
Greener Pastures [Abraxas Meeting]



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-18-2017, 05:17 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2017, 01:11 PM by Amon.)

Amon had seen much of both continents that this realm had to offer. He thought of the clustered packs to the north, the intrigue it provided, the history which coursed within it's hills. There was opportunity there, aye. There were subjects to be conquered and regimes to be cast down. In the south, there was nigh-untamed fertility. One could range for days upon days and see not another soul. While the north provided him the conflict he thirsted for, promised him the blood he was eager to see spilt... The south was a place for a kingdom to grow. He tipped his head back and let loose a howl.

His children were beginning to grow independent of his influence. While he did not like the idea of them wandering farther than he might also travel in a day, he could not and would not squander their freedom to choose. His expectations were set, of course: You do not abandon your family. When you are needed, you are expected to be there. It was time to recall them if only for the time being, to make something clear. He was of a mind to abandon these northern haunts, if only for the time being. Let them focus their efforts south. He would ask them to stake their own claims, to gather intel, and to stretch their wings. It was time to take a step forward in their upbringing. He was positive that they were ready, and felt excitement course through his body at the prospect. One step closer... One step closer to going home...
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



4 Years
Extra small

Trick 2019
03-18-2017, 05:50 PM
Seth traveled onward in his odd, almost hopping gait, his face carefully blank of any emotion but a pleasantly alert facade. He'd struggled to keep up with his dire wolf cousins the whole trip here, knowing that falling too far behind and showing weakness could be his death, regardless of all else he had done within his short life to prove his worth. He'd made the trip with his head still on his shoulders, though, and now that they were in this new place his uncle and cousins had been more or less too busy exploring their new surroundings to be immediately concerned with him so he'd had the freedom to "explore" on his own and rest his strained body. Now he was back to his full strength, what there was of it, and was joining his cousins in exploring in earnest.

He tilted his stunted head to the side slightly to listen as a distant howl drew him onward. His uncle called for them, and it was not in him to ignore the call. A faint smile twisted his muzzle. He wondered if any of his cousins would be fool enough to not show up. That could make things... interesting.

He approached docilely along the sandy beach, oversized ears pricked forward but his head and tail held in a state of submissive relaxation. "Good day, Uncle Amon," he murmured, his voice carefully respectful as he bowed to an exacting amount of propriety - not a smidge more or less than what Amon's station above him demanded.



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
03-18-2017, 05:56 PM

Hold onto your heart,
I've seen the signs before

The man had stopped finally stopped whimpering, passing out under the heat of the sun as she left him buried in the sand with his head just sticking out. It had been a long trek northward, especially with a prisoner in tow and she was beginning to remember why she found trafficking tedious but it would be well worth it. She was feeling particularly patient with her vengeance this week. As she stretched out in search of some breakfast she caught the scent of her brother not far off on the Bifrost. Grinning she shifted her course, pleased to tell him about the man she was bringing to justice.

She saw him on the horizon and approached swiftly. "Ahhh, dear brother hello! You'll never guess who I caught…" she grinned, "our darling criminal is ready for his punishment." She turned to Seth who she spied out of the corner of her eye. "Ahh… and I see our wee Seth is here as well. I may need to borrow him later."

Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



5 Years
Dire wolf
03-21-2017, 08:23 PM
While Seth appeared meekly, Astaroth did the exact opposite. She swaggered over to where her father had called, though she had jogged at first. Now, though, that she was much nearer... well, there was no need for all that rush, hmm? Quetzal certainly seemed to agree, though she doubted the serpent would ever really question anything in regards to her movements. The cobra himself was quite pleased otherwise with being able to relax in the sun and the warmth of the dire wolf's fur.

Despite her confidence - one might say arrogance - Astaroth was curious about why this... urgent call existed. Was something the matter? Or was it simply... time for new news? Hmm, well, she'd find out. She had been lucky to find herself not too far away from her father when he called, so she wasn't too surprised she was one of the first to show up. What did surprise her was... well, her aunt. Pyralis always took a rather interesting approach to things, and generally was split a lot further than the rest of the family was. She also... carried the scent of another wolf on her, a wolf that stank of fear. Crinkling her nose somewhat, she regarded Pyralis with a curious look on her face, before turning to look at her father.

Smirking, she winked at her father in greeting, an almost too inappropriate greeting - or rather, it would have been had it been anyone other than Astaroth. Her eyes flicked only briefly to Seth; the little creature was of no concern to her - hell, he could fit under her. She was certain that she was bigger when she was three months old than he was now. But, no matter. Without a word, she flopped her ass on the ground and waited for her siblings to show up.
Circe has a male spitting cobra companion named Gwydion. Unless stated otherwise he is always with Circe.

Wanna plot with Circe? Check out the miscellaneous section on her profile!



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
03-21-2017, 09:32 PM

It had been only a few days since the family's last gatherings. It had been discovered that several extended family members had followed the clan to the new region, which certainly was a welcomed development. There were strength in numbers and the Abraxas had both the strength and numbers to overcome most adversaries. The call of the patriarch summoned his family to him and Archon was quick to answer the call. His father only ever required them to be together when there was training or news to be shared; the Prince was ready for either. He still possessed the knowledge of the woman he'd met not too long ago and he wished to share it with his family at their gathering that day.

He moved swiftly and with a purpose, the great beast zeroing in on the source of his father's call. Several figures came into view as he descended upon his family, though none of the figures were that of his sister Lili. He was disappointed that she had not arrived yet, but he was sure she was not too far away. He glanced at the figures if Astaroth and her serpent, still repulsed by her Alliance with the creature. A wary eye was given to his aunt Pyralis, the strangest of the bunch. When compared to his father it was hard to believe that she was even related his sire, they were so vastly different. She was odd and the prince was careful to stay away from her. He wasn't particularly fond of her. Speaking of fondness, a sneer twisted his jowls at the sight of Seth, his pathetic excuse for a cousin. He was the smallest, weakest and by far the most useless. In Archon's opinion he brought shame to the Abraxas family name. He didn't understand what his father allowed the runt to live alongside them. "Father. " he called out in greeting to the God, coming to stand at the man's right hand side as they awaited the arrival of everyone else.

"Talk" "You" Think


03-22-2017, 09:23 AM
The call of her father was something Rahovart dared not ignore, despite the interest she’d gathered in these new lands. A strong pull grabbed her, urging her in the direction of Amon and very likely the rest of her family as well. She had duties to fulfill, and her dull orange eyes were alight with interest, wondering just what this meeting might be about. Her father was never one to disappoint. Of course, the young woman thought, neither was her aunt. A femme whom definitely caught Raho’s interest and attention.

Speaking of, as she neared the family, she spied her aunt Pyralis with a man who needed to be brought to justice. She licked her lips, wondering what their father might do to the rather pathetic creature. It wasn’t her problem though, not by a long shot, and she padded towards Pyralis’ free side and sat down, giving a small nod towards her aunt before focusing her attention on the man whom had ensured they would be brought into this world.

The dip of her head to Amon was more respectful, fuller, deeper, as she rumbled a greeting of sorts similar to the one her brother uttered. While some were content to sit upon the earth Raho remained standing, casting a look around at the ones gathered. Seth had been quite prompt it seemed… good for him. At least he was making up for his little size.



6 Years
03-22-2017, 07:22 PM

Ana hadn't seen hide nor tail of Adra since coming to Boreas and already it had her irritated. Then there was the matter of her disrespectful daughter. Under normal circumstances Ana probably would have been pissed off that Abyzou kept disappearing without a word, but lately it was probably best that the albino girl didn't see her. She'd seen the tail end of Amon's wrath when they'd ran into each other at the waterfront and Ana had no doubt he'd been inches from permanently snuffing out any trace of the white and tan marked pup. She'd be nothing but a bloodstain, if even that, and she knew it would be well deserved if the whelp couldn't mind her tongue. While she'd let it go on long enough (honestly the girl treated Ana and Adra with enough respect) she was realizing that she needed to find a way to curb it, quickly, else Abyzou soon end up six feet under.

Adra's disappearance had her irritated. She could manage with Abyzou just fine, but she'd grown more than used to his presence. How could she not? Thankfully she didn't have to swell on his absence much with the sun up. During the day she often slept, to avoid the glaring sun on her pelt, unless it was cloudy outside. She would have stayed asleep too if she hadn't heard the howl of Amon summoning the family together. She'd trailed behind the group wandering off on her own only briefly to explore some before picking up the scent again and following once more. She was fully aware that she could head off in her own direction and it wouldn't matter, but she knew that wherever Amon was was most likely where most of the fun would be so she made sure to stick close. It was why she was near the Bifrost when his howl summoned them all together.

While she wasn't happy about the sun biting into her delicate skin, Ana made no notion that it bothered her and padded towards the others. A quick glance, to her displeasure, was enough to tell her that neither Adra nor Abyzou were there. Her muzzle wrinkled in annoyance and her tail lashed out behind her. Adra's absence didn't bother her as much as her daughters. If she didn't show to this meeting then the consequences would be far worse than a few harsh words. The leniency would not last forever - not in a family where only the strongest survives.

A respectful dip of her head was given to Amon as she sat down on the edge of the group. While originally she'd be happy to immerse herself in her family and catch up, she was more interested in seeing if her twin and disrespectful whelp would show up. pale pink eyes glanced across the territory around them as she remained watchful from where she sat. She'd certainly see them if they decided to show up.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]



3 Years
03-23-2017, 07:36 PM

The contempt on Lilith's face is clear as she picks her way across the Biofrost. It was so bleak, so desolate... there was no one here. Well. Family was here. She could smell them all, she knew they were close. Dad was calling... but it was hard to tell from where. The wind was against her, blustery. Winter sucked, why would they want it all the time? Something about it didn't feel quite right, but the blood moon baby trudged on. The scowl on her face is unrepentant, but she would respond to the call no less.

What had gathered was a far larger group than Lili had truly anticipated. She makes eye contact with her father for a split second, expression more than a little angsty. Why did you pick a place that doesn't even appear to be capable of supporting life. But she wouldn't dare speak it aloud. She was learning to question, learning to pry, and that would be less than pleasant as she grew older. Still, Lili knew better than to speak out against it in a group. She takes her place beside Archon, tucked to his side, leaning. The larger creature would serve as a block for the wind, and she's more comfortable when close to him. Yes, for now, she knows better than to open her mouth. Anything that comes out would be scathing and unpleasant, and she would not fight today.

follow no false light



5 Years
03-26-2017, 08:44 PM
Should he die before he wakes,
He had not bothered to check in with Amon nor any other member of his family. He knew they would be busy with sight seeing and shit starting, it was what they were known for. Adra was not the most sociable of creatures, but there was a scent on the wind that he just had to follow. The sun on his back did little to sway him from his course as he tracked her. Silver and black streaked eyes watched his path as he made his way to her. It was time to come together it would seem. The alabaster goddess he tracked would surely answer their brother's call, the man had left no question as to whether they needed to come. It was demanded of the entire family to show up, Adra paused a moment, wondering what his brother had planned for them. The call also meant that Ana would show.

Adra moved swiftly to answer his brother's call, but it wasn't for Amon. He went because he knew he would see his Ana again after keeping himself from her. He was indeed possessive of her, but finding out what this country had to offer was more important to him than keeping her for the time being. He had procrastinated being in her presence long enough, but he knew he would be dazzled and unable to help himself. He would fall into her again, and while he was ready and willing to dance that tango with her, Adra wondered if he would be able to focus. Still, he never paused his long, ground eating loping toward the place that Amon had called them.

Upon arriving it was as he feared, even angry there was a savage beauty to his sister that he was unable to ever deny. Her head was on swivel, searching pink eyes probing the area around them, no doubt looking for him or that miserable whelp she had decided to keep. While she was looking the other way, Adra slipped in beside her and waited until she looked back in his direction to give her an apologetic grin, wordlessly saying 'Here I am.' She wouldn't be pleased that he had kept himself from her, but she would forgive him eventually. He hoped. "You look wonderful today, dear sister. Except for the lines of anger on your face, wash them away for me? I won't do it again..." The words were spoken so that she would be the only one to hear them, while he gave a smile and nod to his younger sibling.
I'll pray the Lord his soul to take.
This character is prone to violence, strong language and tends to instigate fights. He loves his sister-mate and will kill for her, so be careful when threading with Anamalech, Adra is a jealous creature who does not ask questions. Anamalech is allowed in any of his threads! His posts are usually rated Mature (m).


03-28-2017, 08:38 AM
The hotel that rebounded did nothing to bring the whelp towards that of her family. She was busy, tormenting a poor creature. The fish she had found must have gotten caught where it was in low tide, leaving it stranded in an ever shrinking puddle. The smirk on the child's face told of the pleasure she took in pulling it from the water and baking it only to give it hope by dipping it's head in the water before it died. All hope would be immediately dashed as she removed once more. This was all a game to the she devil. A game she chose to drag out.

Movement caught her eye in the form of her mother not too far off, and while she rather adored this game, it was best not to befoul Ana's mood today. She rather liked wearing her pelt the way it was. Of course her respect for Amon was still under development, as she hadn't much of a reason yet to give him her respect. It should be earned not given freely. Though Ana and Adra had it fully, seeing as they raised her despite her not truly being an Abraxas, though that oddly enough wasn't stopping Zou from believing herself one. With a snap of her maw did she end the miserable sea bass' life. She would be taking it with her, since now she would have to be bored.

She made quick to follow but Ana's pace had never been easy to keep for the child's much shorter legs. She pressed on though even after her mother was nothing but a scent on the wind, surely she must know that the girl would catch up eventually. Even as she arrived she moved past all the others until she found herself at the paws of Anamalech,  where she was quick to sit and face the direction her mother was. Her head dipped to Adramalech in a respectful greeting and then she dropped her fish and placed a paw on it so as to make her claim to the thing. Her eyes turned up to her mother's face before she gave a quiet and extremely respectful apology. "Apologies mother, I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long." the apology was for her mother only seeing as she refused to respect a man who decided to threaten her for fun. She then dropped into a laying position and began to descale her fish. Whatever Amon wanted would likely be ignored, Ana and Adra where where she got her marching orders.

If Am on wanted her respect he would need to apologize and not treat her like a child and use that stupid baby voice he used before. Talking to Abyzou and getting her respect went hand in hand. She was no baby that needed to be looked down upon. Though a fast track to her respect was understanding her, Ana and Adra seemed to do just that. It wasn't long before boredom set in and she flopped onto her side. Her face reflected it completely.

One thing was for certain, boredom could get her in a lot of trouble, as both she and Anamalech had already learned. Though honestly there was one thing her mother could do to possibly curb her words, aside from death honestly. Truth was Abyzou had no clue exactly where she fell into the society of God's aside from beneath Ana and Adra. She didn't quite spend to much time with her cousins or other family to truly know, and she was still young enough to learn. She gave a sigh as she looked around for something to do other than play with an already dead victim. There wasn't any truly fun family members to try to manipulate as she had decided last time apparently Amon and the current ones were off the list. That wasn't going to stop her from looking for one though. Her eyes looked around for someone who would at least pay her attention.

Her breathing was coming in pants at the moment though so all efforts were half hearted. It was hot here and while she may not be albino like Ana, she still tended to have more sensitive skin. A question was asked quietly to more herself than any, but the words were likely to be heard by her mother and any who sat close to her. "Why did we have to come to some place with no shade? Mom and I are going to get baked out here...." she was well aware that her mother didn't do direct sunlight well either. Though as a child her own heat tolerance wasn't quite up to snuff just yet, though it hopefully wouldn't take long. Just like this meeting hopefully wouldn't take long. Adult stuff didn't interest her just yet.



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-28-2017, 01:46 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2017, 10:55 PM by Amon.)
OOC: To hurry things along, no need to adhere to posting order! As soon as everyone in round one has replied I will post Amon again, if you have the time to churn out a post feel free to hop in whenever! <3

Amon did not have to wait long for the first member of his family to arrive. To his surprise, it was Seth. The diminutive son of a deceased sibling, Amon had agreed to foster him mostly out of respect for the dead. That did not mean the lad was allowed to be dead weight, even so little weight as he might be. His greeting was respectful, and Amon nodded back at the child. He was not his own, and had not achieved the same space in his heart as his own children, but kin he remained all the same. "Seth," he rumbled back in a neutral tone. In truth, he was surprised his short little legs had allowed the puny boy to keep up for this long. Amon had come to assume that if he lived this long, perhaps he had ought to offer them after all.

Hot on his heels was Pyralis, the fiery fae dancing in and bearing a much lighter mood than the last time he had seen her. Her coat reeked of another's fear and her words only confirmed what he had suspected. He laughed, a deep and genuine laugh from within his gut. "So it would seem," he said, enjoying the scent she had brought to the air around him. Ah, how he'd missed it. He turned to eye Seth once more and lifted a brow. The young one would not be given a choice in the matter, and Amon jerked his head in his sister's direction to signal that he very much intended for Seth to aid her however she saw fit. Behind her was Astaroth, who earned a rumble of undetermined intent in the face of a wink, Amon debating a rebuke of the action but ultimately deciding now was not the time. Her careless, often ribald ways were one thing in private, but another entirely when attending a formal gathering. Then came Archon and Lilith who sat close together, then Rahovart and to his surprise his elder siblings as well. He caught neither sight nor scent of Uvall and frowned. He had seen little of his eldest son since arriving in these lands, and determined to track him down once he had finished here.

Last came Abyzou. Amon rankled after their last meeting, embracing a flood of things he wished to have said and done. He eyed the young one with a level, but cool, stare. He wondered what she might say after the misfortunate interaction not long before. He hoped that Ana had talked some much needed sense into the young brat, but it became quickly evident that this was not the case. A fish dangled in her mouth, and she seemed to make a show of sitting directly before her mother, turning her back on Amon. As if flicking a switch, his vision tunneled on her mottled back and tinged red at the edges. The skin of his neck stiffened as his hackles rose, and a growl so low it may have been birthed in the belly of the earth itself crawled out from his chest.

Not only had her late arrival held him up for this long, she lacked even the basic tenants of decency to sit there quietly and fucking listen instead of running her mouth. The girl flopped lazily onto her side and mumbled under her breath, but so attuned was he to her presence that the wind seemed to easily carry her words to his ears. Slowly, the titan rose to his feet. His own children would never behave in such a manner, he had made sure of this. He did not fault his sister either, oh no. He knew she had experienced the same wrath from their shared father as a pup, and he knew of her upbringing. Where this whelp had acquired her poor judgement he could not say, nor did he care to guess. His time would be better spent dashing her thick skull against the exposed stone outcrops along the beach, perhaps to force some sense between her ignorant, insolent ears. It would be better spent holding her pathetic frame beneath the crashing surf until she learned to value the air that was miraculously still passing in and out of her lungs.

He stalked forward, glacial teal eyes overcome with a rage so fearsome he had never once felt it directed towards a member of his own bloodline. Who the fuck did she think she was? He raised a paw, aiming to place a portion of his weight on the girl's flank and pin her to the ground. If she wanted to lay in the sand, there she would stay. His voice seethed with anger as he spoke, tone deathly quiet, and he brought his maw that much closer to the girl's face. "Perhaps we would be gone already if you had the wit between your ears to come when you are called, hmm? I have no more love for this blasted beach, it is merely a gateway I mean for us to travel through." He paused. "Or at least, most of us. One more outburst from you, and you will be left behind for the gulls. Do I make myself clear? You will learn respect, and I will teach it to you if I must." He shoved away from her, perhaps putting a bit more weight onto her flank as he went and kicking sand over her dead fish with the errant flick of a paw. Let her eat sand, if she had better things to do than listen.

Turning back to the rest of the family, and eager to remove himself from the sun's unforgiving wrath, he was quick to the point. "The northern lands are overcrowded with curs and freakish abnormalities. The southern continent is practically untouched, and teeming with opportunity. I plan to take it as our own. Our kingdom needs only it's foundation laid and we will be one step closer to going home." He said the word reverently, as if 'Home' were more suitable than 'home.' The difference between god and God. "There is only one pack of mongrels to contend with, and I have not bothered to treat with them yet. Go forth and explore until your heart is content, and we will decide together on a base for us all to operate from. Any questions?" His anger had not cooled one lick, and he was certain that it was evident in his speech. He did not necessarily expect Ana and Adra to follow his lead, given that Abyzou had made an impression upon him that was not likely to fade soon. Pyre too was her own woman, though he did expect his own children at least to follow suit. He sat back on his haunches and waited for the murderous rage to cool just as he waited for their replies.

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
03-28-2017, 08:58 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2017, 09:00 PM by Archon.)

His dear sister wasn't far behind him, thank their God. It made him feel more at ease watching her petite frame make its way over to him as she snuggled herself up into his side, clearly not wanting to interact with anyone else. That suited him just fine; he preferred it to be like that. He was rather selfish when it came to Lilith. As they continued to wait for the delayed arrival of the rest of the clan Archon would gently reach over and lick his sister's ear, hoping to at least chase away some of her foul mood. "When this is over we can go find some dinner together if you'd like." he whispered into her ear, the sound of others approaching taking his attention away from her.

He would watch as his aunt, uncle and last but certainly least, his cousin Abyzou decided to grace them with their presence. He recalled his last encounter with her and how she had tested her father, nearly getting herself killed in the process. The young prince would not have objected at the loss of her life. He thought of her as nothing more than a waste of space, much like his other cousin Seth, though for entirely different reasons. At least Seth had enough sense to respect his sire, whereas Abyzou did not. So really he was not surprised as he watched her saunter in and turn her back to Amon, the one who had assembled everyone there. Archon felt the blood boiling hot in his veins at her actions, but before he could do anything, his father was already headed over towards the stupid child. A malicious chuckle rumbled in his chest as he watched the events unfold before him.

He wasn't sure what it was that kept his father from simply crushing her beneath his paws. It would be too easy. Perhaps he did not want to upset his sister and brother? If that was the case, Archon did not agree with that sentiment. He would not stand for such disrespect from a child, no matter whose it was. He would have killed her the first time she'd done it. But he watched as the god hinted at what was to come to the girl if she continued to disrespect him the way that she was doing. He would make sure to be present whenever that happened. Once the matter was settled his father got down to business, explaining that they were going to take over the southern lands, though there was a bit of an issue with an existing pack. "Am I understanding that we are not to have anything to do with these pests until we have a base of operations?" He figured it would be the case, but he hoped his father would allow them to go start eating away at the pests, make the job easier when it came time to eliminate them.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
Extra small

Trick 2019
03-29-2017, 10:45 AM
Seth's green eyes shifted as his aunt entered the scene in her usual manner, and though she did not address him directly he bowed to her in much the same manner as he had Amon, in part as an excuse to drop his gaze before the bright spark of anger there could be seen. 'Wee Seth' indeed. He gave a purely internal sigh at his uncle's unspoken command. "As you wish," was all he said though, his voice a quiet rumble quite out of keeping with the size of the rest of him.

He did not bother to lower his twisted haunches to the sand as he stood to await the others, keeping his expression carefully neutral and his stunted body seemingly relaxed. Amon's children began to slowly trickle in. Most simply cast a glance his direction and then proceeded to ignore him, or dispensed with the glance entirely as though he was simply part of the landscape. Only Rahovart seemed mildly approving, though as he did not credit his cold cousin with a great deal of protectiveness towards him if it came down to it Seth did not grant it much significance.

Another of his aunts and another uncle also appeared, and he carefully bowed in greeting to each though neither seemed to spare him a single glance. Better to show the respect even when it wasn't acknowledged, than to not and incur their wrath if they had only been pretending to ignore him.

Last to arrive was his aunt Anamalech's child, and a carefully-concealed interest was kindled when the child deliberately turned her back to Amon, her scorn and clear lack of respect flaunted in front of the entirety of the family. His gaze darted quickly to Amon to see how the patriarch would take this blasphemy. He was not disappointed, as Amon's whole continence took on the threatening semblance of stormclouds boiling up. If he'd seen a sky take on that look, Seth would have taken shelter immediately with the certainty of a tornado to follow.

He idly wondered if this child had it in her to prove herself worthy of living as he had - though she had no beloved sibling whose death would give her her life. His eyes narrowed speculatively, carefully not moving to his uncle and giving away the sudden thought that had occurred to him. Surely she would not be given the task to rid the family of one small, useless cousin in exchange for her own life... Well, she would not find that small, useless cousin to be easy prey, if so.

He finally pried his expressionless gaze from his youngest cousin as Amon addressed them all once again. So they were to be moving to this southern continent. Very well, it was of little matter to him where the family chose to make their temporary home. One place was as good as another, for a clever wolf. He shifted only his eyes as one of his cousins spoke, a fair question, but he himself remained silent and still, choosing to not draw attention to himself until he had something of merit to add.


03-29-2017, 01:04 PM
Rahovart was not the last to arrive, a blessing it’d seem. For the wrath of her father fell upon the young pup, and she grinned wickedly as she watched the girl get put back in her place. Oh how it sent shivers down her spine to watch him in action, to display his dominance fully over those who thought they were better than he was. What fools they were, and goodness only knew where the insolence of the child came from in the first place. An ear flicked, and she glanced around at the rest of her kin as her father finished his needed business.

Then came the announcement.

She gave a soft snort at the mention of the freaks quirking a brow. “Perhaps it could be beneficial to take out some of these so called curs and abnormalities then, no? At least if they dare waltz down into the south when we’ve chosen the land as ours.” Her tail had begun to move back and forth in a pleased manner, itching for a fight. The thought or getting rid of some of the freaks, or even members of this pack. Although... this did put her in a different line of questioning from her brother. They'd either leave these beings alone or be free to tear them apart. All it took was a word from the God's lips.



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
03-29-2017, 06:45 PM

Hold onto your heart,
I've seen the signs before

Slowly the family came together. Pyralis eyed her nieces and nephews as they walked in, putting names to faces and marveling at how quickly everyone was growing up. She offered a smile to Astaroth and a chuckle for Archon as he shot her a look and did his best to avoid her. Apparently she was doing well in maintaining her reputation. Rahovart was the next to arrive and Pyralis nodded to the girl in greeting when she moved to sit next to her. Pyralis blinked for a moment in surprise when she saw Ana. Goodness… how long had it been since she'd seen her older sister? "Ana! It is good to see you, I hope you are well despite this infernal heat." She would dip her head in greeting to Adra when he showed. Well, this was quite a reunion indeed!

When Amon gestured for Seth to go sit by her she grinned at the boy. "Goodness, what a proper lad. I have something fun planned for later, but first I have some… other business to take care of." She couldn't wait to dig up her prisoner. It would be like unwrapping a gift to drag him squawking and yowling into the group.

She ignored Aby's complaining and focused on her brothers words as he opened the meeting by berating the girl. Pyralis frankly didn't care. She'd thought it was rather obvious they wouldn't be staying in this particular spot for long. When Amon had finished he moved on to the meat of the… 'meat'ing. She grinned at the pun in her head. Goodness the heat was getting to her! He spoke of moving south and Pyralis nodded. "Agreed, I've combed much of the northern lands, particularly those in the far north and apart from a few sour loners that might be fun to antagonize there's really nothing all that special." She stretched lightly.

"I think it would be wise to find ourselves a base before we start making any serious moves against our rivals but a few tests and scouting here and there might be prudent so we can get a feeling of what we're up against." She'd leave the plans of conquest to her brother. She was far more interested in exploring the southern lands than tangling with any idiotic rabble that might be living there. "Amon, were you still thinking of taking the children hunting for bison in the southern plains of Boreas or shall we look for suitable prey here in Auster? Finally, I have caught us a prisoner to be used as we see fit. If you have anything you wish to instruct the children in let me know. He is currently buried neck deep in the sand on the shores of Auster. I'll dig him up if the gulls have left us anything."

Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
04-02-2017, 09:35 PM
While he was never one to let his siblings leave his watchful gaze, he certainly hadn't missed the temptation to explore these new lands they had blessed with their presence. Since they had all spread apart for the moment he took the opportunity to begin exploring and familiarizing himself with his new lands. However, when his father called he certainly wouldn't hesitate to answer. The only problem was he found himself quite a bit farther from where his father was calling from than he would have liked. He heard the faintest echo of Amon's howl and he frowned and he turned his head toward the sound. How had he wandered so far? This was incredibly out of character for him. He put that thought aside for a moment and took off in a quick trot to go find his family.

By the time he arrived he caught just the tail end of his father's announcement. He quietly stepped in to stand along side Astaroth, deciding a place next to his sister was as good a place as any. From the various questions his family members pelted at his father he pieced together what was going on. He had no questions to add to the pile. Why would he? There was no reason to question his thoughts or reasons. Uvall settled himself on his haunches while his blue gaze drifted across the wolves around him, picking his siblings out of the crowd with a slight twitch of a smile on his lips.
Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



3 Years
04-04-2017, 09:20 PM

She is attached to Archon. At the moment, it's physically, but usually it's more than that. He keeps her warm for now, he serves a purpose. They are closer than the rest, at least as far as Lilith knows. The smallest of the litter, she pretended she didn't rely on his larger size to do her bidding when it was necessary. She keeps him in line, keeps him from overstepping, keeps him from... well, from doing anything stupid. It's a symbiosis. The blood moon born has her rock, her solid place, her comfort. Maybe that's what keeps her from cringing too badly when it comes to dad's outburst.

Amon doesn't really scare her. He's reacting in a way more than standard to an outburst. Child lacked manners, child was doing things he shouldn't have. He said it was temporary, he said they wouldn't be here long, he said that... ehh... right. Lili wasn't paying particular attention. She's leaning back into Archon, nodding softly, feigning interest in dad's latest plot. In auntie's words. In... whatever else there was.

"Dinner is good." There's a whisper in Archon's ear, looking on with curiosity. Sure, everyone had their points, but she didn't have anything to add. It's a scowl that plays on her face, watching. Watching and thinking. Carefully, attending to the conversation in the most cursory manor. She'd ask Archon for the story when she could focus better. For now... this group... she was trying hard not to be nauseous. She feels a little sick, with such a big group, but they are family. Lili is fine with family. She will listen, and no more for now.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
04-05-2017, 05:17 PM

Not long after she'd arrived she took notice for her sister and swiveled her head to stare at the other woman as she greeted her. A wicked grin slid across her lips as she inclined her head in a soft greeting. "I'm doing well enough." She admitted, before turning her head as Adra slunk over. Her eyes narrowed to slits as her temperament changed drastically as he gave her that ever apologetic grin and easy smile. He knew she wasn't happy and she wasn't doing anything to hide it either.

"I always look wonderful." She muttered. "But that's besides the point. Maybe I wouldn't have anger lines if you and Aby could actually stick around for once." She griped at him, aiming a soft nip at his shoulder. She knew he would return in time, but she expected Aby to remain closer to her. Despite the fact she didn't expect the whelp to be a weakling and tail her like a ... well a lost puppy, she didn't like the idea of her being off on her own for so long either. What kind of mother would she be if she let Aby get away with absolutely everything.

"Speak of the devil..."

Her gaze turned towards the white and tan marked pup as she strolled in with a fish. She eyed the dead creature curiously for a moment. Was that what she'd been up to? Rather than sitting next to her and facing Amon the girl pulled up in front of her and sat facing her. Her gaze shifted to Amon for a split second before she stared back down at her daughter as she spoke.

"Next time you should arrive sooner or stick closer to me or Adra." She muttered quietly to the child as she laid down in front of her. She could see the girl was deliberate in not facing Amon and yet Ana said nothing as she waited to see how things would unfold. Perhaps she'd turn around before Amon started speaking.

Ears flicked lazily at her child's comment about the sun and her nose wrinkled. "Don't complain." Complaining was a sign of weakness, and as much as she hated the sun herself, she would have never openly admitted it out loud except to Adra. She didn't focus on the girl for long as Amon stalked over, clearly agitated, and yet Ana gave no warning to the poor whelp. Ana wouldn't be the one to step in between Amon and Abyzou, not when this was the second time she'd disrespected him, and motherly instincts were damned. Ears flicked as she sat impassively as Amon moved to pin her to the ground and she watched, as though about to watch an interesting show on television, with bated breath. She was fond of the girl yes, even protective of her, but you couldn't act like a brat to the patriarch twice in a row, embarrass her and her teachings as a mother (no matter how much she may have sucked at it at times), without form of punishment. She listened to her sibling's words before he shoved her away, blasting her fish with sand, before he stalked back to his spot.

Ana struck forward with her head, her strike as deadly fast as a viper, as she moved to try and clamp down on Aby's ear. Whether she was successful or not she didn't care, but now she was irritated. This was twice now that Aby had disrespected Amon and twice now that Ana felt embarrassed about her whelp's actions. "Tarnish our name again and you won't have to worry about Amon killing you because I will." She hissed venomously before pulling herself back into a sitting position like nothing had happened.

With the unpleasantness out of the way she listened to Amon's explanation. She had yet to explore these lands, but considering there was only one pack in the way she was rather excited. Not that she had any respect for the curs that lived here, or their borders, but perhaps it would be fun to stick around for a while. At the very least she'd have some entertainment for the time being.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]



5 Years
04-16-2017, 12:58 AM
Adra watched the gathering of family grow with an impassive expression on his face. His only worry had suddenly boiled down to the odd guilt he felt at leaving Ana alone for too long. However, silver and black eyes lit up when Amon approached and berated Aby in front of everyone. Ana's turn at her came and Adra was left wondering what had happened before to earn such a harsh punishment as sullied fish. He said nothing, only watched as their brother addressed the gathered family, searching for reactions that would not be voiced. The shadowy male would explore the lands of this new place, he had a job to do within the family and he meant to do it. There was a sudden need to get started, despite the mongrel pack they would be forced to face later on. He was a tracker of stars and needed to know the continent they would come to live on. "I will get started exploring, we will need to know the lands of this place and what resides there if we will live anywhere." He said it simply, nodding to his brother and looking to Ana. "Join me, if you wish, sister." There was a flash of a smile to her, and then he moved his black form away from the meeting. Much as he loved his family, he wasn't one for being social.
This character is prone to violence, strong language and tends to instigate fights. He loves his sister-mate and will kill for her, so be careful when threading with Anamalech, Adra is a jealous creature who does not ask questions. Anamalech is allowed in any of his threads! His posts are usually rated Mature (m).


04-20-2017, 03:24 AM

The outburst of Amon at her words that weren't meant for his ears earned him a twist of her ear. A subtle hint at first that she was listening. She had an image to maintain. She was a tough girl and was suppose to be, well a nuisance to all except Ana and Adra. She was just as anti-social as her uncle but every word or look at her was attention that she relished. His paw coming down atop her flank caused her to turn her head to him. The pressure from him was a little much but she refused to give him the satisfaction of hearing her cry out. She clenched her teeth and gave him a hardened stare. She wasn't about to give in just yet. But his words and the added weight as he pushed off her made her hiss. The weight caused a bruise to form almost immediately and a fracture of bone in her leg. The pain was intense, though with tear filled eyes she fought it off. Her lips parted with one word to both her mother and Amon, a word that their message was clear. "Crystal."

Her mother's bite to her ear earned nothing from her but a press of her ears. Amons next words went straight through her ears and she decided she could give less of a crap, though physically she kept her eyes on him. She lifted herself with a wince as he finished. No words were given only a dip of her head. If he wanted a public apology he wasn't getting it, only in private would she ever disgrace herself in such a way. Her eyes moved to her mother for the briefest of moments. She felt betrayed at the moment. A few words passed her lips quietly as she looked down at the ground. "Permission to leave, uncle?" she would wait then for him to give her permission. Might as well make him happy for the moment. Her voice was now dull and emotionless.

Walk, "Talk" Think