
instead of myself



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
08-28-2017, 07:11 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2017, 07:13 PM by Kai.)
Yuck. This place was.. interesting, to say the least. It was definitely like nowhere he'd ever been before. At first glance, it hadn't seemed much different than any other beach, wedged between the eastern coast of the continent and the dormant volcano to the east. His interest had been piqued, the sound of a trip to the ocean quite appealing - even though it hadn't been long ago at all that he'd made the trek over the bridge of sand that separated the two continents. The thought of even wading in the salty water sounded pretty intriguing today, too.

The sun had begun to set by the time he found himself padding along the shoreline, staring dreamily beyond the horizon. Eventually, from the corner of his eye, he saw a spider scuttle by - no, not just one, but a few. Kai wasn't one to be easily spooked by things, but the sudden group of insects made him dart to the side, nose wrinkling. It was then he realized that another had crawled over his paw, and he nearly yelped in surprise when he realized that the sand was suddenly crawling with the beasts. Nasty! The setting sun had apparently obscured the spiders, and he couldn't help but wonder how long they'd been crawling around beneath him - and hopefully not on him.

He shivered a bit, suddenly imagining spiders crawling all over his coat. The only reasonable solution was to go where they couldn't, right? With that thought, he headed toward the water, bracing himself for the cold water as the tide rolled up and lapped at his paws. At least he was temporarily free from the spiders, even if the water was a bit colder than he'd anticipated.



5 Years
Extra large
08-29-2017, 10:15 PM

Adding yet another land to the list she'd explored was par for the course at this point. At least it kept crushing boredom from cracking her. That and Razi was beginning to understand Pyralis' penchant for exploring anywhere and everywhere she possibly could. It was fun, and it lead her to see all kinds of things and wolves. Carefully she'd padded along towards the water in the evening light, last rays of sunlight making the lighter markings on her ebony coat stand out even more.

She'd noticed pretty quickly that there was an unusual number of spiders in this area, scuttling about over the sandy ground. Razi wouldn't have minded too much but her specialty was in dealing with plants, not spiders. Shrugging, the woman continued walking until she spotted something quite curious; a boy standing among the gentle waves that rolled into the shore nearby. Making her way in that direction, Razi studied him from her place in the sand. Eventually she gave him her best attempt at feigned shock, mouth opening and a paw lifting to point at his face, "Oh my gosh, there's a spider on your head!" There most certainly was not.

She just couldn't resist messing with him, especially not once she'd realized why he was probably standing in the water rather than on the beach.

Walk, "Talk" Think




8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
09-04-2017, 09:42 AM
Kai was still as he considered his options. It wasn't like he could simply swim out to safety.. right? He had seen an island far off in the distance but it was getting dark and he wasn't the biggest fan of swimming to begin, especially to somewhere so far away. He shivered as a wave rolled in and lapped at the underside of his belly, twisting his head to search the shoreline and explore other options. If he waded a bit further along the coast, maybe he could avoid the worst of the spiders, but he really wasn't sure where the damn things were hiding or how far he'd have to go to avoid them.

The arrival of another, further up the shoreline than he wanted to be, caught him by surprise. Her words made his eyes widen instinctively, and he swallowed hard, shaking his head dramatically as though it might rid the spider from his head. He looked a bit comical for a moment before he paused, his nose wrinkling. "Aack! Are you sure?" He shook his head again, his ears flicking as he realized the stranger likely couldn't see much of anything on his head from this distance.

He frowned slightly, his eyes narrowing as he took a few steps closer to her, still wading in the cool ocean water. "Least I don't have them crawling all over my paws like you do," he said, squinting at her - unsure if he saw actual spiders scuttling around her paws, or if he was just imagining it, but it was good payback either way.



5 Years
Extra large
09-04-2017, 03:00 PM

Now that was funny. Her brows raised skyward as jaws parted in an open-mouthed grin as the boy shook this way and that in an attempt to dislodge the insect that wasn't actually there. Let it be known that Razi Abraxas did in fact have a sense of humor, and a wicked one at that. Thank goodness her rotten jokes were only an occasional indulgence or no one would be safe.

"Too easy..." she murmured to herself, still quite amused with herself. Slinking across the sand with long, easy strides she moved closer to the one who currently had her attention to further close the distance, gold eyes dancing with life in the looming darkness.

Treading carefully over the spider-infested ground, Razi assumed an appearance of serenity only marred by the half-smirk that remained on her lips. At his statement, she tilted her ebony muzzle to gaze down at her paws, lifting one foreleg slightly and bringing it down on a particularly fat spider in order to crush it. "I suppose there are a few too many for my liking," the woman hummed, turning to join the grey boy in the water. "I take it this is your strategy for avoiding them, hm? It'll be an awfully chilly night for you."

Walk, "Talk" Think




8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
09-19-2017, 09:06 PM
Kai had never really cared what other wolves thought of him. Gaining outside approval had never been a value instilled in him as important - so he hardly flinched when she laughed at him, and instead returned the grin with a beaming smile of his own. At least of he was uncomfortable he could be amused at it, as this stranger so clearly was. He found his tail waving slightly behind him as he regarded her, tentatively taking a few long strides closer to her, in shallower water now.

A similar sort of amusement danced in his own eyes as he commented on the spiders at her paws, though she barely flinched as she barely glanced down. Perhaps she was more fond of bugs than he was? Either way, whatever. He snorted softly at her comment, saying rather nonchalantly that there were a few too many for her liking. "You could say that again," he grumbled in agreement. His brow furrowed a bit at her words. "Is.. it not a good plan?" Obviously she didn't think so. Cautiously he headed further up the coast, thinking. "I wasn't planning on, like, sleeping in the water but.. it seemed a decent temporary plan. Do you have a better one?" His tone was a bit teasing as he regarded her.



5 Years
Extra large
10-02-2017, 10:41 PM
Appearing to consider his question, she let her head tilt a bit to the right, brows knitting together as though she might actually be putting thought into her response which was in reality quite unlikely. Looking from the water to the shore, Razi decided she probably wasn't going back onto the sand anytime soon. Even this composed woman was far from thrilled to have so many creepy crawlies all over her paws. Her face remained stoic as ever though, and she turned to walk through the water in a direction that would take her far from the arachnid-infested beach. Having taken her time replying, she further delayed by yawning softly, then glanced towards the boy, gold eyes seeking to meet his silver. "Not terrible. I suppose we are in the same boat after all and I haven't a better way to deal with those bugs..." a slight pause before she finished with, "It may be wise to avoid this location in the future, though. They might migrate to the caves during the day... But, it wouldn't be worth chancing an encounter with a poisonous straggler to find out for sure..." Her words seemed to grow softer the more she spoke, betraying that she was honestly more muttering to herself than talking to him at this point.

Looking over to see if he was still there Razi asked, "What's your name?"



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
10-08-2017, 05:47 PM
Ah, what a conundrum he'd found himself in. Perhaps a better tactic would've been to head away from the shoreline as soon as he realized this place was littered with spiders, but it was too late for that now, wasn't it? Kai's brows furrowed tightly as he eyed her, and then glanced away, assessing his current predicament. At least she admitted she hadn't thought of a better plan; he cringed a bit at the thought of walking back up the beach as the sun set, unable to see if he was merely imagine spiders crawling up his limbs or not in the near-darkness.

His nose wrinkled at her next observation. No, it definitely wouldn't be worth the risk, he was certain of that. She asked his name, and the boy paused for a long moment, clearly caught up in his thoughts. When he answered, though, his voice was significantly less confounded. "My name's Kai," he shot back, shifting his weight from one paw to the next in the water. "Say, I'm thinking the best way away from these damned things would be to run. Fast as we can, up the beach. What d'you saw?" His hind end nearly wiggled in anticipation as his tail twitched behind him, his body hunkering down slightly closer to the water as though to come dashing toward her at any second.