
To Whom It May Concern


04-30-2017, 01:48 PM

Aldric had been traveling for quite some time now. He’d left his mother in hopes that he might find his father, or at least find a better life than what he’d be living at her side. His pink eyes scanned the terra before him as he padded onward. This was the land of Boreas; that much the young one knew. But the name of the exact land he was walking within was unknown to him. Did it really matter if he knew or not, he wondered?

With the sun beating gently down upon his multi-colored coat the boy couldn’t help but think what a nice day it was. The hues of autumn were such a welcome sight. It wasn’t until the young man scented the strong scent borders of a pack that he came to a stop, hesitating. His ears flicked back, the young french wolf side stepping a couple times. What should he do now? He’d wanted to find a pack… but… was this the right pack for him? Was this the place he’d be able to call home? Would he find his father here?

Walk,"Talk", Think



4 Years
05-01-2017, 05:51 PM

She was out in the sun today. She was near the warmest place in the land, close to the border. She was laying there with her belly up and her dual toned eyes on the clouds as they drifted by. It was quiet except the sound of the water somewhere in the distance. She knew the land by now and was almost ready to call it home, but she still had no way to communicate openly with any of the wolves here. Plus some of them confused her, namely the two Kairis. There weren't many like her it seemed but some had pretty patterns. The smell of something drew her from her thoughts.

She rolled over and sat up quickly. Her eyes scanned for the source and it didn't take much to find. Her eyes caught the brightly colored boy and she smiled wide. Finally someone like her! She stood and shook out her fur quickly before moving. She literally moved towards him by hopping, much like a rabbit. It let her keep her eyes on him in the field and she was there quicker. She stopped as she emerged and found him. Her paced slowed to a walk as she closed the distance, crossing over the border scent, not even knowing she was breaking a rule. She sat quickly and tagged her tail as she greeted him. "Bonjour." she stopped and gave pause to lift a paw to her chest, already getting accustomed to having to try to speak English with the others here. "Call Jewell." her accent was thick but voice melodias. To anyone it was clear her first language wasn't English, so she hoped it would suffice. Perhaps he might speak French as well and she wouldn't need to do silly things like this for now. Her paw moved back to the ground then. Her lips peeled back as she gave him a wide friendly grin.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.


05-02-2017, 09:38 AM

Someone came, though that someone wasn’t an adult, as Aldric expected, but someone even younger than himself. His ears perked with curiosity as he saw her, another rainbow covered wolf like himself. Where his mother would have found ugliness Aldric found only beauty, captivated by the oddness of her coat. He felt his heart begin racing in his chest, tail beginning to wag in a friendly manner. She didn’t seem to be threatening at all, which was good, and, to make things even better, she seemed to know French!

“Bonjour, mademoiselle.” {Hello there miss.} He smiled widely himself, swiping a paw before his body before rolling onto his side in a playful manner. “Tu veux jouer?” {Do you want to play?} He paused, pink eyes focused on the pretty creature. What was he doing, acting so much younger than he really was? It was too late to take it back now though, and Aldric decided that maybe, just maybe, he could afford to be playful now and again. It reminded him of simpler times… when he was with his sister.

Walk, "Talk" Think



6 Years

05-04-2017, 06:30 PM

She still was keeping a close eye on the borders, wary from recent encounters, and nervous about the new female she'd taken under her wing. Jewell's english was getting better, but Faite still had no idea how much she understood when Faite actually spoke to her. It was frustrating in a way and it was forcing her to either follow her everywhere when she could to baby sit her or somehow find a way to be creative enough to teach her more. It certainly was different than working with Jorrvaskr before in Celestial.

She had some down time before her patrol so she picked up Jewell's scent easily enough. She sniffed around the spot the young girl had been laying in - her scent was strong so she probably wasn't far. She trailed after her, nose to the ground, and realized quickly that she was headed towards the border.

Her pace quickened then and it wasn't long before she spotted not one, but two rainbow children. The other was a male, differently colored than Jewell in a way, and slightly older. Older sibling? Certainly not old enough to be the other girl's parent. She approached with her head high and eyed Jewell with a stern look. She was across the border so she obviously hadn't understood the rule about not leaving pack lands without an adult with you. At least the other wolf had kept his distance from the border.

"Greetings." She called out to the pair before looking to Jewell. "You're supposed to be behind here." She pointed to the territory line, hoping to make it easier to understand. "Unless you have an adult with you." She then pointed to herself. "Okay?" It was a light scolding, just enough to tell her how serious she was about her safety, but not enough to hurt her feelings either. She turned to look at the other wolf then, eyeing him, but ended up offering him a brief smile. "Are you related to her?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



4 Years
05-04-2017, 07:51 PM

He seemed friendly enough and she couldn't help but grin at him. His voice came forth and she immediately perked her ears and couldn't stop the wag of her tail. He was speaking her language, and fantasticly at that. She could understand every word and she was extremely happy about it. Her purple tongue came out the side of her mouth in a goofy manner as he slid on his side and made himself look like the little kid he probably was. He may of been a little older than her but she was honestly sure he was just a really big kid. "Vous parlez français aussi? Je m'appelle Jewell, c'est quoi?" she gave a playful swat at his nose, nothing too hard but enough to possibly initiate some form of play.

Then Faite showed up and Jewell turned her attention to her and gave a wag of her tail as she spoke to Faite. "Faite, j'ai trouvé quelqu'un comme moi! Il parle français comme moi et il est coloré aussi. N'est-ce pas génial!" Faite spoke and she gave a tilt of her head. She didn't understand the exact thing she was saying but her dual toned eyes followed Faite paw like she was mesmerized by it. She then gave a little glare as she tried to distinguish what Faite was trying to say. It was a look of thought and concentration. She finally gave a sigh and cocked her head at Faite. She didn't truly understand but Faite was being so serious, why was she so serious about this? She stood and moved to where Faite had pointed, standing now next to her, and cocked her head the opposite way at Faite. Was that what she wanted? "Je ne comprends pas ... c'est ce que vous voulez que je fasse? Vous êtes ici à côté de vous?" she looked then to the boy and grinned. She could at least understand him perfectly. She could in a way say she was mesmerized by him, he was colorful and he was French, the combination had her wagging her tail and smiling like an idiot at him. "C'est Faite, je ne pense pas qu'elle me comprenne tout le temps, mais elle est sympa. Je ne comprends pas très bien sa langue, mais nous essayons de communiquer les uns avec les autres." she smiled softly at him after she introduced Faite before looking at Faite and grinning.

Walk, "Talk" Think


Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.


05-10-2017, 09:24 AM

The young man didn’t get the response he was hoping for from the younger wolf, but she did seem rather excited that he could speak French as well. He let out a light laugh, his pink eyes shining as he introduced himself. "Oui en effet ~ Je m'appelle Aldric Fabre. Plaisir de vous rencontrer Jewell!" {“Yes indeed~ My name is Aldric Fabre. Nice to meet you Jewell!”}

Then another wolfess showed up. An older one, and to his surprise she spoke English rather than the rich language of French. He frowned, ears flicking back slightly. Had they done something wrong? He could understand the woman well enough, having been taught both English and French by his parents, at least while Spencer was still around, so at least he could translate for his fellow French speaker. He glanced back to Jewell, listening to her first before he spoke up.

"Faite dit que vous devez rester derrière les marqueurs de parfum ... sauf s'il y a un adulte avec vous. Elle semble un peu bouleversée, comme ma maman quand elle m'a grondé." {“Faite says you need to stay behind the scent markers… unless there is an adult with you. She sounds a little upset, like my Mama when she scolded me.”} He then glanced to the woman before him, shaking his head. “No, Madam, I am not related. I am Aldric Fabre, son of Camille Fabre and Spencer… Aga.. Agatsuma!” He grinned widely, feeling proud that he could speak to both of these wolves.

“Jewell only speaks French, oui? I mean, yes?” His tail was wagging back and forth happily. “I could help translate for you if you want. I don’t mind.”

Walk, "Talk" Think



6 Years

05-21-2017, 07:31 AM
Faite Ethereal Adravendi

Jewell greeted her so warmly that Faite began to feel guilty for scolding her. Granted she couldn't tell what the girl said at all but she easily picked up at the excited tone. Jewell was certainly easy to read in that regard. It was still frustrating that the lack of being able to communicate was there and Faite only wanted to ensure the young girl's safety. That thought alone quickly hardened her resolve to be forceful with her rules. After all she'd set up the rule in the first place because she didn't want any more incidents like what had happened to Ritsy.

She watched as Jewell eyed her paw and Faite had a glimmer of hope that she actually understood the point she was trying to get across. Ears flicked at the sigh the pup let out before her head followed as she moved next to her. It seemed as though she got the idea of what Faite was trying to say but she doubted it'd stick. For all she knew Jewell probably thought she just wanted her over on this side of the border at the moment and not until she was of age.

Any hope of her understanding her meaning was dashed when Jewell's attention span broke. The next thing she knew the rainbow pup was grinning at the male and looking between them with another flurry of the language she still didn't understand. She inhaled deeply before focusing on the other rainbow wolf. Surprisingly enough the language he spoke back to Jewell sounded similar to what she'd been speaking and the sneaking suspicion that they could talk to each other crept up on her. Could she really get that lucky? She certainly wouldn't try to coerce him to stay if he didn't want to, but the possibility that he might decide to stick around was suddenly a hopeful thought. It was even more hopeful when he turned at spoke to her in the normal tongue.

"Well I'm sorry to see you two aren't related - I haven't managed to find any of her family at all. No one has come looking, but it's nice to meet you Aldric." She still felt bad that Jewell hadn't had any family come looking for her, but she couldn't dwell on it. If no biological family would come then she'd just have to make up for it instead. The thought faded quickly as the boy spoke to her again and she listened with rapt attention as he shot a question at her. So the language was called French? It was a good start - especially when he offered to translate.

"She's picked up a little bit of english but so far I'm convinced we don't understand much of one another. I'd hate to burden you with translating, but you'd certainly be welcome in Lirim if you're interested in staying. She certainly seems to like you." She said while shooting a smile down at Jewell.


I like to imagine
That you smile when you hear my songs

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]