
I'll Tell You What



5 Years
Extra large
07-10-2017, 11:57 PM

It was late, far later than anyone should be awake. In the center of the circle of stones sat a woman who matched this night in the most perfect of ways. The moon was full and bright, casting pools of silver light that made the stones shimmer beautifully. The woman herself was a wonderful contrast of dark and light, midnight and sunshine both living in that long and tousled coat. She sat peacefully, the picture of serenity. Of course, while her body sat quite still, her shimmering gold eyes never stopped moving, always aware of her surroundings.

Thus far Razi had only managed to bump into a handful of family members, thus far finding no real purpose for herself though she was certain she'd be needed eventually. For now she sat, mind wandering and pondering what to do at this late hour. Her sleep had come to an abrupt end for no reason in particular and try as she might she found it impossible to fall back to sleep after she woke. This might be a long night.

"Talk" "You" Think


08-25-2017, 12:25 PM

He moved like a ghost, his frail body gliding noiselessly over the grass, his small gaunt form barely visible in the moonlight.  He had been drawn to the place like a moth to a flame in what was one of the many dazed strolls that had resulted from his fasting. His starvation had of course served a purpose; he appeared helpless and pitiful, like someone desperately in need of help, which from the beginning had been his intention.

His mind snapped back into focus just long enough to make out a figure in the moonlight and from there his consciousness had returned. “Who goes there?” He called meekly, his voice as soft and gentle as a whisper. He approached her in the center of the ring his head lowered and his ears pulled back against the hard edges of not only his skull but the skull of his grandfather that he wore on his head. His ruby eyes popped from the sockets of his ancestor’s skull and every movement he made illuminated new edges in the plains made by his bones. He was a revenant, a malcontent spirit made living through necromancy and rage.

The girl’s scent was unfamiliar although the scents that clung to her pelt could be found throughout the southern continent. However he had never found them collected in one single place. That told him she was associated with many, but they were far too chaotic to unite under one leader. For now. “Who are you?” He squeaked, exhaustion present on his voice this time standing a crow's toss away from her.


Art by StarShadowist on Deviantart



5 Years
Extra large
08-25-2017, 01:03 PM

She'd gotten no where in her musings, only managing to let it further sink in how tired and restless she was. Letting out a long sigh, Razi was playing with the idea of setting off to wander further since this particular space had little to offer past a nice view of the stars above - suddenly paws making their way closer interrupted that line of thought and renewed her interest in her immediate surroundings. Golden gaze settled over the slim frame of a stranger. No, this creature was more than slim, why it appeared to be on death's doorstep. Pathetic.

Her lip curled slightly as she looked down her ebony nose at the tiny male. Briefly, she wondered if he might drop dead at her paws. Studying him, there was no sympathy in her gaze, only curiosity that seemed to be only just maintained. Scoffing, she replied, "I think that's what I'm supposed to ask." This tiny mortal being looked entirely useless. He was just lucky he'd not stumbled into the likes of Amon or any of her other relatives who might be more than willing to end his life on sight. She, on the other hand, would find it far more amusing to watch such a being waste away before her eyes than die by her own fangs. Eventually she'd decide to go ahead and roll with the whole introductions crap, may as well since she wasn't getting any rest any time soon. Standing and stretching so she could loosen tense muscles and more effectively rise to her full height, Razi added, "I am Razi Abraxas, and who might you be?"

"Talk" "You" Think


09-25-2017, 09:06 AM

Her gaze was supercilious, she wouldn’t be like the other girl he had met who had pitied him and attempted to soothe him. His back straightened, his gaunt form aligning into some semblance of pride as a horrendously mirthful grin spread under the hanging fangs of his grandfather. “Why, I am the grim wolf.” He said matter-of-factly a paw raising toward his chest as he bowed elegantly. “But you may simply call me Grim.” He said.

”What brings you out at this time of night dear Razi Abraxas?” He purred, his furiously red eyes dancing in the low light of the moon equal parts revered and wicked. “Where are my manners? Interrogating you like this.” He sang and clicked his tongue at his own perceived rudeness. “I sensed a great power here and came to investigate.” He explained. “Perhaps it was you?” He said in a way that wasn’t entirely unprovocative.

He had heard the brightly colored birds of the southern continent chatter noisily about a family who thought of themselves as gods, he wondered if perhaps she was one of them, although wolves in this part of the world seemed to only belong to either the demigod clan or the pack further north.

speaking you



5 Years
Extra large
09-25-2017, 01:55 PM

Her interest only piqued when the emaciated beast straightened, dropping what had more than likely been an act of some kind. Lip faintly curling, she now kept her eyes quite firmly locked on the strange male before her. "But you may simply call me Grim." Filing the name away, Razi decided to make note of whatever happened here. After all, the more she learned about those living here, no matter how pathetic they were in appearance, the more information she'd have when the family decided to start making moves. The time was surely nearing after all, they only had to wait for the youngest among them to grow and become capable of fending for themselves.

The woman of sun and shadow had contemplated offering a question for him but he beat her to the punch. "Who wouldn't want to take advantage of a night like this? I find more... Interesting wolves tend to surface in the cover of darkness you know. And I do so hate to be bored." All that sounded a whole lot better than 'I couldn't sleep' anyway. Razi noticeably paused at his next words, orange-backed ears flicking uncertainly. "Perhaps," she hummed, pale old eyes seeking out his crimson orbs to hold their gaze, "But, it could also very well be my kin, you never know where they might show up."

"Talk" "You" Think