
Fishing in the Dark



9 Years
Extra large
05-07-2017, 02:18 PM

He has just finished up another hunt of smaller game and brought it home to the main part of the pack lands. He wasn't hungry, but he was sure the youngins would be hungry. Dropping the meal off the male left the drop off point and decided to go off somewhere to relax until he felt tired enough to go to bed. He made his way towards the pond hoping to find a nice willow tree to settle under. This way he could watch the sunset and watch the stars in the sky. It would be nice to calm himself down while watching the sunset, but it would also be nice to have some company. Since joining the pack the male had lacked in being social with other wolves in the pack and he was kicking himself for it. He still was focused on trying to build his own home and hunting for his current pack. Maybe he wasn't meant to have his own pack. His path may vary well be to stay here, but he wasn't sure. Not many of the clans older members really seemed to like the idea of settling down in one place, so there were doubts that his family would ever stay even if he formed his own pack. Huffing the male shook the thoughts away before settling down under one of the larger willow trees around the pond.

Another thing he was kicking himself was that he wasn't seeking out Star and spending time with her. Anytime he had seen her from afar she looked as though she was busy and he never felt it was right to pester her if she was busy. She was the only wolf that he knew a lot about and he hadn't spent much time with her. She had fallowed him all the way to these lands, found him, and convinced him to join her in this pack. He needed to seek her out and spend time with his close friend, especially since he was missing her company. If he knew where she was at this moment he would go find her, but for all he knew she was already in her den preparing herself for sleep. Sighing quietly the male shifted his position and looked out over the pond.

"Talk" & 'Think"



8 Years
05-08-2017, 11:29 PM (This post was last modified: 07-13-2017, 12:19 PM by Stardust.)
So don't stress, don't cry,
We don't need no wings to fly!
Stardust was a patient woman, she had to be. Some of their old wandering pack had been shy about pain or illness and even more skittish about her medicine. Frostbite had never needed her attention that way, but there had been times that he helped her. It was small actions like these that kept the male at the forefront of her mind. Star would sit in her den and daydream the day away, but lately it had gotten out of hand. She had been so deep inside her head, she had neglected her duties as healer and friend. The woman sighed, watching the sun set from her den and the stars came out to play. There had been a thought for sleep, but now with the mere mention of Frost, her mind was wide awake and rolling.

Star was certain that one of the elder wolves had cursed her right before she left the pack to follow the hunter. Mumbling under her breath, Stadust rose to her paws only to freeze at the sound of paw-steps on her roof. The base of the willow tree made for a great den, there was a small slope on the side where she made her entrance, and it faced away from the water. This one was her favorite, mostly because she loved the way the branches of the weeping willow swayed over her door. She wondered who would come to her pond, listening to the shuffle of paws as whoever it was laid in the grass. Bright blue eyes peek over the edge of her den, spotting a familiar array of colors before she ducks back into her den to straighten her fur.

Grabbing a tuft of lavender from her reserves, Star rolls in the spicy scented flowers, straightening herself once again before going out to see what brought Frost to the pond. She comes around the small incline, moving up from behind the larger male. The woman wanted to give her friend time enough to adjust to this pack's way of life before she went reminding him of home. "Leave it to Frost to come lay on people's homes. How do you find my roof tonight?" She smiled and waved her bi-colored tail to let him know she was teasing him. "It's rather quiet this evening." As much as the gypsy woman wants to, she can't quite bring herself to look Frost in the eyes. Trying to remember how long she has kept this secret, Stardust realizes she may not be able to keep it from him much longer. She would have to tell him eventually, that was what good friends did.

"Star-talk"  Think

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



9 Years
Extra large
05-28-2017, 08:48 PM

He had been oblivious to the scent riddled around this particular area. He was a great hunter and a good tracker and yet he failed to notice that this area was on top of a den. He was distracted by his thoughts, but he shouldn't have made him fail to realize his surroundings. None the less the male was now settled on someone's roof. His eyes looked out over the pond and his ears taking in the sounds of the night. It was peaceful here and the more the male mulled over it the more he felt this area was a perfect place for a den. The pond was only deep enough for a few fish and the willow tree provided excellent shade and protection. If he hadn't already had a den made the male would be making one here. It was private and peaceful in his opinion.

His ears perked when a familiar voice from behind him spoke up, the words making a grin crack across his lips. Turning his head to look back at her he let his grin turn into a smile. The cool breeze brought her scent to him and he gently took it in her natural scent and that of the lavender she rolled in was a beautiful combination in his personal opinion.

"I should have known that you would pick this for a den, you always seem to get the best spots," he teased, his tail gently beating the ground. "It is quiet, it makes it a nice evening to be out for a little."

He motioned for her to come join him, glad that he had stumbled onto her roof. He just felt this need to spend time with her and he didn't know why. He had always helped her back home, spending time with her while carrying her herbs, handing her things she needed, or just accompanying her while she made her rounds. He had just always desired to be around her, he enjoyed her company and it was a fact that he had always seem to have fun in a way. Her personality he would have to say is what drew him in the most, always so bubbly and kind.

"Talk" & 'Think"



8 Years
06-10-2017, 09:53 PM
His words made the smile on her face grow wider and she waved her off-white tail beat the air. "I have a knack for such things, this one brings me peace." She was happy to have him here, despite the fact that he sat on her roof. It was something she often did as she would daydream about this or that. Star came to sit near him, close enough to feel the heat from him and let their pelts mingle in a stolen moment of closeness. Her heart leaped wildly in her chest and she could not hide the huge grin that came with the joy he brought just by being so close. Even when they had been in their old home he had always kept close to her. Whether it was helping her carry something or keeping her company when she went hunting for medicines and remedies. He gave her a sense of security and comfort, having him close felt more like home than home did!

"I am glad you joined me here, I would have been sad if you didn't. I know you don't like me sad, or to think of me as sad. I am happiest when you're around!" She thought nothing of her openness with him, and there was no shame in letting the gypsy male know just how he made her feel when he was present. It was best to be honest, the time for hiding was done. Stardust didn't want to keep her secret bottled up, it made her reclusive and anti-social. She spent too much time being heartsick, he was just the remedy she needed. He usually was, just spending time with him was enough to pick her up when she was down. Her tail waved, beating against him as she leaned into his side.

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



9 Years
Extra large
07-09-2017, 07:10 PM

He grinned at her words and nodded in agreement. This place was peaceful that he could openly admit that. She had great taste as far as where to go and he should have taken her with him when he had first left and perhaps he would have had better luck. She was first to find this wonderful pack and to pick out such a beautiful spot for her den. He smiled as she came to sit next to him and he was vary happy to feel her body heat against him. He wouldn't admit it, but his heart was picking up speed and he was really liking her laying against him. It felt right to him and he also did not want this moment to ever end.

He chuckled to her words his eyes bright with happiness. She was right, he didn't like seeing her in a sad state and was glad that his presence made her so happy. She leaned into his side and he wrapped his neck around hers gently pressing the side of his face into the back of her neck. Gently taking in her scent and closing his eyes.

"Is that so?" he asked with a smile. "I hope you know that it makes me happy also."

"Talk" & 'Think"



8 Years
07-13-2017, 12:07 PM (This post was last modified: 07-13-2017, 12:09 PM by Stardust.)
A small smile ghosted across her face, it was fleeting but the cause wasn't and hammered into her side. She had to fight not to giggle at his quickening heartbeat, her own seemed to be going wild in her chest as well. When she leaned against him, he embraced her and she let loose a happy sigh, laying her head over his paws and tucking her nose into his chest. She had to shift her position a little, but now she could only breath his scent in. "I hope you know that it makes me happy also." Her eyes closed and she grinned as he spoke, pulling her head up and meeting his amber gaze with her own otherworldly green eyes. "I do know that, but hearing you say it makes me even happier. Has it always been this way?" Her head tilts to the side and she gives him a playful glare of suspicion, snaking her head forward to deliver a teasing nip at the base of his neck. Her tail beat a fun rhythym into the ground, she knew the answer on her side of things, what would his be?

"Stardust." "You." Think.  

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



9 Years
Extra large
07-13-2017, 07:58 PM

He knew that she would easily feel his quickened heart rate especially now that she was laying against him. She leaned against him more and he couldn't help but smile again. It felt so right to have this kind of closeness with her, to give all his attention to her. She had always been there and if he was honest, he wouldn't know what to do if she wasn't there. When he had originally left he had been more excited to explore, but after a day or two he was missing his best friend.

Though he had never really realized what his feelings truly meant, that his vary emotions were more complicated and that she was more then just his best friend. If things were put to the test his feelings would easily show, but there had never been a true test. No one had ever threatened her, nor tried to whisk her away from him. With no true test, his true feelings for her was undiscovered.

His eyes gazed into her vivid green eyes and he smiled again. Her question made him think for a second and honestly yes it had been. He was always happy in her company ever since they had met. He smiled again his eyes bright.

"Yes. Yes it has been," he replied.

speaking Thinking You



8 Years
07-13-2017, 10:11 PM (This post was last modified: 07-13-2017, 10:14 PM by Stardust.)
Frost had always been her very best friend. In their old home, there had rarely been a moment that hadn't seen them together doing something, going somewhere just to be by themselves. Star had been beside herself with grief over him when he decided to leave, worrying over his health and who would take care of him if he got hurt. Their gypsy group had needed her, she was their healer, she was one of the pillars of their society. Every member of their family had seen her wilt the moment he left, watched the petals fall to the ground each day he was gone, and all of them sent her to find him when they couldn't handle the normally bubbly motormouth sulking around and being silent. She hadn't had anything to talk about except the fact that she felt as though a hole had been ripped in her chest.

It was when she realized how truly miserable she was without him that she realized the depth of her love for Frost. It was true, she loved everyone she met, but Frost was a cut above the rest. Others she could live without, she would miss them and pine their absence, but nothing compared to the intense pain that had come with Frost being gone from her life. While Star was no hunter, she had followed her suffocating heart to find him. It was difficult to keep the feelings she had from him, she hated secrets between them. Frost knew everything there was to know about Star, and she desperately wanted to tell him how she felt about him. Perhaps, she should, today! Would that go over very well, would he see her the same way? She couldn't help the anxiety that threatened to bubble up and make her spill her guts right there.

He spoke, and she was sure he could feel the way her heart paused in its hammering before resuming with an even harder staccato rhythym. For a long moment, she merely gazed back at him and let her green gaze rest on the reddish brown of his. Her smile came fast and wide, and she couldn't help but to scoot closer to him and bury her face in his neck. "Frost," she began, her words muffled a bit by the dark fur of his ruff, "I have a secret, but I don't want you to freak out..." Her words were quiet, but light despite the shaking notes of her voice. She was nervous, scared he would reject her, but she would not let herself stop now. Star had done that too many times, and with his recent disappearing act, she was more determined than ever to never be left behind again!

"Stardust." "You." Think.  

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



9 Years
Extra large
07-14-2017, 08:14 PM

His mind continued to drift back to the past, the time they had spent together and each memory brought a warm smile to his face. What would he have ever done without her being there? The reason he had decided to quit his searching and come to Lirim was because he had missed her. She had found Lirim before finding him and he didn't feel it was right to ask her to leave to come with him, so he joined Lirim to be with her. Now that he was here he didn't want to leave and had decided to no longer search for a land for his family. Besides even if he had, he would have to fight the elders to get them to stay. He had even been warned by his mother about that fact before he had left.

He could feel her heart and he wondered how his hammering heart had felt. He gazed back into her eyes, his own softening. He could get lost in her green eyes, they were so beautiful that he felt he would never get tired looking into them. His ears flicked as she spoke his interest perking at the word secret. He had never heard her speak that word before. As far as he knew Star had always been open to telling him everything and he had been the same with her although the discussion of feelings he can't ever remember being brought up before. He lowered his head down her neck and let his chin rest on her shoulder, his left ear just about the height of her skull.

Why would she think he would be freaked out? It even made him more curious about what she had to say. He had never freaked out before with what she told him, so why would he now. Red eyes looked to her front paws for a moment.

"I won't freak out. What's your secret?" he asked.

speaking Thinking You



8 Years
07-14-2017, 10:15 PM
Laying his head on her shoulder gave her a comfort she was sure he had intended. Her Frost had always been so empathetic with her, she knew he probably felt how nervous she had become. How did a wolf just come out and say something as deep and heartfelt as the feelings she held for her best friend? What words could she say that would get him to understand that she had always felt this way. The attraction had started the second she laid eyes on him, but had only intesified the more time they spent together. To realize that his absence hurt her more than any other had been a shock, and a monster of a revelation of her feelings. She could sense he was comfortable in Lirim, and prided herself on doing such a wonderful job of finding this place. Maybe she could give him even more of a reason to stay!

Clearing her throat, Stardust leaned up to whisper her confession into his ear. Her voice was soft, sincere and openly hopeful as she spoke, and each note held the depth of her feelings in them. "I have fallen in love with you, actually, I fell a long time ago..." She trailed off, her ears flicking nervously as she swallowed the lump in her throat. What would he say? How would he take her news? Could it be possible that he felt the same? He had always been more affectionate with her than anyone else, but was that their friendship or something more. She was held suspended above a bed of nails, waiting for the lever to be pulled and her heart to be crushed. Maybe she didn't need to worry, but she couldn't help herself, she hadn't exactly planned on telling him. Stardust had felt an unusual sense of urgency, a need to tell him immediately and get the weight of her feelings for him off her chest. She remained scared, but hopeful until he replied or reacted in some way.

"Stardust." "You." Think.  

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



9 Years
Extra large
07-16-2017, 06:24 PM

To be honest he was a little nervous about what secret she had. Something deep within him feared that he could loose Stardust. Sure things were good now, but what happened when a male swept her off her feet? Would he really be able to spend this kind of time with her again. No male would be able to stand her spending this type of closeness with her. His feelings had always been the same towards her. Though unknowingly they matched hers. He had been in love this whole time, from when he laid eyes on her until the day he would die. Though if one had these feelings all the time, how did one know that these feelings were love?

She leaned up to whisper in his ear and her words made his heart beat faster. She loved him? He felt at loss of words for a moment. It felt like a rush to hear those words coming from her and it made a smile cross his face and his tail to gently beat the ground. His skin tingled with delight as his mind mulled over her secret, burying his face into her fur more. He just couldn't imagine that she would end up being in love with him.

"Well.... In all honesty Star I could not ever imagine being completely without you or you spending your time with another male. I have felt this way the day I met you...... What I'm trying to say is I think I have been in love with you to," he replied softly before lifting his head and gently licking behind her ear.

speaking Thinking You



8 Years
07-17-2017, 04:11 PM
She could hardly breathe once the words left her mouth and hung between them, one ear twisted back uncertainly on her head to show her nervousness. Tucking herself closer to his chest, she could feel his heart speed up and heard the soft beat of his tail against the ground. She had excited him! There was a tangible joy in the air, and she shivered when his face was sent further into her fur. His voice had both of her ears standing at attention, even as she tucked her own nose into the thick fur of his neck. Relief washed over her, but there was humor to be found as well. Giggling, Star couldn't help the quip that escaped her. She snapped her head up and looked at him with her head tilted, "There are other males? I thought there was only you! Since meeting you I have never wanted to be without you, and when you left, I was compelled to track you down. Everyone thought I was crazy!" Her laughter is light, airy, and she reaches out to gently nip along his jaw.

Frostbite had been the sole reason she even made the journey to this place, and now that she had confessed - and even before - she couldn't see herself letting him escape her. Stretching herself out over his front legs, curling around his chest and laying her head over his neck. This was how she wanted it to be forever, to have the love of her best friend was the sweetest gift. There was so much peace within her now!

"Stardust." "You." Think.

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!