Ankaios' words as he nodded in agreement. "I have been able to explore the lands here unchallenged. It really baffles me as to why no other pack resides in these parts. During the warmer seasons, it's bursting with life and rare herbs, or so I've heard. In fact, there is a territory right next to ours that is always filled with all sorts of different herbs. Not sure about now in this winter season, but come spring I'm sure there will be plenty of treasures to find!" It was true. He had seen it all before the seasons turned, and it was marvelous! So far, he liked this guy. Not because he was so exotic looking, but he seemed to have an adventurous heart like he himself did, and Dragon admired that in those he came across. Sure he was an alpha, but it didn't stop him from feeding his wild adventurous side. He loved to explore and find new things, learn about the world around him and discover it's wonders and solve its mysteries. There wasn't much of a dull day for him here in the southern continent.

Ankaios went to comment on his interaction with Kimahri, and he groaned inwardly. Why the hell did Kimahri always have to open up his big fat mouth!? No matter, he would show him and tie his tail around a bush in his sleep or something...he was about to respond until the star-clad male mentioned healing, and right away that grabbed his interest. Was this man truly a healer??? If so, then the stars above were granting his wishes! Oh what a joyous night this would be if Ankaios was, and even better if he decided to stay! Dragon hoped to the galaxies that he would. He'd be their saving grace, because Talis had no properly trained healers among them...and of course, in response to Ankaios' ever so polite greeting, Kimahri merely gruffed his own greeting as he eyed the male with reserved interest. "Ignore him. He's a real pain in the neck sometimes." Dragon eyed the jaguar as he rolled his eyes, returning his attention back to Kai as he spoke. Soon, he could barely contain his glee and excitement as the male asked if he was looking for more pack members, and of course, Dragon responded with an eager nod of his head.

"Yes, of course! Er, I mean...heh, sorry for my excitement," His tail had set to wagging as he cleared his throat to compose himself a little more. He hoped he didn't look like too much of a fool in front of him. "See, our last experienced healer passed away. And this past winter another had shown up, but she disappeared soon after. We've been left without a healer for a while now, and I've been hoping to find another. It seems the stars smile upon Talis tonight." He offered a smile to Ankaios as he managed to compose himself finally, standing tall like a real leader...for once. "If you are interested in joining our ranks, we would be more than happy to have you! Your experience and expertise in the healing arts would be highly valued. I can explain the ranks to you if you wish, or if you wish to join as our healer, then I can give you information about how the healer ranks here work." He waited with baited breath, wondering what Ankaios' decision would be.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



5 Years
03-20-2017, 08:58 AM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2017, 10:30 AM by Ankaios.)

Ankaios practically vibrated with excited intent upon the mention of a land adjacent to these which teemed with medicinal herbs and other plants. His tail gave a few hearty wags. Was it true? If so... Well, to say these packlands had been calling to him before was a drastic understatement at this point. He shunned the superstitious with the same feverous intensity that he shunned his fervent upbringing, and yet he could not help but consider the hand of fate. Was he meant to come across such a place? "I won't pretend you don't have my interest," he said with an unabashed grin. He did as Dragon requested and ignored the strange cat, focusing on the wolf as he again began to speak.

He seemed as excited to find that he was a healer as Ankaios was to ply his craft in such a fertile, beautiful place. There was a space waiting for him within his pack, if he chose to accept. At this point, Kai could not have imagined refusing. Dragon explained their situation, murmuring, "I'm sorry for your loss," at the mention of the healer who had passed. "I would love to hear more about the structure you intend for your healers. I believe that Talis would suit me well, and I would be more than happy to serve as a healer for your followers." His sense of propriety was never far, and yet his excitement showed through his clipped and careful words. His mind began to run wild. How long had it been since he had one place to call him? He allowed his imagination to run wild, envisioning a den of his own, misty mornings gathering herbs and... perhaps even an apprentice or two? He grinned despite himself, and waited to hear what Dragon had to say.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
03-22-2017, 03:29 PM

"I won't pretend you don't have my interest." Dragon chuckled, struggling to contain the excitement he had about finally having found someone that was much needed among them. Would his mother be proud of him? He was trying, always trying really hard to do his best for the pack. Sometimes he felt like he wasn't doing good enough, but maybe it was just him. Ankaios murmured his sympathies, and Dragon dipped his head to him. "Thank you." Taking in a deep breath, he thought about the structure he had in mind for some of the ranks, and none of them had really had the chance to be applied yet. But that was probably due to the fact that nobody seemed to be trying for higher ranks, which he thought was strange. Shouldn't one always strive to be the best? Maybe this guy would..."Very well, I will explain the ranks pertaining to healers. First off, there are four levels, each one indicating your level of expertise. Our basic healer rank is called a "mage" and those are healers considered to be beginners or novices. Basically, apprentices looking to learn about the healing craft. Blue mages are a step up, Red mages are more advanced, and then we have Black mages and White mages, experts and masters in the healing arts." He pondered for a moment, wondering what sort of knowledge Ankaios had. "Of course, if you're feeling really ambitious, then Crimson Mage is the elite healer rank. That's a tier three rank, and any Crimson rank is basically the leader of their respective fields. In other words, Crimson mages lead the other mages, regardless of their healing skill." He smiled, and figured he had it all covered concerning healer ranks. Now, he just had to find out how much experience Ankaios had. "What level do you think you are? I would...test you, but unfortunately I don't really know anything about medicine and neither does anyone else so..." It was disappointing really, but hopefully with Ankaios here, he could test future potential mages.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



5 Years
03-22-2017, 06:45 PM

Dragon seemed as excited as Ankaios was. He regarded the large earthen male with an ever growing interest. Polite attendance was now an inspection of every kind, as he was forced to look at the male in a new light. He was young, sure, but he seemed kind. He had shown backbone with the cat at least, so perhaps he could be firm as well. Of course, more time would be necessary before Kai felt he had given him a proper inspection, but for the moment he had new reservations about trying out the boy's leadership. What did he have to lose, anyways? Dragon went on, delving into the ranks of the Mage title. Ankaios was ambitious by heart, of course. It was hard to grow up in his homeland, where your status and reputation meant everything, and not be concerned with his rank.

He listened with polite intensity, nodding slowly as he did, digesting what was set before him. He was tempted to talk up his skills of course, but the truth of the matter was that Kai was relatively inexperienced with the herbs of Auster, having only recently come to this place. Furthermore, his "formal education" was likely lacking, if compared to most standards. He viewed himself as an intelligent man and an astute learner, but he would rather earn a rank in this man's eyes than be handed one and find himself unable to live up to the challenge. He hummed thoughtfully. "I would rather prove my rank than brag about it," he proclaimed after a moment. "I think Mage will do well enough, for now. And I'd happily give you lessons if you ever have the time or desire to learn." He sent the younger male a wink, chuckling, and wondered just a moment too late if it was too forward. Oh well, there was no taking it back! And besides, his excitement did not seem fit to wane any time soon!

"Talk" "You" Think