
Get Ready



6 Years
03-17-2017, 10:37 PM
It was impossible not to bound off ahead, legs stretching out as she pushed herself to just see how fast she could go, enjoying the wind playing with her colorful fur and the thrill of being reunited with a loved one. The excitement still hadn't worn off even a little, not that she wished for that to happen anyways. A bright smile pulled at her lips, eyes glinting with joy and mischief. This new land her sister was living in would surely be interesting. Eventually, she came over a rise so she could see the scattered stones that dotted the territory. Halting just shy of the border, Iskra tested the air, trying to catch the packs scent so she could remember it later.

Tail wagging with unbridled joy, Iskra soaked in the lovely landscape with an appreciative gaze. Hopefully, the rest of this newly established bunch would prove to be as interesting as the land they resided in. After all, even if she didn't eventually decide to stay here Iskra planned to be making frequent visits. Perhaps to the point of being a member in spirit even if not officially. The thought was amusing, eliciting a giggle from the starry-pelted girl. Eventually, she'd take a seat, enjoying the view and murmuring, "It is nice..."



4 Years
Extra large
03-18-2017, 08:34 AM

Artemis had a surprisingly hard time keeping up with her rambunctious sister, despite her greater size. Eventually she stopped trying, settling for traveling with Iskra when she was able and diligently tracking her down when she was not. They had made incredible time in returning to her new packlands, and as she crested the final rise of the trip, she saw before her the Steppe spread out before them in all it's glory, and Iskra perched at it's very edge. Artemis chuckled to herself, understanding the impression it could leave on someone. "Just wait until you see the Maw," she said, jerking her head towards the ridge of mountains just barely visible in the west, turned blue and indistinct by the distance between them.

Without hesitation she tipped her head back and let loose a howl, hoping Chaos would be near enough to hear. Sure, maybe she could have run to find him but she didn't want to leave Iskra on her own, and she had no problem killing time while they waited to see if and when he would show. Turning back to Iskra she said, "The prey here is fat and lazy, too. I'll be too fat to run before all is said and done!" She wasn't sure yet if her sister intended to join them or if she simply wanted to know where Artemis could be found. The blue woman didn't want to ask either, didn't want to give the impression that she might pressure her one way or the other. Sure, she would miss her sister if she continued on her way, but she knew better than most how strong the call of adventure could be. There was no point asking someone to stay if all they wanted was to go, right? All she could do was wait and see.

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
03-18-2017, 07:33 PM
Artemis' voice called for him, pulling him from a lazy hunt of the pikas that lived among the stones. He'd already eaten two, with another trio thrown in a careless pile. He figured he'd catch enough to share among the pack, though the small lagomorphs could hardly constitute a filling meal all their own. At her call though, he abandoned the hunt and gathered the bodies to carry along with him as a gift, like a suitor bringing flowers and chocolates for his girl. A gleam in his eye and a faint smile curving one side of his muzzle, along with the cocky strut as the long-legged male bounded through the steppe showed the hopefulness of all males getting a call from a pretty female, though the fact that it came from the border deflated that hope slightly.

The hope was further deflated when he rounded a tumbled-down stone marker to see Artemis with another wolf. A spark of interest as he took in the stranger's appearance though, as nebulous and starry as Artemis' though of a red hue rather than blues. Truly, any red-blooded young male would have had the same though he did at that moment. Truly. If his mouth wasn't full of pika he probably would have licked his lips. Probably best for him that he was prevented from doing so, and only a stern talking-to to himself prevented his sudden interest from becoming blatantly obvious. The newcomer wasn't as attractive to him as Artemis, who's leggy and predatory frame he admired rather greatly, but that was like saying that poplars weren't as tree-like as oaks - they were both still trees, and the feminine curves of the new wolf certainly didn't leave Chaos feeling cold.

Luckily he had a few moments to compose himself as he sauntered up to the pair and dropped the pikas. "For two very pretty ladies," he said smoothly, smiling a crooked smile. "Who's your friend, Artemis? A relative of yours, I assume?" Surely two such similarly-unusual coats could not have been found outside the same family line. Somehow that only made the nickelodeon-style reel of fantasies running through his head all the better.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



4 Years
Extra large
03-19-2017, 07:11 AM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2017, 07:14 AM by Artemis.)

Chaos appeared dutifully, and Artemis brightened upon realizing that he had in fact brought a bit of a meal with him. She brightened, ears lifting alongside her tail, which gave a few gentle wags. She would show Chaos a respectful nod, what in her eyes he deserved as an alpha, even so strange an alpha as he was. Artemis flashed a smile at her sister, brows uplifted, pearly white teeth showing in a sly grin. She was eager to see Iskra's reaction to his saber-like fangs. An odd bunch indeed.

Turning back to her new leader, Artemis listened attentively to his "greeting," unable to restrain a snicker when it invariably turned into a bit of flirting. "My sister, actually. I found her when I was scouting out to the coast, and wanted to show her where to find me. And to prove that my new pack is just as interesting as our father's was." She turned back to Iskra and winked, before reaching forward and batting one of the pika closer to her with a flick of her paw. Did she need anything more than Chaos to prove her point? This place was a hodgepodge for sure, and Artemis had already grown rather fond of it. She tried not to hope that Iskra would do the same.

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!



6 Years
03-21-2017, 03:06 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2017, 03:07 PM by Iskra.)
She grinned broadly at Artemis' words. This place was sounding more and more interesting by the minute. Gazing at the mountains Art gestured towards, Iskra made a mental note that she'd try and see them up close at one point, "I'm sure it will impress." she mused, already sure that this land and those residing in it wouldn't fail to keep her amused in one way or another.

Bumping against her sisters' shoulder Iskra chuckled, "I hope not! I suspect if we spend enough time together it won't matter how much you eat, though. You'll be running plenty." It was clear she planned to steal her sibling away at every opportunity. After all, she could get away with dragging Art off on all sorts of adventures if they were looking for family. Who knew, if the pack impressed... Ah, she'd wait and see what they had to offer in this place before she thought too much about it.

The boss man himself didn't keep them waiting for long, only a short wait and he was there. My, my, Atremis hadn't been lying even a bit. Her head reflexively tilted to one side as she soaked in the impressive set of fangs her sisters' leader bore. His height hardly fazed her, but the fangs, those were a far more interesting sight. She supposed the pelt was intriguing in a way, but it was overshadowed by her history of seeing plenty of oddly painted wolves, this was nothing out of the realm of possibility. Slowly a smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth in response to his words, though she declined to jump straight into conversation and opted to briefly observe the interaction between Artemis and this eye-catching new character. It was difficult to restrain the small laugh that inevitably freed itself at his smooth yet shameless choice first words.

Pulling the pika towards herself in turn with her sister, Iskra would contest, "Found me? I beg to differ, you were found by me." Her tone was one of feigned indignance, words that were quickly followed by a playful admission, "Luckily, I do have to say, the promise of an interesting pack seems to have been entirely truthful."

Eyeing the alpha with an air of curiosity, the red woman paused. She'd certainly seen nothing like the man before her. Flicking an ear thoughtfully Isk added, "My name's Iskra. Maybe you could tell me a bit bout this pack of yours?"



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
03-26-2017, 07:26 AM
He couldn't help the grin that kept sliding onto his muzzle no matter how much he tried otherwise, particularly when he caught the newcomer checking him out. Artemis' sister eh? Somehow that did absolutely nothing to cool his ardor. If anything...

He chuckled.

"Well, with you in it Artemis, what kind of shit pack could manage to not be interesting?" he teased. He made a mock-formal bow to the other woman - Iskra. "An absolute pleasure to meet you, Iskra. My name is Chaos Saxe, and as for my Crew, why..." He grinned slyly. "My Crew's just a gang of hooligans, they are, and me the poor man who has to herd all these cats. It's tragic. They get into all sorts of trouble. Why, I even heard one mighty handsome toothy fellow saying he was going to go raid another pack just to shake things up. Such a wild bunch, I don't even know what I'm going to do with the lot of them." He winked at Artemis.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



4 Years
Extra large
03-28-2017, 09:28 PM

Chaos seemed especially pleased with the situation he had walked into. Artemis gave him a knowing stare, accompanied by a raised brow, but wavered when it came to pressing the issue. Oh, there'll be plenty time for that later, she reminded herself, hoping it was true. Iskra obstinately declared that it was Artemis who had been found, and no matter how much truth hid within the statement, Artemis rolled her eyes. "We'll call it a situation of right place at the right time," she said in a light tone, a teasing tone, waggling a paw as if it were no consequence to her. Chaos asked what sort of shit pack wouldn't be interesting, and that forced a laugh from her throat. "I can think of plenty," she snickered out.

Turning back to Iskra, she tilted her head in the male's direction. He was an impressive beast, right? Surely he lived up to the ruby fae's expectations. He explained what the Crew was to him, and it filled her with the same thrill as it had the first time she'd heard it. The concept spoke to her in a way she hadn't expected when she had first altered her course to heed is call. Simple curiosity had turned into purpose, and Artemis had been surprised by the comfort she'd found in that foundation. Sure, they didn't have much by way of numbers at the moment, but Art had high hopes for the future. "Such trouble," she agreed with a grin. "And between you and me, I am quite keen to team up with this toothy gentleman and cause some havoc of my own. Perhaps you'd want to join us?" She winked above a toothy grin, feeling wild and unrestrained.

The blood of their shared parentage ran hot in her veins, and she wondered if Mithras' sense of adventure and knack for finding trouble had been passed to Iskra as well. Artemis was desperate to rekindle the relationship she'd once had with Isk, and this was just one of many questions she hoped would be answered in the coming season. Excitement for countless reasons had left the cerulean woman restless, and she shuffled her paws, wishing she could take off for the next horizon at that very moment. Yes, what a thrill it was to be alive...

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!



6 Years
04-10-2017, 01:25 PM
An exasperated roll of her eyes was all she had to give Art at that reply, but she refrained from speaking any more on the issue. Raising her chin a few degrees Iskra turned her attention back to the man clad in stripes, trying her best to mask the continued curiosity she felt. As much as she wanted to ask all about those nifty teeth and give the larger man the ego boost he probably didn't need with her continued attention, Iskra did her best to stay on task. There was plenty of time to get distracted, especially with the look her sister shot the man... Mm, yes, she'd have to have a private chat with her sister about that.

Eyes sparking with amusement she ignored the prior exchange between her sister and this man, returning his bow with an exaggerated display of her own, giving him a deep flourishing bow and quirking a smile, "Why, the pleasure is all mine, boss man." Straightening, the nebulous girl eyes her companions sidelong, the gears almost visibly turning in her mind. It was only natural for her to take her sweet, sweet time. Her family's wild ways hadn't entirely evaded her, but with the way her sister was so obviously bubbling over with her desire for Iskra to join, it would be no fun to just leap in right off.

"Hmm, tempting," she began, silky smooth voice drawing out the words as she mulled things over further before continuing, "Though, I'm afraid I rather like leaving others hanging. Will I join? Won't I? Who knows!" with a wry grin she added, "Of course, my will is weak and you two do make me feel like staying away will be near impossible. Soon you might find yourself with another cat to wrangle."



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
05-22-2017, 01:22 PM
Chaos snorted in amusement at Iskra's coy reply to their byplay, then arranged his features into his most heart-wrenching puppy-dog eyes, glancing sideways at Iskra with head lowered 'sadly' and a faint quiver to his chin. He couldn't quite manage to dredge up any fake tears - he didn't have his sister Vana's flair for the melodramatic quite that much, who he'd seen summon full-on sobs and tears from nothing. "Then I suppose I will have to wait on the borders every day and pine for your absence, Iskra Aeris. Perhaps someday the thought of my broken heart will move you to join us and heal me of my pain." His expression shifted in an instant from the puppy dog eyes to a mischievous grin. "Or maybe just knowing how much fun Artemis and I are having without you. Raiding, I mean," he amended mock-primly, though the gleam in his eye and the way he surreptitiously flicked his eyes over to the larger of the two sisters made the subtle insinuation anything but. Chaos would never stoop to hitting on Artemis in front of her sister. Of course not, you perv. How could you possibly think that?

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write