
[Summer meeting] Bones cracking



3 Years
09-02-2017, 09:46 PM

ooc: first round is due the 15th I'll be posting Heather on the 16th

Heather knew that the celebration she had planned hadn't gone through. So many things had been thrown at her she hadn't gotten the chance. So perhaps after this meeting she would think of something better. As the Queen arose towards the usual meeting spot she raised her head in a summoning howl. How many of them remained? New members should be showing up among them as well so there would be new faces for others to become familiar with.

There was also the matter of Roza's child being missing. A frown covered her face at the thought. Take care of them if something happened, Heather would kill him over again if he went off and died. Her toes spread as she took in a deep breath and calmed herself. Things would be fine she told herself, it would all work out in the end.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.



9 Years
Dragon Mod
09-13-2017, 04:46 PM (This post was last modified: 09-13-2017, 04:46 PM by Holly.)

It felt...strange...being in a pack again. The last time she had been in one was her mother's old pack, and after that? Well...she had been a loner. She couldn't really remember what it was like being in a pack again, and so far, it seemed quiet. She tried to stay away from everyone until she was comfortable enough to engage in socializing, after all, she had been a loner for so long with only Rhavaniel for company. She always avoided other loners like the plague, preferring solitude over interaction. But being in a pack again meant that had to change, right? She had just left Razor's grave, another reason she had been keeping to herself was because she wanted to grieve alone. She hadn't really gone to seek out Jackson, but she would...soon. Just...not right now.

As she headed back to her den, she heard Heather's summon for what she assumed was a pack meeting. So without further delay, she altered her course towards that direction and it wouldn't take long for her to get there. She wasn't hurrying, the girl feeling nervous about being in the company of others, but when she got there, it seemed she would be the only one asides from Heather...Where was everyone else? She approached, sitting closer to Heather since she was the only familiar face right now. "Hi, Heather," A simple greeting, but it was what she was comfortable with. She wasn't sure if she should have greeted the alphess differently. Last time she greeted an alpha was...well, her mother. Rhava took a seat next to her, and together they waited for the rest of the pack.

"Too bad we almost made it."


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
Dragon Mod
09-13-2017, 06:29 PM

The shy girl was exploring the new lands she was to call home when Heather's howl rang out, but it'd take her some time to get there. She wasn't used to these new lands yet, much less being in a completely different pack then what she was used to. She knew Abaven lands like the back of her paw, but with all that had happened, she had to leave. She felt like she wasn't doing too bad acclimating to a new pack, especially since her uncle was here with her, it made it a lot easier. She trotted quickly to the meeting place, hoping she was going the right way. She didn't want to be late to her first meeting in her new pack, she'd feel terrible and would feel like she was disappointing Heather if she did so. She wasn't sure where her uncle was, but she figured she'd see him there too. And...maybe her half brother? She had yet to seek him out to find out who he was and part of that reason was maybe she wasn't sure?

She began to dwell on those thoughts until she spotted Heather and one other female. Had the rest of the pack not heard her? She found it a bit odd, but nonetheless she approached. Her tail wagged timidly against her legs as she peeked at Holly, and then at Heather. "H-hello's good to s-see you."



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



11 Years
Dragon Mod
09-13-2017, 10:58 PM

The old man had been observing those that lived within the pack, though usually keeping out of sight. Some of them were interesting to watch, while others were...well...boring. He made a game out of it, observing and trying to figure out what kind of wolves he lived with now simply based off that. Of course, he'd try to get to know them all as a pack should, but he also wondered if they were as stand offish as Abaven was, or if they were more...communal and the like. Crimson gaze was watching an older femme this time, someone probably about his age. Interesting to know he wasn't the only old fart here. He thought about approaching for a conversation, but before he could, Heather's howl reached him. Almost reluctantly he abandoned his task and turned, loping slowly towards the call. Would he be late? Early? On time? The world never knew with him. It would seem though, that he would be one of three that had arrived. And one of those was his niece. Hmm...The male loped towards her and sat down, head dipping towards Heather in greeting before leaning down to talk to Quake until the meeting started.




5 Years
09-14-2017, 07:07 PM

He paused, head lowered to the ground, panting lightly. This was a lot of work so far, but Jackson was happy. They had a rather large prize to bring home and Jackson was super happy how the hunt had played out. His bi colored eyes looked over to the yearling, grinning through his pants. Both of them were tired and worn out, but the luck they had today gave them the strength to keep moving. They had been working off an on together, first Jackson had taught him the basics and today was their first true hunt. Blue was a quiet boy, but he showed potential and Jackson was willing to help him along.

"Almost there Blue! Then I'm gonna pass out," he said with a chuckle and managed to get a grin out of the boy.

Then his head raised as Heather's call rang out and his shoulder's slumped a bit. This only meant they would have to move faster and no more breaks till they got to the meeting. On the plus side at least they were over the borders. Looking back to Bluemoon he quickly caught his breath.

"Alright let's get this thing to the meeting, at least then the pack would be aware of it," he said with a nod before getting a firm hold on the dead animal's neck and began to drag once more.

Together the two of them drug the large buck towards the meeting grounds. He had been wounded, but he had still been a challenge to take down and did not go down without a fight. Both him and Blue had minor wounds and some bruises to care for, but it was well worth it. He imagined that they would be late to the meeting, but he did not want to abandon his meal and he wanted it to be eaten by those who were hungry. Plus it would help bring the pack together more for the meeting.

Soon the meeting came into view and only a few had gathered raising some concern in Jackson's mind, but he knew they would be along. Together the two drug the prize up to the front of where they would gather, close to Heather and dropped it. Bluemoon then quickly slunk away to find his spot, settle down and lick the blood from himself until the meeting began. Jackson looked to Heather with a smile, his tail wagging.

"For whoever may be hungry," he said before dipping his head and moving back beside Holly, flopping down beside her.

He grinned at his sister, still vary happy she had decided to settle down and stay. He was glad she was safe and sound within their borders now and he wouldn't have a nagging worry about her health. Panting a little he settled himself down, before licking the medium sized gash on his left upper leg. A wound from the dead deer's antler.

"Talk" & 'Think"

[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]



1 Year
09-14-2017, 07:30 PM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2017, 07:30 PM by Bluemoon.)

Mentally he was beaming, he was proud, and he was excited. The thrill he had gotten from fighting and bringing down the dangerous buck. Outwardly no one would be able to tell other then the slight glimmer in his eyes. Blue was trying to get better, he had been working with Jackson, learning about hunting and tracking. Next he would be visiting Arche and Ara, he thought? He was trying to remember exactly what Leo had said the last time he had held a meeting. Though he was thinking perhaps he should meet with Heather and made sure she didn't have a different idea.

Eyes looked across the dead deer to Jackson as he spoke. A slight grin formed at the male's slight joke. Blue wouldn't need to pass out, but he would need to chill for a little before he did much else. His ears also perked at the sound of Heather's call and knew that it meant one thing. They had to hustle to make sure they were not late. He looked to Jackson again as he spoke and nodded his head before taking his grip again on the animal and began to help Jackson drag it.

They finally made it to the meeting and once they dropped the kill at the front of the meeting Blue retreated to find his spot away from the others. Quietly he settled down and licked the blood from his paws and chest while he waited for the meeting to begin.

"Talk" & 'Think"

[Image: xNAS3Cl.png]



10 Years
Extra large
09-16-2017, 10:14 PM
It was a busy time, settling into the rhythms of pack life. It had been so long, the phantom had nearly forgotten the intricacies of it. Size combined with age was wreaking havoc on her joints lately, the hot weather making matters no better. Thick nothern fur meant that she was not meant to thrive in this weather. Regardless, she had made a choice. So far, it was turning out to be a good one. The pallid behemoth was still organizing her den, getting things the way she liked it. This was her current order of business, when the familiar tones of her Queen's voice echoed into her audits.

Abandoning her intricate game of push and pull with the pile of moss and fur, she turned away from the old wolverine burrow. It had been dug out more to fit her body within, but it was perfect. Damp and cool, just like she needed. Now, she hurried to the meeting. Hopefully it would be interesting, and she wanted to meet those she shared a pack with. Charcoal limbs trotted across the landscape in search of the rest of the group. When she arrived, it appeared she was indeed late. Lowered crown and ears tipped back would form an apology. A curt nod of the head and tiny smile would be offered to her queen, and she would seek out a spot in the shade. Hopefully it wouldn't be rude to lay down, but she wasn't feeling her best today. Folding one forepaw over the other neatly, she settled in to listen to Heather.

avatar courtesy of trash-klng on dA



10 Years
09-17-2017, 08:49 PM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2017, 08:49 PM by Ara.)
Ara usually tried to respond quickly to calls for the pack to gather, but this time she found herself further away than she'd anticipated. She and Athena were due to leave on their trip soon - hopefully, at least - and she was busy trying to gather a few herbs for the trip, as well as some to leave behind in her den for when she was gone. She truly doubted that any would be needed, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

She was quiet as she approached the gathering. Instantly she noticed not everyone was here. Blue eyes darted around the group, before fixing on Heather as the woman offered an apologetic nod. She didn't want to seem as though these meetings weren't important, not at all. After glancing around a final time and not seeing anyone she felt comfortable enough to sit next to, she settled down closer to the front of the gathering, quietly reclining to her haunches in wait.



9 Years
Athena I
09-17-2017, 09:15 PM

He felt terrible for taking so long to answer his daughter's call, but he was relieved to see that he had made it before the meeting had begun. The worry over Carletta was all consuming, but he had to try his best to think positively. She would be fine, they would figure out what was going on and they would be back before he knew it. He was glad that Alfred had agreed to go with her so he could stay here with Heather, but he was already second guessing that decision.

He was a bit out of breath from running to the meeting, but he quickly tried to catch his breath with a steadying sigh. He took a look around at the wolves that had gathered so far and he realized he might not be the only one running late. He went up to Heather first, giving her a small, apologetic smile. "I'm sorry for being late, darling," he said softly, keeping his voice low so just Heather could hear. "I was seeing Carletta and Alfred off. Carletta is ill and seemed sure that she knew where to find the cure for it. I didn't want to leave you alone and I know Alfred has been down lately so I asked him to go with her to help keep her safe on the trip. At least it'll give him something to do, you know? I'm sorry for not being able to talk to you about it first. She wanted to leave right away."

With that explanation done he turned to go sit and he spotted Holly, making his brows raise in surprise. Actually there were quite a few wolves around that he didn't remember being in the pack before now. He had been so wrapped up in worry that he hadn't been out and around the pack lately. Well, it certainly brightened his day a bit to have them here. He grinned and walked over to sit near his niece, giving her a smile before focusing back on Heather.

"Talk" "You" Think

Athena I


9 Years
09-17-2017, 09:39 PM

Athena was incredibly late, but she had a hard time being upset about it at this moment. She felt like she couldn't leave to head north on her trip without finding Jayne first to make sure she was okay so she took Tiburtius with her and went to find her. Luckily her daughter had already been on her way home so finding her hadn't been terribly difficult. Finally at least one of her daughters was home and she knew the other was find and well. They happened to cross back over into Fiori's lands right as the howl faded into an echo so they all hurried to make it to the meeting before Heather began speaking. They were all tired, but it was worth it to make it to the meeting. She made her way over to Ara as soon as she made it to the clearing, giving her friend a smile and settling next to her quietly. Now that Jayne was home safe and she knew Tiburtius would stay here with her they could leave on their trip. It would be nice to get away for a little while and spend some time with Ara.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Athena I
09-17-2017, 09:45 PM
Jayne felt disappointed and relieved all at once. At least she had found Diana... or Bridget, whoever her sister wanted to be now, but the whole reason she had left was to bring her home. Of course she couldn't force her sister to come back to Fiori, but she didn't quite understand why she didn't want to come home. But there was nothing she could say to get her to come back. Jayne was tired of traveling and she missed her family so she had come back empty handed. At least her mother and brother had found her and lead her the rest of the way back to Fiori. All she wanted to do was find her den and go to sleep, but as soon as she heard the howl for a meeting she realized that being back in the pack meant that she would have to go to meetings again. She sighed and followed after her mother even with her aching paws. She didn't even notice that her mom sat next to a lady she wasn't completely familiar with. She just plopped down next to Athena and leaned into her side. Maybe if she just could sleep sitting up...



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

09-17-2017, 09:58 PM

Tiburtius trotted along behind Jayne, completing the line his mother had started. It was a relief to have Jayne home even if Diana was still out there in the wild somewhere. As long as Di was happy out there and was taking care of herself he couldn't be mad at her for it. Every time some part of their broken family reunited with them he was happy. Of course when they got to the meeting and he saw that Archelus hadn't arrived it dampened his mood a bit, but he also realized Vitus had disappeared again. His brothers were just doomed to always be wanderers. He settled down on the other side of Jayne, glancing at her with a sympathetic look as she leaned into Athena, practically asleep on her feet. He felt bad that his little sister felt like this whole thing with Diana had all been on her. Maybe he should have gone looking for her too. But that was all too late now and he could just do what he could to help take care of Jayne now. He forced his attention back up to the front of the group, his eyes settling back on Heather as he waited for the meeting to start.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
09-20-2017, 02:51 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2017, 02:53 PM by Heather.)

ooc: Okay guys, second round is mandatory! Your replies are due by the 30th! Those who fail to respond will be demoted.

The pack slowly filtered in, it wasn't exactly the audience she'd been looking for but it happened. She was actually impressed that it was her new members that arrived first. Giving a thankful nod of her head to kakashi. As Heather looked to see Jayne had reentered their midst. Heather gave a smile, a small wag of her tail towards the other as she then tried to settle down again. There was a lot to touch on this meeting. "It's good to see you all." she began. Though she wasn't very happy to hear about the absence of carletta and Alfred. Not at a time like this. "I wish I could come to you with good news, but as you can tell my planned celebration has been postponed. Currently my sisters daughter Philomena has gone missing, apparently kidnapped by a male wolf I didn't get a name or description of him but of course if the child looks like they could be related to me or the family don't hesitate to investigate. I'd like everyone to keep an eye out - but make sure not to take any risks. We're low on healers at the moment so it'd be best to stay in the best shape possible." Alfred had promised.... promised her that he'd help but now he was gone again. Her ears flicked with disappointment over the fact.

"However I'd like to welcome a few new members as well as an old one. Kakashi is Quelt's brother - he'll be serving in Fiori as a Squire. Quake the girl next to him will be a viscountess. Ara she asked for you personally to teach her, so it would be an honor if you could mentor her." Heather smiled. "I'd like to also welcome Holly - my cousin and Jackson's sister. I forgot to ask what rank you'd like to try for Holly so please let me know. Lirika has joined our ranks, make sure to give her a warm welcome. Finally, welcome back Jayne. It's good to see you." Heather noted as she looked to her.

"Now I know Fiori has been quiet this season, but I'd like to change that. Start introducing yourself to the new members, get to know each other - you don't need to ask my permission to hold hunts, or training sessions. Just do what you feel is right. This summer season I want each of you next meeting to come to me and tell me what you did to benefit the pack that season perhaps even just chatting with another wolf will do. If you have any idea's on what we should be doing please speak up. We have many higher ranks to fill as Carletta and Lionel are not currently here. So tell me if you'd like to progress within the pack." Heather concluded her speech. Searching over the eyes and ears of the members. Wondering how this would all go.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.



10 Years
09-30-2017, 07:47 PM
It was a welcome relief to see Athena finally join the gathering, only a bit later than herself. Leo arrived nearly at the same time, another familiar and welcome individual to see. She had always viewed him as a friend in a sense - not that she was one to have many of those - and she offered the two of them a faint smile as they arrived. Athena was given a slightly longer glance. They had planned on leaving soon for a brief trip up north, and she supposed after the meeting might be a good time to let Heather know about their plans.

Ara watched as she began to speak, explaining that Philomena had gone missing, as well as welcoming a few new members to the pack. Her head lifted briefly as she glanced around, noticing Quake suddenly - a familiar face, and apparently she had requested Ara as her mentor. A light smile touched her lips at the promise of having a student, since it'd been awhile since she'd really taught anyone anything.

The final thing she really discussed was wanting Fiori members to get to know one another, as well as hold training sessions. Ara nodded in quiet understanding. The idea of holding a training session, while a bit daunting, was probably something she ought to wrestle with for awhile, she decided.



5 Years
09-30-2017, 09:15 PM

As she began the meeting he settled down his attention drawn on Heather. This was the second meeting she held and Jackson was curious to see what all Heather would do with the pack. Though he wasn't to happy hearing about members who have gone missing. He also was not at all happy about hearing of her missing Niece and was sure to keep his eyes out for any suspicious activity. He was also considering on going over to visit with the neighboring pack to be friendly and to show his support. Maybe he could even get a description of the wolf who may have kidnapped the girl. Maybe he could even convince Holly to come with him, if she was settled enough.

She introduced the new members to the pack, his tail thumping lightly when she mentioned Holly. She spoke of a new task for them to work on, sounding like she was trying to get up more activity in the pack. It sounded like a good idea and he hoped it would help the pack come out of their more quiet nature. He nodded lightly, plans for a pack hunt and some training already playing through his mind. He hoped this worked.

"Talk" & 'Think"

[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]



1 Year
09-30-2017, 09:28 PM

Blue was quiet, like always sitting off to himself as the others trickled in. He worked at cleaning the blood from his fur, hating how it matted when it dried. Patiently the young boy waited for things to start. The meeting started with grim news, a kidnapping of a young female in relation to Heather. She was from the neighboring and newly formed pack. One he really wasn't to familiar with. Then it came to new introductions which normally he wouldn't really pay too much attention to, but Heather mentioned his father's name. His father had a brother something Blue really hadn't been aware of. He had joined the back and the boy's bi colored gaze darted up and looked around trying to pick out who was new, but since he really wasn't to social and still didn't know everyone he couldn't quite get who it was. Ears darted about as he was unsure how to react to this new information, but he was curious at who this male was. Little did he know that the girl that came with him was Blue's half sister, but maybe soon he would find that out.

Lastly Heather spoke of becoming more active, something he had slowly been working on. It was rather hard to drive himself out of his comfortable shell, but since Carletta hadn't been around he had been hanging around Jackson which was teaching him some fairly good knowledge, not to mention bringing down prey was challenging, painful, and fun!

"Talk" & 'Think"

[Image: xNAS3Cl.png]