
Sturdy as a rock



4 Years
05-01-2017, 10:47 AM

This structure was bizarre… though not quite as unique as the vessel where Ganta had been born. The young brute breathed in with a little uncertainty, his ears flicking towards the massive wall that gave the place it’s namesake. The brute expelled a slow breath, traveling alongside the stone structure as he sought his way towards the battlefield. Memories were stirring within his mind, and he thanked the Gods he urged Roza to stay close to Fiori while he sorted some things out. He felt horrible leaving her behind… but he knew he was close to starting up Dragoste. All it was going to take now was deciding on a place to live… and once he did that he could start working to defend those he cared about.

Ganta knew he had a lot of things he had to do yet. He was inexperienced as a leader… as a healer or even a fighter… but he could learn. By the Gods he’d learn and he’d help those he cherished. The brute paused mid step, head turning back the direction he’d come. Though he could no longer see the S.S. Antiox he was sure that it was there… and Gods did he miss those simple days. Perhaps, the brute thought, that could be a potential place to claim. But then again… the North was full of harsh lands. Could he really put Roza through that and so far away from her family?

Ganta paused, lowering his head with a heavy sigh passing his lips. He’d thought that this was going to be easier than it had been so far… but he wasn’t ready to call it quits just yet. He couldn’t. Not when there was more than himself to care for… and what about Shiro? What if he ran into that poor damaged sibling again? Was it not his duty to protect him?

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



4 Years
Extra large
06-19-2017, 07:55 PM

It was time for him to leave the north behind. To be honest he'd been hiding from responsibility and trying to find a way to avoid certain things. Ray was the biggest issue that he'd been trying to avoid for so long, but now he just felt defeated. Even when he was sure he'd never see her again, that there was no way in hell he'd never run into her again, she somehow managed to catch up to them. Was fate trying to force them together again? If so he disliked it. He still couldn't hate her, but every time he looked upon her face he felt pain. Saving her from the icy depths of the frozen lake had been enough of a cruel twist of fate to send him running to get some space. He couldn't be around her and sort out his feelings at the same time. How was he supposed to feel about a wolf who constantly disappointed him? She'd left him countless times and yet part of him still viewed her as his best friend. He didn't understand.

Thinking about returning to Delaney was about the sole comfort he had. She was about the only other friend that he had that wasn't making his life complicated, confusing, or left him wondering where the hell she was. She'd left the north before him and he'd promised to catch up while she went to go talk to her old alpha. He hadn't pried and instead let her go while he tried to sort his own mind out.

Now it was at that point where he would return to her. They'd agreed to convene somewhere in the south so they could find a slightly warmer place to stay until spring greeted them once more. Of course the easiest way back south was past the strange wall that seemed to stretch on forever. He had just reached it and was padding along the side when he spotted something strange. It was obviously a wolf, but there was something off about the male. The markings hadn't even thrown him off really, but it was the odd bits of long fur coming from his head. That wasn't normal, was it?

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



4 Years
06-28-2017, 07:12 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2017, 07:12 PM by Ganta.)

The wind, carrying the scent of a stranger to him, was what broke Ganta out of his thoughts. The young man slowly lifted his silvery-white eyes to land on a much darker figure in the distance. At first, had the other bore more of a chimera figure, he might have mistaken him for Shiro. But alas no, this was not his brother… sister… thing. The stranger was fully dark, though he bore two different eye colors. The brute raised a brow, catching the other staring at the long bits of fur upon his head. Yes, that always attracted quite the attention, didn’t it?

“I know it looks a bit strange, but I was born with a mane.” Ganta spoke up, a laugh leaving him. His ears perked and, for a moment, he’d be able to push his worries and concerns down. He’d be able to focus on someone else rather than the thoughts in his own head. “I’m Ganta, by the way. Ganta Lore. You are…?”

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



4 Years
Extra large
07-09-2017, 09:13 AM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2017, 09:14 AM by Mortar.)

The other male's gaze caught his attention and Mortar's ears flicked back against his head rather nervously as he realized he'd been caught staring. The male's words reached his ears and they finally flicked forward again when he realized that the strange looking male wasn't angry by his rude display. The laugh surprised him, but a soft smile finally found its way on his lips as he relaxed slightly. The other guy wasn't angry so everything was fine.

"I'm sorry for staring, I've just never seen anyone with ... well anything like your mane."

Mortar let his body relax as he took a seat. He was content with the company for now despite the fact he still had the desire to hurry back to his friend. Ears flicked around as he listened to their surroundings before settling back towards Ganta as he introduced himself. The last name Lore was one he hadn't heard before, but he didn't dwell on it at all as it was his turn to introduce himself.

"Mortar Armistice. What brings you to the north?" Parts of it had been pretty, but overall it hadn't been his favorite place to hang out considering there were far more southern territories that provided less of a challenge to living.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]