
We Will Meet Again


5 Years
Athena I
06-30-2013, 11:31 PM

Everything was strange now. Nothing seemed quite right. Everywhere she went she felt lonely and every time she picked up a scent of another wolf part of her wished it was him. After Meili had met that sweet, wise beyond his years, young wolf, she had been thinking of him. Every day she had to force herself to stay away from his pack's territory and almost daily she visited that spot by the willows where she had crash landed into his life, just to see if he was there looking for her. She had never been so interested in one wolf before in her life. She worried about him all the time and wondered how he was doing. She very rarely made friends and never clicked with someone like she had with Gael.

Once again Meili was wandering through the willows aimlessly, stopping in front of the place where she had gotten tangled that day. The leaves were starting to grow back and places in the ground where she had tried to grapple to stop herself were starting to fade away with the rain. Soon enough all the signs of that day would be gone, but she would always remember. Oh yes, she would always remember.

She stepped through the curtain of branches and padded over to the base of the tree, collapsing onto her stomach with a sigh. She rested her head on her paws and stared through the leaves at the pond, the glittering water shining through. The silence around her was almost overwhelming. She pinned her ears back against her skull and closed her eyes, trying to think of anything besides how lonely she had become.



07-01-2013, 12:01 AM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:27 AM by Gael.)

Moments. Seconds. Minutes. Hours. Days. A week. It had been a whole week since he had run into the beautiful, teal eyed woman by the name of Meili. A whole week since he had been able to look into her mesmerizing eyes, hear her infections laughter, roll around in the dirt like a pup again with her. How could someone he'd only met for scarcely an hour have such an affect on him? He had hardly done anything once back in Valhalla. The young Adravendi had stuck to his selected resting spot, only venturing away to fetch himself some food or water, the occasional midnight stroll to allow his muscles to breathe. But other than that, Gael hardly did anything. He couldn't get the smaller woman out of his mind. She invaded his every thought, plaguing him constantly, weighing down heavily on him. He could still see her face as she'd tried to turn him down as gently as she could manage. That moment replayed in his mind every night, startling him from his sleep, the heart-wrenching feeling constricting his chest and stealing his breath away. He had to get a grip on himself. She had just been a passing rogue, another wolf of the hundreds that he had met during his travels. He had no reason to get attached to her. No reason.

And yet he found himself venturing back to the same spot, the whistling willows as he had figured out the place was called. Everyday day he would wander back in hopes of running into her again, but each time it was a disheartening disappointment after another. Had she truly disappeared from his life from good? He knew obsessing over wasn't healthy for him; it wasn't doing him any good. But he couldn't stop. He just couldn't. She was like an addiction to him, pulling him back to the same spot, the exact place where she had crash landed against the willow, tangled in the elongated limbs, shyly asking him if he could help her. If it got really bad he would allow himself to rest in the imprint her body had left behind, inhaling her scent, committing to memory. There was something seriously wrong with him. He had never been like this about another woman. So why was he like this about Meili?

He was back again; back to the whistling willows. He'd had no luck the past week, but he couldn't keep himself away from that place. He couldn't stop himself from hoping that this time would be different. That this time she would actually be there. That he would see her again. Ivory dipped paws carried the young man back to whistling willows, cerulean gaze dancing across the familiar territory. He followed the worth out path he'd made from his daily trips for the past week. Part of him hoped that he would see her today, but he didn't expect it. He hadn't seen for an entire week, so why should today be any different. He was nearly there when a familiar scent, one he thought he'd never encounter again, filled his nostrils. Instead of freezing, it spurred the young man on, his jog turning into a full on gallop as he rushed back into the familiar place, gaze darting this way and that way, searching for her familiar figure. There. The same place they had first met. She was lying beside the willow, facing away from him. His heart stuttered in his chest as he froze, a few yards between him and Meili, unsure if he was really believing what he was seeing. She'd come back...Could it be possible that she had missed him too?

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5 Years
Athena I
07-01-2013, 12:22 AM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2013, 12:51 AM by Meili.)

The fea had been laying there in the shade of the willow long enough to almost have fallen asleep, the memories from that day a week ago playing in her mind like a dream. It played from beginning to end again and again, her heart wrenching every time she left. Suddenly the sound of paws pounding against the ground pulled her out of her reminiscing. She didn't move, only lifted her ears to listen for any more signs of the passing wolf. The sound of running stopped as suddenly as it had come and she tensed, wondering what could be going on. Then that scent that she was sure she'd never catch again drifted over to her. Was it really him? Her eyes flew open and she looked over her shoulder hopefully.

The world seemed to stop for a moment as her teal eyes met his cyan ones, the eyes she had resigned herself to never see again. A grin broke out over her muzzle and she jumped to her paws, racing over to meet him with her tail wagging madly behind her. "Gael!" she exclaimed, almost bouncing with excitement like a puppy at the sight of him. She laughed happily, feeling free and happy for the first time in a week. She kissed his cheek and grinned, hopping a little in place. She was so ecstatic that she couldn't stand still. "I was starting to think I'd never see you again! But here you are! I'm so happy you're here," she told him, still beaming with excitement.



07-01-2013, 12:45 AM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:26 AM by Gael.)

She was here. She lying right before him, seemingly asleep, but she was really here. Her scent tickled his nostrils, whispering to him that he wasn't dreaming. That it wasn't just his overactive imagination that had conjured up a flesh-like apparition of her. The gentle rise and fall of her shoulders told him it was no ghost or apparition. It was the living breathing Meili. After an entire week of vehement wishing, nights of tossing and turning, endless hours of lying the same spot that she was now, she had come back. He didn't care why she was here, or what had brought her back, only that she was back. By some lucky miracle she had returned. And he had come on the right day to see her again.

He made no movement towards her, completely content with standing right in his spot, staring at her shoulders for the rest of the day, despite how much he yearned to look into her beautiful teal eyes again. He didn't have to wait. The gentle breeze swaying around the willow carried his scent towards her and he watched in hushed disbelief as she raised her head, turning back to look over her shoulder. The breath was punched out of his chest and he struggled to get it back. He would never be able to get over how beautiful her eyes were. No matter where he went, if he never saw her again or if he saw her everyday from this day forward, he would never forget her eyes. Ever. A smile broke across her pretty fa?ade as she rose to her paws, giddy with excitement as she rushed over to him, exclaiming his name. His own answering grin split his lips, plume stirring up a storm behind his tawny haunches as he called out to her. Meili! He couldn't contain the excitement in his voice as she bounced before him, kissing his cheek as she exclaimed how happy she was to see him again. His heart was nearly ready to burst from his chest at her words. She had missed him too!

I can't even begin to explain to you glad I am to see you again. It was only a week since our first meeting but to me it felt like an eternity...I thought I would never see those beautiful eyes of yours ever again. So much for the warrior side of him right? Yes, he aspired to be a warrior, just like his father, but he was a big softie at heart. A giant teddy bear. His family knew that much and that's how he was being right now with Meili. He couldn't help but be the big softie that he was, his compliments slipping naturally from his earthen toned lips. Salmon tongue snaked from his slightly parted lips to brush against the tip of her nose, wanting to embrace her more badly than he had to take his next breath but Gael restrained himself, allowing his excitement to flow into his tail instead, which wagged behind him like a whirlwind.

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5 Years
Athena I
07-01-2013, 01:12 AM

Meili could have melted at his sweet words. He was certainly a gentle giant, kind as could be despite his larger size. She laughed lightly as he gave her nose a gentle lick before returning a similar kiss to his own nose. Unable to resist, she leaned closer to him and ran her muzzle through the fur on his neck and nuzzled him affectionately, loving the feeling of having him so close after missing him for a long, tiring week. Her tail was still waving happily behind her as she pulled back to look at his handsome face again. She had no idea how it was possible to be so head over heels for someone with just a brief meeting a week ago, but apparently it was possible because he had stolen her heart.

After giving his cheek another small, affectionate kiss, she motioned over toward the shore of the lake where just a week ago they had traded stories about their lives and begun to fall for each other. She led the way over to their spot, this time laying down a few feet away from the lapping water, getting comfortable while she waited for him to join her.

"How have you been?" she asked, genuinely concerned about him. It had been incredibly hard, being so worried about someone that you couldn't see. A week may not be all that long, but the past week had drug by painfully. Her eyes met his happily, feeling like everything was back the way it was supposed to be now that they had found each other again.



07-01-2013, 12:19 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:24 AM by Gael.)

Happy. He was genuinely happy. Happier than he had ever been in his life. Why? Because he was with Meili again. The older woman with the mesmerizing teal eyes. The little woman who was quickly worming her way into his heart to make a permanent place for herself in there. He'd never pegged himself as one to fall in love at first sight, but with this little lady before him, he could see it becoming a pretty real possibility. But, he didn't want to get too far ahead of himself. This was scarcely the second time they had been together and already he was thinking about love. He needed to slow down, take a breath, and just enjoy the fact that he was in her company again. There was no need to spoil the moment worrying if she was interested in him in a romantic way or not. It was way too early for such things.

Disrupting his thoughts was her musical laughter, shivers running down his spine at her kiss to his nose. He was just a yearling but she made him feel like he was so much older, like how he really felt he was on the inside. It would be perfect if his outer shell could reflect what he felt like on the inside. And then a touch broke his thoughts and he glanced down. Meili was nuzzling him, burying her pretty face in the crook of his neck. Something close to a rumble vibrated within his check as he tucked his chin over her nape, embracing her, holding her against him, relishing in the feeling of having her beside him before he released her, allowing her to pad towards the spot they had been on the day of their first meeting. He let her get comfortable before bringing himself to her side, limbs folding beneath the large young woman as he allowed himself to lie beside her, crown turned in her direction, cerulean gaze seeking her teal one.

How have you been? How had he been? How have I been? Honest truth... He paused for a moment, taking a breath as he turned away from her, allowing his gaze fall on the now familiar pond. I have been missing you...I barely did anything when I got back home, except make a daily trek here, hoping that I would run into you... He trailed off, crown lowering to rest against his ivory tipped paws. How weird did he sound right now? Telling Meili, still barely knowing her, that he had been obsessing about her for the past week?

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5 Years
Athena I
07-01-2013, 01:14 PM

Once her friend had settled in beside her, she felt so at home and relaxed. Even though it was only the second time she had met him and despite the fact that they had barely spent any time together, she was so happy to be with him. Genuinely happy. She had no idea why this was, but at this point she didn't want to question it. Meili was just happy to be with him and happy that he wanted the same thing.

Meili raced through a whole chain of different emotions and reactions to Gael's confession that he had not done much of anything besides miss her and stalk by this spot hoping to find her. At first her heart sank, devastated that she had caused him any pain of any kind, even though she had been doing the exact same thing as him. Then she realized that meant he had missed her too and that fact made her day. She was glad that he had these same irrational feelings for her so at least she wasn't alone in wanting to be with him so badly. Finally she settled into what could only be described as disbelief, more in herself that with Gael. It was a sobering feeling, realizing what kind of situation they were in. He was a good bit younger than she was, part of a large pack, and had his whole life ahead of him. She was just a loner with a broken memory that couldn't bring herself to be a part of this life that he was in.

Feeling a desperate need to comfort him, she leaned in to nuzzle her face into the fur on his neck once again. "I've been the same way," she finally told him as she leaned back to look at him again. "This past week has been awful... I keep thinking about how I left, how awful that was for me, how awful it must have been for you... I'm sorry I left like that. I was honestly afraid of trying to join your pack... I've never been around more than two or three wolves at one time and... Well I've always just been a loner..." She let her words trail off, not sure what else to say that could justify leaving him behind like that. It had been terrible of her to do something like that, no matter how much their relationship didn't make sense.



07-01-2013, 03:00 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:23 AM by Gael.)

Nothing made sense right now. He didn't understand the feelings that were coursing through his veins, but he didn't want to question them. They were the kind of feelings that he had never felt before and it was because of their foreign nature that he wanted to keep them around. Gael was the kind of guy that liked learning about new things and these feelings weren't anything different. On top of that, they were attached to Meili, the beautiful teal eyed woman. If keeping these strange feelings around meant that she would be around a lot longer, then he would glad deal with their confusing nature for the rest of his life if he really had to. He was determined to keep her in his life for as long as he could.

Cerulean gaze flickered back to the smaller woman's face after his small confession, audits pricked with attention as he watched a hoard of emotions flit across her fa?ade. Devastation, then something akin to relief and finally disbelief. Disbelief at what he couldn't be sure, but it most likely had something to do with what he'd just said. Could she not believe that he had actually missed her as much as he had, despite still practically being strangers? She leaned in towards him, which wasn't much since there were only a few inches, maybe a foot or so separating their bodies, nuzzling herself into his neck again. Lids fell closed over his eyes for a moment, her touch one of the most amazing things he had ever had the pleasure of feeling before they opened again, locking with her own teal ones as she leaned back to speak. I've been the same way. This past week has been awful... I keep thinking about how I left, how awful that was for me, how awful it must have been for you... I'm sorry I left like that. I was honestly afraid of trying to join your pack... I've never been around more than two or three wolves at one time and... Well I've always just been a loner... A part of him was ecstatic to know that she was feeling the same way, that at least he wasn't the only confused by what was going on between them. But then came the sadness. She was afraid to join his family because she didn't know how to be in a pack. She didn't need to know how to be in a pack. She just needed to want to be in one. He could help with the rest.

Please don't feel bad Meili. You had every right to deny my offer. If I must admit, that was probably too soon of me. I could understand if you felt rather overwhelmed. Though I'm not pushing you into anything that you don't want to do, that's not the kind of man I am, but I will say that if you ever decide to come live in Valhalla, I will take it upon myself to help you adjust. With whatever you need. I will do anything and everything to help you live in a pack. Or even if you don't decide to live in my pack, I will go to whatever pack you decide to join to make sure that you can settle in just right. Audits rested flat against his skull, plume wagging gently behind his tawny haunches as he gaze down towards Meili, hoping that she would take comfort in his words.

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5 Years
Athena I
07-01-2013, 03:30 PM

The fea listened to his offers and assurances, a smile finding its way onto her muzzle. She felt confident in the fact that he would hold to his word and would go out of his way to make her comfortable and that said so much about him and his nature. How had she gotten so lucky as to find someone like Gael who could care so much? He had such a big heart and she loved that about him. She didn't know where their relationship would go after this, but she knew she would move heaven and earth and push past her own insecurities for him.

Meili scooted closer to her friend so that she could close the distance between them and lean into his larger body. Her smaller frame fit perfectly against him, making her smile and sigh contently. She rested her head against his shoulder and looked out at the water, letting the comfortable silence fall over them while she just enjoyed being with Gael again. There were no words that she could say or anything that she could do to explain how she felt for the young man beside her. She thought that if it was really possible to fall in love at first sight, she may have gotten lucky enough to experience it. She was trying really hard to rationalize with herself and tell herself to slow down, it's silly to say that this is love so quickly, but she almost didn't care. She wanted this to be real, she wanted this to work out.



07-01-2013, 04:07 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:21 AM by Gael.)

Despite not having a verbal response, he was more than satisfied with the smile that he was rewarded with. Her smile was worth more than any words she could have given him, though he treasured each and every word that slipped from her lips. Truth rang deeply in his promises to Meili. He wouldn't abandon her. She was his friend now, of that he was certain, and he would go above and beyond what any normal friend would just for her. Because she was that special. He would relocate himself if that was what it took in order to help her adjust to pack life. He care about her and her well-being. It was just the kind of guy he was. Once you became apart of his family and were able to befriend, you had yourself a friend and protector for life. And that's exactly what he was to the smaller woman now. A friend and protector. Who knew if later on he would become that and something more.

And then there was something pressing against his side and he realized it was Meili. She had closed the minute gap between them, pressing her smaller body against his, fitting perfectly, as if her body had been designed to fit into his side. He could feel her resting her head against his shoulder and he smiled to himself, craning his neck around to that his muzzle pressed against the bridge between her eyes, right at the beginning of her forehead, salmon snaking out to present her with a soft kiss. She was an older woman. He barely a yearling. Certainly, the age difference made for an odd relationship, but that didn't matter. Not to Gael at least. He liked her and she was his friend. There was nothing wrong with them being friends. And even if they did turn out to become something more later on, who was to tell him he couldn't be with her? Age was just a number. As long as his feelings for her were true and honest, then he saw no quarrel against being with her. If others had a problem with that, than they could go home and cry about it because he wasn't about to let someone else's opinions dictate his relationship with Meili.

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5 Years
Athena I
07-01-2013, 04:45 PM

Meili couldn't help but smile when Gael gave her a kiss right between her eyes, making her laugh and give the side of his muzzle a soft lick in return. The warmth of his body against hers made her feel so safe. Even if he was just a yearling, he was still plenty bigger than she was and she had no doubt that he would protect her any way he could if there was ever a need for him to and she knew that she would do the same for him if it were in her power.

She had never been one to make plans for her life. She had always lived in the moment, purely just trying to survive. She guessed that was just the life of a loner, but all of the sudden she was thinking of the future, wondering where life would lead them, if she would end up in a pack, if they would eventually be more than friends. "What do you want to do with your life, Gael? What do you dream of doing?" she asked curiously, breaking the silence. She didn't lift her head from his shoulder, too comfortable and happy there to move.



07-01-2013, 05:18 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:21 AM by Gael.)

The smile that broke across her lips made his heart leap into his throat, an answering smile curling his own earthen toned lips. Her mood was infectious. If she was happy, he was happy. If she was sad, he was sad. How funny that she was able to affect his mood so easily. Warriors shouldn't be so easily influenced, and yet Gael didn't care. He wasn't a warrior yet. There would be plenty of time later on when he actually became one to practice locking his emotions away. He could do it; he'd done it plenty of times before. But right now, he didn't want to. Meili was so open and honest with him that he couldn't help but return the favor. He didn't want to hide how she made him feel. He wanted her to know just how much she affected him. He wasn't ashamed of his feelings in any way.

And then she was talking, breaking their comfortable silence, the breaths of her words brushing against the fur on his shoulder, making shivers run down his spine. What did he plan to do later in life? Well I would like to train to be warrior, just like my father. I want to be able to protect my pack, my family and my friends. He paused, cerulean gems meeting her teal ones, holding a meaningful look that he was sure she wouldn't miss. But other than that I'm not really sure. I haven't really looked past that. I guess I'm just going with flow right now. See what life decides to throw at me. A playful smile curled his jaws as he winked at her, knowing that the meaning of his last few words wouldn't be lost on her. So far, life was being pretty good to him.

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5 Years
Athena I
07-01-2013, 06:08 PM

The handsome man next to her, with his cyan eyes and earthy hued fur, held her full attention as he spoke. She was a little surprised by his aspirations to be a warrior. Seeing him now, being so gentle and kind, it was hard to picture him in the thick of battle, but she knew he would have size on his side and knew he could do anything he set his mind to if he wanted it bad enough. She caught the look he gave her when he mentioned wanting to protect his family and friends and knew exactly what he meant with it. It warmed her heart, knowing that she was included with that treasured group of wolves to him.

She could certainly appreciate just rolling with whatever happened with his life, since she had been living her whole life like that. Meili couldn't resist a chuckle and a smile when he mentioned life throwing things at him though. Her tongue flicked at his nose playfully and she replied, "Don't you mean crashes into you?" She laughed again, thinking back to when she went tumbling into the willow tree behind them. At the time she had been mortified, but now that everything had worked out like it had she could laugh at how silly she must have looked.



07-01-2013, 06:34 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:19 AM by Gael.)

There could have been a war breaking out across Alacritis, but right in this moment, he didn't care. Nothing that wasn't Meili, nothing that didn't have to do with her mattered to him right now. Except maybe his family. If his family happened to be in trouble in that very moment, with the heaviest heart he would have to leave the pretty woman to attend to his family. Family came first to him, although he was already considering her a part of his family, since friends were basically like family, just the extended type.

His own chuckle reverberated inside his chest as he smiled, giving a playful nip to the tip of her nose, amused at her reference to their first meeting. Oh that's right. Crashing instead of throwing. Very fun. Maybe I should try it some time. He teased unable to help the laugh that was bubbling from his earthen lips. Though she'd thought herself to look rather ridiculous tangled up in all those branches, he had actually thought her to be quite endearing. She'd looked kind of cute, all tangle and helpless, asking for his help. But she was even cuter now, pressed up against him like this. A content sigh slipped past his lips as his laughter died down.

OOC: bah post >.<

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5 Years
Athena I
07-02-2013, 12:10 AM

Meili gave a little shake of her head and and replied inbetween laughs, "No, no, you just stick to stopping normally. I don't think I could get you untangled as easily as you did me!" Her laughter died away till she just had a happy smile left on her muzzle. She nuzzled her friend affectionately, loving the feeling of having him so close. It warmed her heart and gave her butterflies in her stomach to know he wanted to be here with her.

The logical part of her brain told her that he was just a yearling, but if she didn't know any better she would have thought he was the same age as her. He behaved so maturely for his age that she felt like he was older than he really was. Part of her wondered if this would last. Would he grow up and realize that he didn't feel the same way any more? He still had years ahead of him to discover what he wanted. But she knew that despite all of this they would at least be friends and as long as Gael wanted to be around her she would be there for him.

She gave his nose one last lick before she slid away from him and stood, stretching her paws out in front of her and working the kinks out of her muscles. She turned to Gael with a playful glint in her eye. She nudged his shoulder with her snout, telling him, "Come on, get up! Time for your dose of fun for the day!"



07-02-2013, 12:46 AM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:18 AM by Gael.)

Her laughter was infectious, bringing out his own booming laughter as she spoke between laughs, exclaiming that she would never be able to wrestle him out of the branches were he to have been the one stuck instead of her. Oh come on, it wasn't even that hard to get you out in the first place. He teased playfully, bumping her with his shoulder, blushing crimson beneath his earthen cheeks, reaching out to gently nip at her closest ear, tugging at it before he let it go, cerulean gaze locked with her teal one. He would never get tired of being around her. She made him feel happy, relaxed, as if he didn't have a care in the world. He really liked that about her.

And yet, there was the age difference. He guessed her to be around 3 years of age, not much older than him, perhaps around the age of his aunts. And he was a yearling, barely coming into adult hood. And yet he didn't feel like he was a yearling. He felt much older than what he actually was. And he nearly looked the part too. In a few months he would be a two years old, nearly full grown. What would his parents think if he ended up becoming more than friends with Meili? No one could really tell that she was much older than him, the height difference playing up his not looking his age. The only ones that would know would be himself and Meili, possibly his family if he ever got around to telling them. But why did it matter that she was older than him? She wasn't terribly older; two years was nothing. Now if she was his mother's age, then possibly there would be some of awkwardness to it, but they were close in age. There was nothing to worry about. At least for him. Would Meili be opposed to them becoming something more because of their age difference? If she thought so, she didn't show it.

She presented his nose with a lick as she moved away to stand, stretching as he goaded him into a bit of fun. Shouldn't he be the one that always wanted to play? What does the little lady have in mind for today? He teased playfully, limbs unscrambling from beneath him to bring him back up to stand, a brief shake given to his pelt as he ambled to her side, nudging her with his muzzle, laughter in his words. I'm up, I'm up.

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5 Years
Athena I
07-02-2013, 01:04 AM

Meili loved the little things he did like nip at her ear and nudging her with his muzzle. She had never had much interaction with other wolves so all the little things he did like that made her day. To see how other wolves reacted to things was so interesting to her.

When he was finally on his feet and nudging her back she chuckled and thought briefly. "Hmmm... Oh, I don't know..." Trying to use the element of surprise she sprang and threw herself at him, trying to use her weight to knock him off balance. She ended up rolling off of him from the momentum, but she was prepared for it this time, immediately rolling back onto her paws. She chuckled pouncing on him again and tugging playfully on his ear before hopping out of his reach. One benefit of being small was that she was more agile and quick instead of being as strong. "Come on, warrior," she taunted teasingly, laughing and crouching to get ready for his next move.



07-02-2013, 01:21 AM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:17 AM by Gael.)

He wasn't usually the type of guy to engage in play with others, especially now that he was older. Playing was something pups did and he was definitely not a pup anymore. But when Meili engaged a session of play, there was no way he could deny her. She was just so endearing, her beautiful teal eyes enticing him. It would be so wrong to deny her. Besides, she was so much fun to play with. Whoever said older wolves were boring had never met the little lady who had quickly become his new friend.

She pretended to think, causing him to pause, tilting his head curiously at her, completely playing along with her little game, knowing fully well what it was exactly that she was trying to do. She lunged herself at him in the next moment. She was much smaller than him, therefore there wasn't much force behind her attack, given the fact that he was more than capable of holding his weight against her. He very well could've held his ground and allowed her to run into him, but for the sake of keeping her game going, Gael allowed her to knock him back, his spine hitting rather hard against the ground, the breath rushing out of his lungs. But he barely felt the impact. He was too busy laughing as he slowly rolled back onto his paws, playfully snapping at her as she tugged at his ear before dancing out of his reach, egging him on, calling him a warrior. If I didn't know any better, I would think you were making fun of me. He taunted, rising swiftly to his paws as he leaped towards her, forelegs extended, as if to grasp her, though he knew he would fall short. He was giving her the chance to escape.

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5 Years
Athena I
07-02-2013, 01:44 AM

Meili grinned playfully at his accusation, replying, "Nooo, of course not!" right before he leaped for her. She slipped out of his path and hopped a few feet away from him. She knew he could have gotten her pinned to the ground by now if he really wanted to, but she was glad he didn't so they could keep playing. She didn't always act her age and now was a prime example of that. She thought sometimes that she liked to play because she didn't remember her puppyhood and had no memories of playing. Whatever it was, she enjoyed these play sessions when she could get them.

The small fea got a little bit of a running start and tackled him again, a huge grin on her muzzle the whole time. This time she caught him between her forelegs and pulled him to the ground with her, rolling with him till they stopped with him on her back and her collapsed on top of him. She liked playing with Gael because he was big enough that she knew she could never hurt him with her rough housing. She laughed happily and rolled off of him onto her back, chuckling as she looked at him and grinned.



07-02-2013, 01:57 AM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:16 AM by Gael.)

She denied his accusation as she leaped out of his grasp, dancing several paces away. Forelimbs struck empty air, landing with a muted thud back on the dirt. Of course she was going to escape his clutches. He had done that on purpose. He could of have her pinned if he really wanted to, but what was the fun in that? He didn't want to stop playing with her. It was something he enjoyed, even if it made him feel like a big idiot throwing his weight around like this, but as long as it kept that pretty smile of hers on her beautiful face, then he would throw his weight around like idiot all day if that's what it took.

You keep telling yourself that. He teased, a bout of laughter erupting from his earthen colored lips as the smaller woman barreled into him, wrapping her forelegs around his shoulders as she pulled him to the ground with her, the two rolling across the dirt in a ball of flying fur and flailing limbs until they came to a stop, Gael pressed against the earth, Meili standing triumphantly on top. An idiotic grin took of his lips as he nipped at her nose, watching as she rolled off of him onto her back, giving him the opportunity to stand, bracing his larger mass over hers, essentially pining her down. Silver crown was lowered, cerulean gems flickering to Meili's teal ones, the laughter in his chest dying down, a look of utter awe filling his eyes as he gazed down tenderly towards Meili, feeling like time had frozen for a few moments. He could stay like this forever if it was possible. Just staring into her beautiful eyes, the two of them together.

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