
ONE Naamon Pup!!



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-28-2017, 08:58 PM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2017, 09:05 PM by Amon.)
Guys, I'm so excited. I can't even right now.

OKAY! So here's the scoop. Naamah and Amon are having their first litter. These will (obvs) be Amon's first pups born on site. Bird and I are super stoked to see such a long-awaited plot come to frutition and we hope some of you are too <3

If you're unfamiliar with the Abraxas (where you been, homie) you can check out more about them here!

Naamah's profile is here and Amon is being posted with!

So let's lay down some expectations. This family group has a lot goin' on right now and we're looking for active players to keep that up! Real life happens and no one's perfect, but we would like to see at least 1 post every week! Prolonged inactivity may result in the pup being reclaimed! Names ought to be either demonic/ancient in origin, or themed with Greek/Latin/Arabic influence! Some examples include:

Abaddon, Acacious, Adela, Ælfgar, Aelius, Aenor, Aetius, Agares, Alastor, Andras, Ansgar, Anso, Anzo, Anzu, Arcadius, Archelaus, Argyros, Ariston, Ása, Ashoka, Athanas, Atilius, Audamar, Aurelius, Avila, Bael, Baldwin, Bard, Belial, Berith, Cadeyrn, Callias, Cassian, Cyrillus, Dantalion, Dareios, Deumus, Dion, Drakon, Eadric, Elisedd, Eurynome, Eydis, Fáelan, Floriana, Fólki, Gaiana, Gaios, Gaius, Gallus, Godric, Gremory, Hákon, Hesiod, Lamia, Leraje, Malphas, Marax, Marchosaias, Naberius, Oriax, Pretas, Raum, Ronove, Sallos, Seere, Shax, Sitri, Stolas, Vassago, Xaphan, Zagan. More found here!

Let's move on to some designs!! <3 More may be added as time goes on!





More possibly to come!

What We're Looking For:
A.) A Pup pass! We were only given two free pups, which Bird and I will be claiming. Preference will be given to players who can provide their own, but we may be able to help out depending on how solid your app is the circumstances!
B.) Extra Height! There will be a 50% discount on height up to 42" as Amon and Naamah are both direwolves! Most of the Abraxas babies are humungo so it'd be awesome if this pup could be as well!
C.) A Family Player! We're looking for someone who is excited to be in the Abraxas plots and wants to interact with other family members! There are so many now, there are always threads around to hop into! (Still feel free to throw twists into your dynamic, of course!)
D.) One final note, Even if you already play an Abraxas character, we'd still love to see an app from you! With as many litters and branches as this family has developed, they are bound to spring up different plots all for themselves. If you feel this character would give you another unique perspective or you have an idea for a unique addition to the Abraxas line (and feel you can keep up both characters,) feel free to apply!

Copy this code to apply! <3
<b>Name: </b>
<b>Gender: </b>
<b>Design: </b> #?
<b>Height: </b> Inches?
<b>Personality: </b>At least 200 words please!
<b>Plans: </b>Where do you want them to go in life? What are your plans, long-term and short term? How do you see them interacting with the family? Sell us, people. Why is your character the best one?

Good luck all, and thanks for your interest! <3

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!


05-28-2017, 11:45 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2017, 02:43 AM by Dragon.)

Name: Leonidus Abraxas
Gender: Male
Design: #3
Height: 36" (I might be able to make him bigger by the time he gets put up for acceptance)
As a pup, Leonidus is a cynical child, though trusts very few. Those few are his own family, however, even some of his own he won't trust unless he has reason to. Everyone has his quirks, and his is the distrust he has towards the world. Brought up to believe he is a God among mortals, it is those very mortals he does not trust at all. He feels as if those who are not Gods are the ones who try to corrupt and destroy the world, but his kin are the ones he believes are the ones who will restore order. He is a serious child, not really one to get into things like playing or goofing around. If he is to be a God, then he must not indulge in childish things such as those. He holds himself in high regard and wants to be just like his father, the child putting his father on a pedestal and believing he is the God of all Gods. He wants to be just like Amon when he grows up, walking in his footsteps and does as he does.

As he grows older, he will be subject to many things. Despite his hard exterior, he is capable of things like mercy and forgiveness, but those who choose to go against the Gods will not find themselves getting away without punishment for their folly and disrespect. He is a passionate man when he has his mind set. Passionate about his goals, ideals, and towards those he claims as his own. Once his mind is set, it is almost impossible for anyone to convince him otherwise. The male will take action based on whatever catches his interest, though it is hard to determine what exactly might catch it in the first place. Once something is caught in his cross hairs, he will go after it. Relentless in his chase. He has shown some aspects of greed, as well as selfish desire; however, he will stay his hand if he is given a good reason to stop. One quirk that that the male will have is the way he talks.. He'll have a strange habit of making singing tones while talking which he developed at a young age. More than likely a habit developed from when he prays to the Gods of Old, those who have fallen well before his time.

Plans: I'd like Leonidus to grow into an exceptional child/heir to Amon, following in his footsteps and being incredibly religious. He follows the Abraxas ideals to a T, and will most likely develop his own form of religious beliefs as he grows older, though not sure exactly what those are yet. Maybe an idea is that he believes he can speak directly to the Old Gods themselves as well, meaning those that have fallen and passed away before his time. May seek to conquer those who are not of Abraxas blood, and eventually seek world domination!

Note: I can pay for a pup pass, and possibly 42" of height.



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2017, 08:31 PM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2017, 10:01 PM by Naamah.)
Depending on future designs, I would like to have #5 ^_^
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



06-04-2017, 06:19 PM (This post was last modified: 06-04-2017, 11:31 PM by Aten.)
Name: Naberius Abraxas

Gender: Male

Design: #2

Height: 36'' (Unless I wind up getting enough to make him taller)


Naberius, to begin with, will try his best to be a charming creature. He'll be a more than a little manipulative, pulling others in with smiles and friendliness. Even as a pup, he'll try his best to make others give up their guard and believe that he's a friend. Lies slip easily from his tongue, and he can follow them through for a while. It's when the others begin to trust him, or trust him completely, that he will reveal a bit of his true nature. When he is trusted, it will almost be like flipping a switch. A part of him, or most of him, wants to hurt someone. Not physically, but mentally. He'll enjoy making them upset and seeing what he can do to someone.

At the beginning, it will be a slow thing. Just a few comments that could be written off as offhand comments, ones that weren't meant to be offensive but came out the wrong way. Then, as time goes on, he'll become more aggressive and hostile in how he treats others. He'll give up on trying to hide it; after a while into the friendship, he'll throw insults that are meant to hurt, possibly from secrets he knows are embarrassing or something that the others don't want to know about. The only ones who may be exempt from this are his siblings; he'll likely still do it to an extent, but he'll never go as far as to say something truly terrible unless he's upset at them.

Like his father, Naberius views himself as better than other wolves. Not as good as his mother or father, but about the same as his littermates. His older siblings will be viewed as a bit lower than him; to the pup, his parents are gods, and he is the best of the best. Other wolves, those he believes to be mortals, will be viewed with a sort of hatred unless something happens and they manage to get under his skin; they'll be pawns, at best, to do whatever he wants or at least some entertainment. He'll try his best to act like a prince, but due to his habits, and how he wishes to hurt others, can come off as a bit of a spoiled little brat at times.

With those that get under his skin, he may act a little differently. Not as hostile or manipulative; instead, he'll try and hide his shortcomings in another layer of confidence and charm. Inwardly, though, he'll still be like another wolf would. Even with his manipulative nature, he'll still bet embarrassed and flustered by something. He'll try his best to hide it, but when he truly cares for another wolf, Naberius will find it all too easy to slip up and say the wrong thing. With these creatures, he'll leave them gifts occasionally, until he feels as if he is ready to make his feelings known.

Beneath his charm, and his manipulative ways, Naberius is not the best at socializing. He is more than a little awkward, and he struggles at times. He's a bit self-conscious, and in an attempt to hide this he'll try and keep his charm from a young age. He doesn't want anyone to know how awkward he is, not even his family or those he cares for.

Plans: I have a few plans, but they may just be short term plans unless other characters wind up resenting/disliking him?

He'd probably talk to his siblings (littermates or half siblings) but prefer the company of his littermates more. I'd like to plot that he does something to hurt one of his littermates because they made him mad as well.

As for wolves out of the family, I'd like him to meet a wolf when he's fairly young and charm them into having some sort of crush and then he ruins it by insulting them and stuff.

Maybe when he gets around two years, I'd also like him to get a sort of crush on another wolf and be really awkward and stuff around them? Or at least try and act all confident and cool and then he's just inwardly panicking.


06-05-2017, 04:22 PM
If I may call him Victor, I am interested in number 3