
The Darkest Touch



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-04-2017, 12:10 AM

It was freeing to race her way across the shimmering shores of Auster's northern beach, her legs reached and withdrew as she ran, eating up the ground beneath her until it seemed she could fly. She leaped over logs of driftwood and small channels that divided the beach with ease and a grace that would be hard to find in another wolf. Each stride took her further down the shore until she got to the cliffs. There was no pressure to wait for the shadowy beast who should be racing along with her, he would either keep up or find himself suddenly unworthy. If a wolf couldn't race the wind, what good was he as a hunter? A strong male needed to be able to at least keep up with her.

The dark woman wasn't about to slow herself for him either, not until she reached where she was going. The roaring of falling water let her know she was close, and this only made her quicken her pace. Heading inland, she ran around the base of the cliffs that made Lazuli Falls what it was. She slowed to a trot once she reached the pools at the base of rock formations, but she wasn't quite ready to halt. Even in autumn there was green everywhere, and the bright blue of the waters churned and leveled out as they got closer to the shore. She stopped close to the water, tasting to see if it was as sweet as she remembered. She keeps an ear turned to listen for Amon as she drinks her fill, wanting to know his reactions to this place if he had kept up.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-04-2017, 04:35 PM

Amon rarely found recon enjoyable. In many ways, this was simply using a local source to gain unique knowledge of the land, and that would be his explanation if anyone, particularly pesky siblings, asked. Whether or not it was the whole truth... well. It would be a lie to say he did not spend a fair portion of their travels admiring Naamah's lithe, muscled frame. He was so absorbed that he was not paying much attention at all the the journey around them, nor did he notice any growing fatigue. He had spent the past moons constantly ranging and was in fine shape, and kept up with the woman easily.

As they finally slowed, his focus broke away from the shadowy femme. The world around them had changed, the landscape speaking to a somewhat different climate. It was lusher, it's elevation growing in the distance. Ahead of them was a cliff, and around it... "Oh, well. Now I see what was so worth dragging me so far," he mock complained with a derisive sniff added on for show. He tried to keep his face neutral, and mask his appreciation for the marvelous waterfall cascading before them. It did not last long, before eventually the corner of his mouth twitched up into a smirk. "It's magnificent," he went on with a bit more sincerity. "You are just a wealth of surprises, aren't you?" he asked as the approached the water's edge. He dipped down to drink his fill, the icy water revitalizing him after their run.
"Talk" "You"  Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-04-2017, 07:30 PM

There was a palpable relief that washed over the darkly clad vixen, the feeling was cold and tingled through her frame. He would prove to be an efficient and enduring provider, if that was where they would go. She was pleasantly surprised that he was able to keep with her pace, their sprint across the beach warmed her and she found that there was a small need to cool her blood. The water of the pools did wonders for the woman, but the gentle thunder of Amon's voice promptly warmed her again. His false complaint made her grin as she looked over her shoulder at him. Her scarlet gaze wandering over his muscled frame before meeting the icy depths of his turquoise eyes, her grin turning secretive. "It is the beauty, yes?" There was no missing the hidden wonder in his tone, but she let him keep as much f it hidden. After all, one mask could recognize another. It was not long until she was rewarded with a response, his dark lips pulling into a smirk making her wave her black tail in response. 'It's magnificent,' The male said, though he continued with what Naamah would classify as praise. 'You're just a wealth of surprises...' Naamah responded to him with a husky laugh. "You are having none of the ideas what secrets I am knowing, Amon." As he approached, Naamah reclined on the edge of the pool, allowing him to refresh himself after their gallop over the sands.

She smiles, moving closer to the male until only a handful of inches separated them, her eyes looking toward the looming cliffs. Night was falling, and Naamah knew what was inside the rocks. The thing she wanted to find out was if Amon could protect and provide. She had not missed the heat and weight of his gaze on her form as they raced to the falls, it was a fact that Lilith had nearly gone mad with giddiness over. If the male was who he claimed, then it was in fact what the goddess had hoped for Naamah to find! There was finally a real chance at home! He had in fact been a glorious sight as he ran beside her, her eyes catching sight of his rippling musculature and dark fur streaming in the wind as his strong legs ate up the ground. He had thrilled her, and Lilith was beginning to believe his claim to godhood, but there was one thing she had to see. Before she gave away the true purpose of her visit to the falls, she wanted to see if he could hold all his mind seemed to want.

Her gaze turned mischievous, and her tail wrapped around her paws as she sat and debated the best course of action for her plans. Lilith whispered to her and she gave a small gasp and a short chuckle as she looked back over at Amon. Her voice was low, a soft purr of innocence and false nonchalance. "If you is wanting to know the true reasoning of coming to here, I am loving to be testing others. Be gently as you can, I live per ego ipse..Bah! Alone, I am only wolf to be hunting for me. I am not affording hurt. Wrestle me for my secret." She boldly closed the distance between them with a friendly bump with her body against his.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-06-2017, 11:57 PM

Naamah stayed close to him as he refreshed himself. Amon found that he was energized by her presence. Not only was she a worthy challenge to keep up with, she was a compelling mystery as well. Where she had come from and how much truth there was to the store she had told him, well... He could hardly leave that alone. Then there was the fact that Naamah was an entirely pleasant travel companion when all was said and done. She did not drown him in meaningless chatter, she was familiar with the lay of the land, shared his disdain for more common curs and, of course, was rather easy on the eyes...

His linger stare snapped upright as she began to speak about her reason for bringing him here. He strained to make sense of her meaning through her mangled use of the common language. She was testing him, hmm? And she wanted to rough house a bit? He let loose a chuckle, one born deep in the depths of his gut. Curse her for realizing so easily that he would not back down easily from a challenge. He rolled his shoulders and sighed. "Like pups, then, are we? Bickering about in the sand?" He scoffed and stood, backing away from the water's edge. He turned to face her head on. "Well come on then, show me what you're made of. Who says this secret is even worth knowing?" He taunted her a bit, waiting to see if he might get a rise out of the woman.

Obviously his newest companion was feeling a bit frisky today; first the run along the beach and now this. Well, he wouldn't deny her if it was what she wanted. Besides, he could admit that it was as good a way as any to see how fit she was, to see the extent of her skills. He waited for her to make a move.
"Talk" "You" Think

OOC: I'm totally cool if you wanna turn this into an official spar in your next post, or if you wanna keep it informal that's cool too! Unless I totally misunderstood Naam xD

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-07-2017, 01:34 PM

The dark woman waited with a hushed breath as his response came, thunderous laughter rolled over the woman, damn near vibrating her very soul. She could only imagine what awesome power his voice had when he was enraged and roaring. A knowing smile broke over her face as he spoke in jest to her, and she watched him stand to face her without retort. His invitation was recieved and accepted with one stride aimed to bring her into his personal space, her eyes staying glued to the turquiose of his gaze. Being so close to him, she would feel his heat, and it would energize her further than his presence. Her voice was low, pupils dilating and contracting as both entities focused on the shadowy behemoth. A soft, growling purr laced her words as she spoke, aiming her lips to be by his ear, "All my secrets are worth the price of knowing." With that said, she opens her maw and reaches up to grasp the sensitive shell of his ear.

She aimed to tug his ear and bring his head down, this way she might be able to rise and wrap her front paws around his neck. What happened next would really depend on him. If he was able to avoid her grasp, Naam was sure there would be retaliation on his behalf. Naamah was usually one who avoided physical contact unless she was ready to kill or eat. Lilith rarely tolerated the touch of another on her charge and would often react with violent outbursts or a reserved warning for those she found worthy enough to keep company with. The thought of Amon seizing her, however, brought only fire to her blood. Lilith purred at the thought of his shadowy mouth on her, and there was a moment where she doubted she would even try to escape his wrath.

Naamah vs Amon for Spar
Round 1/3
Height: 43"
Build: Medium

Note: Sorry this one is kinda bleh...XD

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.