
stop and smell the brimstone



4 Years
Extra large
07-27-2017, 08:49 AM

Okay. Well. This place smelled like shit. Ricochet wrinkled her nose up into a very noticeable grimace as she stepped out of the trees and onto the shore of the lake. She thought at first the smell must be confined to a certain place. Like, maybe she had walked past something dead and rotting and had smelled it instead of seeing it. But no. As she kept walking, her path bringing her along the edge of the lake, the wretched smell didn't go away.

And as she reluctantly leaned down and sniffed at the earth itself, she found that it was indeed the source. "Oh, hell," she said, trying not to gag. Okay, come on. She had a strong enough stomach to handle this. But she was still very confused as to why this whole place smelled, quite literally, like shit. She'd been to a volcano before and had smelled a similar kind of sulfur. But this was a lake, not a volcano. So what was going on?

Ricochet wasn't the type to sit and think too long and hard about anything, but this was quite the little conundrum. So she settled onto her haunches, mismatched eyes narrowed as she inspected the lake and the dark clay beneath her paws, trying to figure out where the sulfurous smell was coming from.

R for Ricky



7 Years

08-12-2017, 01:40 AM
The man's long, elegant legs carried him effortlessly along the edge of the mountain-top lake, his paws leaving deep marks in the black, sandy clay. The smell here was strong at first, but over time he'd grown used to it. He'd visited here often for the solitude - he assumed other wolves stayed away to avoid the smell of sulfur - and he rather enjoyed his time alone. It was a change he welcomed since escaping captivity under Sabine's cruel, iron paw. Not that he'd minded at times, for he was a twisted creature who thrived under the claws of abuse, but for once he wished to be in control of his own life. And perhaps be in control of another, as well. If his master returned, he was sure he would go to her in a heartbeat and allow her to continue tormenting him, yet for the time being he was a free man and he intended to take full advantage of it.

That was when he spotted the large woman who seated herself on the far shore. At first he paused, his lips pulling back and muzzle wrinkling up in disgust - of all the wolves that could have made an appearance, why a behemoth of a woman? But slowly he began to grin to himself, seeing an opportunity to do something of interest. He wouldn't be sure precisely what sort of fun he'd have until he got there, but he knew it would be better than the peace and quiet he'd been enjoying. Too long he'd been away from chaos, and although the break was nice, he was drawn to discord and turmoil like a moth to flame. He couldn't stop himself, no matter how much he'd felt at ease spending time by himself. So he approached the woman, casting his singular blue eye upon her as his shoulders rolled and hips swayed with each step. "What brings a woman such as yourself to this... odorous place?" he rasped in question, his long and lushious tail whipping back and forth.
He couldn't wait to see how she responded, ready for whatever reaction she gave.
[Image: y4S12Nx.png]