
Play This Game


07-01-2013, 12:02 PM

Monster. That was a word, so often used to describe him. An adjective so appropriate to describe his demonic nature- his twisted soul. Those who knew of his deeds, his crimes, his notorious history- knew him to be true to his demonic name. Few who met the soul, of the alabaster beast walked away unchanged or alive. Intimidation. Terrifying. Evil. Perfect words to describe someone so sinister. Demon. Perfection. Monster. Evil. Twisted. Terrifying. Daunting. Intimidating. The list went on and on, perfect words, to describe him. Perfection in every way.

Winter had gave way to spring, and around the lands, demonstrations of new life were to be seen. He loathed it, craving the bitter nights- craving the snow, the ice. The ice was so close to death, so welcoming. It was so bitter, and he had grown fond of its predictability. His alabaster form moved at a leisurely pace through the land, expressing his idle indifference at the scene before him. He had journeyed east, and found himself at an interesting scenario. Large paws had brought him to the edge of the river, that he had been idly following, an where the trees cleared, he could see the water moving at a wild and rapid pace. Finally, something broke through his boredom, and intrigued he padded forward.

He came to halt at the edge of the river, lowering his head to quench his thirst. The cold water slid easily across his pallet and down his throat, ending the idle need that had been plaguing him. Raising his head, his dual-colored orbs stared across the river, as a new scent wafted through his nostrils. Ears flicking in indifference, assuming the fool would scurry away- aware of the danger they could be stirring up if they dared near him. He stared down at his reflection in the water studying the odd markings that adorned his face. The markings had become the messenger of so many things. They had withheld the adoration of others and scrutiny of some. They had always set the ivory beast apart from others, and it was something he loathed.

Amaranth, the only wolf aside from himself that he had ever cared for, had looked past the marks and the sociopathic wolf that laid behind. She saw something in him worth loving, something worth adoring and watching her be torn away from him had shattered the last bit of sanity, the last bit of clarity in his mind. His heart grew hard, shriveled up in his chest and fell silent, the calming effects of serotonin no longer held any effect over him. He was never to be normal again. Demanding revenge on those who had taken, his one sliver of hope at a normal life. His one ounce of happiness, he became Creedance Voltaire, the monster- the epitome of nightmares.

Another breeze blew, and he took the same scent in again, and turning in a fluid motion he lifted his head into the air, his position moving to be aggressive. Tail raised, fur bristiling the lyrics fell from his jaws, as they parted to reveal his crimson stained teeth. ?Who dares disturb the devil? Show yourself, fool.? The question as rhetorical, the statement following a command not to be ignored.


07-01-2013, 02:03 PM

The sound of rushing water had drawn her to this particular area. This was her home now, she would visit every land, know the area perfectly, scout out potential prey. The thought rarely left her mind. The blood of another soaking her pelt. It had been far to long. Her fight with her brother did nothing more than add to the pent up frustration that bubbled inside her. She truly couldn't stand him sometimes. Her wounds had begun to heal, slowly but surely.

Spring had arrived, bring new life to the land, leaving behind winter and her first heat. She couldn't be happier that it was over. It had been terrible, the burning desire that constantly followed at her heels. How she had managed to avoid her brother most of the winter was a miracle. Now she could fuck who she wanted, when she wanted. There was nothing holding her back.

Nostrils flared, a scent reaching her nose, followed by a commanding voice, demanding she show herself. A brow lifted. Who did he think he was? Continuing forward, she made her appearance from the brush, coming into view of the river. Eyes settled on the pallid brute who had spoken. "I'm hardly a fool baby." Her seductive coo fell from her charcoal lips. He had an air about him that screamed danger. She liked it. She stepped forward until she stopped a few feet from him. Markings adorned his face, surrounding his two toned eyes.

Plume swayed at her heels, unlike his, that was flagged high. Crown tilted ever so slight to the left, watching him with mild interest. The faintest scent of blood seemed to follow him, as though it were imbedded in his pelt like it was hers.

"Talk Like This" Think Like This

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07-01-2013, 02:51 PM

The scene was almost tranquil, aside from the demon whom was amongst it. The alabaster monster?s paws rested against the cool dirt, claws digging into the ground lightly, as he watch the flow of the water, as it rushed seamlessly over the rocks. The speed of the water was much like his mind, flowing constantly, rarely dwelling on one thought for too long. At the moment, the beast was calm, relaxed in his setting. His placid moment had been interrupted so rudely, as rudely as spring had interrupted winter. Aggressive stance and tone were met by a beauty of a she-wolf. ?I?m hardly a fool baby.? Her tone was a coo, which brought the tilt of his ears forward, his eyes studying her, drinking her in. She was mostly grey, with black markings that adorned her face, making her unique, much like his own marks had set him apart from others. Her eyes, perhaps were the most stunning, set against her pelt they were a hot pink. She was attractive, to say the least.

Fur flattened slowly, his tail lowering, hackles relaxing. Instead of the snarl that was upon his jaws, a sultry smile grew, taking her in. He took a deep breath drinking in her scent. A chuckle escaped him, as he let out a light sigh. Perhaps this day would take an interesting turn after all? He watched her for moments, before slowly sinking back onto his haunches, his two toned eyes never leaving her bodice. His look was critical, and observing. Moments would pass before his ivory jaws would part, and words would fall seamlessly from his lips, his voice low, hoarse, almost sultry.

?Mmm, a sight as fine as that could hardly be a fool, I must agree. Tell me, sweetheart, what brings you here? Looking for a walk with the devil?? A smirk placed upon his jaws, head titled to the left, he waited for her remarks, wondering where this conversation would go, and what interesting things were possibly to happen. Grey-tipped tail would curl around, his frame, the tip resting just on top of his front paws, his posture relaxed but alert, should their moment turn dark.


07-01-2013, 03:46 PM

She could feel his eyes roaming her body, taking in every detail of her. Slowly he relaxed, his haunches dropping to the earth, tail curling around him to rest on his paws. His lyrics swarmed her audits. Looking for a walk with the devil. "I have been known to play the devils mistress more often then not." Tones rolled on her tongue like satin. It would be interesting to see where this led. He seemed to think of himself as the devil himself. The thought had a ghost of a smile tugging at her lips. He was certainly interesting himself. The gray and gold that surrounded his teal and yellowish eyes. It certainly was a unique addition to his pallid pelt. "What brings you here, hmm?"

She soon followed suite, resting her haunches against the earth, tail curling around her. There was a slight stiffness to her shoulders, still sore and bruised from her brothers assault, though not the slightest bit of pain crossed her features. Gaze rested on him, waiting expectantly. There was a certain alertness to him, made him appeared as though he was ready for her attack at anymore. An attack wouldn't come, at least not yet, her wounds still hadn't healed completely from her last fight. Plume flicked idly against her paws, almost in a bored manner. If he didn't catch her attention soon then she would be moving one. She wasn't one for small talk or pointless conversation.

"Talk Like This" Think Like This

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07-04-2013, 11:47 AM

She was a beauty. That he could not deny, her face alone caught his interest, her unique markings spoke that she wasn?t like any other wolf he would meet. She was taller than he was, barely, but the difference was slight enough that he noticed it. She was mostly grey, a contrast to his own ivory hues. He looked her over, taking in every curve, every? well, everything. Her words brought his attention back to her, and a smile grew on his face at them. She had been a devil?s mistress, eh?

?Darling, I can assure you, you?ve never met a devil like me.? His voice was low, the tone almost sultry, as he watched her, his whole body on edge. Where in the hell was this conversation going? Her next question caught him off guard slightly, and he spared her a confused look, which dissipated quickly before he finally answered her. ?Out here? Why, perhaps I was just waiting for a pretty young thing like you to sweep me off my feet?? This time his tone was light- amused, even.

He would finally glance away from her, looking off into the forest around them- wondering if they were truly alone. A few moments passed, before he finally turned to look at her again, a new smirk playing on his jaws. ?So my dear one, what brings one such as yourself into these secluded area?s?? His voice was light, but she would be a fool to miss his veiled points underneath them.


07-09-2013, 01:48 PM

Whimsical laughter slipped from between inky lips. He must not have met her brother then. Amusement faded away, vibrant gaze settling on him, brow lifting at his next words. "Sweep you off you're feet hmm?" Words spoken with false thoughtfulness, not that he would know that. It wouldn't be hard. She had yet to encounter a man she couldn't seduce. Typical males.

What brings one such as yourself into these secluded areas? His words were blatantly veiled. An easy shrug rolled her shoulders, "The devil never plays out in the open now does he?" Sultry tones played off her tongue with practiced ease. A smirk tugged at the corner of her darkened mouth.

While every word spoken had hidden meanings, she was finding his company mildly enjoyable, much to her surprise. "Do you have a name?" It was always hard to tell if she actually wanted to know or was just simply asking so she had a name to yell to the heavens. Her cool, neutral mask remained in place, only the slightest of amusement playing across her features.
