



06-23-2013, 07:30 PM

I met an old man,

dying on a train,

No more destination, No more pain

He said, "One thing before I graduate:"


Far from the snow and the ice and the cold, Crusade trod her weary paws across the terra. What passed for winter down here was a warm summer for Glaciem. The change was weird, but luckily it had been gradual enough over the traveling that it didn't seem to be doing any harm. If anything, it felt like the forgotten warmth was doing some good to the she-wolf's old bones.

Crusade even broke into a trot and hopped through a line of bushes, not forgetting to glance back to make sure her charge was still keeping up with her.

She didn't stop til her claws clicked upon the border. Then she tilted her head back, flung out an ivory chest and hailed the King of Seracia with a long, hearty howl. The notes drifted off the southern breezes, and Crusade sat down, curling her tail up to wait in much the same position as she had done those many months back when she'd come on a simple diplomatic mission. The courtesy and friendliness of the south had been so refreshing, she only wished she'd been able to come back sooner. But then she had been pregnant, and then the pups came. They'd only just come upon their sixth month, and Crusade allowed herself a short vacation from the Glaciem borders. There were the other mothers to look after them, and young female packmates to follow after them in their adventures. Of course, she hadn't left everything behind. Cross, her eldest son, was following along behind.

She was rather excited to introduce him to Gerhardt; when last she?d come he?d introduced her to his sons, and now she?d be able to return the favor. She was a mother! Well, she?d been a mother before, of course, to two lovely daughters, but they were adopted as adults ? not that it made any difference in the heart of Crusade, but only now did she understand the challenging work that went into raising up pups from day one.

Ah, but at the end of the day it was a pleasure and a priveledge to ? hence why she was so happy to bring Cross along. Besides, in secret, she and Gargoyle had talked. He fully understood that he had taken over Glaciem?s rule only because Crusade had had no children of her own. Glaciem was her?s, and when the time came, the line of succession would pass through her. Which meant one of her children would one day be the Chief. Crucible, as of late had been rather shy and retiring, but Creed and Cross both made good canidates, and they?d be all the better if they each in turn, got chances to see much of the outside world.

And what better place to start than Seracia? They were a friendly, respectful pack, with plenty of warm hearts and good warriors among them. Gerhardt in particular was the one that Crusade wanted to see. Almost immediately the two of them had struck up a friend that, at least for Crusade, bordered the lines of Mother to Son, but with a good deal more formality and equality.


"Never let your Fear decide your Fate"


06-23-2013, 09:28 PM

Seracia in all its winter glory was pristinely silent on that day at that particular time. It was a time in which the King relished - for it gave his mind precious moments to breathe. However, the long, pensive screech of an eagle would awaken him from his momentary lapse in purposeful consciousness and he would lift his head in response, an ear flickering toward the sound. A shadow cast across his face as the eagle descended toward the earth in a streak of black and white. Two wolves await you at the border, sire. Not a moment later came the familiar cry of the Glaciem diplomat: Crusade. The eagle made move to alight again as the King shifted his weight and stood with a grunt. "Not to worry, Robin. These are friends." Powerful stride carried him across the landscape to where Crusade awaited, the eagle hovering a few feet above him. "Our visitor goes by the name of Crusade, she hails from our ally pack: Glaciem. I know not who she chose to bring with her." He paused, gazing fondly up at the bird who had taken a liking to him. The eagle had apparently called this land home long before the wolves had, though she didn't seem to mind their presence now that they were here. She had been a great asset to him as of late, and he was sure they would be friends for quite some time.

As he arrived on the scene he noted Crusade and a young wolf at her heels. A young male by the smell of it. A prodigy, perhaps? The King tilted his head ever so slightly, offering a warm smile to the both of them. The eagle landed on a nearby pine tree and looked on. "Welcome back, Crusade." He turned his head toward the boy. "And who is this?" The boy looked uncannily like Crusade, but he let it go for fear of misspeaking if his assumptions were not correct. "Please, both of you come in. I assure you there's no need to wait at the borders." Insomnia surely doesn't. He thought with a smirk and a small chuckle.




06-24-2013, 06:13 AM

Oh and all those things you dreamed of

the visions that you saw

Well the time is drawing near now,

It's yours to claim it all:


Better late than never, Cross came crashing through the bush after his mother. It wasn't that he lacked the energy to keep up with her, it was just that there was so much to see. How could he possibly take it? He'd wanted to explore every hill and hollow they'd passed on the way into the south. He'd wanted to follow every stream, climb every fallen tree, and gaze at every inch of sky. There was so much here in the south. Even in it's winter when the weird shaped trees became bear (and that in and of itself was new)

And here the far south, there was much that was still green and alive. It was amazing! Glaciem, in his mind, still had the grander, more breathtaking sights, but all of this was new and so, to the pup's eyes, had a special magic to it.

He had only just caught up with his mom, when a new wolf appeared. Was this the Seracian King that he'd been told about. Must've been, he answered their call and he had the posture of an Alpha. He didn't look at all like Cross's Uncle Gargie though. The boy's nose twisted sideways as he observed thoughtfully. For one thing, this male was smaller - about the same height as his mother, and he was alot less scary looking than his uncle. His eyes were pretty cool though. Could Cross have purple eyes when he grew up?

Most pups, when greeted by a new wolf in a new land, probably would've seemed a bit shy, perhaps even have taken a step back to stand nearer their mother, but Cross remained where he was, head craned way back so that he could see what was going on. He was rather relaxed, even when he got spoken about.

"Who's this?" the strange male asked.

"I'm Cross," supplied the pup with in his squeakish voice. Then, remembering what his mother had told him, he made a bow with his head - a rather exaggerated one (he nearly fell over forwards). "I'm a Glaciem Brave." he added, when he'd straightened up, and he threw out his tiny yellow chest for good measure.

It was then that he really noticed the bird - was that-? "Is that an EAGLE?" he gasped. There were lots of them up north, but Cross had never seen one this close! Was it a pet? Or a companion? He stared, bright-eyed and open-mouthed, his little haunches flopped out on the floor.


Son of Man, look to the skies

Lift your spirit, set it free

One day you'll walk tall with pride

Son of Man a man in time You'll be



06-24-2013, 06:27 AM

I met an old man,

dying on a train,

No more destination, No more pain

He said, "One thing before I graduate:"


Crusade heard the rustle of wings and the muted crunch of ground underfoot. Creatures were coming. And by the scent, Gerhardt was one of them. The sight of the male brought a smile to the grey muzzle of the once-queen. "Gerhardt," she said with quiet warmth. "It's good to see you again." He looked as well as ever, and apparently he'd gotten himself a companion most fitting of his regal status. Crusade turned her head to look upon the perching bird with her remaining eye. She'd had a companion at one point too, a mink by the name of Frisk. Of course, there's had been an odd relationship. She was saving him as a snack for later, and he was using her as free transportation. He'd gone on to be Gargoyle's companion on the boy's adventures... of which Crusade had never been told very much. Now if she wanted answers she'd have to ask Gargoyle, for Frisk had passed on after living many years past the usual lifespan of of his species. Perhaps Crusade's longeivity had rubbed off on him. Believe it or not, she was ten years old now. The age that most wolves curled over and went to sleep forever - and she was out traveling the world with her infant son at her side.

Funny old life, wasn't it?

She'd been about to answer Gerhardt's first question, when Cross promptly did so for himself. At his "Glaciem Brave" bit, Crusade couldn't resist a benevolent smirk. Well, maybe he'd be one one day, anyway. "Gerhardt, this is my son, Cross." She couldn't help the excited gleam that came to her eye then. "When I traveled here in the spring, I was already expecting. Cross and his siblings Creed and Crucible, were born in late summer." Maverick had been in Glaciem in time to meet them, but he might've only seen them in passing. There was no telling if he'd spoken of it to his father.

Crusade shifted her big tail, tossing it over Cross to rest on his head like a pillow until he batted it away.

When Gerhardt invited them in, Crusade chuckled. Better safe than sorry, of course, but she'd forgotten just how welcoming her southern friend was. "My thanks. We've put quite a few miles behind in the past two days, and I'm not as young as I once was." She rolled her great shoulders and received a satisfying crack. She stepped across the borders to join Gerhardt in his home, conscious that Cross was alongside her. "The visit is rather last minute of us, but I hoped you wouldn't mind. I wanted to see your family again and introduce Cross to the wonders of the south."

"Never let your Fear decide your Fate"


06-24-2013, 01:59 PM

The King's chin descended toward his chest as he gazed at the boy. His antics (particularly the bow and puffed chest) reminded him so much of Maverick in his youth. "Good to see you as well," came fond notes. He did enjoy the company of the wise Glaciem woman. The boy caught his attention then. He'd introduced himself as Cross, a Glaciem Brave. Amethyst eyes widened in amusement. "A Brave, eh? Glaciem must be so proud to have a defender like you in their ranks." He knew he was stroking the boy's ego, but the King could hardly resist the smile of a child or the excited gleam in his mother's eye. So, Crusade was this boy's dam, how marvelous!

"This is certainly a surprise! I am glad you brought him." Cross seemed interested in his companion, so with a low bark he summoned the eagle to him. Robin alighted at once and descended to the earth just in front of Gerhardt's front paws. The bird clicked her beak once. "Cross, this is my friend Robin. She is a bald eagle." He waited then for the reaction to her name. It was quite unique to hear an Eagle called Robin. Hello Cross. Gerhardt turned his attention back to Crusade who was crossing the border. He welcomed them with a smile, shifting to come alongside Crusade whilst the bird moved closer to the boy. "I do not mind at all, it is always a pleasure to have guests."

He allowed his leisurely stride to lapse onto a familiar path which would carry them to the meadow. He intended to show the boy the wonderous cattle that lurked in the Seracian landscape and see if he could top Maverick's expression when he had told them all of the polar bears in Glaciem. "I know you have come a long way, I won't take you to the far reaches of our land - only just around this treeline." The bird took to the skies, flying an affectionate three feet above the boy. "I think she has taken a liking to you, Cross." With a smile and a flick of his tail he turned his gaze back to Crusade, voice coming out as a gentle whisper so Cross would not overhear. "What do you suppose he will think of the cows?" He gave a chuckle and a wink.


Robin speech



06-24-2013, 03:40 PM

Oh and all those things you dreamed of

the visions that you saw

Well the time is drawing near now,

It's yours to claim it all:


The boy nodded his head again to the King's compliment. It was his due after all.

A bald eagle? That was awesome! The boy made a mental note that went he grew up, he wanted one of those. The word "robin" didn't mean anything to the boy, they didn't have that species of bird up in Glaciem's lattitude. (Later on in life he'd probably end up getting very confused when someone found an actually red-breast and called it by 'robin'.) Very confused indeed. But for now he just accepted the fact. "Hi Robin," he barked.

Cross was too distracted by the friendly bird to pay much attention to the grown up's talk. How could they chatter on like that when there was an eagle here? A friendly one! He was already scampering after the bird, wagging his tail like crazy. "You know," he called up in his high squeak, "Momma always told me tah stay away from big moutain birds. She said sometimes dey carry off pups and eat 'em. Have you ever eaten a wolf?" far from horrified, the boy sounded genuinely curious. He even paused in his tracks to wonder aloud. "What do we taste like?"

He'd have to trick one of his brothers into letting him find out later.


Son of Man, look to the skies

Lift your spirit, set it free

One day you'll walk tall with pride

Son of Man a man in time You'll be



06-24-2013, 04:01 PM

I met an old man,

dying on a train,

No more destination, No more pain

He said, "One thing before I graduate:"


Just around the treeline? Crusade could manage that. She gave a raspy chuckle as she walked along, happy to fall in step beside the Seracian King. "Well lets hope he behaves himself," she said with a wane smile. "To tell the truth, part of why I brought him along was that I knew he'd just try to follow me if I didn't. Wanderlust runs in the family, I suppose." she added guilty.

And as for cows - "Oh he'll probably try to swallow one. Or ride one. We'll see." It was always nice to see a male that was comfortable around pups. Even her big gruff brother Gargoyle had a soft spot for the little villains. It adorable to see him laying on his back letting his pint sized puppies 'dog pile' him. But then, family was always meant to bring out the best in a wolf.

Friends too, she added to her train of thought as she walked along.

"And what about your boys, Hmmm? How is Maverick since I last saw him?" News traveled slowly when it traveled Northward. They'd only just found out about Collision's step-down, and that, only because Gargoyle had gone to Vallhalla seeking a healer to help train the young Glaciem medics. Hmmm yes... Crusade's thoughts trailed away in the loss of their Lead Healer... poor Asheni... Not all of the recent events had been as joyious as the birth of Crusade's litter. But now was not the time for unhappy reflections. The southern sun and Gerhardt's company simply wouldn't allow it.

"Never let your Fear decide your Fate"


06-24-2013, 05:54 PM

The bird fluffed her feathers briskly, hovering just out of reach of the young one's reach. If he chose to nip at her - as excited pups often did - she would be sure to keep her tail-feathers just inches from his longing jaws. As much as she adored pups she was not keen on losing any feathers to one. The boy posed a lesson he'd learned as a child - to avoid the large mountain birds. Ah yes, mountain birds could definitely be pesky avians. No child, I can't say I've ever eaten a wolf before - but I would be lying if I said I'd never carried one around. She clicked her beak, flapping her wings to keep afloat. This slow pace was not easy on the eagle's wings, but she liked to linger near to Gerhardt and his companions. I have bitten a wolf before, and I assure you that you taste no different than anything else I've fed upon - except perhaps a fish. She craned her head downward momentarily. Have you had fish before, Cross? Some wolves turned their noses up at fish, while others lived primarily upon them. She was glad that Gerhardt fed on them from time to time, for she enjoyed hunting for him on occasion.

As Crusade fell in beside him, Gerhardt found his mood growing more chipper by the minute. With Robin there to occupy the child, he could get in a few words with Crusade - not that he planned on alienating the boy entirely. "He sounds like Maverick in that regard. Did I ever tell you that Mav wandered off to the battlefield when he was barely six months old?" Six months might have even been a stretch, he reckoned the boy had been even younger when he'd been lucky enough to come across Insomnia in the battlefield. "In fact, it was your Insomnia he was lucky enough to meet. I shudder to think what would have happened had he run into a less than kindred soul." He had been ready to kill the boy then and there for frightening him so, but had restrained himself for pure love's sake. With his anger long since passed, Gerhardt could look back on that day and chuckle - and he did so this very minute as she commented on what Cross was likely to do in reaction to the cows. Oh, this would be interesting. His brow raised slightly. "Riding one is something I would certainly like to see." His jesting tone could not be missed by even the deaf.

He began to slow his pace as they grew near, wanting to give them both a bit of a warning before the cattle came into view. Before he could say anything, though, she queried about his sons. "Maverick is doing well, he just got married - actually. He was set to marry Chrysanthe Adravendi this season, but plans were changed and he married her sister: Epiphron. Turns out the two were star crossed lovers from the start, who would have thought!" He paused, hardly wanting to mention Valkis at all, but it was necessary. "Valkis I'm afraid has taken his leave of Seracia, and Alacritia if my assumptions are correct. He chose his own path in life, I only hope it is working for him. My daughter Kamala is well also, and stands as our Grand Duchess." There, that was all the catching up she needed, right? He tilted his head toward Cross. "Cross, here's what I've been waiting to show you." He gestured toward the meadow and took a few steps forward so that they could see it through the thicker line of trees. "Somewhere in that meadow is a pack of creatures called 'cows'. They are big and a bit intimidating, but they are neat to watch. Tread carefully around the ones with horns though, they can be fierce." He'd since discovered that the ones without horns were not as foreboding, though he wouldn't mention that to the boy just in case he got too brave. Amethyst eyes sought out the rogue bull - the impulsive black one that plagued his thoughts. He looked to Robin as he did this, nodding his head brusquely. The bird took off through the trees, soaring in search of the very same bull. She had been prompted earlier to find him and keep an eagle eye on him in case he caused trouble.


Robin speech



06-26-2013, 12:50 PM


Robin had carried a wolf around before?! Was it odd that Cross's first thought when to begging for a ride up above the tree tops? He was opening his little jaws to ask for it when the eagle continued talking. Cross could see that the bird was having to flap a bunch to stay airbord without speed or current, so he started to jogging along. He wanted to see the birdie go faster!

"No I've never had fish," answered Cross as he ran. "I was still drinking milk during the salmon run this year, but Mom promises to take me fishing with her this next one. She said some of the fish are bigger than me!"

The boy only slowed back down when he heard an adult's voice calling him. The King was telling him to go on ahead. More cool animals? Seracians must have alot of fun. The boy lolled his tongue out happilly, nodded, and rushed away towards the tree line, completely missing the wary exchange between his new eagle friend and her wolf companion.

Cross broke out into the meadow and gasped.... He flopped his haunches down, sat, and stared. Well they weren't as big as the caribou that he'd caught glimspes of, but man were they fat. One of those things could probably feed a whole pack for a month. Sure enough there were the ones with the cool horns. They weren't like deer antlers at all - they were just big and long and smooth and sharp. More like gianormous fangs sticking out of the sides of their heads.

"The other guys back home are never gonna believe this..." whispered the pup.




06-26-2013, 01:31 PM

I met an old man,

dying on a train,

No more destination, No more pain

He said, "One thing before I graduate:"


The battlefeild at six months? It was enough to make the old she-wolf's eyes bulged. A heart-attack in the making right there. But Crusade had liked Maverick. The boy had respect and bravery and a polite turn. Even Gargoyle had approved of him. And as for Insomnia - well Crusade could've mistaken her for the boy's long lost mother. She grinned at the mention of her pack mate.

"A powerful alliance," murmured the she-wolf, who had a turn for all things diplomatic. "and all the more powerful for it being a bond a love." Arranged marriages were touchy things. Crusade had traveled quite a bit in her time and she'd seen plenty of them among the higher ups of packs. Sometimes they worked out beautifully and the two fell in love with time, but other times the two never stuck and the wolves were left living lives with a 'second-half' that they preferred to ignore even existed. Maverick deserved a good mate, and Crusade was happy to hear about it. "You must be so proud," she murmured. And then she grew quiet, thinking.

What were the chances of her living to see one of her own pups choose a mate?

She frisked her tail about, dismissing the thought. She'd had years enough and she didn't want to start worrying about how many were left. Besides, there was always Maka, and Keki too, perhaps they'd find someone. Glaciem had an abundance of beautiful young huntresses. They needed some more males.

The news of Valkos was not quite so joyous, but sensing Gerhardt's discomfort, she spoke up. "That's the thing about pups, they grow up, become their own characters. I myself couldn't wait to get out into the world. Left before I was even two. And I... turned out alright." She coughed and added quickly, "Depending on how you define the word."

All and all Gerhardt's family seemed to be doing just fine. But now Crusade's thoughts were tempted to turn to Valhalla... Gerhardt had always reminded her of another certain Alpha - or rather what that Alpha could've been.... Crusade couldn't help but wonder... how was Cairo doing?

Would it be too crazy to stop off in Vallhalla on the return journey home?

Ack! She was going senile! Crusade came out of her thoughts to see her son charging up towards a herd of cows. Her ears pinned back slightly. "Be careful, Cross," she called. She caught the look that Gerhardt gave Robin. Her warrior's senses might not have been as sharp as they once were, but they were still too strong for her to let it go. "Is something the matter, Gerhardt?"

"Never let your Fear decide your Fate"


06-27-2013, 04:38 PM

As the boy picked up his pace the grateful eagle was able to stretch her wings more and catch an air current. Her flapping ceased except for the occasional movement and she turned into the relaxed and fluid flyer that she was always meant to be. He hadn't tried fish yet, perhaps she could solve that problem - if he was hungry. Not to mention.. what growing boy wasn't hungry? She tilted her wings and angled around the trees that came before her until she was safely in the meadow. When the trees thinned and became nonexistent she lifted up and soared high into the sky, twirling once and aligning her head toward the ground before diving and skimming just inches above the grass. Oh how wonderful it was to fly! Your mother told you right, Cross. There are some fish bigger than you, bigger than a fully grown wolf - even! The eagle flapped as she slowed her pace, landing on the soft snow-covered grass beside the boy who was now examining the cows. What do you think of them? She tilted her head in the way that only a bird could, casting her golden vision toward the child with genuine interest in her stare.

"I have to admit I had worried about the strength of it initially, but now that I have seen them together I am positive all is well." He had known that Chrysanthe and Maverick weren't in love, and they were in fact strangers, but it had not been his place to break a bond he so desperately needed to keep together. Every day he was thankful that it had all worked out for the better, even if he'd had little part in making it so. Crusade spoke about Valkis' departure in vague terms, and the King thanked her in his mind for handling the subject so delicately. He was thankful too when she ceased talking about the matter and paused to caution her son. He cast his amethyst eye toward the boy, hoping Robin was keeping an eye on him. The bird was aloft again, soaring in circles around the meadow at a healthy height. She was a magnificent sight to see - of that the King would never be more certain.

He twisted his ears and subsequently his head toward her when she asked him if everything was alright. "For the time being, yes. We have a rogue bull who injured one of my members. I am working on getting a group together to take the beast down, but it has been more difficult than I imagined it being to find wolves I trust with such a lofty mission." Not that he didn't trust each and every one of his members, he was just trying to be careful and ensure that no one was hurt in the process. Killing a bull had not been attempted yet, and he wasn't rightly sure what to expect out of the process. It was necessary to get only skilled fighters. Bronze had agreed, as had Elphaba. He would personally attend, and he knew his son and possibly even Epiphron would join them. Kamala - well, she would do it if asked. It seemed as if he had enough wolves, but perhaps he just wasn't completely certain that this was a wise plan just yet.


Robin speech



07-01-2013, 09:52 AM


So, the Seracians were facing some trouble? A predator complex in the mind of a prey animal, and one large enough to squash a wolf just by sidestepping? Sounded like fun. Crusade listened with perked ears and a raised brow. Gerhardt certainly had his work cut out for him. He cared so much about the safety of his packmates; seemed every time Crusade came down, he was working on something new.
"Well, if you're looking for an extra pair of paws on deck - you've got mine, Gerhardt." The old wolf rolled her shoulders, idea beginning to appeal to her more and more. "What counts as large game is everyday food for a Glaciem."

Though she was aware that Gerhardt might be hesitant to allow a wolf of her age in on the excitement, her offer was most earnest. It would be good for her. After all, she was still taking part in the occasional hunt up North, so she knew her joints wouldn't just give out, and she'd come to the South looking for a change of pace; this could be just what the medic ordered.

As she waited eagerly for an answer, she couldn't help but let her gaze slip aside to keep watch over her boy. Creator only knew how difficult it had been keeping up with her three sons - Creed and Cross alone had already gone out on untold trips. She couldn't turn her back for a second! Then again, she'd been just as bad at their age, hadn't she? Her poor mother. How had Clash done it? At this point Cross was creeping closer and closer to the lumbering cattle. The eagle Robin had a literal bird's eye view of the area, but somehow that didn't make Crusade more comfortable about her son's security. "If there's a beast like that on the loose," Crusade murmured to the King, "then it's only a matter of time before someone else gets hurt." Even with the instincts of a commander and a mother combined, the old Timber cross would not presume to tell a lord what to do in his own home, however, she did think it which to bring that fact to the surface. Back in Glaciem, it was sometimes the duty of the Chief to lead hunts against bears or boars or wild cats. Just earlier that winter Gargoyle and a group of his Braves had rid the North of a monstrous black bear.





07-01-2013, 10:08 AM


When asked what he thought of these 'cows', Cross "Hmmmm"ed and hopped closer, wriggling and snaking through the winter grass using exaggerated techniques that he'd seen the Glaciem wolves using when he'd gotten to observe some tacking parties. He felt like a real hunter, stalking his prey with narrowed eyes and cat-like tread. The stupid beasts just kept standing there, swishing their tails and mouthing their weird sideways chew.

"So funny lookin'" he muttered to himself.

Glancing around, his eyes cast upon a much smaller, fuzzier one. A fawn or calf or whatever. That was a little more his size, though, to be honest, he wasn't really hungry, just curious. He swept his paws round and started creeping up on it with his pink tongue sticking out the side of his cream colored muzzle.

But the moment he got within ten yards, the thing's eyes bulged and it let out a bulging bawl, and starting half running, half tripping it's way back to a worried looking she-beast with the an udder the size of Cross's whole body. As some of the nearer cattle lowed and shifted around - trying to decide if the calf was just being stupid or if something was really there - Cross just lay flat to the ground, ears pinned back, watching with intense interest and feeling every vibration of the earth caused by their stepping around.

This was what he wanted to do all the time when he grew up!



07-01-2013, 02:49 PM

She followed him eagerly, though not in his direct line so as to keep from alerting the cattle to his presence. Instead she moved irregularly, diverting their attention (what little of it they gave) to herself rather than the boy snaking through the grass. His curiosity was certainly taxing on his mother, but the bird thought it to be a noble trait. Curiosity often led to exploration, which subsequently resulted in knowledge - and the bird did love knowledge. He was young, but there was no reason he couldn't learn. She watched with a lighthearted chuckle as the calf bawled upon realizing his presence. The heifers began to circle the calf for protective measures and the bird swooped in near the boy, wings spread protectively wide. Better back off a bit Cross, if they fear you enough they could charge. She wasn't trying to put a damper on his fun, but rather keep him from being flattened beyond repair. Besides, if the rest of them made enough of a ruckus it could bring the blackened bull onto the scene - and she had an idea that this party wasn't ready to deal with him just yet.

Gerhardt shifted into a sitting position and allowed his tail to curl around his hips, head twisting to the side to gaze at Crusade as she spoke. His brow raised in surprise as she offered her services in taking down the bull. While her advanced age made him cautious, he had the upmost belief in her skill set - not to mention having another wolf would make him more at ease. She seemed confident and he knew that that was a necessary trait to have when going up against a peril such as this. Perhaps he would take her up on that offer. "I will take your offer into consideration. I've rallied a few of my troops, so if he happens to show himself during your trip I may just call on you." He mused about how he deramed the hunt going down, though he knew in his heart that it would never go exactly as he planned. He did hope that no one would be harmed. The beast had shed enough blood on Seracian soil - blood of a wolf very important to him. "I have been putting it off because by taking up arms I am doing exactly what I am trying to prevent - putting my wolves in harms way. But it needs to be done, I can avoid it no longer." If he could he would eradicate the beast himself, but there was no way he could do it on his own - not even in his dreams. That was perhaps the biggest lesson he had to learn - not trying to do everything himself. Even a King sometimes has to lean on others.

Robin's black and white figure came racing toward him, her eyes wide and wild. He's just on the other side of the treeline. He's grazing now but I fear he'll see Cross. With her speech over she raced back to the boy, nipping at him with her golden beak in attempt to direct him back to the two older wolves. Gerhardt's voice rang loud and clear, summoning wolves to help them bring down this beast once and for all. "Are you sure about this?" He would give her one last chance to back out.


Robin speech

Pontifex I


07-01-2013, 03:46 PM

The Esquire moved quickly through the territory, making a routine sweep of the perimeter when a sudden call ran out. Pontifex froze mid stride, right foreleg held aloft, audits twitching with attention. Gerhardt. His king was calling, summoning members to him. But what could be the reason? He could remember hearing rumors about there being a rogue bull on the loose, threatening the safety of Seracians. His king had been rumored to have wanted to set up a hunting party to rid the land of the beast. Could this be it? Not one to deny the call of his king, the man stirred himself into action, quick to respond to the Gerhardt's call.

Powerful limbs carried the man towards the origin of the call, golden gaze coming across the familiar figure of his king, as well the two unfamiliar multihued frames of his king's companions. My lord, you called? What is the reason for this summoning? Pontifex looked anxiously from his king to the elder woman at his side, crown dipping respectfully in greeting. Ma'am. He spoke, attention wandering the group of cows off by the trees, a smaller looking figure, that of a pup he assumed, hunched down in the grass while a majestic looking eagle flew overhead the child, trying to coral it away from the beasts. He turned back to his King, awaiting to see what the reason for the summoning had been.

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07-01-2013, 06:16 PM


Robin's wise words of warning were received with an annoyed flick of Cross's tail, a quirk he'd inherited more than learned. But he wasn't the sort to openly disobey (just sneak out and away as soon as authority turned it's back) so, with every sign of reluctance, he started to back up. A crept a couple of reverse steps til the brush was thicker, and then straightened up and turned round. He was still plodding back towards where his mother was beyond the broken tree line, when he heard something behind him. Something more than the usual lowing and muted tramping of the cattle.

He stopped and threw a look over his black shoulder blades.

There was a new cow here now. But it wasn't like the others. It was bigger and brawnier and had longer horns. It was neat looking - the way steam practically huffed out of it's nostrils and it's big blank eyes rolled round. Cross stopped walking and stood perfectly still, just, watching...




07-01-2013, 07:01 PM


Crusade read the hesitance in the King's features and more importantly in his words, and though such things would slightly offend any wolf, she couldn't think badly of him for it. He was just being realistic. After all, most wolves at her age would either be in an elder's den or in their graves. What could she say? Healthy living and dog genes. Today was one of those days when she felt close to her old self. She'd just traveled across country after all, but apparently it was Gerhardt's duty to rein her in. Despite her usual ability to shrug things off, she felt the presence of a gloomy cloud over her head as she resigned herself to the more domestic tasks of motherhood.

Speaking of which, she ought to get a twenty on that boy of hers. His stalking had taken him rather effectively out of her sight. She was just about to walk closer and call, when Gerhardt voiced his thoughts, carrying on with what he'd said before. He was offering an explanation of his reluctance to act. Though the male's brow seemed heavy, Crusade's shoulders softened as she heard the words. 'Heavy lies the crown, and heaviest on those looking down'. He cared about his pack.

For all of the male's strength of bearing and character, he had a softness to him. Crusade could speak from experience to say that such things were a blessing and a curse. It made the male more prone to be troubled by the stubbornness of his packmates or the trouble that came with putting them in danger. Though the iron in her own soul wouldn't let her forget that too much of such a turn was impractical, she found it endearing. It was something that Crusade admired of the male- in his case, power didn't corrupt.

But that was the end of the introspective studies. The next moment, Gerhardt's eagle was winging in, warning of the very beast they'd been talking about. He was here! And near to her son!

"Cross!" Crusade's fangs flashed out as she snapped. "Get your butt back here!"

She was quiet only just long enough to hear Gerhardt's howl go echoing out through the Seracian countryside. She knew it well. The announce of a hunt. The call to arms. It sent a thrill through her spine, that for so long had been only a memory. That combined with the alert ringing from her mother's instincts, was enough to kick her old adrenal glands back into action. She could see Cross through the trees - he'd at least started walking back, albeit ploddingly. And now Crusade was thinking it might be better if she didn't break cover. This was Gerhardt's place to make calls and lead things. She was only there to help - and that only if it'd be allowed.

Promptly came the first of the Seracian warriors to answer their King's call. This sable pelted one certainly looked able enough, and Crusade appreciated his manners. She dipped her head in return, her one eye blinking and then flicking back to the king.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked.

Again, Crusade knew that he was coming from a good, concerned place, but dang flang it, this time she couldn't contain herself. "With all due respect your highness, - I was cutting throats before your parents started pickin' out baby names."



07-01-2013, 08:05 PM

Tail twitched anxiously. The day had come. As his call silenced he snapped his attention back to the boy. A hunt was thrilling, but a rescue mission was far more daunting. If the boy did not get back soon Gerhardt would have to use completely different tactics in eradicating the bull. He heard Crusdade calling the boy, saw the bird corralling him toward them. He hoped he would make it. As she chastised him for even asking if she was sure, Gerhardt couldn't help but chuckle - though he muted the sound halfway through in order to keep their cover as best as possible. The bull might know they were in the area, but he wouldn't know where. Pontifex came, questioning the calling. "Pontifex, your services are requested. The bull has shown himself and I cannot put off hunting him any longer. Will you join us?" It was mostly a rhetorical question, as Gerhardt fully intended to make the Esquire help them - but it was only polite to phrase it in the form of a question in order to present oneself as courteous.

His ears laid back instinctively. It seemed these were the only ones he had with him - unless others straggled in later. "We will start and if anyone else comes in later they can join. Pontifex, go for the right side, Crusade, to the left. I will go for the front," this next part he said in the gravest of tones. "I am familiar with those horns." A low bassy growl rumbled in his chest as he nodded for them to go. He would move last once they were in position. This way if the bull ran they would have him on either side, and Gerhardt would either face him head on or catch his rear if he turned and ran. However, the King knew this beast was unlikely to run. He would wait for them and then make his move all the while hoping someone else might show themselves and help. He didn't exactly know how hard this would be.


Robin speech

Pontifex I


07-01-2013, 08:19 PM

There was a palpable tension in the air; Pontifex could feel it. Danger. There was something dangerous lurking in the area. There was an air about Gerhardt, one that the esquire hadn't seen on his king before. He was tense, worried, rather anxious. Just exactly what was going that had his lord so worked up? He didn't have to wait long, the amethyst eyed man providing the explanation. There was a bull on the loose. Threatening the safety of Seracia and the king was looking to get rid of it. Pontifex was the man for the job. Yes sire. I am here to assist with whatever I can. He gave his lord a curt nod, sincerity ringing true in his words. He would do whatever was asked of him to best aid the king in ridding the land of the threat that this bull had become.

The esquire said nothing, simply nodding in acknowledgement of the orders given, frame moving away from the king and the woman whom Gerhardt had called by Crusade, moving in towards the position he'd been assigned. He glanced towards the boy the bird was trying to coral away to safety, making a mental note to try and steer this bull away from him, lest the child become a possible target and the eradication mission turn into a rescuing one. Movements were precise, measured and quiet, crown held low against his shoulders, golden gaze darting across the grass as it began to lower around him. There. The creature was huge, covered in a thick obsidian hide, horns bigger than anything he had seen on a deer or elk protruding from its massive head, an gold object dangling from its nose. He had never seen a creature as fierce as this one. Could the three of them take it down successfully? Pontifex stopped at his designed area, lowering himself against the grass, trying to stay out of sight as much as possible. Golden gaze danced back towards Gerhardt and Crusade, awaiting for the command to strike.

Talk like this



07-02-2013, 07:12 AM


EEP! The bull turned just enough to spot him, but the worry didn't start to kick in until he heard his mother's call and saw Robin swooping in trying to urge him back to the fold. Alright! He'd seen enough!

The pup tucked tail and ran - racing through the grasses and hurtling awkwardly over obstacles til he broke through the tree line. He wasn't sure, but he thought the bull had started to follow him - maybe he thought Cross was a predator endangering the cows, or maybe he was just morbidly interested in the white flash of movement. Either way, the pup was happy when he came bowling into the group of wolves. He didn't stop until he went under his mother's belly and was hiding beneath her tail fluff.

He heard some of the King's words and saw the new wolf - they were planning a hunt weren't they? Were they gonna go after the bull? Well not him, no. He was just gonna stay back and watch, thanks.
