
Unveil your abomination



3 Years
07-05-2017, 03:33 AM
Things changed this morning. Her eyes had opened yesterday and her ears had come unsealed yesterday as well. She wasn't sure why but she felt squished by the pile on top of her. A pile she knew as her family by scent but she wanted out of this situation. A whimper fell from her lips, the first she had heard from herself. It caused a startle in her, her head lifting and pressing back into the fur of who could only be Nova from her scent. Though names were not known just yet. Her milky pink eyes blinked, unseeing but that was not the premise. Another whine left her and it then lead to her outcry for her mom. Her own voice was too deep to be a girls yet not deep enough for a boy.

She didn't know what the sound was exactly that she made. She dug her nails into the ground and worked on pulling herself from the pile. It took a moment before she was out, sent tumbling forward to land on her face. It caused a yelp to come from her in shock. Another sound she didnt recognize as her own. She tucked her tail, coming to stand before shaking herself clean. Her legs were wobbly, and she made at an awkward pace for the den entrance. It took a few tries after bumping her nose into things before she finally found what she was looking for. A way away from the pile and those strange sounds. Her mother probably watched but she wouldn't know. She emerged and flopped in her triumph at the entrance. This wasn't near far enough but would do for now. She was the runt, the last born, and the tiniest if one compared her to her siblings.

Argus has a sphinx for a companion, named Kamilah, she is assumed to be with Argus unless stated otherwise.



2 Years
07-05-2017, 04:04 AM
It wouldn't make any sense for him not to know of the world. He could listen, listen to his mother talking and the wolves around him. While a world of darkness taught him nothing he learned names with scents. Names with sounds, aside... from his own. Ochitsu had not cried a word, when he had been born it was a worry if he was alive aside from the simple signs of breathing. So today, when his eyes were open he was intrigued by the colors around him. He'd been able to see.... in spring. Clumsy paws bringing him upwards looking for his mother and watching his smaller sister.... stumble out of the den to the entrance. Ochitsu had smelt her, she didn't quite smell like a female nor a male since it was mingled. Yet to him.... she was his sister.

Carefully the quiet boy would tuck his head underneath her body. Trying to prop her up to stand as his skinny tail stretched straight out. He would not speak a word but would worry over her well being. Careful his eyes said as did his actions. He was still.... listening. Turning to see what else he could study with these new seeing eyes of his.


07-06-2017, 07:27 PM
Warmth surrounded Nova as she nestled at her mother's side, protectively curled close to the smallest member of their litter. Mama said her name was Argus, that she was definitely a she, though she had both the parts the girls had and the boys had. Nova didn't really get it, but she decided that it didn't matter. There were times when Nova didn't feel much at all... and those times scared the young girl. So she tried to focus on what she could feel, and the members of her family... she was the biggest after all. A rainbow child who would bear a size to rival her own father.

When she heard Argus whimper, a sound she recognized as foreign, she perked her ears. Red eyes opened and slowly, but by the time Nova was fully able to force herself awake Argus had gone and flopped near the entrance, their brother, Ochitsu near her. He was quiet too, Nova noticed, but the girl didn't mind. They were her family... and she'd protect them from the feelings she didn't like... from the things that might scare them.

Protectively Nova padded over to the two, watching them with her bright orbs as tail wagged a mile a minute behind her. "Hold on Ochitsu. Does Argus want to get up?" She spoke the words gently, nosing her brother's shoulder before glancing to their sister. She was just glad that Argus was up and about. Who cared if she was different? Nova loved her all the same.



4 Years
07-06-2017, 08:32 PM
Things were a lot more difficult now, a lot more confusing, and more stressful. It was still hard for him to process things, to become used to having siblings other then Apathy. With no father around to help out Chasm had taken it on himself. Him and his companion did all the hunting making sure his mother was well fed so that in turn his new siblings survived. He had wished he had some alone time with his mother so that he could fully understand everything. He had even had little time to spend getting to know his new pack mates. With spring now here the prey was a lot more plentiful giving him and Bones more opportunities to grab decent prey and to have more chances to catch something. Bones never had any trouble and the boy was quickly learning new tricks from his companion.

One fat rabbit in Bones jaws and another fat rabbit in his own and together the to trudged from their hunting spot and headed back towards the den. Chasm was quiet like normal, especially now that his mouth was stuff full. The pair walked side by side and though Bones was much smaller both walked at the same speed. As they got closer to the den Chasm's dual gaze quickly noticed something was vary much different. The mass of color at the entrance of the den immediately threw the boy into a protective mode and his hackles rose along with his speed quickened. When he got even closer he was somewhat relieved to realize that it was just his siblings. Though he knew they shouldn't be out of the den at least there was no threat to his mom or his siblings.

His pace slowed, he paused to place the rabbit on the ground. He approached the three cautiously, deathly afraid he may harm them. Gently he sniffed over each one making sure that they had not been harmed. Once satisfied he sat down in front of them and looked over each tiny form. Bones in the meantime slipped in the den around the pups to deliver the meal to Marina.

"You three okay?" he asked unsure what else to say to them.



2 Years
Athena I
07-13-2017, 01:04 PM
Adore did her best to ignore her siblings and whatever commotion there might be going on around her so she could keep sleeping, but when opened her eye a bit and saw her older brother's companion coming in with food... that woke her up pretty quick. She stood up and gave herself a shake, almost toppling herself over in the process. She hurried over to where her other siblings were then out of curiosity to see what all was going on. She gave Chasm a big smile, greeting him sweetly, "Chas!" For the time being she ignored her siblings and walked over to the rabbit he had brought and sniffed at it curiously for a moment. There was apparently something happening with Argus, but Nova was all over it as usual so she didn't worry about it. Maybe she'd go back in the den and stay with her momma. That seemed like a pretty good idea. But at the same time she wanted to see what was going on out here... decisions decisions.

Marina I


7 Years
07-14-2017, 03:02 PM
Their birth had been so frightening… It had taxed the female greatly. But once they were born, Gods once they were born Marina couldn’t help but feel the surge of pride seeing all the rainbow marked patterns on her girls. Though Argus was a bit of a special case, one that Marina couldn’t quite understand and yet, at the same time, she was more than happy to love on her smallest daughter. It had been a miracle in her eyes that Argus even lived… and Nova was endlessly close to her littlest one. The largest and the smallest… guardian for the weak. It helped her feel better about the little ones, though thus far neither Ochitsu or Argus had spoken a single word.

So when Marina heard her daughter for the first time she wasn’t sure which of her children made the sound. Her eyes sapped open, gaze shooting around until they landed on the flopping Argus. Ochitsu was quick to go to her side and help her stand, as was Nova, who was less about having Argus stand and more so checking to make sure she was alright. Marina felt her heart ease a little bit. Her children… Gods she loved them. The way they came into the world might have been a nightmare, but Marina wouldn’t have changed that for the world. They were hers… They were Celestians.

Seeing Bones and Chasm come back in Marina brightened a little. Her tail gave a wag, her depression no longer as bad as it had once been before the birth of her newest litter. She had hoped that the perk in her mood would allow Chasm some peace of mind… but she knew she couldn’t withhold the truth from the boy forever. Her gaze the slid to Bones, giving a grateful nod to the devil. “Thank you.” But for right now she wanted to make sure her babies were all settled. She could worry about eating a little later.

Carefully rising, so she would disturb Aza, she moved behind Adore and Chasm, smiling gently. “It’s alright, sweeties… Argus just found her legs is all.” The female nosed her second born daughter, giving Adore a lick on the back of her head. “Your big brothers brought home rabbits. Do you want to try some? It’s big wolf food.” Marina’s tone was gentle as she eased down to the earth, glancing at Chasm. She hoped to meet his eye. “...and Chasm? I’d like to talk to you tonight. Do you think Bones can watch the den after the others are settled in?”

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]