
I never give in, I never give up {and neither will you}


07-07-2017, 10:39 AM
Félicien rose early, as he often did in the mornings. But this day was another one that was different for him. He’d been working with Ruthger to help keep Mara and their sons safe… and thus far he felt they were doing a damned good job. The monochrome colored brute came to where Ruthger had been sleeping for the night. Sometimes it was hard to say if Mara would let him spend an evening with his sons… but Féli felt endlessly proud of her for the progress she’d made so far. Who would have thought that stubborn little femme would make such a good mother? At least in his eyes she was.

“Ruthger.” Félicien rumbled once he got close to the other male’s site of denning that night. “Come, it’s dawn. This morning we’re going to patrol and then work further on sparring techniques.” His words, while they didn’t exactly leave room for argument, were spoken in a kind tone. “You’ve been doing well so far…” A smirk tugged at Féli’s lips, pretty sure that the other man might have something grumbly to say in response. In fact the other amused him.

“Come on son, let’s get ‘em up.”



7 Years
07-07-2017, 11:25 AM

He let out a hungry yawn and blinked the sleep from his eyes before he rose wordlessly and shook out his fur. Over the last few days Ruthgar had gained an awing respect for the retired mercenary, and was gratified that he would no doubt be a part of the lives of his sons. He smiled at the male’s complement and followed the older male out of the meager den he had hastily dug for himself several days before. It was far enough to give Mara her space, but close enough for him to hear his squealing pups, and he couldn’t imagine a more beautiful sound to fall asleep and wake up to. “Roit.” He grumbled. “Wut ‘re we coverin’ teday then?” He asked, already starting on his usual path through the orchard, a route that had seemingly become ingrained in him as he followed it every morning, afternoon, and night since Mara had first made her den among the fruit bearing trees.

He had never once opposed Féli’s fighting lessons, and although they meant getting up a bit earlier than he was comfortable with that was a sacrifice he was willing to make, considering what he had to gain. He had promised Mara after Crew had disbanded that he would be strong for her if she was strong for him. So far, she had held up her end of the bargain, and it was time for him to own up to his. He would be strong, his sons would have strong parents, and they would be strong too, which was why Ruthgar always pushed himself as hard as he could with each lesson, going over the techniques again and again and practicing even when the older male wasn’t around. His pups were worth the pain and the struggle, and if anyone threatened them he fully intended to rip them apart.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-21-2017, 10:13 AM
Felicien was, in some ways, a bit envious of Ruthgar, if only slightly. The mercenary himself had lain with women, but he’d never lingered long enough to see if the whelped or not. He couldn’t hide his pride in seeing the little ones, and he was certain that the boys would all grow to be strong. Felicien fell into step beside Ruthgar, feeling there was little danger that would dare cross into the Orchard now that the two of them were on steady patrols and Hell, if Cerberus still lingered, only a fool would cross three males willing to tear them apart for sake of protecting a female and her pups.

“I figure we’ll work on solidifying defenses, then see what you can do in an open spar if you will. I don’t want you to worry about leaving any scars, though I’d like to ask that you don’t maim me since I’m only trying to make sure you’re prepared.” His lips curled in a slight smile. He was happy, he realized. Happier than he’d been for a while. Today, as he was sure Ruthgar would pick up, was a test to see what he knew, what he’d learned completely, and where the male still needed improvement or if he even did. Felicien wasn’t too worried… Ruth was strong willed, ready to do all he could for his children. It was then, suddenly, that Feli stopped, closing his eyes and twitching his ears.

“Ruthgar? May I ask you a question, Monsieur?” His French accent dipped, particularly on the word spoken in the foreign language. “What is it like… having little ones to care for?”



7 Years
07-25-2017, 02:38 PM

A wide grin broke across his features as Feli listed off what they would be covering, his tail whipping into an arch in anticipation. “Ahm ready wen ye are.” He chimed excitedly, ready to drop into a defensive crouch as he took his place in front of the male. Then all at once he stopped, taken off guard by the sudden darkness in the other male’s features. He rose cautiously, trying to decide if this was a trick to bring his guard down or not.  

“…May I ask you a question, Monsieur?” He asked. In the few months that he had known Feli Ruthgar couldn’t remember if he had ever used the foreign language in his presence. That was fair enough; he couldn’t remember the last time he’d spoken to anyone in Gaelic although he couldn’t help but feel like his mother tongue was far more out of use.

“What is it like… having little ones to care for?”

He relaxed completely and couldn’t help but smile crookedly. “Ah dun’even no how tae describe it, honest.” He said, his usually gruff voice soft and his accent almost harmonic. “Eet’s lie havin’ a piece ‘a yer heart on th’ outside a yer body.” He explained, looking off into the orchard as he tried to put words to his emotions. “Eet’s so small ‘n frail yer almost afraid tae tooch it becoose ye might damage eet.  Boo ye look at eet and you joos…Ye no eet’s a part a ye, an even eef eets on th’ outside ye no eef enythin’ ‘appens tae it ye’ll die en a painful way. Maybe no immediately, bu’ ye’ll die en a way that  makes ye wish ye would. “ He looked up at the ground to Feli, as he spoke he had sat on his haunches and his ears had folded part way. He had no idea if what he had said made any sense or if he simply sounded like a lunatic. What he said felt right but he couldn’t say with any certainty that it was comprehensible.

speech  thinking you