



4 Years
06-12-2017, 01:33 PM (This post was last modified: 06-25-2017, 07:11 PM by Tyranis.)

Normally Tyranis was careful and mindful of the border, but with Bass nowhere to be found, where the border started and where it ended became more and more ambiguous. The reason for Bass’ absence however was what ground most on the lightning bolt’s nerves. His sisters had driven the Primo mad. Their disappearance had weighed too heavily on the older wolf’s shoulders and he had run off into the night ranting and raving for his female siblings. Tyranis had thought it was good riddance, two less sisters out of the three he had been born with had so far been a blessing, but even with them gone they continued to cause problems. Well, it seemed they had caused the biggest problem of all now.

There was one benefit to the alpha’s disappearance however; no one seemed to notice when he slipped out of the border to misbehave.  Today he was exploring the caverns near his home, there had been a point when a pack lived too close for him to wander through the caves but now it seemed that they were long gone. He was still a pup, but at six months old he was already one of the big kids. He padded through the caverns, golden eyes scanning the walls and bat lined ceiling of the caverns. The caverns were eerily quiet in some places while in others the soft dripping of ice cold water falling into pools on the cave floor seemed oppressively loud.  “HELLOOOO” He cried into the darkness, and laughed as his echo reverberated through the smooth stone walls.    


Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  

Kane I


Dire wolf
07-09-2017, 06:21 PM
Kane had never traveled this much in his life, though.. to be honest his life hadn't been all that long so far. Still, he was tired.. very tired.. and the darkness of these caves was more than welcome as a place to rest for the night. He was about three hours in to a good night's rest, curled up with his tummy exposed and slightly rolled onto his back. One fang protruded his black muzzle, still yet to square out with his maturity. He was a yearling now, but he was in that.. awkward stage where he was all height with no bulk to fill him out that tall skeleton.

The ringing, loud.. annoying voice echoing through the cave immediately made the youth panic. His heart raced as his ruby eyes opened wide and he scrambled to get to his feet, tripping over this long limbs a few times before he managed to do it successfully. Ugh, who the heck was dumb enough to alert every predator in the area where they were? They did sound young.. so perhaps they didn't know.

He stomped back toward the entrance until the culprit was in view, relieved to find that he was right and it was indeed another pup, one just a little younger than himself. "Shhh. What are you doing waking up everyone like that? Are you some super secret martial artist that can fend off hungry bears?" One 'brow raised as he looked down on the pup in front of him, mocking curiosity as his head tilted slightly.

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?



4 Years
07-09-2017, 07:26 PM


He stepped back reflexively as the older and considerably larger male approached him, his ears flattening. “N-no.” He said shyly. Tyranis had never been in trouble before, being scolded was an entirely new experience, although since it was coming from someone only a few months older than him, the blow was somewhat cushioned. He looked at the male with wide fearful eyes for a moment before his features hardened and he rose boldly from the slight crouch he had been in just seconds before. I am Tyranis Wreckage!” He declared proudly. “The future heir of Abaven!” He added although it was a lie regardless of how much he wanted it to be true. “Anything that harms me faces the fangs of the largest pack in the East. I’m not afraid of anything.” He said and upturned his nose once he finished speaking, radiating pride.  

In truth he couldn’t say with any certainty that having him harmed would stir the rest of the pack like it would Bass or his mother, although his mother would even care to begin with. His mother slowly secluding herself from the rest of the pack was yet another problem his good for nothing sisters had caused.  She was so busy mourning his damned sisters that she didn’t even notice when he left the pack borders altogether as long as he came back to their den before sunset. “If there was a bear or if this male decides to kill me, would it matter? Would anyone even care? “ He asked himself, he casted a glare at the ground as his mind reeled. ”Everyone cares more about Derecho and Tempest than me.” He could feel a snarl wrinkling the tip of his muzzle as he continued to brood, the other male completely forgotten.  

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  

Kane I


Dire wolf
07-09-2017, 07:58 PM
The guilt riddled in the child's face in front of him nearly made him feel bad, but he reminded himself that it was in this kid's best interest to learn how to be stealthier when wandering alone. He watched Tyranis cower almost, and then suddenly spring up with newfound pride. The change of pace in the strange pup's personality took him for a bit of surprise, but he continued to listen.. his ears flicking as the coal black teen settled to his haunches to hear him out.

Half of his attention was on the one in front of him, the other half was on their surroundings.. he really hoped nothing heard them while the kid was out here shouting about his royal lineage. By the end of it, Kane couldn't help but roll his eyes. The child was sitting there, snarling to himself and angry. In all honesty, Kane bought his story.. this little punk was acting quite spoiled and fit the definition of a prince well. For now, the little lie wasn't questioned.

"Again, a bear won't care who you are or what you're supposed to be when you grow up. Right now, all a bear would care about is the crunch value of your bones, so chill out! Got it?!" His words were hushed, hissing through clenched teeth. He looked around behind Ty, scanning the area before glancing back to the darkness of the cave. Nothing but the wind rustling a the new leaves of spring. He sighed in relief after a moment, providing his present company decided to stay quiet for that time.

"It won't be long before your family comes looking for you, heir of Abababa. Come inside and be quiet, hopefully nothing else will know you are here until then. In the morning, though.. you are on your own. I'm only here for the night." His tone got a lot softer toward the end as he looked to Ty, getting up off his bum so that he could turn around and face into the cave. He glanced back to Tyr, secretly hoping he hadn't been mean enough to scare him off. He wouldn't be able to deal with the guilt, as he was certain this little loud mouth would end up a meal. Well, maybe he needed to show some sort of.. normalness. "My name is Kane, and unlike you- I'm a nobody so I really have to look out for myself out here. Try not to give away my presence, okay?"

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?



4 Years
07-10-2017, 08:54 PM

His attention snapped to the male with a harsh glare as he mispronounced the name of his pack. He gave a petulant “Hmph!” as the male walked deeper into the cave, weighing the option of whether or not he could make it home before sunset before settling on the notion that no one would even notice. Reluctantly he followed Kane into the cavern, his golden eyes fixed ahead of him in a stern look of antipathy on his features. Why a rouge male hadn’t outright killed him like Bass had led him to believe was beyond him, but then again, each day he seemed to be finding new ways for the old male to be wrong. He resented Bass for caring about his sisters more than him, for never officially making him the heir, and for letting a fox of all creatures live among wolves as if it was in any way their equal.

The more he thought of it the more he began to realize that maybe it was better that he wasn’t the heir of Abababa. Maybe Abaven was for the weak, and would need to be reshaped by the strong. He certainly felt strong; not physically but mentally. Kane on the other hand… “So…Mr. Nobody, what are you doing out here?” He asked, taking the trouble to at least lower his voice when he spoke to Kane although unable to hide the sarcastic edge in his tone.


Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  

Kane I


Dire wolf
07-10-2017, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2017, 10:01 PM by Kane I.)

There was a slight feeling of relief that came when Ty eventually did follow. Kane had thought for a moment that he'd insulted him too much, which really was honestly more than he had intended to. Kane did not suffer from many of the same ailments others in his mysterious bloodline did, but he did inherit quite the temper from his father's side. Luckily, he had his compassionate side to go with it. He really wanted to keep this stranger safe, but that was a secret he'd keep to himself.

When the question came on hushed tones, Kane's black pillars perked on top of his skull while those ruby ears searched for the other male in the dark. He was appreciative that Ty was trying to remain quiet, heeding his warning. They didn't have a pack to defend them out here, they were all alone.. so they needed to be careful. He'd set out on this journey to relieve his mother from worry about their missing sibling, not break her heart by hearing about their deaths. Still, he knew it was a possibility...

"Scavenging mainly, that's it." It was a lie, but there was a lot more drama revolving around the real reason he was out here than he wanted to admit to Ty just yet. He left his answer short as he settled down a few yards into the cave behind a curve in the hall, allowing them to rest with a bit of light from the entrance but be hidden from view. Kane curled back up, bringing his limbs in toward his body for warmth since his coat was so damn short, but it wasn't until now that he caught a whiff of something vaguely familiar. In fact, it vaguely remembered Kane of his siblings and himself.

He wasn't sure what to make of the similarity he held to Ty's own scent, so he simply remained quiet.. but he found himself searching the boy's features.. maybe painting him red instead of his darker coloration.. maybe more like Miach. Actually.. there was quite a resemblance there... so much of one that Kane nearly froze as a sensation of vertigo came over him.

He'd always been curious about his father, but he never dared to ask his mother. It didn't really matter anyway, did it? He had her and he was incredibly thankful for that, didn't matter if there was another parent in the picture or not. Though.. who wouldn't be curious about their lineage? Was Abaven in bonds with Lirim somehow? Perhaps he'd have to open up to Ty a bit afterall... at least to sate his own curiosity.

"Heeyy, does Abaven have ties with Lirim at all, does it?" He tried his best not to make it awkward, but the vibe Kane was giving off was probably more than a little awkward. The whole thing was slightly uncomfortable, in all honesty. He had to remind himself that he was probably wrong. What were the chances of running into family you've never heard of in the grand expanse of Boreas?

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?



4 Years
07-12-2017, 11:37 AM

He followed Kane deeper into the cavern the male said he was scavenging but he wasn’t necessarily sure he believed that, something in his tone seemed hollow although he couldn’t quite place how. He simply sat as the other male curled in on himself he wasn’t the least bit tired  and in all honesty wanted nothing more than to explore the cave, although the stranger had strongly advised against it.

He yawned out of boredom then quickly snapped to attention at Kane’s question. His head tilted to the side in confusion, his still-too-big ears flopping to the side as he did. “I don’t think so.” He said, Bass had only ever taught him about marking the territory, if anything relating to politics happened he simply told the little lighting bolt that he was too young to understand, something that had always rubbed him the wrong way, especially when Pyrr had told him he was never too young to do anything.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a wolf from another pack before.” He muttered, which was true; even with Bass gone the only wolves outside of Abaven he had encountered were loners. “Are you from Lillium?” He asked, cocking his head to the other side as he waited for an answer. He knew nothing about the laws of other packs but from what he knew from life in Abaven he couldn’t imagine a pack where anyone was a nobody…Unless of course he was an escaped slave.


Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  