
We're Bored To Death In Heaven, And Down Alone In Hell



9 Years
Dragon Mod
08-07-2017, 02:36 AM

She had returned to the lands, though something didn't feel right. She had left pissed off, hurt, angry,
a whole range of emotions that changed her...though for better or for worse, she didn't know. She had tried searching for her brother Riv, but to her dismay she could not find his scent anywhere. She didn't know exactly what she would have done if she found him...whether she'd apologize yet for shunning him and being angry with him for everything. Maybe he had left too...? Just like their father. Just like...everyone. Amber gaze kept on the floor, her silent steps accompanied by those of her companion who stalked along beside her. The she-wolf was no longer young, and it seemed as if it were only yesterday that her mother had gone and killed herself. That her father had just left. That her brother had just raised his pack. But Rhavaniel had reminded her that it had all happened a long time ago, and yet some of it still felt so fresh in her mind.

She wondered sometimes if there were things she could have done to change any of it, but thinking back, she didn't think there was. Her mother had lost it. Her father had proven to be someone that she couldn't depend on. Choosing to go against their values and then abandoning them all to fend for themselves. Ultimately leaving her and her siblings without any parents. Without anyone else but themselves. She had struck out alone with only Rhavaniel for company. The others last she knew, had stuck together.

She didn't realize where she was going nor where she ended up until Rhavaniel had uttered a warning growl, and only then did Holly look up and become aware of her surroundings. Somewhere ahead of her, she could hear the distant crash of a waterfall. It was almost night fall, so the sky was an array of oranges and pinks giving way to purples and blues. Looking up, she could see a few bats winging overhead in search of their nightly prey, and around her the sound of crickets and other night creatures. Where was she? Moving a little further, she detected the scent of a packs borders. But not just any pack, no. It was the pack that she knew where her siblings had been last...she sucked in a sharp breath, feeling something close to a certain sense of longing in her chest. Were they still here?Would they forgive her if they were? So many questions turned in her mind, and half of her was afraid of what might happen. What if they weren't here? What if they decided to leave too? Sure, she had left, but she had every intention of returning after she had managed to calm herself down to some extent.

Turning to gaze at her companion for a moment, Rhava gave an encouraging nod to Holly. The girl looked back towards the borders, but still...she couldn't find it in herself to call for anyone. What if her siblings hated her for being angry with them? For blaming her brother? With these thoughts in mind, she simply stood there as the sky gave way to darkness. Maybe...maybe she should turn back and leave. Maybe they'd be better off without her...

"Too bad we almost made it."


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3 Years
08-07-2017, 03:46 AM

She often found herself up at night. Heather, she was someone who struggled with her mind. Yet on the outside she made it seem like she was just fine with a smile on her face. Staring at her paws oddly tonight her thoughts had been centering around Razor. She'd met with the man a handful of times - and he was friendly of sorts. Jackson and him were lucky boys, but from what she heard what happened it was a bit distressing. Then again it was strange to know others struggled far more than her and yet she was left with... this.

Heather's nose happened to pick up a sent though. Scaling over to the borders her blue hued eyes found themselves falling on a wolf that looked hauntingly familiar. It was hard to miss one of her aunt's relatives. By a long shot that eye patch was something the siblings had all shared. Did... she know of Razor? Of what happened with Riv either. Carefully her paws carried her over. She let out a bark and stood there. "You... you're Jackson's sister aren't you?" Heather asked. She smiled slightly, "My name's Heather Adravendi, I'm Fiori's queen and your cousin." Heather shifted a little on her paws. "Even if you aren't staying you can step inside if you'd like. Sometimes the falls call out to wolves." she looked to the falls that she so adored. Silently she also wondered if this was alright. No doubt her father would have just let this woman cross the borders no problem.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.



9 Years
Dragon Mod
08-07-2017, 04:35 AM

She was about ready to turn around and leave. Ready to leave these borders behind and just leave her siblings to live their lives in peace without her coming back to ruin it, but before she could do that, a voice she didn't know caught her. Her head flashed up, amber gaze finding another woman a bit younger than her. She was too late. She'd been found, and running away now would probably put her in a position she didn't want to be in. Her tail flicked nervously as the other woman approached, she introduced herself as Heather Adravendi, her cousin. So she was a relative? And she'd been recognized. Of course. It was just her luck. She wasn't sure if she was ready for this, but either way it was too late. It was now or never...right?

"Um...yeah, I'm Holly. It's ah...nice to meet you, Heather." What were the odds that she'd run into the alphess of the pack? Probably the very wolf she needed to see if she were to join the pack. But that was still up in the air for the moment. It was a relief to know that Jackson was still here, obviously, or at least that's what it sounded like. When Heather invited her in to see the falls, Holly hesitated. That...wasn't exactly the reason why she had come here, was it? She'd never been here before, so the falls weren't really of a concern to her for now. ", it's okay...I uh...I actually...just wanted to know if my siblings were still here...I guess."

"Too bad we almost made it."


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



3 Years
08-07-2017, 04:52 AM

The girl seemed nervous. Of course maybe Heather wasn't helping that. Something about it wanted her to convince Holly to stay. Razor had said her name a couple times. Said she had been estranged from the family for some time. That brought a sting to her heart though, remembering how Alfred reacted Heather realized she hated being the bearer of bad news. She sat down, giving a gentle sigh. "Jackson's here, he's our lead hunter actually. As for your brother Rivaxorus... he left these lands with his wife and children apparently. That's all I know of him, but uhhh." Heather's ear flicked. "Razor was a part of our ranks, he... passed away due to his illness recently. The packs taken a heavy blow because of it, Razor was a sweet and smart boy." her eyes moved to the ground. "He's buried within the pack lands if you'd like to see it. He spoke brightly of you." Heather said.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay as well? Jackson probably misses you and would want to see you." She knew at times she even missed Roza. Even though part of the falls shared a border with the weeping woods that she lived in. Heather did actually miss Lionel though. She hadn't seen him in a while and for them to not talk for years. Oh she wouldn't possibly know what to do.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.



9 Years
Dragon Mod
08-11-2017, 12:55 AM

"Jackson's here, he's our lead hunter." Her heart leaped up a bit with the news that her brother Jackson was still here. Maybe there was hope after all? She wanted so badly to see him and apologize, maybe rekindle their relationship. She never wanted to be distant from her family, and it took her leaving to realize that. That little bit of happiness she felt, however, quickly died when Heather went on to tell her that Rivaxorus had left. She felt so bad knowing that she'd probably never see him again...her heart sunk, and it only got worse when Heather went on to say that Razor had passed away. It felt like a heavy blow. It meant that she wouldn't get the chance to apologize to him and tell him how much she truly loved him. She felt the sting of tears in her eyes, and all she could do was look away to try and hide it. Rhavaniel stepped towards her, brushing her shoulder with her nose. She knew how much Holly had wanted to come back and tell them all she was sorry...but now...

"We would like to visit Razor, if you don't mind showing us his resting place." Holly swallowed past the hard lump forming in her throat, grateful that her companion spoke for her. She wasn't sure she could right now with the emotion beginning to eat her up. All she could do was remain quiet, fearing that if she spoke, her voice would crack and break.
"Too bad we almost made it."


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



3 Years
08-12-2017, 06:19 AM

Heather's eyes narrowed, squinted worriedly. These wolves.... they'd gone through a lot. Heather hadn't taken the time until recently to learn a little about them - in the end she had realized her life didn't compare even if her head was scrambled. When she spoke, Heather's heart went out to the girl. "Of course... you are my cousin and my family I wouldn't deny you anything Holly." Heather wanted to make that clear. Her head gestured forward as she turned and started walking towards the spot where Alfred himself had buried Razor. "You see... my brother Alfred was in love with Razor. Not to mention the boy was widely loved by the pack so when he passed it's like a void filled the air. I know I may be speaking out of turn but just know that I appreciate you being here." her eyes gazed towards the floor. Recently her emotions had been centered, but when these things bubbled up she sometimes thought she was going insane.

Once they began to reach a break in the tree's. Heather recognized the orange and black form of Jackson. He must have been visiting the grave as well. As she moved up she moved off to the side. She didn't want to interupt the two of them but she also didn't feel right leaving Holly alone in the territory. Call it a nervous habit that was true.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.



5 Years
08-12-2017, 08:06 PM

He had returned to the pack early tonight hoping that he could catch a good night sleep. He had been working to get things in order for the festival and was considering trying to get some other wolves together for a hunt. He needed to do a pack hunt, but he wanted to be sure things were set for this celebration. He had been running on overtime, but it was okay because lately he was finding it hard to remain asleep. Ever since Razor's passing he had been quietly grieving, putting on a brave face and burying himself in his duties for the pack. But when the day was over and he was settled within his den everything caught up with him. The thoughts, the emotions, and really he had never learned how to properly deal with grieving other then shoving himself into his work. He also never felt like he properly grieved for his mother. Sure he missed her dearly, but it had been so darn long since he had been around her that by the time he had found out about her death he was almost forgetting what it was like to be with her. He was young when he got lost and he felt bad that he hadn't grieved more over his mother.

He shook himself out as he continued on, making his way to where Razor was buried. To visit and to try and unwind. He had found that when he visited his brother's grave that the memories of Razor himself helped to ease his thoughts and worries. There was plenty of times he had spoken to his grave, some reason he felt Razor's presence still here. His calm and happy presence. The grave was also frequently visited by Alfred who had also been the one to bury Razor himself. He knew of the feeling between the two, though he had never been able to understand it fully, he never disapproved it. When he reached the grave he took a seat in front of it with a heavy sigh. He would stay here for a bit before he would head back to his den.

Sighing he closed his eyes and lowered his head letting the memories he had of Razor play through his mind. He was lost within his thoughts, but the hunter was still alert and heard the quiet approach of others. Glancing behind him on his left side he saw Heather, moving off to the side and out of the way. Had she come with Alfred? He moved his head back towards the right and looked behind him, but he almost couldn't believe what he saw. It had been so long since he had last seen her, but he recognized her immediately. Last time he had seen her she was so full of anger and bitterness. Though the male desperately wanted to wrap her in a warm embrace. He was unsure what to do torn in two directions.

"Holly? Your in Fiori?" his voice was quiet still trying to convince himself that this wasn't some sick mind game.

"Talk" & 'Talk'
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[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]



9 Years
Dragon Mod
09-13-2017, 02:05 AM

She nodded quietly, grateful that she had Rhava by her side. Her feline companion was always good company, doing things for her even when she didn't have to, and speaking for her when she couldn' now. Swallowing, she quietly followed Heather as the alphess spoke about Razor and Alfred. She didn't know who Alfred was, though she assumed it was a cousin of theirs. She found it a bit odd that the pair would fall for each other considering they were related, but maybe there was more to it then she really understood. Shaking that off, she didn't focus too much on it. " was hard to keep staying away..." Her only response. She wasn't sure what else to say. She regretted not coming sooner? Regretted not spending more time with her brothers? Regretted...everything? She was at a loss for words, and even more so when Jackson came into view, sitting at their brothers grave. Heather moved away, leaving the two alone, and when Jackson noticed her and questioned her, she didn't know what to say.

She stood there, almost like she shouldn't be here. Like she was behind enemy lines and the next step she took could set off a hidden land mine. She looked at Jackson for a moment before turning her gaze to the ground. She felt so bad. So inexplicably horrible for not having been here sooner for those that needed her. Had she been around, maybe Razor would still be here? Maybe Riv would be here too? It was a tough pill to swallow, and in the middle of it all, she felt like all she could do was blame herself. For running away from everyone...just like her mom. Just like her this point, was she any better than them? She had done the same thing, but she had come back.

She took in a deep, shaking breath. Almost hesitant to release it for fear that she would cry. And that was the last thing she wanted to do in front of them. Peeking at her companion for a moment, she would return her gaze to the ground before responding. "N-no...not yet at least..." She wanted to feel his touch. Wanted to go up to him and bury her face in his fur, but feared that he would reject her. Part of her felt like he was angry with her for staying away. Maybe even hated her for abandoning them just like their parents had. She didn't dare look at him nor move a step, suddenly feeling unwelcome. Little did she know it was just in her head..

"Too bad we almost made it."


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!