
This Is Your Time, You Better Take It [Meeting]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
04-07-2017, 02:18 AM (This post was last modified: 04-07-2017, 02:21 AM by Dragon.)

It was the turn of a season, though not what one would expect for the Autumn season that plagued Boreas. In Auster, Spring was in full bloom and the lands had exploded with greenery and herbs. Certainly a healers paradise. So today he decided to have Talis' first meeting in the plains. He was excited at the thought of starting his first meeting as the alpha, and realized then that their last meeting was literally a year ago when his mother had passed the pack to him. Damn, had it been that long already? He thought about the past events from then until now, though he supposed there wasn't a whole lot that had happened. They moved here, and...that was pretty much it. Some wolves came and left, others simply disappeared. While he wasn't particularly happy about the latter, there were matters to tend to and things to discuss. Talis was growing quiet, and he didn't like that either. Then again, maybe the pack had been getting used to the new continent? Regardless, they had had more than enough time to get used to it, now was the time to get things moving and figure out what sort of things they could do. He wanted to see what Talis could do, and go from there.

So as he made his way towards a good spot near one of the ponds that sprawled on the plains, he discussed potential plans with Kimahri and wanted to get input and even ideas from the other members if they had any. There were tons of things that could be done, and this would be one important meeting. Shaking out his coat, he stood a few feet from the pond and tilted his head back, calling Talis together.

OOC//Meeting is mandatory for all members, and any seeking to join may also post here. First round due by the 16th!


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



5 Years
04-07-2017, 12:14 PM

Ankaios was lost in the bounty of Auster's spring splendor. The plains Dragon had claimed were indeed rife with herbs of all manner and he was a bit at a loss. What on earth was he supposed to do with it all? He rose every day with the sun and returned to the cellar which had become his den, weary but satisfied long after it had set. His stock was growing every day, but it was tiresome work. His astral coat was flecked with bits of dust and debris, and he panted. Ankaios stopped to shake, enjoying the pleasant warmth of the world around him. He was gathering his bearings when he heard Dragon's call, echoing out over the plains. He was not terribly far off at all, and he turned without questions towards the Drakon's summons.

A trill of excitement flushed through his veins. He had yet to meet most of his pack members, and he hoped the others would show up with enough time to spare before Dragon began so he could get a good look at them all. He snorted, wondering if there would be any others who matched his coat in splendor or if he'd stick out like a sore thumb like he usually did. Well, only time would tell. He loped with an easy, rolling gait towards where he supposed Dragon must be waiting, a bundle of recently collected herbs held gingerly in his mouth. It was not long before he came upon the large, earthen male seated beside a fair sized pond. Kai gave him a quick nod before dropping the bundle he carried. "Hello Dragon," he said in his typically quiet, always formal tone. He gave a nod to Dragon's cat companion as well, who sat nearby. "Lots to discuss?" He sat down near the water's edge, tail wrapping around neatly beside him and eyes on the horizon, waiting to see who else might attend.

"Talk" "You" Think



8 Years
04-10-2017, 02:10 PM
Ahh the call of a meeting. Such a cry from her nephew was not to be ignored, Ora thought quietly to herself. Calling softly to Bubo the female left her den and set across the plains to where Dragon and one other had gathered thus far. The stranger, she noticed, was a man whom she did not recognize… a newcomer. Surely with such an impressive coat she might have remembered him from elsewhere? She dismissed the thought, taking a seat opposite of him and giving a friendly nod of her head before she turned her gaze towards Dragon.

“One relative and feathered friend reporting for duty.” She said in a gentle joking manner. Bubo settled on the ground next to Oracle, giving a huff. “Lass I suggest you watch who you place me as friends with. I might tolerate you, but it doesn’t mean I need to tolerate the rest of the rabble!” Ora rolled her eyes, her smile lingering upon her lips even after Bubo’s negative outlook on things. He wasn’t the friendliest, true, but he was loyal when it came down to it. He was just her grumpy feather butt, that was all!



5 Years
04-10-2017, 07:38 PM

It wasn't often that Kharnage had been around lately as he'd still spent most of his time in Auster's lands familiarizing himself with all the wonders that were around. He still felt very little guilt that he hadn't been around in Talis, and yet it wasn't as though anyone had made any calls. There were no meetings to attend you yet, no more hunts, and no more training. Granted he was aware that he was supposed to be in charge of helping to train some of the younger wolves, but simple sparring just didn't seem right. It was part of the reason why he'd been gone so long. He wanted to find a better way to test the endurance, dexterity, and intelligence of the yearlings and what better way to do it than a place that was unfamiliar and foreign to the rest of them. They'd be forced to think on their feet and away from anything that they'd grown comfortable with. Of course he'd had yet to settle on any place in particular yet, but the idea was certainly in the works.

It just so happened that he was close by when Dragon's call rang out. Ears pricked forward curiously and he realized it'd been a long time since they'd had a meeting. He had not been present for the meeting in Talis when Dragon had been handed the pack so it was especially true for him. It wouldn't due to miss this one at all so his pace quickened. He spotted Dragon by one of the ponds and his face took on a puzzled look as he realized he was one of the first there. What the hell? He was never early. He looked over the colorful male that looked like a mixture of fire and a galaxy all swirled into one, before he noticed his aunt, and at last Dragon and his feline companion. He strolled over to his brother with a grin and plopped down next to him.

"Man what are you doing to me? I'm here early." He joked lightly.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
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[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



4 Years
04-10-2017, 07:51 PM

Unlike Kharnage Afrit had spent an equal amount of time at home as well as out exploring. Generally she hadn't ranged too far from Talis and had stuck mostly to the bifrost. Her meeting with the nice princess from Fiori had been her most interesting adventure and since then she'd stuck to mostly exploring the ruined castle some more. There was still rooms she had yet to delve into and the many dusty objects had certainly caught her interest. She'd thought about nabbing a few to take back to her own den, a room within the castle, but she hadn't figured out what she'd do with them once she got them there. They served no purpose other than the fact that they looked pretty.

She was, for once, outside of the castle enjoying a romp through the field of flowers when Dragon's call reached her ears. Thankfully she wasn't too far away and arrived swiftly enough. When she arrived her gaze swiftly averted to the brightly colored newcomer and she bounded over to him with a smile on her face.

"Hi there, you're super pretty! I'm Afrit."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: JQXUdOq.png]



6 Years
04-10-2017, 08:03 PM
the colors of my life
are painted in black and white

Armai had to admit that she was absolutely in love with the place. She hadn't been within the pack long, but she'd mostly stuck to the starlit plains. Nox had tried to take her to the castle but their venture hadn't lasted long. There was no way she could navigate such a large place with so many twists and turns, walls, and other things for her to bump in to. Without Nox around memorizing the place was too much of a task and in the end it felt like a maze she couldn't get out of. So the pair had settled in a den on the plains which was fine for her. It gave her easy access to the abundance of herbs that were growing and even the amount there astounded her. She'd never been to a place quite so fruitful. She hadn't hated Vyper, but traveling to get herbs had been a task - now everything practically grew at her front doorstep which was far better as far as convenience was concerned. She certainly couldn't ask for anything better.

She'd spent most of her time gathering herbs to store in her den to dry, but occasionally she'd wander around the plains, her leopard in tow, as they strolled around the territory together. She had yet to meet anyone other than Dragon and she had to admit her curiosity was piqued. It seemed like such a quiet and peaceful pack that she was sure that there had to be others here she'd be interested in befriending. Then there was the youngsters - she hadn't met any of them yet either, but it made her think of Memphis. She hadn't seen the girl since everyone in Vyper had went their separate ways.

She was in her den when the call for a meeting sounded. She'd been going over the list of herbs she'd already gathered in preparation for a training. They didn't know her yet, but she was eager to begin training any of the youth that wished to learn healing. It would be challenging, sure, since she could only locate herbs by scent, hence the amount of herbs she'd gathered already. They'd make perfect demonstrations. She abandoned her small project and headed towards the meeting spot with Nox. She could smell a few wolves already, but clearly it wasn't the whole pack. The only recognizable scent was Dragon's and the rest smelled similar to him save for one. Family perhaps? She took a spot, not too far from the rest of the group, and Nox sat as well and rested her side against hers as they waited for the meeting to start.

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
04-12-2017, 01:16 AM

She lifted her head way too fast, earning a loud thud followed by a loud groan as her head smacked the top of her den. Eyes squeezing shut from the pain and daze, she covered her face with her paws for a moment as she tried to let the moment pass. Her brother's howl had woken her from her nap, and for a moment she had almost forgotten where she was until she peeked through her paw and saw the light shining just beyond her reach. She hadn't heard a call for a pack meeting in a long time. In fact, the last one was when her brother had taken the pack over, right? Shaking off her grogginess, she carefully pulled herself onto her belly and crawled out of the den. Once outside, she stood up and shook the dirt and debris off her snow white coat. She glanced back at her too-small den, frowning at it. "I should find a bigger den..." Indeed, the one she was sleeping in now had been her smallest sisters, but she didn't know where in the world her sister had gone too. All she knew was that she had left back up North to visit their fathers grave and try to find closure, but she wasn't sure if she was coming back or not. The thought made her sad, but at least the distraction of a pack meeting would push the thought away, if only for a day.

She wasn't too far from where the meeting was taking place, in fact, her sisters old den was across the pond from where Dragon and a few others stood. She spotted some of her siblings, and the new star clad healer, Ankaios. Her eyes wandered over him for a moment, suddenly feeling some heat rushing to her face as she felt flushed. She hoped it wouldn't be visible...thank the stars she was already pink skinned! Quickly, she averted her gaze and saw that there was someone else there with a companion similar to her brothers! Her attention was drawn to the silver woman and she wondered who on earth she was. Had her brother accepted someone else into the pack recently? It seemed like it...maybe she'd find out today who it was. But for now, she approached the group with a shy smile and a dip of her head to her brother and the others before sitting near Afrit and Ankaios. "G-good morning Ankaios, beautiful d-day, isn't it?" Her voice was nervous, shy even, as she fiddled with her paws as she tried to settle her nerves.

"Talk" "You" Think

Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag


04-13-2017, 05:25 PM
Fern had been loping along, weaving through the brush, when a howl rang out across the land. It was a commanding voice, calling a meeting of some sort. Fern perked her ears, glancing in the direction of the border she'd nearly crossed a few hours ago. She'd continued traveling alongside it, for what reason she couldn't tell. She'd never been part of a real pack, and until she heard that howl, Fern had had no inclination to. Now, suddenly, some deep, primal instinct had her stopped in her tracks, head up, listening. Some instinct pulled her towards the border, her paws stopping just on the edge of it. Some instinct had her raising her head and opening her jaw.
She howled, low and guttural, sending a message to the alpha of this pack that she, Fern, wanted to join this pack. She'd heard of Talis, and known of its existence, but hadn't given joining any thought. Something had changed with the sound of a wolf, one of her own kind. The first she'd heard in a long while.
Fern closed her jaw, and sat down to wait for permission to enter Talis's territory.



5 Years
04-13-2017, 10:13 PM

She had been thinking about it for some time, her mind searching and picking things apart. Almost all of her life, she lived the life of a nomad. Constantly moving, never having an exact home and never even understanding the life of a pack. It had tired her out, frustrated her, and though she wished to adventure and be free, she didn’t like the life of a loner any longer. It was truly… Lonely, and the brute she had met named Kharnage told her all about this pack that he belonged in. So as she wandered about the lands of Auster, she heard a call and she flicked her tail, silently and swiftly making her way to the call. When she approached, she noticed all the other wolves who had gathered around one other male. She saw Kharnage and was tempted to go sit near him, but she refrained and sat herself around the outskirts of… Whatever this was, staying out of the way of the group but still being present and participating. Maybe this would be her chance to join.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: hQBYkJZ.png]
ᴏʜ, ᴡᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ʟᴏᴄᴋ ᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜʀᴏᴡ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋᴇʏ.



6 Years

04-16-2017, 10:46 AM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2017, 10:48 AM by Steel.)
Steel had never cared for pack meetings, not really. Even when he was a child, living in a pack with his family. Pack meetings had always felt.. foreign to him. He was a loner, anyone that knew him could tell that, even when he was living among other wolves. He had no qualms with helping Talis, with hunting for those that could not. If anyone threatened Talis, he would fight, he would protect them - especially his family - but anything more than that was simply excess to him. He didn't really need friends, didn't care enough to make enemies, and was content being by himself. He couldn't help but feel like an outsider when the pack was called together, though he would slowly make his way to the gathering.

It hurt that Esarosa had been scarce for some time now. She was usually one of the first to show up at meetings and pack events, but his eyes narrowed as he scanned the crowd and saw no sign of her. It didn't help his usually downtrodden moods, and certainly didn't help today. Quietly he made his way to the outskirts of the group, noting two wolves had come to answer the call but had stood at the borders as though waiting for an invitation. He eyed them with a disinterested stare for just a moment before settling down, his attention shifting to Dragon.



2 Years
04-16-2017, 03:29 PM
Was it really time for another pack meeting again? It seemed like they'd just had one and yet again she heard Dragon's call for them to gather. Things had been strange lately though; her siblings were scarce at best when they were present, and her mother was just as quiet too. Even her father was around less, but she supposed being on her own a bit more was all part of growing up, right? Hearing Dragon's call reminded her that she needed to find time to practice her fighting skills more, and maybe even get some training with some of her fellow packmates in hunting. Maybe even just finding friends to talk to would be helpful for her. Her thoughts wandered for awhile as she padded through the grasses of the plains, head tipping back as she looked up to examine the sky, clear save for a few clouds.

It took her a long, long moment to remember why she'd started thinking about things in the first place. Oh! Dragon had called. There was a meeting. Right! Heading toward the direction she thought she'd heard him call from, she increased her pace until she was nearly sprinting, not wanting to be late. By the time she arrived, she was panting moderately and quickly found her way to her father's side, plopping down with a loud groan and leaning against Steel slightly.

Walk, "Talk" Think



7 Years
04-16-2017, 09:57 PM
Sterling crouched low as she eyed movement in the newly green growth in front of her; something was shuffling around not far from her, and her emerald orbs became fixated upon it. She moved a forepaw cautiously, beginning to creep forward, certain that she would make this kill. Her tail was low, held perfect still behind her body, her paws moving ever so carefully... and then a howl rang out. Her eyes flew open wide as she saw the shuffling movement slip away quickly, everything going still, the prey scent disappearing. She let out a growl, plopping onto her rear when she realized her prey had been so easily startled away, a pouty look crossing her face. Several moments into her pouting, it occurred to her that the howl had occurred for a reason; Dragon was calling the pack together, and everyone was expected to attend.

Jumping to her paws, Sterling pranced away from her failed hunt, heading in the direction of the howl she'd heard. She'd been quite far away, unfortunately, her thoughts focused on the hunt. But with a concentrated effort and an abundance of youthful energy, the young woman made her way to the gathering where she saw their leader, as well as many other wolves. Some familiar as always, some new or foreign to her. Most importantly, she spotted her father and sister. She bounded over to them immediately, placing herself at Steel's side, opposite of Jade. She smiled to her father, then let her eyes scan all around her, wondering what this meeting would entail.



6 Years

04-17-2017, 08:46 PM

Jet black ears barely twitched when she heard the distant howl, but it did make her pause. It sounded like it was coming from home, although the voice was not quite familiar to her. As her paws came to a stop, she realized it would be Dragon calling - his howl she was not familiar with, but it only made sense. Of course I'm on a stroll a million miles away the first time Dragon calls a meeting! she chided herself. But she was an explorer after all, and it was hard to know when the leader of their pack might call for a gathering. All she could do now was turn back toward home and get moving - quick! She had been ill for a long time, and spent a lot of time alone these days. It was time for her to get back to normal, and she had a lot of catching up to do between hunting and teaching the younger members of Talis, not to mention brushing up on her owns skills. Her heart sunk when she thought of Steel; she had so much to make up for with him. She hadn't meant to ignore him, and she knew how much he disliked being around others. Surely if it were up to him, he wouldn't bother with pack life.

Panting heavily by the time she arrived, Esarosa's emerald gems scanned around the gathering as she paused, seeing that many wolves had already gathered. Perhaps she would be the last to arrive. However, it seemed the meeting had not started quite yet, so she hurried over to her family, seating herself next to Jade as her daughters had surrounded Steel, bringing a smile to her heart. At least her girls were there for their father. A flicker of worry crossed her though as she scanned around once more, realizing Cobalt wasn't present, and she had not seen him for some time. He'd always been quiet and one to spend time alone, but she couldn't help but to feel concerned. He would have told her if he wanted to leave the pack and go off on his own, wouldn't he? She wondered if he'd said anything to Steel. She would have to ask him later, but for now she sat quietly and waited for the meeting to proceed.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
04-18-2017, 02:08 AM
OOC//Extending until friday, and responding real quick to the newcomers!

Ankaios was the first one to arrive, and Dragon was very surprised and yet pleased that Talis' newest member had arrived first. He nodded his head to the male in greeting, "I'm impressed, first one here!" He chuckled, "And yes, a lot of important things to discuss, so sit tight!" He kind of felt bad that Ankaios' first meeting had some...not so good news. For one, Dragon was very disappointed in the majority of the pack. The mentors to be more specific, for not training their assigned students. It was going to delay the apprentices promotions when they turned two, but he was going to try whatever he could to promote them on time so it wouldn't be a repeat of when he and his brothers were apprentices. Green gaze watched as others came in, mostly his family members. His aunt Oracle showed up, and he quickly greeted her before Kharnage came striding in. "Haha, oh c'mon Kharn, you know it'll be good." At least, he hoped Kharn would take an interest in it, anyway. Afrit, Armai, and Okami followed in next and he was pleased to also see Armai here. He knew it was temporary, but he was glad she came anyway. It would be easier to introduce her to the rest of the pack and let them know why she was here. "Glad you could come, Armai!" He smirked then, when he saw Afrit and Okami sit near Ankaios, both seemingly entranced by the man. And who wouldn't be!? The guy looked like part of the sky above the plains at night!

Before he could say anything else, a howl sounded at the borders. A stranger was calling, and he listened for a moment. Was there someone waiting for him? He looked at those already gathered for a moment, and decided he couldn't just up and walk away. Not when some of the pack had already shown up. Instead, he returned the call, head tilting back as he howled back and giving permission for whomever it was to cross into the territory and join them. He felt comfortable doing it now since the pack was gathered. If whoever it was tried to start any trouble, they definitely wouldn't get away. But from the sound of it, it was more than likely someone looking to join. Speaking of which, another form caught his eye, this one a complete stranger. Had the howler gotten here already!? No, this was someone else. He watched her as she went and sat at the outskirts, and he decided that instead of putting her on blast right away, he'd approach her first. He got up and moved over to her while others were still coming, so he would take this opportunity while they waited. "Hi there, my name is Dragon, alpha of Talis. Are you looking to join?" He asked the woman. Why else would she be here?


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



5 Years
04-18-2017, 09:27 PM

Dragon seemed pleasantly surprised to see Ankaios arrive as early as he did, and the brilliantly plumaged male gave himself a pat on the back, even if it was mostly just circumstance. "I can't wait," he said with as much genuine inflection as possible. He was curious as to what their leader had on his mind, but Kai was more occupied with the other wolves who began appearing on the horizon. One by one they trickled in. He did not pay them much mind except for polite nods returned to whoever gave them. Only Okami, the young girl she'd met while gathering garlic a few days before. He smiled at her, and gave her a welcoming nod. "It's lovely. I was seeking a bit of Yellow Dock before this, it's a good season for the young shoots," he murmured to her, watching as more wolves filtered in, including one with another cat. What was with this wolves and felines? He turned his attention back to the young youngling beside him. "When this is wrapped up you're welcome to join me," he invited with a kind smile on his face. He'd always wondered what it might be like to have an apprentice, and wondered how he might broach the subject with Dragon.

He turned back as Dragon addressed the woman with the cat, and then the select few in the crowd who had ventured over the pack borders to listen in. Ankaios admired their bravery, as he would have likely assumed some sort of trickery was afoot. He asked if they were looking to join, and Kai found his ears perking. New members, eh? Good, the pack could use it. Things had seemed rather quiet since he'd joined. He had been out most days but he rarely saw anyone at all. Hopefully that would change soon. Either way, he hoped they answered quickly so they could all find out what Dragon had wanted to say in the first place.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
04-19-2017, 12:29 AM

The blonde male heard Dragon's call for the pack to gather. He'd been lingering in the surrounding territories for some time now, ever since they'd met at the God's Garden. He was supposed to visit his brother Greed, but he'd just been buying time, wondering if his sibling would even care to see him. No one else seemed to care, they were all gone. But this was the perfect opportunity to enter the territory; he'd have a real excuse, and get a feel for things while he was here. Ebony paws carried him across the borders into the Starlit Plains, moving swiftly to where the pack would be gathering. When he arrived, it was clear that most of the wolves had gathered, although he was surprised that he didn't see Avalon present. A few faces were familiar to him, but he didn't see his brother here. Damn! He clenched his teeth irritably.

Still, he intended to stick around. After all, he had nowhere else to be. He wondered if anyone was going to tell him to get lost. He shrugged at the thought. He really just wanted to see if Greed would show up, and maybe this meeting would be interesting, too. He meandered over to where Kharnage was, seating himself nearby like he belonged there. It was an odd feeling. He almost felt like he did belong here, like he wasn't out of place just strolling in like he had. Quietly, Ramsay waited to see what would happen, if he would be ignored or if someone would question his presence here, while his eyes constantly scanned to see if his brother would show up for this meeting.


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!


04-22-2017, 03:13 PM
Fern's ears perked at the call back. She raised her head from where she'd been sniffing at the ground, and trotted across the border. While on her way, Fern took careful note of the flora and fauna around her. Fern wove through the trees, examining each one, and perked her ears at every scritch-scratch of prey. Though she was going at a swift pace, her careful eyes missed nothing. Every shadow, every leaf was noted. This, she thought, was essential to moving into new territory.
Soon, her ears shot up at a new sound-- voices. This must be where the wolves were. Ears perked, Fern poked her head between two trees, and caught a glimpse of the pack. About a dozen pack wolves stood around, chatting to one another. One member's coat stood out of the rest. It was like fire, like the volcanoes she'd been told about in legends, blasting their flaming breath into the sky. This wolf-- they were magnificent. Fern shifted her gaze from the flame-wolf for a bit, eyes resting on a green-eyed wolf who, as she listened to him speak, must have given the call. Male, by the sound of him. He must be the one in charge. Fern flicked her tail once and stepped out of the shadows, her smoky coat catching the light. She flicked her gold eyes toward the leader and bowed her head in greeting and respect.
"Well met, leader," she said, her voice smooth as liquid silver. "I have come to join this pack, if it is your will to allow me to do so."



5 Years
04-26-2017, 10:59 PM

It seemed the brute who was in charge of all of this would approach her first, her carmine eyes locked onto his form as he introduced himself as Dragon. Kharnage was not lying, he was truthful, his brother, in fact, was the alpha of this pack. “Pleasure to meet you Dragon,” she finally said, “My name is Faine, and yes I do look forward to joining this pack,” she said, with a bit of confidence in her voice. Another female appeared, the dark fae merely looking towards her and looking back to the male. "Your brother, Kharnage, told me about this pack and I am currently seeking shelter. I heavily believe in the term: strength in numbers,” she said, as she had been alone most of her life and she could say from experience that it was not fun trying to hunt for herself constantly.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: hQBYkJZ.png]
ᴏʜ, ᴡᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ʟᴏᴄᴋ ᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜʀᴏᴡ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋᴇʏ.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
04-30-2017, 02:12 AM

She. Was Late. Not only her, but Greed and Arke were also late, the pair trailing along behind her. She had taken them both out to do some training on the shores of the beach when she faintly heard Dragon's howl, and by the time they reached pack lands, she was sure the meeting would be starting any second now. Her paws drummed the ground, the two apprentices hurrying behind her as the trio raced across the plains to make it in time. Her breath was coming in rapid bursts, muscles burning and heart pounding painfully against her chest. Nostrils flared as the scents of the pack came to her, and she realized that she and the two yearlings might just be the only ones late. As she got closer, she slowed her pace until she came into the group at a quick trot, stopping abruptly then to catch her breath and see who all else had arrived. Dragon appeared to be busy with two new faces, so she wouldn't bother him. As her eyes wandered, she noticed that Gryphon wasn't here, but a familiar face was. Ramsay? Had he come back? She wondered what happened to Liar, though she figured maybe the boy was here to see his brother. The older woman sat to catch her breath, waiting for things to start.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



8 Years
05-03-2017, 12:08 AM

Oh he was so dead. They were dead. Or...maybe not? He supposed it wasn't too bad of a thing, right? His brother couldn't get mad at them, could he? He bit his lip at the thought, Dragon was the alpha, just because they were family didn't mean they'd all get special treatment like that. Everyone was supposed to adhere to the rules, and that would probably be made clear today as a reminder. He trailed quickly after his mother, small form moving in between the two larger wolves; his mother in the front, and Greed behind him. The other yearling didn't seem to talk a whole lot, but maybe it was because he was alone here, and didn't have family here anymore like he did. In fact, almost all the pack members in Talis were related or had families of their own, except for a couple of them like the new healers and well...that was it. Greed, was alone, and Arke didn't think that felt very good, but he wouldn't know really. They drew closer to the meeting on the plains, the scents of all the gathered reaching him and that's when he knew that he was probably one of the remaining wolves they were waiting on. When he made it to the group, he smiled sheepishly as he went to sit by Afrit, tail wagging as he looked up at his larger sister, "I didn't miss anything yet, did I?"



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