
This is my body and soul



8 Years
Athena I
09-05-2017, 11:27 PM

It had finally happened. He had gone a full day without thinking about Lillian and when she did cross his mind it didn't have the same sting that it once had. Their children were grown enough now that they no longer needed his full attention. He went several days at a time without seeing them now. Actually, he hadn't seen Pyre in quite a while, but he was confident that his only son was fine. As long as they checked in with him from time to time he was fine with it. Perhaps one day he would actually get around to joining a pack like he had intended to when he first returned here and they could all live together again. He wasn't cut out to be the overbearing, protective parent. He loved them dearly, but he didn't have it in him to worry about their every move. Maybe he just never learned that way of parenting since his own parents were so far from that.

He walked through the collection of broken down stones and foliage, the water trapped on the leaves quickly collecting on his legs and stomach. He had stayed in an alcove of one of the rocks through the morning till the rain passed, but it seemed like he couldn't avoid it entirely. At least the sun was out once again. Finding one of the taller rocks in the area, he climbed up to the top and settled down on his stomach with a sigh. He lifted his face toward the sun and closed his eyes much the same way a sunflower leans to drink in the sunlight. A smile touched his lips and for a moment his mind was quiet.

Speak Thought Others



6 Years
10-12-2017, 05:15 PM

She wasn't quite sure what possessed her to leave Talis' lands - perhaps a small part of her longed for some kind of adventure again. She didn't miss being a loner, but she did miss exploring lands like she used to. There were always an array of herbs to find that the plains didn't offer after all. Maybe she'd find something interesting while she was out? Nox seemed up for the idea, but then again the cat had never enjoyed staying in one place for too long. She only stuck around because of Armai, but lately the leopard had taken to wandering farther and farther since Armai was content wandering around Talis' lands on her own.

She'd managed to stumble on a wonderful spot today. The aroma of herbs was heavy in the air and already she'd managed to get a large bundle wrapped up and stored away so she could grab it on her way back through. The only downside to this place was that there were weird shaped rocks scattered around literally everywhere. She'd already managed to trip on a few smaller hidden ones despite the fact that Nox was trying to navigate around the bigger ones. It was worth it for the herbs she was collecting, but that didn't make it any less of a pain in the ass.

After wandering around for a little while longer she realized she could feel the sun warming her back. She tilted her nose to the sky and sniffed the air for a moment - maybe the rains would dissipate now for a while? Not that she minded the rain, but it was so much easier to smell her surroundings when everything wasn't wet and gross.

ooc: Crap post, I'm sorry how long it took me to get to this >.>

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.