
Put A Ring On It Then Maybe We'll Talk


07-06-2017, 11:54 PM

It seemed a series of unfortunate events smiled upon her. The woman had been up North a few days ago, minding her own business, then a polar bear decided she'd make for an easy snack. Or at least, it had tried to make her into an easy snack. Despite the bears largeness, her fear had driven her move as fast as she could, but even she couldn't outrun it with the lack of a limb. It was only by her misfortune (or saving grace?) that she didn't pay attention and slipped into a breathing hole made by a seal. She had fallen in and swept up in the currents beneath the ice, the waters were frigid, but miraculously she had survived. Upon reaching the surface, she had managed to catch onto an old log aimlessly drifting in the water, and days later...she was here. Washed up on the shores of a place she didn't know. Was she even still in the same lands she had found not too long ago?

She was dazed. Wet. Cold. Wondering why the world hated her so damn much...If only I hadn't gotten separated from Nyko, none of this would be happening! She hated herself for the separation, but alas, she would be on her own for a while longer. Rosy colored eyes gazed upon the lands she had now reached, none of it familiar of course. It appeared she was near warmer lands, the snow and ice not touching this place. Where was she, exactly? Sighing, she struggled to her feet and shook herself free of the sea water and sand, the woman sitting a bit away from the tide that clawed at the earth. She needed to recover and recuperate, figure out what to do now...




13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
07-07-2017, 06:23 PM

Pyralis shuffled along the shoreline kicking up sand as she went. She was pouting. After Lydia chewed her out about the kids Pyralis had promptly beaten the girl but there was nothing she could do to get the sting of Lydia's words out of her head. Stupid, preceptive, pain in the ass. Pyralis took a swat at the sand and sighed heavily. Lifting her head to the horizon to see how far she'd wandered she spied the gray form of another wolf laying on the sand near the water. She wrinkled her nose in preparation but as she scented the air she didn't smell any decay. Maybe it was a fresh corpse? Well, she could probably rip it a bit and see if she could use it for gull bait.

As Pyralis got closer she realized the wolf was still alive and also missing a leg! "Hey you! What the hell happened to you huh? Your leg get eaten by a bear or something?"

"Talk" "You" Think
Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!


09-10-2017, 02:16 AM

Lost in thought about what to do, she didn't realize someone else was approaching her. All she could smell was the sea water that had driven itself up her nose from earlier, so needless to say everything smelled...salty. On top of that, she smelled like wet dog. And she couldn't think of anything worse to smell like at the moment. When another woman's voice shouted at her, she nearly jumped out of her skin as she then faced the woman, eyes wide with surprise and a hint of fear. This woman bore a dark pelt with some patches of white and brown, though what Roseus noticed most was how tall she was! Were all wolves of this continent huge!? This woman was just as big as Ashmedai, so that thought had to be true, right???

Roseus glanced down at her ghost limb for a moment when the woman mentioned it, her ears falling back to her head. She knew she shouldn't be bothered by such words because she had lived this way for a long time, but sometimes she wished that others wouldn't notice so she could feel normal for once. Ashmedai hadn't noticed right away, but this woman did. "N-no!" She replied almost meekly, though she wished it had been bears...instead of her own kind. She didn't feel comfortable telling that to this strange woman though, not yet at least. Rising to stand up, she shook her pelt though it did little to disturb the sand that clung heavily to her pelt.

She stared up at the larger woman, feeling her heart beat faster. Would this woman hurt her? Or was she...nice? Like Ash? She wasn't one to immediately trust others, so she kept herself on guard and ready to try and flee just in case. She only hoped...that her body wouldn't be sent into a glowing panic like it had with Ash. Speaking of...where was he? He had wanted to travel with her, but she had gotten swept away before they could make it out of those lands. Now she was lost somewhere and had no clue how to get back to finding him again! Gods, she felt so helpless...Turning her attention back to the woman, she spoke again, her voice still meek. "Um...c-can you tell me where I am? I...I got washed up you see, and I need to find my friend Ash..." Part of her felt like this woman wouldn't help her, but it never hurt to ask, did it?
