
Angel Eyes



07-01-2013, 12:49 PM

Song's beautiful white paws stepped delicately through the field of newly bloomed flowers, their sweet scent drifted temptingly into her nostrils. Her maw was covered in the usual smile she left placed there, things had been going so wonderfully for her. She had hardly spent any time away from Cherokee, she could live with out being close to him. His presence was something she had come to crave, and for some reason it had been more intense recently. Usually she didn't want to be with out him because she preferred it that way, but since the weather had been warming her desire to be close had risen.
They were out exploring Alacritis together when she happened upon the place she was admiring. The field of flowers brought excitement to her eyes, spring was here. The season she enjoyed the most, with all the flowers blooming and babies being born. She hated eating the children of her prey, whenever she could avoid it she did. They were just so pleasing to look at that she would rather observe a doe's new fawn than try and devour it.
It was a gorgeous place, but her attention could only be away from Cherokee for so long before she needed him in her sights. Her golden and oceanic eyes searched the meadow for him, but it didn't seem like he had followed her as closely as she thought..



07-01-2013, 01:36 PM

Spring. It was finally spring. Winter was begrudgingly releasing her hold on Alacritis, allowing Spring to wriggle its way back into the land. The air was a little crisper, fresher, sweeter now that the flowers were beginning to bloom. Everything was that much more beautiful. Including Song, his new wife. Wife. He loved being able to think that to himself, but he loved it even more when he was able to say it aloud. If he had friends, he would've been annoying them by now with how frequently he would've been referring to Song as his wife. She was his wife. She was his for the rest of eternity. And no one could take her away from him. It would have to be over his dead, cold body that they take his little dove from him. No one was going to touch her or even look at her so long as he was breathing.

Something was in the spring air, and it wasn't just the pretty flowers blooming. Song...Song was absolutely mesmerizing, but more than usual. There was something about, he couldn't put his paw on it exactly, but there was something different about her, something that made him want to be around her more. Her scent...her scent was different. He could tell. But he didn't know why exactly. It was sweeter, more intoxicating, more alluring, drawing him in like a moth to a flame. But why? He couldn't figure it out. Her scent hadn't been like this in the winter, so why was it changing for the spring?

The newlyweds were out exploring, taking the time to be do things together, to bond even more so than they already were. Alacritis was a huge place and Cherokee knew they wouldn't be able to explore all of it. But there were a few places here and there that were rather eye catching. Like this cliff decorated in a wildflower meadow. It was breathtaking. He had never seen anything like it before. But it wasn't the meadow that was holding his attention. It was the beautiful ivory angel that really had his attention. She seriously looked like an angel as she stepped into the meadow, the glow of the morning sun surrounding her like a halo. Words escaped him as he approached slowly from behind, reaching out to nuzzle her haunches before he came to her side, crown turning to glance down at her, mismatched gaze meeting her own. Beautiful. He murmured, pressing a kiss to her cute little nose.

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07-01-2013, 02:07 PM

A jolt of electricity ran through her spine as Cherokee went to touch her. It surprised her so much she jumped a bit as she finished with a kiss on her muzzle. Her eyes wide in puzzlement, why would him touching her send shocks through her body. She wanted him to touch her, but the sensation was so out of place. It was like his nuzzles had started a chain reaction, and suddenly she could not sit still. She let a whine escape her lips as the change continued to take over her body. "Cherokee, how did you do that?" It was his affectionate touch that had started the ordeal he must have known what was going on.
The most peculiar part was that she wished him to do it again, the jolt hadn't been wholly uncomfortable. She let herself come closer to him again, she could feel the pressure build up under her skin as she moved to nuzzle him back. She had quickly gotten over the initial surprise and now she actually wanted more of the intoxicating feeling. She wasn't quite sure what was happening, but she liked it. Her delicate ivory crown pushed under the ebony knight's chin the rest of her body was pressed against his flank. Her tail wagged slightly at her hocks, "What is going on." It was not quite a question, because deep in the back of her mind she knew exactly what was happening. Instinct was a hard thing to ignore.



07-01-2013, 02:23 PM

He had never countered a woman in heat. His sisters hadn't been of age to be in heat when he'd been around and if his mother have ever been, he'd never been aware of it. So he wasn't exactly sure what was going on at the moment with his wife, but he could feel a subliminal electricity tingling beneath his skin. He could feel it with Song as well, in the way that she startled at the gentle touch to her haunches. He didn't know what happened when a woman was in heat, but his body was responding to it. He could feel the heat circling beneath his skin, spreading all across his body, moving down towards his abdomen, circling the area between his haunches. He'd never felt like this before, but he wasn't about to push the feeling away. especially when he was standing beside Song, who was asking him how he'd done that. I'm not really sure Song... He rumbled, a husky tone lacing his words. All of a sudden, her body was all he wanted. He wanted to touch her, to smell her, to feel her body pressed against his. He wanted to please her in the most primal of ways; his body demanded it.

His little dove moved closer to him, nuzzling his dark face in return. He could tell the initial surprise of his touch had worn off nearly instantaneously and now she was growing bolder. She pushed her head beneath his chin, allowing the rest of her body to press against his side, her soft voice questioning what was going on. Something...something we can't deny... He whispered huskily, a rumble of content vibrating in his chest as he snaked his head down towards her neck, daggers nipping gently at her beautiful skin, salmon tongue trailing after each nip with a soothing kiss, the heat between his haunches beginning to burn. Was this what it felt like to love someone?

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07-01-2013, 02:40 PM

The feeling continued on inside of her, pulsing throughout her limbs, but she could feel the source of it, where she burned the hottest. As she pinned the feelings down in her mind, she was briefly aware of information she was told long ago. As the seconds slipped by she was ever more sure of what was going on between them. She hadn't seriously thought if it before, but now that her body had readied itself she knew. Puppies.
She gasped aloud at the realization and let her gaze fall back onto Cherokee's face. Was he as ready as her body was telling her that she was. She moved her muzzle gently to his ear and whispered into it, "I don't think I'd ever be able to deny you this. Cherokee, are you ready to start our family?" The thoughts and fears were a distant memory as the pulse of her heat drowned all thoughts of child birth aside. That bridge would be crossed in the future, for now it was the more pleasant part of brining children into the world.



07-01-2013, 04:16 PM

The heat was leaving the rest of his body, concentrating on a single area, the one area that defined him as man. The area now that was begging him to take Song, to have her body. He didn't know where this sudden wanting was coming from, he'd never felt such a thing in his life, but it was a rather welcomed, albeit confusing, feeling. He didn't know how to describe it except for unparalleled want for Song, for her body. He wanted to love her, to feel her, to please her. He wanted everything that had to with her. He wanted them to become one. To join himself, to surrender himself to her in the most vulnerable of ways possible. The most honest and pure token of love he could give her.

And then a gasp reached his ears, startling the obsidian brute from his gentle love nips, skull rearing back so that his mismatched gems were meeting hers once more. At first he thought he'd hurt her, but she reached up to whisper in his ear, the fear of having hurt her vanished almost instantaneously. I'm not sure I could handle your rejection my little dove because I am more than ready to start our family. He whispered into her neck, burying his muzzle within her beautiful ivory fur, inhaling her intoxicating, sweet scent.

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07-01-2013, 04:56 PM

Song's realization of what her body wanted helped her tremendously, she had no experience in the art of making children, but it seemed like Cherokee knew what he was doing. At least it felt like it considering his tantalizing nips. Though she was sure he had never touched another she wolf. Instinct was a powerful thing, as she was learning. She didn't have to know how, her body already did and it would do all of the work for her. Her heart beat faster as she gave in to her new craving, she was ready to complete the final step of their marriage. She could think of nothing else but becoming one with her new husband.
HIs head was buried into her neck, his sweet touch rekindling the bright flame that settled underneath her skin. She let a soft sigh escape her lips as she enjoyed the arousing feelings. Her tongue ran over the soft fur that covered his attractive neck, her desire for him only growing stronger. She was ready to give in to him, to let him have every inch of her. Song was ready to give him her total submission, the final vow of trust. "Then take me, my ebony Knight. All of what I am is yours." Her lyrical voice was whispered softly into his ear.
She pulled away from him ever so slightly, her eyelids half closed in bliss. She silently hoped Cherokee knew more about what he was doing than she did. She followed what her instincts told her to do, moving out in front of him. Her tail was raised and became a banner over her back, revealing the origin of her fire. A smile befell her lips as intuition told her to keep away from Cherokee, at least for now. The ritual included a chase, and around the meadow they would go. "Come and get me, dearest love." She called to him as her paws moved her away. Skipping along the flowers she enticed her coal colored mate to give chase.



07-01-2013, 05:36 PM

He was still completely clueless as to what was going on with his new wife, much less what was going on with him, but he wasn't about to stop to question it. Instinct was guiding him right now and he allowed the reins to fall away. He was in control, but he needed the guidance of his instinct. He had never been with a woman before and a part of him was nervous. What if he messed up? What if he couldn't please her right? The nerves began to set in as the questions swirled around in his head. This was going to be the final step to seal their marriage; the consummation. He was going to prove to Song that he loved her by giving himself to her in the most sentimental and meaningful way possible. He would love her like he had never loved a woman before and like he would never love another woman ever again.

He could feel her body respond to his gentle touch, igniting the flame that had been sparked inside of him. He could feel it pulsing, burning hotter and hotter with each moment, needing to be attended to, to be quenched. And the only one who could quench it was his little dove. She would be the only woman he would ever want for the rest of the days; no one would be able to change that. Ever. Her breathy whisper of a voice sent lustful shivers down his spine, mismatched gems alighting with this inner inferno. I give myself to you in return my beautiful little angel, to have me for the rest of your days, until the end of eternity. Came his sensual whisper against her own ear, watching as she pulled away from, igniting a protest that hurled itself across his body. She couldn't leave him!

He didn't voice his protest, simply watched in silence as she moved away from him, tantalizing as her banner flipped up against her lips, exposing the cure to his burning inferno. God, how he wanted her. Whatever instinct was driving her was telling her to tease him, to tantalize him, to keep him wanting her, to keep on his toes. And the instinct driving him was screaming at him to go after, to fall into her chase, to claim her completely. You needn't tell me twice sweet one. He called after her, obsidian limbs stirring into actions as he moved after her, ivory jade and steel shaded gems unable to dislodge themselves from her beautiful figure.

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07-01-2013, 09:12 PM

She knew he would not be able to resist her call to chase, just like the first day they met he was after her. Hiding the burning deep with in her came the sweet ringing of her laugh as she took great joy in bounding across the gorgeous field. Her dainty paws tearing through the new growth, her tongue rolling from her mouth all the while an unquenchable fire burned through her veins. There was an oddity to her compulsive decision to suddenly take to fleeing from him, but it certainly felt right.
Her head tilted to the side as she attempted to catch a glimpse of Cherokee who had galloped right after her. She squealed when she saw how close he was, her limbs were pushed a bit harder. She wanted him to catch her, but not that quickly. She giggled and ran a dozen more paces, she made a sudden right turn and stopped. She turned to looked at her mate, excited smile bright across her face.



07-01-2013, 10:55 PM

His giving chase amused her so, bringing a bubbly laughter to erupt from her porcelain lips as she tore across the meadow, knocking flowers this way and that, cutting a path through the fur like grass. Cherokee was hot on her heels, not giving an inch, close enough for her to know that she wasn't about to get away that quickly. For the moment the fire burning between his thighs was forgotten, his only focus on catching the runaway wife that was charging ahead of him. Memories of their first day together on that beach ran through his mind, bringing an idiotic grin to his dark lips. Who would've thought that the same way they'd met would be the same way the would initiate their love making session.

He could see trying to catch a glimpse of him, squealing with laughter as she realized how close he actually was. She attempted to put some speed into her step and she managed to outrun him for several paces before she came to thundering turn around stop, an excited smile crossing her pale lips. His own booming laughter burst from his larynx, echoing loud against the cliffs as he ran a circle around Song, slowing his pace down to a jog as he made a complete 360 to come around and stop behind her, nipping her haunches, mismatched gaze lustful and loving as he watched his little dove, waiting to see what her reaction would be.

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07-03-2013, 12:14 AM

Her sudden halt to her run did not throw him off as much as she had expected, instead the tables were turned and with an easy movement he was position right at her rump. Teasing nips were applied to her hind quarters, resulting in more squeaks from her ivory lips. She moved so her face was closer to his again, her tongue lashing out to give her mate a few kisses. A smile was painted on her face she was so happy, she'd found cherokee and now she was ready to give him children.
Her nose traced up his cheek and into the fur on his neck. She snuggled in closer, pulling her chest closer to his own. The touch was pure ecstasy and she just realized she didn't want to wait any longer. She found his eyes again, her gave a beautiful mix of desire and love. "Ready?" She said excitedly.

.ooc. umm.. fade? cause i need some babies. xD



07-03-2013, 12:42 AM

This was there time. It was going to be one of the most beautiful moments he would ever share with his wife, not counting the birthing of their children, but that was to come later on. And of course their wedding. Aside from those two events, the consummation of their sacred bonding would be one of the most amazing times in his life. A moment he would never forget, one he would treasure for the rest of his days.

The squeaks caused by his nips made the obsidian brute chuckle in amusement, mismatched gems intent on his wife as she moved towards him, bathing his muzzle in kisses, kisses which he returned in the next moment, though his spread all across her face. His own grin broke across his fa?ade in response to hers, still in disbelief that he was about to start the rest of his life with the woman of his dreams. She traced a line up his cheek with her cute nose, moving towards his neck, pressing her chest against his, making the flames licking between his thighs burn that much hotter, her eyes turning up to meet his as she if he was ready. Completely... He murmured lovingly, giving her cheek a nuzzle as he positioned himself behind her, allowing his body to become one with hers.


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07-03-2013, 01:50 AM

A heavy sigh escaped her blushing maw. She caught her breath as she repositioned herself to lick her mate's face. She smiled uncontrollably, the experience had been more than amazing. She had never dreamed it would be like that. She gazed dreamily into the eyes of her sweet lover, the burn under her skin sedated for now. She looked forward to having many more sessions. A sly smile was revealed to him, but she didn't say anything. She didn't need to, she had made it as obvious as possible that she had been having a good time. Her decision to give herself to him wholly had been a great one.
Her head pressed to his chin once again, instead of thoughts of desire it was thoughts of the future that flowed from her pretty mouth, "Puppies Cherokee, we're going to have children." her soft voice had plenty of excitement in it as she pushed herself closer against him. How wonderfully life seemed to be going.



07-03-2013, 01:04 PM

There were no words to describe how he was feeling right now. That had been completely incredible, beyond anything he could've ever imagined in his life. It had surpassed his expectations, if he had even had any, but it had blown his mind to the point that he was questioning if that had really happened or he had just had some crazy dream. Song's smiling face as she turned to face him was all the proof he needed that they had actually gone all the way with each other. She fawned him with kisses and he couldn't help but do the same to her. How he loved this woman! He wanted to scream it to the entire world. He loved Song so much!

His wife pressed herself against his chest, tucking her head beneath his chin in the familiar gesture of hers, her gentle voice caressing the fur there, making shivers run down his spine as she spoke of children. Our children Song, our little ones...beautiful just like their mother... He trailed off, already imagining little versions of themselves running amuck, scrambling between their parents legs, tumbling around with each other, demanding the attention of both parents at the same time. His own family. His own precious family. Who would've thought.

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