
It's a family affair


07-04-2017, 06:57 PM
He moved into the area after leaving the weeping woods behind, leaving ganta behind. His head was down and he could hear the pounding in his ears as his anger boiled over. He didn't give two fucks about what his older siblings thought of him, he was here to deliver a little news of their disappointing brother. He hopped up onto a boulder, before laying on it. It would help to make him stand out. His war paint was fresh again, freshener with the blood of a deer for now. It would be the blood of ganta later.

He threw his head back, summoning each Hellstrom to him. His head then leveled and he held an extreme anger in his eye. They'd likely smell the border upon his pelt. Today he would tell them his plan for the future. They could decide among themselves if they were willing to take the chance and build an army to take their brother down to where he belonged, before they dealt with those that took their home from them. Vengence would be theirs. His eye shone with his resolve. He would make his brother a slave beneath them if enigma didn't kill him first.



10 Years
Dragon Mod
07-07-2017, 01:10 AM

A low, vicious growl echoed in his throat when he heard Riker's howl. Golden eyes narrowed, tail lashing. What the ever loving fuck did he want? And why was he calling them together? "This little shit head is really starting to irritate the fuck out of me!" He muttered, loud enough for Paradox to hear. She only giggled as she nudged him, telling him that he shouldn't worry. They'd only be going to see what the hell he wanted, and if it was something stupid then they'd both throw him in the dirt. Amused by the thought, that was the only reason Enigma decided to answer the call. He didn't give two shits about this kid, not with the way he acted like he was a big shot. Upon reaching the location, golden eyes glared at the scarred male. "Who the fuck do you think you are? You really think you're that important trying to call us like that? I should beat your ass again!" He barked. Enigma was hardly in a good mood at all, and he seldom was.

Speech Thought Others


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



10 Years
Dragon Mod
07-07-2017, 01:16 AM

Blue eyes narrowed when the call rang out, and Enigma wasn't happy. He had told her about running into one of the younger half kids, and she scoffed when he told her that he was trying to be all high and mighty. She laughed even harder when he thought he could talk to her litter mate the way he did and thought he could get away with it, but of course, Enigma had put the brat in his place. "Let's go see what the fuck he wants, and if he wastes our time then we'll just yank off his tail." She purred. Oh, that sounded delightful!

The pair made their way towards where the other boy was, and her ears flicked when Enigma addressed him rather unkindly. Likewise, her gaze was unamused as she looked at Rikeros. "You better have a good reason for bothering us boy, or I'm going to pluck your other eyeball out!" She stood and waited, and irritated look on her face.



07-07-2017, 01:50 AM
Enigma and paradox arrived together and this time he watched his brother and gave him a respectful nod. It was well noted to him now that enigma wasn't going to take his shit. His eye went to paradox then and he gave her a smirk. He'd learned his lesson and didn't need it to be taught again. Though he intended to make sure they knew where he stood on everything. There was excitement in him at the prospect of war. "no need for that Enigma, we have someone else to beat the crap out of soon enough. And more importantly we get to kill this fuckstick. Though I'd like to wait to see if Forsaken joins us before I say much more." his eye went to Enigma as he spoke and he kept his voice leveled but the promise of violence and bloodshed made excitement invade his voice. He then looked to Paradox and he then addressed her, careful to keep any disrespect from his voice with both. "no need for that sister dearest, you'll find that I tend to learn my lesson the first time round. Enigma here did that well enough already."

He shut up then and sat down to await forsaken. His eye scanned for any sign of him. It was several minutes then before he decided he waited long enough. He'd have to find forsaken later. If he was game then that would make this all the better. They'd teach ganta about some fucking loyalty. "we've waited long enough. I'll find forsaken later and see if he's in. Seems though that our dearest brother Ganta forgot about his family, and even worse, he will back none of us. He has raised a pack and the alpha female he has is pregnant, she reeks of the weakling and pregnancy. He abandons us, and I'll see to it he knows where he fucked up but I can't take out a pack on my own. I'll not beg it of you but I will ask will you join me when I take my own pack, and destroy those that have wronged us and still are to this day?" his eye cut to both enigma and paradox. He was too proud a male to beg but he would take Ganta and those that seiged his home down one by one. He was sure neither of them would mind the promise of a little bloodshed but it did stand to reason that they may not follow him. He knew where he ranked for now though among them.

He would wait to see though. Perhaps they would not mind beating the shit out of Ganta together, and ridding the world of the weaklings spawn.

Forsaken I


5 Years
07-07-2017, 09:50 AM
Forsaken had come just as Rikeros was explaining about Ganta’s pack and his alpha female. The brown brute smirked, golden eyes shining with malice. “She’s weak alright. I’ve already maimed the bitch.” Forsaken sounded amused, his tail curling around his feet as he looked over towards Enigma and Paradox. “Long time no see you two…” He smirked, golden gaze shining with madness. He didn’t doubt that Enigma would be sore with him for leaving yet again… but Forsaken was sure he could make things smoothed over with his twin of sorts. After all… he had some interesting news to tell his brother alone.

“I’m not one for… following the younger crowd so to speak… but I think we might be able to work something out, hmm?” Forsaken held an amused look in his eyes. “That litter has been nothing but disappointing… to call them our kin is pathetic. Shiro and Ganta particularly…” The brute shifted a bit, glancing towards his littermates. “I say we give Rikeros a chance. Who knows? He seems to have the will and drive to bring Hellstrom about again… and with the slaves I’ve been collecting… perhaps that dream could become a reality sooner rather than later.” The brute smirked before looking to his little brother.

“I’m with you. I can help you secure your reign… but in return… you’ve got to do something for the three of us.” Of course he wouldn’t forget his littermates, and he glanced towards Paradox and Enigma for their approval. Surely they must have an idea of what he was up to by now?