
cough drop coloured tongue



3 Years
09-17-2017, 09:28 PM

Climbing the immense peak had been a trial, but well worth the effort. Secluded from the rest of the world, this was a slice of heaven. The ebony wolf sighed contentedly, settling harshly onto her haunches. This was perfection. Sliding onto her stomach, she rolled her forepaws onto their sides to take the pressure from climbing away. The view, while heavily shrouded in clouds, was sublime. This would be a perfect hideout. A lair, really, like the dragons of old. Honestly, there was no real need to look elsewhere. It may be cold as a witch's tits, but her thick coat was good at keeping that kind of weather out. Fresh water a short walk away, and no need to worry about some fools stumbling across her while she slept. What more could a wolf need?

Maroon gaze would slide half shut, audits tuning into the soft sounds of the mountain. Rushing water, whistling wind, and the odd tumbling of rocks down the mountainside. It was perfect. Down below, the world was continuing on as though she didn't exist. It was a perfect place to simply watch the world spin on, and live as she chose. Lately, that had been all she wanted. Her father had dragged them here, after letting them be born into a world where they were threatened from every angle. There was definitely more than a few negative emotions boiling within her. Up here, she could almost forget what her mother looked like with blood dripping from her nostrils. Blood soaking her coat. Her jaws clenching around words she couldn't utter. 

With that image flashing across her brain, the wraith stood. It was time to make it official. Plodding to the end of the trail she had used, she pissed brazenly across the rock. Now, this little outcropping was all hers. It was home, and she didn't have to share it. 

Nothing could ruin this moment. 


Sathanus is an asshole with no morals who loves getting into fights. Plz know that Denny loves you and Sath's acts are nothing against you (the player) <3



6 Years
09-17-2017, 09:55 PM

Leviathan found himself roaming the lands of the mainland, needing to get himself away from that island. He loved his sister dearly and  he loved their secluded island, but it was almost like he felt crowded and like he had no where to go. He needed to come to this every once in a while; more often than needed of course.

The scent of a girls urine hit his nose in an instant. This wasn't just some innocent fae though. It was another one of his dear sisters. He quickly found himself trekking up the mountain in a rush. Of course he was excited to see his related but more so than that, to tease her. His siblings would have known about him and Mammon, and they definitely knew about his own desires.

His light body would reach hers and he couldn't help but grin to the sight of her. "What? Think that can keep me away, hmm?" His nose pointed to the rock she had pissed on, "Don't think I'll leave so easily. Perhaps I could help mark your scent some more." Keeping his eyes on her, he would walk over to her stream and lift his leg as he stared at her. The scent of their own now littered the peak side, not so much only hers now. Theirs

Walk "Levi" Think

!Rated R! For Language and Sexual themes. Prone to Violence.

Those who can crash his threads: Mammon
Those who can powerplay him: Mammon

(Lee-vie-ah-thane Morning-star)

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Season: Spring
Status: Mated (Mammon), open for sex but not love
Size: 36 inches | Heavy

Important Details:

Plotting Thread



3 Years
09-17-2017, 10:21 PM

ooc. Language warning to the max, I apologize in advance for offending many young minds here.

Just like that, peace was disturbed. The bulky form of a familiar sibling came catapulting up the mountainside. Not only was he ruining her day, but he was being a fucking shitstain. Audits would press flat against her skull. Inky lips would pull away from her fangs, tongue sliding between them a few times to indicate her displeasure. "What, think that can keep me away, hmm?" He questioned. "Not just you," she snapped, teeth clicking together forcefully in his direction. "cunt." She added, hoping to push him away. She didn't want him here. Him and his filthy fucking scent. "Don't think I'll leave so easily. Perhaps I could help mark your scent some more." he sauntered forth, and lifted his leg. Marking his stink all over her new home. He was trying to take what was hers. This would not stand. 

"That does it!" She snarled, lunging for her littermate. He had done it this time, and she wasn't about to let him get away with anything. Father wasn't here to stop her from destroying him.

- - - - - - -

Sathanus vs Leviathan for Dominance

Round 1 2

Shoulders rolled forward, pushing her skin forward to protect her neck. Tail tucked between her legs to protect her groin. Maroon eyes would squint in hopes of keeping him from taking one out. Chin would tuck towards her chest to protect her throat. Toes would spread, claws extending to grip the ground and allow for improved traction. Joints would loosen, bending just a little to lower her centre of gravity as she ate up the distance between them.

Having been facing her brother's right shoulder, she continued forth. They were about five feet away from each other before she had started, and that meant there wasn't a lot of time to prepare on either of their parts. Her goal was to ram the point of her own right shoulder into the space just behind his, between the blade and elbow. However, she wasn't about to put all her eggs in one basket. Teeth would then attempt to snap at the flesh of his flank, despite the lack of anything to grab on to. There was a good chance that she was only getting a mouthful of fur here.


Sathanus is an asshole with no morals who loves getting into fights. Plz know that Denny loves you and Sath's acts are nothing against you (the player) <3



6 Years
09-18-2017, 05:59 PM

Define your meaning of fun
To me it's when we're getting done
I feel the heat coming off of the blacktop
So get ready for another one

"Settle down there, girly." He teased, though completely expecting her to lash out regardless. They were blood related after all...


In the amount of time Leviathan had, his hackles would raise as well as his muscles tensing. His neck scrunched and chin tucked inward, though he turned his chin towards his right shoulder as his sister charged. His hind quarters would move slightly in the time he had, spinning on his front paws before Sath reached him, limbs bent and toes splayed expecting the force. Ears pinned and eyes narrowed, he would snarl as the two would collide. 

Her shoulder would collide right where she expected, though her bite grabbing a few thin layers of the skin on his flank; enough to puncture, bleed, and even leave a trail of teeth marks. His neck already curled towards her, he would attempt a wide bite to her own right side where her shoulder had collided with him (In between shoulder blade and elbow). He also picked up his right front paw and tried to swipe at her own front right foreleg from behind (going in between her two legs and coming around the back to the right side of her leg), if not knocking her off balance at least trying to scratch her up.

Leviathan vs Sathanus for Dominance

Round: 1 | 2
Height: 36"
Build: Heavy

OOC: 5 feet distance approved, Me and Den agreed that putting Sath's info in the 2nd post if fine!

Walk "Levi" Think

!Rated R! For Language and Sexual themes. Prone to Violence.

Those who can crash his threads: Mammon
Those who can powerplay him: Mammon

(Lee-vie-ah-thane Morning-star)

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Season: Spring
Status: Mated (Mammon), open for sex but not love
Size: 36 inches | Heavy

Important Details:

Plotting Thread



3 Years
09-18-2017, 07:26 PM

Levi didn't back down. He never did. The fucking tool. He pivoted his ass, but she still met her mark. The point of her right shoulder collided with the soft space behind his own right shoulder blade. The burst of dull pain in the thin section of bone bloomed very suddenly. She also found a pathetic grip on his right flank, teeth slicing easily through the buttery soft top layers of skin. Coppery tang flooded her tongue. Stained her teeth. The grip didn't hold, though. Her fangs cut through the skin and then clicked together uselessly.

Keeping her shoulders rolled forward, her hackles rose. A few flickering blinks maintained her squinted eyes. Her joints remained bent to keep her centre of gravity low and hopefully a little out of reach. Round audits were still pinned flat to her skull so her brother wouldn't tear them off. She made sure to keep her toes spread out to improve grip and traction on the smooth stone floor. Her tail remained tucked neatly between her thighs. Chin would tuck back tightly to her chest, knowing better than to offer the alabaster male a target there.

Sliding away from the larger form of her brother, she would attempt a leftwards side step to give them space. (counter?) However, her brother was already thinking ahead. His teeth grazed the skin behind her shoulder, leaving bloody trails between the blade and elbow on her right flank. His claws on his right forepaw scraped awkwardly across the back of her own right forelimb, a few inches above her ankle. A snarl would tear itself from her throat.

Lunging forward, she hoped his bulk would make him as slow as he was stupid. She chased his retreating rump as it scooted out of reach to her right. The goal wasn't to win the fight, since the possibility was rather ambiguous. Rather, she aimed to cause as much damage to her asshole brother as possible in a short amount of time. Jaws would spread wide in an attempt to sink her teeth into the meat of his right thigh, just below the knee. Hind right limb would kick backwards, attempting halfheartedly to knock him off balance if it collided with the lower portion of his own right foreleg.

- - - - - - - - -

Sathanus vs Leviathan for Dominance

Round 1 2

Height: 33"

Build: Medium

ooc. Sorry if this is garbage, as soon as I actually get into a fight I forget how bodies and limbs work. If you need anything clarified, you can catch me in the cbox or PM me! (my skype is also available)


Sathanus is an asshole with no morals who loves getting into fights. Plz know that Denny loves you and Sath's acts are nothing against you (the player) <3



6 Years
09-19-2017, 09:37 PM

Don't cry like a bitch 
When you feel the pain


Another snarl would emerge from his throat as his sister would grab a hold of his back right leg and on instinct he would lunge to bite her right loin aggressively. As she kicked at this front leg, his paw would crumble from under him and he would start to fall into the black girl. As he felt himself slipping he would lean himself back slightly in order to try and slip his front legs across the floor under her belly, and his back legs on the floor in front of her chest (Now laying with his left side on the floor to her right). He tried his best to move his front paws in a swimming motion trying to trip her back legs from inbetween both her left and right back paws. He also tried to grab hold of her back right leg between her paw and knee with a heavy jaw. 

His ears remained pinned, muscles tense, and eyes narrowed. He kept his back legs bent and tight with a tucked tail to protect his reproductive organs. Hackles remained raised, and his  neck was scrunched in with though his chin was not tucked to make his last bite attempt.

Leviathan vs Sathanus for Dominance

Round: 1 | 2
Height: 36"
Build: Heavy


Walk "Levi" Think

!Rated R! For Language and Sexual themes. Prone to Violence.

Those who can crash his threads: Mammon
Those who can powerplay him: Mammon

(Lee-vie-ah-thane Morning-star)

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Season: Spring
Status: Mated (Mammon), open for sex but not love
Size: 36 inches | Heavy

Important Details:

Plotting Thread

The Judge


11-30-2017, 10:37 PM




6/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
    -1 “She snarled, lunging for her littermate.” In a fight post any movements towards/involving your opponent must be attempted.
    -2 “Having been facing her brother's right shoulder, she continued forth.” Positioning would have had to have been established before the fight for this to be acceptable. Because it wasn't it should have been attempted.
    -1 “Having been facing her brother's right shoulder, she continued forth.” The 'continued forth' part of this should have also been attempted.
8/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
    -1 “Teeth would then attempt to snap at the flesh of his flank...” Where on his flank?
  • Positioning
    -1 “Having been facing her brother's right shoulder, she continued forth.” How is she continuing forth? Is she running? Walking? Running straight towards his shoulder or arcing towards it?
4/10 for Attacks:
  • +2 for shoulder slam
  • +2 for snap
5/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 for shoulders rolled forward
  • +1 for tucked tail
  • +1 for narrowed eyes
  • +1 for bent legs
  • +1 for spread toes
10/10 for Injuries:
  • None!


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 beginner fighter
  • +1 beginner intellectual
4/5 for Health:
  • -1 Loner
  • Healthy

Sathanus’ round one total: 39/62



10/10 for Power Play:

  • None seen!
4/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
    -1 “...he would attempt a wide bite to her own right side where her shoulder had collided with him (In between shoulder blade and elbow). ” The wording here is confusing. Is he biting the point of Sathanus' right shoulder since that's what collided with him, or is he biting her right side behind the point of her right shoulder?
    -1 What exactly does he intend to do with his right forepaw? Is he “punching” Sathanus' right foreleg? Swiping it out from under her?
  • Movements
    -1 “His hind quarters would move slightly in the time he had...” More detail is needed here! Which way are they moving? Is he shuffling? Sidestepping?
  • Damage
    -1 What damage did he take from Sathanus' shoulder throw?
    -2 How severe is the bite wound to his flank? And where exactly on his flank was he bitten?
4/10 for Attacks:
  • +3 for bite
  • +1 for paw swipe
5/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 for raised hackles
  • +1 for tensed muscles
  • +1 for pinned ears
  • +1 for narrowed eyes
  • +1 for bent legs
10/10 for Injuries:
  • Mild bruising to right shoulder area (damage assigned by judge)
  • Moderate puncture wounds to right flank (severity assigned by judge)


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 beginner fighter
  • +1 beginner hunter
4/5 for Health:
  • -1 Loner
  • Healthy

Leviathan’s round one total: 39/62




9/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
    -1 “She chased his retreating rump as it scooted out of reach to her right.” This should have been attempted.
5/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
    -1 Aren't they in more or less a 'L' position? If that's the case then she can't be kicking at his right foreleg, because it's not in reach
  • Positioning
    -2 “...she would attempt a leftwards side step to give them space.” Whose left? And how much space? What new positioning is she hoping for?
  • Damage
    -1 How severe are the bite wounds to her right side?
    -1 How severe are the scratches to her right ankle?
4/10 for Attacks:
  • +3 for bite
  • +1 for halfhearted kick
5/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 for rolled shoulders
  • +1 for raised hackles
  • +1 for narrows eyes
  • +1 for bent legs
  • +1 for flattened ears
7/10 for Injuries:
  • -2 for moderate slashes to right side (severity assigned by judge)
  • -1 for mild welts on right ankle (severity assigned by judge)


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 beginner fighter
  • +1 beginner intellectual
4/5 for Health:
  • -1 Loner
  • Healthy

Sathanus' round two total: 36/62



4/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
    -2 “...and on instinct he would lunge to bite her right loin aggressively.” This line combined with the second bite makes it sound like this bite is successful.
  • Godmoding
    -1 “...and he would start to fall into the black girl.” The word 'into' gets you in trouble here. It implies that he is successful. A better choice would have been 'towards'
  • Excessive Movement
    -3 for two bites
5/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
    -1 “...on instinct he would lunge to bite her right loin aggressively.” Where on her right loin?
  • Damage
    -1 What kind of damage did Sathanus' bite do to his thigh?
    -1 What kind of damage did Sathanus' kick do to his leg?
  • General
    -2 I'm really confused by his air swimming and the steps leading up to it, and having a hard time picturing
7/10 for Attacks:
  • +3 for bite to right leg
  • +1 for kicking
  • +3 for second bite
5/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 for pinned ears
  • +1 for muscles tensed
  • +1 for narrowed eyes
  • +1 for tucked tail
  • +1 for raised hackles
6/10 for Injuries:
  • -3 for moderate bite would to right hind leg
  • -1 for mild bruising to front right leg


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 beginner fighter
  • +1 beginner hunter
4/5 for Health:
  • -1 Loner
  • Healthy

Leviathan’s round two total: 33/62


SATHANUS: 75/124

And the winner is...

SATHANUS! Leviathan must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


  • All injuries are healed at this point!


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

For both: Good fight guys! I'm gonna address you both here since you both seemed to struggle with the same things. Something you both consistently lost points for was not detailing injuries. It might seem like only a couple points per post, but it really adds up!

Clarity was definitely your biggest problem area. I struggled to keep up with what was going on in this fight; a lot of what happened was left to be assumed by the opponent instead of detailed, and while that seemed to work out here, more often than not it snarls everything up. This lack of detail cost you both a fair amount of points. Cliche as it is, practice makes perfect! In your next fights, try to pay attempt to details. For me, it helps to write up a post and then let it sit for awhile. Looking at a post with fresh eyes makes a world of difference.

- By Lazuli