
There’s A Devil In The Church {Meeting}



4 Years
08-07-2017, 06:35 PM
Ganta felt a mixture of fire and worry in his belly as he ran back to the main lands of Dragoste. Philomena had recently been taken, and by the Gods he was going after her. He he had feared this… but he needed the wolves of his pack to at least know what was going on before he started his hunt for Rikeros. If his brother dared to hurt his daughter… Ganta wouldn’t be merciful in the slightest. The whole while his paws hit the Earth the male was growling to himself, eyes narrowed as his tail lashed about like that of an angry cat. If his brother thought for even one minute there wouldn’t be repercussions for taking her… he was sorely mistaken. Ganta would do everything he could to get her back.

Once he reached the woods Ganta threw his head back, calling for the wolves of Dragoste to make haste to him. He had no doubt that Roza would put two and two together as to why.... The brute settled onto the earth with a flare of his nostrils then, waiting for everyone to arrive. Things were going to get hot and heavy really fast.

Ooc:: Mandatory by 8/14.

I'm here without you...



7 Years
Dire wolf
08-08-2017, 11:33 AM

He answered a call with a confirming call of his own before he crossed the territory over to where Ganta had called the meeting. The man seemed troubled but he said nothing, evidently he had been the first of the pack to join the meeting. He found that odd considering how close he appeared to be to his mate but once again he said nothing on the matter. Yale waited to be addressed, his gargantuan form settling as he laid down on the grass.

He was curious to see who else lived in the pack he had joined, although some part of him wondered if it would be the one thing he would come to regret. He supposed ultimately the decision had been hastily made but what else was he to do? He had no reason to believe the wolves of this land would be willing to listen to the word of the strange god he had brought with him and if Ganta hadn’t promised him an audience it was more than likely he would have gone somewhere else.




8 Years
Athena I
08-10-2017, 10:01 AM

It was her worst worries come to life. Philomena gone and there was only one real explanation. She knew her daughter wouldn't have just left on her own accord. Surely her daughter knew how important it was to stay in the pack lands. Roza had drilled it into her children's heads enough at least. A mix of rage and intense worry gnawed at her gut, but she tried to keep herself in check. If nothing else she had to keep it together for their son. Ulric was just as worried for his sister as they were, but she had to make him believe everything was going to be fine. Really she just wanted to believe it herself.

When she heard Ganta's howl Roza was quick to get to her paws and hurry toward the meeting. She kept Ulric just ahead of her to keep him well within her view. Her children were going to be lucky if she ever let them leave her side again. When her eyes found Ganta's it was hard not to simply break down then and there. She walked over to him and pressed her face into the fur on his neck for a moment, her ears flicking back against her skull. Roza used that moment to make herself breathe before she finally settled onto her haunches beside him. She gave Yale a small nod of greeting and waited for the rest of the pack to arrive.

Talk Abbey Others



2 Years
Other species
08-11-2017, 05:14 PM
The wind blows loudest when you've got your eyes closed

Jynette never failed to marvel at the vast variety of herbs the woods held. She was contenting herself with gathering, the late afternoon sun on her back and a cool breeze ruffling her fur. Spring would be turning to summer soon and she was sure the heat would follow but in the sheltered territory of the woods she did not dread it as much as she did while living on the plains. Everything was perfectly peaceful until an urgent howl from Ganta raced along the breeze. Oh no…

Swiftly she collected the herbs she'd been gathering and raced to the meeting in the usual bouncy gait of her kind, her bushy tail waving and shifting to aid her in keeping her balance. She swiftly arrived to the meeting and nodded a quick greeting to the two wolves who were there. Setting her herbs down she glanced at Ganta. "What's happened? Is anyone injured?"



10 Years
08-11-2017, 08:43 PM

Vern had just finished tracking down and killing a young fawn for the kids. He was worn, still vary out of shape but he was better then he had been. The older male picked up his kill and began back towards where the dens were so he could deliver this meal to Roza and her children in hopes it would be enough to hold them over for a bit. The pack was still small, but Vern had high hopes for it to grow, especially with young fresh leaders who could bring new ideas for survival to the table. He was wondering what he could do? Should he himself go out and to help try and bring more in? Ganta had his paws full with everything already.

He was pulled from his thoughts at Ganta's howl. His tone made Vern's eyes narrow and his hair stand on end. Something was wrong and there was urgency in his call. He picked up his waddling pace, careful not to trip over the long legs of his kill. It took him a decent amount of time to get there and most had already arrived. He dropped his kill and looked around, wondering what had happened.

"Inverno Talk", & 'Inverno Think'

[Image: YhOwDpX.png]


08-11-2017, 09:03 PM

She had given up hope by now that Aten would be found alive. So now she focused on her herbal remedies and potions. She was doing so now. At her paw was some leaves with poultices chewed up in their centers. She was hoping if she prepared them and stored them they would be still usable by the time she ever needed them. She had yarrow and dandelion chewed together, along with elderberries in a seperate leaf. Her ears perked as ganta howled and she sighed. She would have to finish up quickly. She leaned down and nosed the leaves until they were rolled well enough for her liking. She then took them into her den and stored them in the roots of her huge willow tree den.

She then exited it and began hobbling towards where the howl had come from. She was likely arriving late because of her disability but she figured ganta wouldn't mind and would understand. He seemed reasonable enough anyway.

As she arrived she eyed those around already and her ears went back. She was still an oddity here and she was starting to feel like she might end up persecuted again for her deformity. The older man was here and she recognized Roza and ganta but a few others seemed to have joined their ranks. As she passed Roza to join the others she gave her a sad smile. She was still depressed from Aten's loss. She joined the others and stretched before laying down where she could at least be comfortable.



4 Years
08-21-2017, 06:17 PM
He waited, though with all due respect he wasn’t waiting long. Even Desdemona did her best to make a timely appearance with her handicap, and for that Ganta was grateful. Yale had arrived first and Ganta gave the man an apologetic look; had it not been for the situation at hand this would have been the first meeting where the other’s preachings would have come into play. Seeing Roza filled his heart with guilt… as did seeing Ulric. He knew both would be worried about Philomena… and he attempted to give a comforting look to his mate. His gaze would finally settle on Jynette, figuring that answering her question would be the best way to alert the pack of what had gone on.

“I… am afraid that something has indeed happened, Jynette.” Ganta swallowed hard, trying to keep his composure. “Roza’s child, my daughter, has been taken away from pack lands by a rogue. Their scent was covered by the mud of the plains… but… I know without a doubt who this rogue was. It’s Rikeros, my half brother… A scarred off-white male with a single golden eye. If any of you are to spot him either avoid him and report to one of the higher ups or do what you deem necessary.” Ganta felt his stomach clench.

“This is hardly the sort of meeting I wanted to call for you all, and I’m sorry…” Ganta shifted uneasily. “But my brother is not a good wolf. Most of my siblings are cruel and bloodthirsty. I hope you understand that is mandatory I go out looking for Philomena.” He glanced towards Roza. “Roza will be in charge of you while I’m gone. Respect her as you would me. Inverno…” His gaze shifted to the other man. “I would like to ask you remain in the south if you look for Philly. I need you close to the pack in case someone comes along and tries anything. If need be, call for Fiorians. They are friends… they’ll help us.”

Ganta then looked to Yale. “...and also like to ask that, while it may not be in group setting yet that each of you meet with Yale. I feel that he has some valuable word to spread about his faith that might be able to keep our spirits strong during this time of worry.” There, a sign he hadn’t forgotten his pledge to the other. “Also… I want all of you to be on the lookout for Desdemona’s boy. He too is missing… and though a bit older than Philly I fear he too might have become a captive of a rogue.” At last his eyes turned back towards the fox.

“If I may, Jynette, I’d like to ask that you prepare some herbs to help with nerves and anxiety.” He hoped he didn’t have to explain to everyone that they’d be for Roza. “...and have some herbs stocked for treating wounds at the ready. I doubt if I find Rikeros that it won’t be a bloody confrontation.” It was at this his ghostly eyes narrowed, glancing to each wolf {and fox} in turn. “These are the assignments I ask of you all… Are there any questions or concerns before I leave?”

I'm here without you...



7 Years
Dire wolf
08-21-2017, 07:19 PM

Roza was the second to arrive, his features softening as he spotted the small ball of coarse fur, one of the pups he had smelled on the female when they first met no doubt. He could have sworn he had sensed more than one on her though, and his heart clenched at the myriad of possibilities.
His attention diverted to a new voice and his eyes narrowed on the creature that seemed to regard the pack as though it were an equal. It was disquieting but he simply assumed it had been another wolf’s pet. Ley knew his brother had grown quite fond of a monkey that had been gifted to him in his birth month by an emissary of Eclya. He simply assumed that had been the case with the fox that had appeared smelling of Dragoste. Foxes after all were known liars and thieves although perhaps whoever’s familiar it was had trained such a nature out of it.

He turned his attention away from the fox to a male much older than him and who showed it well, although he had no scars to speak of himself he had always admired the way the other templars of his home boasted grand stories of the battles that had marred their appearances. He wondered if he would have grand tales of his own to tell, and he greatly looked forward to them.

Finally came a girl who was in every way imaginable odd; odd coloration, odd markings, and one particularly odd leg. He only gave her a passing glance before looking away, afraid that she might find his questioning look rude.

Ganta spoke and all at once he felt his heart sink; it was the worst he could imagine, a pup stolen not only by a rogue but by a vengeful sibling, possibly even more than one. Getting the pup back would be dangerous. His mention to be met by the rest of the pack flew completely over his head, much more focused on the very real threat to Ganta’s remaining pup and the rest of the motley pack.

“With all due respect sir.” He began, his deep voice declaring proudly. "Let me come with you to retrieve your young. Allow me to prove myself capable of defending you and the rest of Dragoste.” He spoke with his head raised high, his chest puffed out proudly as he spoke. “I will bring the word of Ley to you all once I have proven his strength through my own actions.” He said, this time addressing all of the pack as a whole, although his lilac eyes carefully avoided the fox. He had heard Ganta’s proposal to keep an eye out for another young wolf, and for a moment had had the instant reaction of bringing up Dagan as well, but with so many children already missing, he couldn’t possibly add the bastard boy’s name to the list when Yale himself had given up hope of ever finding him.

speaking you



2 Years
Other species
08-26-2017, 10:45 AM
The wind blows loudest when you've got your eyes closed

Jynette frowned at Ganta's words that something had indeed happened. As he continued he explained that his daughter had been abducted. A knot formed in her stomach. Oh no… she felt herself silently praying for the child's safety and her eyes narrowed at the mention that the girl may have been abducted by a questionable family member. She wished she could help in the effort to find the girl but she was certain other members of the pack would be better at tracking.

She took note though of the man's appearance should she stumble across him while gathering herbs or should she see him near the border. She'd be too small for a conflict but she was fairly certain should could out 'fox' the man.

As the wolves, her packmates now, filed into the meeting she did her best to ignore the stares, particularly of an older male who seemed disgusted at her presence. She ignored him. Let the grumpy old goat stew with his prejudices. She had more important things to worry about.

Jynette nodded swiftly as Ganta asked her to gather herbs to help with nerves and anxiety. "Consider it done. I already have a store of camomile and lavender. I'll gather some fresh herbs after the meeting and build up the stores for treating injuries." She had no further questions and so remained silent.



4 Years
08-29-2017, 06:03 PM

Ganta’s gaze shifted back to Yale as the man began to speak. He felt a mixture of feelings, but mainly gratitude that there was more of his pack willing to help him with defending Dragoste. He wanted this pack to be safe… but he’d never force those who didn’t want to into fighting. “Yale, I thank you.” Ganta said with a dip of his head. “Having an extra set of paws to scour Boreas would be helpful… hmm…” The Primul furrowed his brow. “Hnng… Perhaps it’d be better if those who are not searching for Philomena stuck a bit closer to Fiori...” He mused. If he, Yale, and Inverno were all looking…

But at the same time he couldn’t afford to leave Roza, Ulric, Desdemona, and Jynette unprotected…“For now, Inverno, I ask that you be on standby near Dragoste. Yale, feel free to start searching from the Plains. The scent is there, faint, but I suspect that they’ve covered their scents so tracking them won’t be easy…” He paused, glancing at Jynette with a nod of thanks when she gave her input. Then his gaze shifted to Roza.

“Roza… If things start looking bad I’m going to need you to take Ulric, Desdemona, and Jynette to Fiori… Don't try and fight anything alone…” His emotions were rolling all over the place. He glanced towards his paws and then lifted his head once more. “I’ll head to Fiori to alert Heather of what has happened… Everyone, please be safe.” With that Ganta turned on his paws, breaking into a run in the direction of Fiori.

There was no time to lose.

--Exit Ganta--

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



7 Years
Dire wolf
08-30-2017, 10:35 AM
He nodded resolutely at the Primul’s command and took off toward The Seas Plain his hulking form growing smaller and smaller as his sturdy legs carried him. He was determined to prove himself, to prove that Dragoste could not be threatened or provoked without consequence. Yale Beufort, first legionary and templar of the holy order of Ley would stand to protect the weak once again just as he had in the home he was forbidden to ever return to.

-Exit Yale-




8 Years
Athena I
09-03-2017, 04:40 PM

Roza had a hard time meeting everyone's gazes as Ganta began to speak and tell everyone what had happened. In a way she felt like she had failed to keep her daughter safe. She knew that it wasn't her fault, that she wouldn't have just left on her own accord, but it still felt like there must have been something else she could've done. It wasn't until Ganta mentioned that she would be in charge in his absence that she finally looked up to the crowd in front of them and tried to pull a more sure look onto her face. The worry for Philomena clawed at her like a hawk grasping its prey, but they had larger responsibilities than just being parents. They had a pack to care for.

When Yale volunteered to help gratefulness softened her features. She tried to catch his gaze for a moment with a small smile, hoping that the emotion in her eyes could get her silent "thank you" across. When Ganta got up to leave she felt her breath shutter for a moment. She opened her mouth to stop him for a moment, but he took off in a run before she could do anything of the sort. Her head turned to look over her shoulder to watch his figure disappearing. She felt Ulric lean into her side and that was enough to snap her out of her trance. She sighed and looked down at their son, meeting his worried, pale gaze with her own for a moment.

Yale was already walking away when she lifted her gaze once more, off to follow Ganta's instructions she was sure. "Jynette, would you mind bringing a few of those herbs by my den later?" she asked as she turned her gaze toward the healer. She knew Ganta probably intended for the herbs to be for herself, she was really more concerned about Ulric getting enough sleep. Concern for her own well being had never been a strong suit of hers. "And Inverno, I'd like for you to do some defense training with Ulric when you get a chance. If it's alright with you I'll have my companion Abbey keep an eye out during our patrols so if anything happens to one of us she can go tell the other." She waited for the older man's approval before she stood to make her way back toward their den with Ulric.

- exit -

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