



2 Years
09-06-2017, 03:17 PM

So Ily was still missing from her life, and she was starting to regret leaving their temporary den to look for her. After all she had to come back sooner or later. She had a time climbing the wall there that rose strangely from the ground. She was small and it was dark but she was like a beacon in the night. Her pelt's pulsating glow was bright even in the darkest of places. She sat with a silent breath let out. Her head dropped to her paws and her shoulders sagged. She was in the center of this place and there was one thing she wanted right now. 

Her sister could of done it for her but as it stood she had no voice to lift to the moonless night. Her mother's beauty was something she completely remembered and something she wanted. It wasn't the pelt she had always loved but the voice. Being mute she noticed the pitches in voices alot easier than some. Her mother's was soft and fragile like the rolling waves, her father's was deep and smooth like a smooth stone. Though Ily had the prettiest. 

She might of been hung up on the subject but she didn't take it to mean anything. The grasses here covered her almost to her shoulders and there was a flourish of flowers she had no name for. It was pretty even if she couldn't sing for it. Ily would find her soon hopefully and sing for her. She closed her eyes and lifted her chin a silent howl coming out. Her body slowly rocked as she did this. 

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



6 Years
09-06-2017, 09:41 PM

The evening hours were good hours to explore in even more mild temperatures than those of the day. Maybe she was the only one, but Iskra was getting a little tired of all the boring weather. Of course maybe her standards for boring were a little over the top, since she did tend to prefer it when she was living life feeling absolutely breathless. If she wasn't feeling the adrenaline in her veins she wasn't terribly excited most of the time. Luckily this evening she seemed to have slowed down a hair. No small creatures to harass were in sight, and for once she wasn't even seeking them out. My, wouldn't Artemis be impressed. Of course with Iskra's luck she probably wouldn't see her sister until she was off doin something really dumb again. Artemis was fated to believe that was all Iskra ever did. Oh well. It was pretty close to the truth anyways.

Her newest discovery in the land of Auster she'd finally gotten around to exploring was this fabulous place, surrounded by an encroaching treeline. It was peaceful here though, with long grass that went on forever, broken up by random clusters of herbs of all kinds. It would be a healers paradise, too bad she didn't have the patience for that sort of work for more reasons than one. At first Iskra had intended to take a quick glance around and then be on her way to go find a place to curl up for the night. That changed when she saw something small, blue, and... glowing? What? Like moth to flame she was drawn in thoughtlessly, moving automatically.

Iskra was no stranger to odd colors, markings, features the average wolf might call a little different or even those that were straight up outlandish. Her whole family wasn't exactly average appearance-wise. But the glowing thing? That was new territory. Just when she thought she couldn't be surprised, life throws a curve-ball her way. Walking up a little less than quietly so as not to startle the tiny blue child, Iskra cooed, "Hello there, little wonder. Smiling gently, the starry woman took a seat a respectful distance away, head canted a pinch to the side.



2 Years
09-07-2017, 12:40 AM

Her ears turned quickly to the sound of approach and her head dropped to locate the source. Her golden eyes looked about, only to find a fiery woman with swirls of white and the stars dotting her pelt. This was extremely curious to the mute child. She looked away out of shiness quickly. Plus it was rude to stare.

She glanced at her as she called her a little wonder. If she wasn't as dark as she was she would be blushing at that. She was normal just like everyone else. She didn't even try to open up communications with her though, seeing as she was mute and all. So she sat there in an almost awkward silence which was totally normal to her. 

She pinned her ears and chanced a third look now. The womans pelt had her mesmerized. It wasn't like hers or Ilithiel's but it was just as strange with the way stars seemed to dot it like theirs. She adjusted herself then to sit on her left haunch more than her bum and show off more than just the blue that adorned her pelt. The gold and reds on her ankles added a new light that bathed the ground more than the grasses around them. Without Ily she really had no means of communication with anyone. 

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



6 Years
09-07-2017, 11:10 AM

At first Iskra wondered if the kid was thinking of running off with the way she kept looking away. She was kind of hoping that the girl would stick around, but also wouldn't push things either. After a few moments though, Iskra figured she'd caught on. It was no different than running into anyone new, really. "Don't be afraid to look, I really don't mind," she assured with a wink.

Something felt different here. Maybe it was just Iskra, but she remembered being at least relatively active and bouncy and talkative as a pup. So were her sisters, heck, back the Iskra could hardly keep up with them. Tilting her head, Iskra eyed the pup a moment, not sure what exactly she was sensing here but knowing there was something. Flopping down on her side, Iskra looked up at the pup as she shifted, revealing an even brighter portion of her pelt that cast more light over the area. "Nifty feet. You know most of my family looks like you and I, but I don't think any of them are quite as... Radiant as you, little one.



2 Years
09-07-2017, 01:11 PM

Her ears perked for a moment when the woman spoke again, before pinning again. She wasn't afraid but how did she tell someone that didn't know her. Someone that didn't exactly speak the secret language of mute. She sighed silently, the only noise that came was the breath that passed her lips. This would be easier if Ily was here to speak for her.

Arwen was always the quiet and calm one. She was a good girl, and Ily the more rambunctious. Neither were bad though, no they were both good and learning little by little about the world. The next compliment caught her attention completely. This woman had and entire family of starry pelted wolves. Though the radiant part had her ears pinning and her eyes averting again. Was it a good thing to glow? She looked back up at the woman and canted her head as if to question her, though she knew no voice would come to air her question. Instead she lifted her paw and tugged at a glowing portion of her fur then returned her canted head back to the now laying woman. 

She was curious though. Did this woman's pelt shimmer? Did it shine in the sun? Did if feel like cotton or like fire? Did she have sister's that were like Ily? Sisters that you could barely see the stars on until you truly looked for her stars in the darker colors of her back? Or were they more vibrant like her? Were they soft spoken or wild like Ily? Did they love each other like her and Ily did? Theirs was a bond so profound and strong that they knew each others wants without the need of speaking to each other. Her eyes shown with her curiosity. She didn't even know this woman but already she was falling in love with the softness of her eyes and the way her pelt adorned her. 

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



6 Years
09-07-2017, 03:55 PM

"Taking a compliment is a skill worth learning you know, she teased gently, noting how bashful the girl seemed at times. Although it wasn't exactly something she knew how to teach. For Iskra that kind of thing was easy, but her confidence was a few marks above that of most wolves she supposed. Stretching out her limbs, Iskra settled into her spot in the grass a little more comfortably.

The girl's movement brought Iskra's attention back to her, the questioning gaze prompting her to try and offer an answer or two. "I like your glow, I think it sets you apart. Nothing wrong with being a little different." After pausing to yawn, Iskra added, "Everyone has something special about them which I think is pretty cool. Even someone who isn't colorful outside can be colorful inside in a way." another yawn, her sapphire eyes were growing heavy. "Ugh, sorry, I feel like I'm getting rambly. That happens sometimes when I'm tired.

"You look curious... I like that. If you wanna know more about me I'm happy to share, I'm an open book." Maybe she was slow to pick up on things sometimes but Iskra had finally figured out what was nagging(well, there was more than one thin at this point) at her in the back of her mind. It all made sense now. But, she wasn't going to act much different than normal. That wouldn't be a very Iskra thing to do. The thing she couldn't seem to figure out was why the kid was all alone. But, Iskra just kind of figured that eventually someone might show up for her. If not, then she could explore the whole, 'why are you out here by yourself' thing



2 Years
09-07-2017, 05:40 PM

Her golden eyes shifted away once more. This time though it was in thought. How could someone be colorful inside? That was strange. She would have to keep it in mind though. She looked back to the woman and a smile lit up her face, as if she completely understood after only a moment of thought. 

But at least the woman liked her glow. Arwen really liked her fur too. She sat and watched her yawn. She was staring now, almost expectantly. She had just offered to tell her more so she almost expected nothing else. She then laid on her belly and crawled closer to the woman. She lowered her nose so it was almost touching the woman's once they were but inches apart. Her glow cast light in such a way that it highlighted the woman's features almost delicately. Then with a tentative reach she aimed to briefly touch her snout. she was quick with yanking her paw back and sitting up to look at her paw for any sort of damage or magic that rubbed off the woman. She furrowed her brow as none of that was found. 

She cast her eyes then to the stars and then back to the woman before the stars again. She had a working theory, that all with stars in their pelts were fallen stars or comets at one point. Though it hadn't ever been confirmed to her. Finally she cast her eyes back on the woman and laid down, letting out her own yawn.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.


09-07-2017, 11:27 PM


The young pup called out for her sibling with a voice as loud as the tiny little creature could muster. In reality it was pretty loud because Ily had already figured out how to throw her voice to make it carry. After all she had to speak for Arwen too and Ily was one to make sure her voice was heard. There was no drowning the girl out and in the end she'd annoy whoever to death just to make sure she wasn't being ignored. It was bad enough when someone ignored her, but considering Arwen couldn't speak ... well she had to speak for two wolves. So she'd already mastered how to do that efficiently and effectively. 

She was in a pretty bad mood though. The little pastel colored spit-fire had managed to get lost and in the process had managed to lose track of Arwen. She'd returned to the spot where she thought she'd left her sister and in the end it turned out not being the right spot after all so now she was pissed. She had never gone this long without her and it felt as though a part of her very soul was missing. Needless to say she was not amused. 

After spending what felt like forever wandering, Ily finally spotted that familiar glow. Nothing else shone quite like her sibling did and she was certainly easy to spot. Despite how tired she felt, she raced towards her sister until she spotted the fire demon. Pink eyes widened as she stared at the creature before an angry look twisted its way across her face. A fire demon was hypnotizing Arwen. Her fur fluffed out as she slowed her pace and tried to sneak through some bushes to sneak up behind the fire demon. Finally she launched from her hiding spot and rushed towards the fire demon's back side in an attempt to land on its tail. 

"You can't have my sister, fire demon! Now die!" She said before trying to sink her puppy teeth into its tail.

Walk, "Talk" Think



6 Years
09-09-2017, 02:43 PM

Gosh, this kid was cute. She left Iskra smiling wider and more sincerely than she ever did normally. "For starters, one of my sisters looks a lot like you. Except she's all blue with more stars, but she's super tall. Her name is Artemis. Iskra sighed, suddenly wondering where Art was right now. If only she was here to meet the little glowing wonder, too. That would be fun, and the kid would probably like meeting someone who looked even more like her. What color were this kids parents? Were they blue too, like her, like Iskra's own mother? Or were they more like Mithras, covered in all sorts of colors? Her thoughts ceased for a moment when the pup crawled closer, within mere inches apparently in order to come see if she was in fact safe. Iskra let the girl touch her snout, smirking and asked, "Nothin' magic there, huh?"

Taking in a breath, she was about to continue sharing since the kid seemed pretty interested in that when she heard rustling behind her. Glancing at the glowing child she mumbled, "Hold that thought," single red ear flicking back searching for the sound she'd heard. It was gone now, but Iskra held fast, almost ready to dismiss it when the sound of tiny paws charging towards her confirmed she wasn't crazy. Twisting around to get a better view of her assailant, Iskra could only appreciate the arrival of another strangely colored canine for  split second before she was forced to flick her tail to the side out of reach of needle-sharp teeth.

Rolling to sit up, she placed a paw on her own chest, batting thick lashes and replying indignantly, "While I might be prone to bad behavior, a demon I most certainly am not." It had been so long since she was around kids, she'd forgotten the wild ideas they came up with to explain her smoldering red pelt. Glancing over t the sleepy blue lump beside her, Iskra added, "I take it this is your sibling, hmm?" addressing either of them really. Inspecting the pink-eyed one again, taking in the colors and faint markings she'd return to grinning. "I suppose I see the resemblance."



2 Years
09-10-2017, 01:46 PM

Aapparently she had a sister that was a blue galaxy like her, though from the sounds she was only blue. She was super tall too apparently which captured her interest. She wanted to be big too. 

She glanat the ground as the woman asked if there was magic there on her snout. She couldn't hide her disappointed face. She had really hoped it was magic. Her mom always said magic made them as they were and made her beautiful. It was almost ccompletely disappointing to learn otherwise. 

The sound that caught her attention also caught Arwen's. She sat up straight and her ears pressed together as she looked for the source. All too soon there was a flash of a white and pale galaxy, entailing that Ily had finally found her. Her left forever lifted and her tail started flicking quickly from side to side. Her excitement was contained to that. She stood and as the woman sat up she moved to where her sibling was now. Her head aimed to duck under Ily's and press her head up in a semblance of a cuddle before sitting again and facing the woman who explained she wasn't a demon as Ily so accused her of. Arwen gave a silent laugh at the thought. Demons were ugly she figured. This woman was way to pretty for that. 

She gave a nod to the question and a huge smile. A look to Ily and a nudge told her all she needed to know. That this woman was interesting to hether and she wanted to know more. She looked back at the woman and then to Ily as if prodding her to introduce them. This just got a whole lot less one sided with Ily arriving. Her eyes then looked to Ily with a silent plea. Pleeeeeaaaaaaassssseeeee Ily?

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.