
Had no need to fight tonight, tonight



5 Years
Extra large
08-29-2017, 02:37 PM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2017, 02:38 PM by Razi.)
She'd been exploring this way and that, making trips into Boreas and returning to Auster, back and forth. Plenty of herb collecting had been done recently, she had the bare basics and wasn't too concerned with storing more until she had a more permanent den setup. Her need to continue getting a better understanding of the land had not yet been sated - not enough to satisfy Razi, at least.

Right now she was drawn to the stench of death and adrenaline heavy in the air, wafting towards her on the cool summer breeze and practically inviting investigation. Death was such an interesting thing, so entwined with her work that it was only natural for the healer to think of it. Sometimes she tried her best to prevent it, and other times she'd make use of plants hoping to cause someone's death. The smell of it wasn't exactly strong, but the scattered bones she found as she approached the wide open space. Adrenaline, fear, death, it all hung in a faint haze from battles past. She supposed it would take lifetimes for the smell to go away even if there wasn't a singly battle here ever again. Flexing her onyx claws into the soil, Razi's gold eyes flickered with arrival of a thought. While she was a healer by trade, it wouldn't do to become entirely rusty. Only fools would entirely ignore the usefulness of a good spar, and Razi did pride herself on being no fool.

Not even a moment later she was lifting her head to let out a summoning howl that rang out through the open space and far beyond it, seeking a challenger. If her main job right now was to be ready for when the Abraxas wolves finally did spring into action then she would take that job very seriously and not waste a single, precious moment.