
Falling inside the black

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
05-23-2017, 01:58 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2017, 01:58 PM by Lucifer I.)
He brought his concubine to the edge of the north, a decision had been made by him. He wasn't completely stupid. Prey was bunking down and moving away from this land. The two fowl he carried were mainly chances of stupid luck, obtained by trying to freeze his ass off. He stopped and looked back to Kait who was having to now trudge through snow that seemed to not want to stop. It looked like a blizzard might hit them tonight honestly. He sat then and pointed his muzzle to the sky ringing out a call for his most beloved queen. He knew she would come in her own time, though her food would only get colder. He looked to Kait then and gave a few small words, not an order exactly but also more than a suggestion. "Come sit with me while we await Vianni. You will be warmer if you sit with me." He was being more than nice, knowing just a few hours ago they had lain together and she very well could hold more of his bloodline.

He moved a fowl to be on his right side so she may eat some if she was hungry. He would find his own meal eventually. The winter was harsh enough without starving his potential children. HE then turned his head to the direction of the antiox awaiting Vianni. He hoped to hell right now she was in a pleasant enough mood. After all he would need to stop her from eating her new pack mate and in a way, sister. After all both would bear him litters, though only Vianni's would result in heirs, the others would just share the name and strengthen his lines, after all his strength would purify her weaknesses. They would both need each other one day, after all he would die fighting one day he knew. HE was in an excellent mood for right now though.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
05-23-2017, 03:23 PM
~I Follow Your Lies To Avoid From Getting Lost~
Kaitlyn was having a harder time traveling now that they were in the North. It was cold, and the small girl was freezing. She shivered every so often, sticking as close to Luc as she practically hopped through the snow, rather than trudge through it. It was getting harder as she was getting tired, but she dared not complain. She felt… strangely content. Strangely safe under the care of this man now. Sure she’d been scared at first… but there was something about the thought she might bare his children that was comforting. Something that would bind them together…

She didn’t have to fear being alone anymore. Even if she didn’t have babies yet she would eventually… and when she did she’d keep them safe. She’d raise them to be the most precious little ones, close and loyal to their kin, but as dangerous and deadly as their father. Kaitlyn looked up at Luc every so often, her tail swishing lightly against her legs.

When Luc stopped the femme did so as well, breathing out in a frosty breath before heading to Luc’s side. She didn’t need to be told twice, and she pressed against him slightly as another shiver ran through her body. “Thank you.” Kait whispered softly, fluffing up her coat against the cold. It was almost a shame how easily she was swayed… but to her Luc was someone who loved her. Someone who would want her to be safe and help raise their children. It didn’t matter if they were some fancy rank in the royalty system or not. They’d be hers… they’d be her new family and she’d never be alone ever again.

Katie’s stomach rumbled, and as food was offered to her she lowered her head to the fowl with ears twitching happily. She nibbled only a little though before lifting her head and looking at Luc thoughtfully. She wasn’t sure what to call him yet… he’d not given a name and she’d not given hers. Even still she felt bonded with him… a deeper bond than she’d ever felt with anyone before.

“My King?” Kaitlyn spoke up softly, hoping that she wasn’t bugging him with all her conversation attempts. “Thank you… for choosing me.” Her words were truly grateful, and no longer did they hold that same level of fear when she first met him. She felt safe, though still bore that submissive nature about him.


Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.



4 Years
05-23-2017, 04:30 PM
She had been doing an awful lot of sleeping as of late, and a lot of eating. Her appetite had been as varied as it was voracious, and the woman had even contemplated eating Noctus. That was once, and it was because he was the reason she couldn't leave the safety of their ship. Subconsciously, her ears twitched as the sound of a familiar song called to her. Solara gave a grumbling purr and moved with their guard and her master to follow the call without hesitation. The woman growled under her breath but made her way off the ship and toward where her mate and king had called her. Keeping the woman caged up in the ship had not made her the most delightful traveling companion for the wolverines who had been set to guard her, snapping at them when they came too close to touching her. She was outside, and she wanted her own space for a change. The woman reeked of death, having been bedding on a pile of skins and chewing the bones of rotting corpses as they piled around her.

She knew she was close when she scented the spicy smell of her mate and the perfume of a female nearby. Her gray tail lifted and waved as she assumed he had brought her someone to feast on, though the scent of blood did not color the air. Perhaps he brought her someone to play with before she killed then? She was dying to hunt on her own again, rather than being catered to as if she were a pup. She was pregnant, not injured. Her paws picked up speed until the creatures at either side of her had to jump through the snow to keep up. Eager for the hunt, Vianni was not prepared for what she saw when she finally came into view of her husband.

Pressed close to his side was a brown and white femme who was eating a feathered feast, and Lucifer waiting expectantly. She halted in her tracks, from a full lope to a dead stop in a split second. Red tinted her vision and rage enveloped her heart as the female dared to thank her mate for choosing her. Looking between the two, Vianni feels her muscles begin to quake as her breaths became hard and shallow. A fire seemed to flow through her veins as she shifted her gaze between Lucifer and the strange woman he fed. Her voice was low, deadly and deceptively calm as she stood yards away. "What is this?" She asked it simply, her dusty rose colored eyes hard and accusatory on her mate. Lucifer brought her here, had called Vianni to him for her to see this, but what did it mean?
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
05-23-2017, 06:09 PM
Kait was obedient enough and her shivering caused him to glance down at her. The sooner he got them all some place warmer the better. As she thanked him and started eating the scent of a very pissed Vi came to him. He gave a huff, great she was going to turn this into a shit show. Just the fucking sort of thing he needed. She was first to arrive before Noctus and Solara came hopping after her. Noctus seemed like he was doing his best to keep his eyes on vi and on their surroundings, good he should be doing just that. His ear flicked to kait ignoring her for now but he was not deaf. He had heard her plenty. If she had any sense about her, kissing ass right now would be a good thing.

He stood then at her question and grabbed the waterfowl. He was quick with placing it at her feet and standing with his tail raised, eyeing her down. His words were to address Vi only at the moment, he was enough of a block and he doubted she would want to risk his heirs. Why would she when she had worked so hard to secure her place beside him? "This is my concubine, my dear. She is not to be harmed for she has a job similar to yours, only she won't be producing heirs. She is here so you know exactly who I am sleeping around with when you are unable to be bedded. If she produces children with me, the only thing they will have is my blood and namesake. She is a good little submissive and has her instructions." His eyes dared her to fight him. To risk his children would be to lose her crown. He would not stand for it. His voice was leveled and calm in his explanation. As soon as he had this taken care of he would move onto the fact that their hunting ground was beginning to be scarcer and scarcer of prey. Feeding them both now was top priority and if he had to guess he was starting to loose his fat slowly as he made daily trips farther and farther from home to hunt.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
05-26-2017, 11:36 AM
~I Follow Your Lies To Avoid From Getting Lost~

A woman came, and Kait looked up at the larger figure of her queen silently. Her ears flicked back, realizing what she had said just as the other woman walked up. That couldn’t have been good. The other woman’s gaze was accusatory and Katie felt the bit of the bird she’d eaten turn in her stomach. She sunk down, shimmying back a little as her submissive side began to immediately show. She was scared, of course not one to fight, and she certainly didn’t want this other woman to think that she was trying to take her spot beside the king.

“It is as our king states, my queen…” Kaitlyn whimpered from somewhere behind Luc. “I know if I bear children they will not be heirs or royalty. I am no Queen, nor do I intend to be. I… I just want to serve both of you… I’m sorry if it seemed my words were out of place, but I assure you I’m no threat.” Her voice cracked with her emotion. She didn’t want to be sent away… not now… not when things started to take another turn. Where would she go? Who could she trust? Kait swallowed hard, slowly peeking around Luc at Vianni with her body so low to the ground that the snow pressed against her belly. Surely this could be enough for now?


Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.



4 Years
05-26-2017, 12:32 PM
When the hulking figure of her mate dared to move, picking up the mess of feathers and flesh, then move to bodily block her view of his other woman, Vianni stared him down as he did her. Already hormones made her testy, fiery, and bold. She knew he dared her to make a move, but she wasn't stupid enough to attack him. The deep red of his gaze dared her to rise against him, and for a moment the dominant madness she had supressed for so long nearly did just that. He had his head lifted, going right for his throat would be no trouble, and she let the debate play on her face in the form of subtle lip twitches and the click of teeth inside her closed mouth. She had listened to her devil, saw the unsaid threat and flicked her tail in a motion that showed her inner war and frustration.

Then, the soft and fearful notes of the infintismally small female sliced through the tension between the king and queen, but only directed the enraged force of nature that was Vianni toward her. In a death defying move, the dark woman moved around her mate without a word, her ears propped forward and her tail rising above her hips as she moved in stiff-legged fashion toward the so-called submissive. Her white curtains raised to show fangs that pierced wolf meat and chewed, multicolored hackles rose as her head lifted and her chin tucked itself. The display was both to put the fear deep inside the woman and to assure Vianni that her husband spoke the truth. With a voice that was hardly understandable through the deep rumbling snarl it was uttered on, Vianni spoke to the woman she hoped had rolled to her back. "Do not touch him on your will. He touches you, do not react in any way that would displease me. If you need companionship, come only to me. You are not my husband's mate! You. Are. His. Whore." The last four words were said with snaps of fangs punctuating each syllable, if Kait had rolled to her back Vianni would be standing over her with her fangs so close to the girl's cheek that she would be able to feel the breeze that came with each snap of Vianni's jaws.

She hadn't harmed her, but she had proved her point. The wicked woman moved then, walking away a few yards and laying herself down in the snow. She began grooming herself as though she hadn't just made an extreme display of dominance and aggression. She had followed Lucifer's orders and hadn't touched a single hair on Kait's hide. She did hope the girl would be shivering and pissing herself with fear, however, maybe crying would be just as satisfying. Oh, or all three, all three would give her madness just the right pacifier.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.