
One, two, three, repeat after me



3 Years
04-05-2017, 03:31 PM

It was hot. Despite autumn coming, it was hot. The damned desert was a place he hated to be, but Varon had found himself walking this direction searching for water or food. While the foreigner disliked hot places, he had to admit that this place was rather beautiful in its own way. Many stone hills stood tall in the distance, giving the impression that the area was an ocean, and the mountains were its waves. There were many trees that stood there - tall and proud. While unsure, the Russian came to the assumption that they were palm trees. A tree his mother had told him that often grew in dryer places. Royal purple orbs scanned the land ahead of him. There was something strange about this place. It was shaped like a bowl, as if maybe a lake had once thrived here, providing water to the animals that had long died.

Audits perked up at the sight of a small dry oasis of palm trees. There was a lot of shade, and that drew him in. Only a few minutes passed before settling himself beneath the cool leaves of the tree. It was very silent, very peaceful. The foreigner would sit there for a long time, glancing out into the endless barren land, his mind clear of anything and everything. About thirty minutes had passed before the earthly-toned wolf had forgotten every little worry, enjoying the silence of the deserted land. Glancing up towards the clear blue sky, black lips tied back into a small, yet generous smile. There was a time in his youth that he had sat with his mother in a quiet place. Words of her filled his mind, and Varon copied with a soft, pleasant voice.

Жди меня, и я вернусь.
Только очень жди.
Жди, когда наводят грусть
Желтые дожди.
Жди, когда снега метут,
Жди, когда жара...

And he continued on with the lovely poem, lost within his own voice.



10 Years
Athena I
04-12-2017, 09:20 PM

As a general rule, Baine tended to avoid the desert and all of the bright sunlight it held. For someone as pale and pink as she was all the desert promised for her was a mighty powerful sunburn. But, all the same, her curiosity brought her to the edges from time to time. At the very least she tried to stick to the shade whenever possible. She spotted the grouping of palm trees and made a beeline for them and their promise of lots of shade. She was really trying to branch out more and tone up her muscles a bit more so that she could be the best emissary she could possibly be for Regulus, but she could already feel the skin on her nose and around her eyes start to get all hot and tight from the first touches of sunburn!

She ducked into the shade of trees with a grateful sigh. Finally, a little bit of relief! Maybe she could hide out here until- Her train of thought was interrupted when a voice caught her attention and made her ears perk as she listened. She normally would have been a bit more cautious or even turned around and left to avoid any stranger danger, but the second she realized the voice in question was speaking in a language she didn't recognize she was suddenly much more curious than she was cautious. She listened closely to the faint, mysterious words for a few moments more before she finally stepped forward again to find the man behind the voice. His brown-hued form was fairly easily to find once she caught his scent. She came around so that he could see her coming, but she kept a comfortable distance from him all the same. "Hello!" she greeted cheerfully with a polite dip of her head. "Sorry to bother you! I just heard you talking and I was wondering what language that was."

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
04-26-2017, 08:40 AM

Many moments passed, the poem being completed with such gracefulness. It was one his mother had taught him in the short amount of time that he was with her. Despite this gift, the woman had abandoned her children and Varon was left in solitude shortly after. Thankfully, another pack had brought the orphan in but the scar was too deep to heal completely, hatred still burning deep inside for the blood family. Varon's concentration suddenly broke at the sound of paw steps nearby, the smell of a stranger faint, but clearly in the air. Immediately head would turn to see a pale bright canine lingering closer towards him, seemingly filled with delight and energy. "Hello! Sorry to bother you! I just heard you talking and I was wondering what language that was." Despite the sudden intrusion, the Russian didn't feel a sense of urgency to stand up onto his legs, the woman having allowed him to know she was coming from a good distance away.

The introduction was quite strange, and while the question was not new, it was the way she had asked it that surprised him. Was she eavesdropping? Pink orbs stared into his roughened eyes, blackened nose flaring to discover as much as he could about this albino as he could. She was not the first one of her color he had met within these lands, but nonetheless, his curiosity had still shown. The female seemed rather polite, and for once, the foreigner had wanted someone to listen to his voice. Accent danced upon every word he spoke, replying to her calmly, "It is called Russian. The main language of very far northern lands." It was then that the brown male had stood up completely, giving all attention onto this stranger. He felt rather confused why anyone else would come out into these desert lands, but he had to remember that he had come out here as well. "Do you live here?" Varon questioned, waiting patiently for an answer.

OOC: So sorry for the long wait! I'll have the time to keep up with it now.



10 Years
Athena I
05-12-2017, 09:13 PM

Baine was dripping in curiosity as she looked at the man hopefully to see if he'd share any knowledge with her. She knew it must have been quite unusual for someone to just randomly walk up to him and question him on his language, but she couldn't help herself! "Russian..." she repeated quietly to herself once he spoke, feeling the new word on her tongue. His accent was completely knew to her and she kept her ears perked forward to catch every syllable so she wouldn't misunderstand him.

She smiled a little and gave a quick shake of her head to say no to his question. "No no, definitely not. My home isn't that far from here though, just on the other side of the desert really. I would have a constant sunburn if I lived out here," she replied with a chuckle. "I was just out stretching my legs a bit and I saw the palm trees in the distance. I got curious so here I am!" She gave him another cheerful smile and settled back on her haunches as she added on to her explanation. "I really didn't mean to bother you, but languages are so beautiful to me. I can only speak this one and the old language my mother taught me and my siblings so far, but I'd love to learn more!"

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
05-17-2017, 02:44 PM

"No, no, definitely not. My home isn't that far from here though, just on the other side of the desert really," she replied with a shake of her head, explaining how being in the sun would give her a sunburn. She was speaking with a rather excited and friendly voice, telling him how she was just out here on a walk and had simply heard him from afar. The girl would sit down, Varon's own ears pulling back for a moment in curiosity as he turned his own body to accommodate a better view of each other without having to strain his neck. "I really didn't mean to bother you, but languages are so beautiful to me..." The stranger was continued on until she spoke the last few words, suddenly bringing the man up to his own feet in a sudden spark of excitement. Royal orbs looked at the albino girl for a moment before realizing he had just showed an emotion of his that he hadn't shown to anyone in a long time. Excitement.

"Oh! I see," clearing his own throat, Varon sat down with a slightly sheepish look. Why had he acted the way he did? It simply wasn't like him - perhaps the sun had gotten to his head. "If you would like to learn a bit of my language..." Again, the man paused, a bit shy now of the interaction with the rather friendly female. Eyes would leave the stranger for a second, looking around for a moment to see if any other wolves were around. Once he felt like they were alone, the foreigner returned with an ever so slightly small smile. "Say this... привет (privyet)". Lips would move slowly with each syllable so she could repeat with ease. "It means 'hello'". With a sense of pride suddenly swelling up, Varon awaited to hear her repeat him, rather interested to see how she would do.

OOC: She sparked an interesting reaction from him! :D



10 Years
Athena I
06-01-2017, 09:43 PM

Baine was surprised when the man suddenly hopped up and looked very excited by her admission that she'd like to learn more about languages. He had seemed so stoic before that his strong reaction was a mild shock. However, he soon settled on his haunches across from her, seemingly startled with himself form his own reaction. As soon as he mentioned learning a bit of his language Baine got excited all over again. She grinned happily at the thought and nodded eagerly. Ever since she was little she had loved learning. That was something her parents and siblings had really instilled in her. She wasn't sure where her love of languages had come from, but now that she was getting a rare opportunity to learn she certainly wanted to take full advantage of it.

Her ears were perked forward toward the brown-hued man. She wanted to be very attentive to her teacher so she wouldn't miss any of the information he was giving her. It was such a different sounding word from what she was used to, but there was something about the sound of it that she liked. "при...вет," she repeated, her first attempt very slow and careful. She fumbled just a bit, but it was closer than she thought it would be. "привет," she repeated again, her smile growing and her tail brushing away at the sand behind her. "How was that?!"

"Talk" "You" Think

ooc: SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG. I'll try to be quicker from here on out <3