
Look Who The Cat Dragged In



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
10-16-2017, 06:18 PM

The pair set off to the woods they had visited once before but had not gotten the chance to properly explore. The alpha's younger sister had been wanting to explore with someone, so he offered her the opportunity to go with him. Whether she would show up or not, he didn't know. Okami had wanted to tend to some duties before leaving, but his paws couldn't wait any longer. He and Kimahri had made it to the creepy woods, carefully wandering about the outskirts for now. They'd wait for his sister a bit longer, and if she decided not to show then they'd go deeper and explore on their own, unless of course, they came across any other brave explorers.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
10-16-2017, 06:34 PM
Since life in the northern lands was getting a little strange, what with meeting her long lost aunt and all, Iskra had decided to return farther south. If she was lucky she might find Ily and return the girl to her sister, but for now the red woman was happy to find anyone to entertain her really. Today she trailed after a man. An odd man, as he was accompanied not by another wolf, but by a large feline. Color Iskra intrigued. With a bounce in her step and a smirk on her lips she padded along, appearing quite content and riddled with the potential for mischief making. When she laid eyes on the stranger who was skirting these creepy spooky woods she called out, "Hi there, stranger!" Prancing right on over without hesitation. He smelled like a pack. Not the worst thing to smell like, but not the best either. Hopefully he'd be fun to talk to regardless.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
10-16-2017, 06:44 PM

It hadn't been very long since their arrival to the outskirts of the woods, and hadn't even decided on going in yet. But luckily, they had decided to wait a bit longer. It wasn't Okami's voice that he heard, no. But the voice of a stranger. The male turned to see a she-wolf heading his way, and for a moment, he thought it was Ankaios...except, this was a girl and she was way smaller than both him and Ankaios. What? He stood stock still in surprise, trying to figure out what to make of this. Did...Ankaios have other family around here? As far as he was aware, Ankaios was the only sky looking wolf he'd ever seen! This was...interesting. "H-hey there, uh...stranger!" He sounded almost dumbfounded, though his curiosity and intrigue started to get the better of him. Slowly, he started to approach her, Kimahri staying where he was as he too, looked on at the strange wolf. "Are...are you like, Ankaios' sister or something?" He blurted.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
10-16-2017, 07:02 PM (This post was last modified: 02-07-2018, 05:56 PM by Iskra.)
Oh, the looks she got were always so delicious, and this was no exception. Though it wasn't the entirely slack-jawed stare she managed to elicit on occasion, it was still enough to make her giggle. The stuttered greeting was music to her ears and she dipped her head primly dipped her head with a flourish, blue eyes looking positively electric. She was about to come up with something to try and catch him off guard, but found she was the one surprised when he burst out with the question about someone called Ankaios. Odd, but, she quickly dismissed the look of surprise that overtook her features and shrugged, "Can't say I've heard of 'em, but I haven't encountered many unrelated wolves who looked like me. So- perhaps he is related in some way or another..." Her brows knitted together as she sat back and pondered this, the desire to let her trouble-making ways take over temporarily forgotten as she pondered this issue. "After all, I didn't know about Caia until recently..." she mumbled to herself, though probably not as quietly as she thought she had.

Straightening up a bit, she turned her focus back to the man and looked him over a little more carefully than most would. He was tall, though not as tall as Artemis or her father. His coat was unexceptional yet easy on the eyes. And those eyes were pretty nice to look at. "What's your name, anyways?"



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
10-16-2017, 09:34 PM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2017, 09:35 PM by Dragon.)

The flash of surprise he saw told him that maaayyybbeee she didn't know who he was talking about...or did it? He thought for maybe a second she knew who he was talking about, but then her words nulled that possibility. Welp, he was glad he asked. How awkward would it have been if he had gone back home and told Ankaios he had run into the dudes sister? Man, he would have sounded stupid. He frowned slightly, though his head tilted and a slight look of confusion flashed across his face for a moment when she mentioned a...Caia. He had no clue who that was, or at least...if he had ever run into her, he wouldn't remember her name. Unless of course, if this...Caia looked like this woman and Ankaios, then that was a whole other story.

"Ah well, figured I'd ask. Only other wolf I've seen with a coat like yours is back home." He was really drawn to these...seemingly sky clad wolves. It was almost as if they were born from the very sky that draped over the starlit plains. Every night he couldn't help but go and look at the sky for a while, it's beauty always drawing him in. And of course, he thought the same of this woman. Her coat reminded him of his beloved land...though before he could think more about it, his thoughts would be broken when she asked him who he was. "Oh, my name is Dragon Ancora!" He flashed a smile before turning his head towards Kimahri, "And that guy there is Kimahri," He looked back at her, green eyes full of intrigue and curiosity which was the usual look he wore. "And you are?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
10-16-2017, 10:07 PM
Like hers, huh? Iskra had a sneaking suspicion that Arwen and Ily were the exception to the rule of Aeris wolves being the ones with the starry coats, so maybe whoever this guy was talking about was another mystery family member... She couldn't exactly be surprised if that ended up being the case. Perhaps more light would be shed on this topic later. Heck, maybe she'd just have to go hunt the guy down herself and get her own answers to just who this other star wolf might be. Yeah, that was a good plan. "I mean, if he looks like me, I would have a hard time thinking we weren't connected in some way." she mused finally.

Her tail began to wave gently as she cooed, "Ooh, Dragon, that's a pretty neat name. I like it." With a flash of ivory teeth she turned to Kimahri, wide grin fixed on her features, "Pleasure," she greeted, then returned her gaze to the more talkative of the pair. She became ever more lively as the topic changed, returning to the mischievous creature she normally was, and it was apparent in every detail of her being from the smiles she wore to the little glint in her eyes and the way she held herself. "Oh, where are my manners? I am Iskra Aeris, it's very nice to meet you Dragon. Do you live around here by any chance?"



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-13-2017, 05:28 PM
He shrugged a bit at her response, though he was really curious to know if she was related to Ankaios. He hadn't seen much of the male for a while, so it made him wonder if the starry male was even still around. Then she distracted him from the thought when she said she liked his name, and if the males fur was lighter, he was sure that his face would be seen turning bright red. "Uh, th-thanks," He stammered, a bit flustered. He couldn't remember when someone had said his name was...pretty.

The femme would acknowledge Kimahri, and in turn the feline flicked his tail and dipped his head, eyes brimming with curiosity. Dragon's ear twitched as he managed to barely pull himself from his previously flustered state when she introduced herself. Iskra? That was a nice name. "I gotta say you've a pretty name too. And yes, there is a pack near here called Talis. The alpha is quite handsome if I do say so myself." He grinned and winked, wondering what she thought about that.
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
11-25-2017, 03:15 AM
She couldn't stop a toothy smile from creeping over her face as his expression changed. Man, she never got tired of watching men get all flustered around her. You'd think it would get old eventually, but so far she just derived endless entertainment from the struggles of those around her who she managed to effect this way. Gosh, he looked funny all embarrassed like this!

He managed to collect himself enough to keep talking eventually and Iskra quirked a brow at him, momentarily losing her teasing manner to reassess him, blue eyes drinking in his form slowly and carefully with a critical eye. Then, making eye contact once more she offered a smirk, cooing, "Well, I can't disagree with your assessment," taking a step closer she added, "Though I'm not really a fan of things like authority, rules, all that crap. It's no fun, ya know?" Flicking her tail in his direction, Iskra turned to wander a few steps away and survey the woods before her curiously. It was difficult to decide whether the need to explore would outweigh her interest in chatting up this handsome alpha. Tough call, though she did suppose her lust for adventure would still be there later.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-25-2017, 04:47 AM

Okay, so maybe his words backfired on him. In a sense that now he felt kind the spotlight. He'd never really had attention from women before, so this was a whole new ball game for him. "Well, I can't disagree with your assessment." She seemed to be studying him. Scrutinizing him. Usually he didn't mind considering all eyes were on him at meetings, but at this moment in time, he was starting to feel a bit self conscious about the whole thing. She took a step toward him, telling him her thoughts on rules and all that stuff. His head tilted slightly as she then turned and started to walk away, and it was that moment that his paws begged to follow. If only to talk with her more, find out more about her. She was a peculiar being, and it was wolves like this that drew him in. After all, he was enchanted by her appearance much like he had been with Ankaios the night the man came to join his pack. It was as if the male had fallen from the very sky above the starlit plains.

"Well, I'm not here to force you into rules and stuff. Besides, even if I was, my pack members have all the freedom in the world to wander where they please...except for prisoners of course." And slaves. But his pack had never had a slave before, and not really much reason to claim anyone as a slave, either. Though he wasn't opposed to the idea, there just simply had not been a case where anyone had been unfortunate enough to fall into that rank.

He would follow her a few steps before pausing, watching the woman for a moment. He had initially come here to explore the woods since he hadn't been able to properly explore them before. But now, here he was just outside of them chatting it up with a starlit angel...What? He shook his head, no. He had gone this long without really thinking about girls, but why now? He decided then, that he'd try to distract himself. Or was it a distraction more than wanting to hang around her a bit longer? "It's dangerous to go into these woods alone, y'know. I myself have met giant wolves in there. Wolves bigger than me who I'm sure wouldn't mind having you for a snack. If you wanna go further, you'd need someone to protect you," He stopped a fair bit of distance away from her, green gaze playful as he side glanced. "Unless of course, you can handle it on your own. If that be the case then I suppose I can always go back home." He waited then, to see if she'd accept his offer, or if she'd simply decide she could indeed take on whatever dangers lurked on her own.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



2 Years
11-25-2017, 05:41 AM

She had come in these wood because she had smelled something she knew. Iskra. She was somewhere here. Though there was other scents. Scents she didn't yet know. Did she care to know? She didn't know. 

She was moving through the woods as quietly as possible unaware that she was on the menu today for someone. Her glow that normally made her feel safe had made her a beacon for a predator unseen to her. She padded on, determined to find Iskra. They had been separated for a little bit but she still saw her as her adoptive mother, her only way to survive. Ily had likely died in the dark, alone, but she had been loved. Arwen kept moving towards the scent. The a pause as something moved and a snap caused her to look. The shadow caused her to tense. Then the eyes glowing in the darkness, it was a monster. She was quick to act, bolting towards where iskras scent had carried from. 

She was like a loud thudding buffalo at this point. She was being chased but to her the thing chasing her was a huge monstrous beast. It lurked in the shadows. She was quick though. And soon she was bursting out into the light. Barreling straight towards iskra"s legs. She could see safety now. And then she was tumbling, rith between iskra and the male. Bur just as quickly she was back up and looking back to the woods. It had chased her here and she could see its eyes. She aimed to press her smaller form into Iskra's larger one. Her heart was pounding and she was panting. She hoped the thing would stay there and the hiss from it sent her ears back. 

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



6 Years
11-25-2017, 06:49 PM
Chuckling softly, Iskra retorted, "Well, that's good I suppose" 'I'd have to kick your handsome ass if you were so inclined to try,' she thought dryly, though for once the fiery woman decided to keep her thoughts to herself.

She turned to look at the brown male, jaw slackening ever so slightly so she could eye him with lips parted to decide whether to accept the challenge her presented. With a carefree smirk Iskra determined she wasn't exactly one to shy away from a challenge. Game on. "Oh, darling, I'm no stranger to giants, fear doesn't even know my name," she purred, sauntering back towards him at a leisurely pace with the intensity she might have used if she were stalking prey, "However, I might enjoy some company anyways, after all when you travel around like I do adventures start to get a little boring all by your lonesome." Stepping closer into his space Iskra added, "Waddya say, handsome? Wanna keep me company?" An innocent bat of those dark lashes that framed her sapphire eyes ought to have sealed the deal- that was, if a small glowing blue lump hadn't come barreling in between them.

The little child settled at her paws and Iskra instinctively placed a paw over the child to pull her closer, seeing that Arwen was distressed. She was going to offer Dragon an apologetic look, and also silently curse Arwen's timing, when she heard a sound emanating from where the pup had emerged. Shifting her attention towards the woods, Iskra stood protectively over the child and scanned the brush ahead, Blue eyes narrowing and fur bristling. Growling, the astral woman took a step forward, ears standing at attention and body rigid, prepared to strike at whatever had frightened Arwen so. "Show yourself," she demanded evenly. Either the beast would show itself or she'd just have to go drag it out herself.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-28-2017, 03:55 AM

He couldn't help the chuckle that left his lips when she said fear didn't know her name. My, a feisty one wasn't she? "I'll take your word for it then," he watched her come back towards him, his head tilting ever so slightly as his tail slowly tapped each ankle with a slow way. She continued to talk, her voice soft on his ears. She dared invade his space, and yet she did nothing to stop her. It wasn't like she could do anything harmful to him, lest she decide she wanted to be turned into a rag with Kimahri with him and with his size and bulk, they could easily take her. But just as he was about to answer her, something came barreling out from the woods, catching his attention.

What in the world!? It was a pup, and it was glowing! He couldn't recall anyone he'd met before that glowed and it was definitely intriguing. But he didn't have time to think more about it as his attention then turned to the forest from where the kid came from. His gaze remained on the outskirts of the forest, hackles bristling as a low growl rose in his throat. Kimahri stalked to the front of the group, tail lashing as he took up a defensive position. His ears fell back when Iskra spoke, eyes never leaving the woods before them. Fangs bared, both he and Dragon settled into a fighting stance, but then the beast who had chased the child spoke. "What are you doing hanging around those mutts?"

A strong, feminine voice brought Kimahri's growling to a halt as he narrowed his eyes. "Shiva? Is that you?" A moment later, a peculiar looking jaguar stepped from the shadows, her amethyst gaze trained on the wolves and feline before her. "Who else would it be? This is my domain and that little runt is trespassing! Don't tell me the little firefly is with you?" Before Kimahri answered, Dragon spoke up. "Kimahri, you know her?" He asked, green gaze never leaving the feline. "I do. She is part of my clan, a formidable huntress and warrior. You've nothing to fear, she won't harm you." Relaxing, Kimahri sat.

Dragon looked between the two, then at Iskra and the glowing kid. This girl had a kid? "Uh...I guess you don't have anything to worry about then? Who's the kid?" He tilted his head, trying to get a better look at Arwen. He was quite fascinated by it. How many more mysterious strangers would he come across?

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



2 Years
01-10-2018, 09:34 PM

Iskra got defensive over her and she settled to move to be at her heels. Her tail was puffed out as she watched the man Iskra had been with and the cat move to defend her too. Whoops. Seemed she had made trouble for more than Iskra now. Didn't matter though. That thing whatever it was had scared her and tried to eat her. Or at least thats what she thought had happened. Then it spoke and she looked in its direction clearly offended. A mutt?! She happened to be a wolf not some mutt!

Only when the tension seemed to relax did she emerge from behind Iskra. She was hesitant though and eyed the female cat with her fur on end. Though after a minute she relaxed and looked back to Iskra with a little relief. Then there was one other problem. Who was this guy? She looked to him and tilted her head. A brow quirked at him and she moved towards him and sat between him and Iskra. This guy had a cat following him and she needed to know who he was to have such an awesome hidden claws beast. The cat was different than the bobcat she had met before and she wanted to know why. Her golden eyes were on the male though for now. She'd get the cat talking shortly. Her ears perked as she waited for answers to her silent questions.

Walk "Talk" Think

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



6 Years
01-10-2018, 10:28 PM
Iskra stood tense, blue eyes focused on the woods as Arwen settled by her. It seemed the red woman needed to have a talk with herself about what a shit guardian she was. Once again, her charge was in trouble. Dragon and his companion bristled and moved into defensive stances, which eased the tension within her. It was good to know she wasn't here flirting with some coward who'd abandon her at the first sign of trouble.

When the voice rang out from the trees, Iskra watched with unconcealed interest as Dragon's feline friend engaged and an odd but lovely jaguar emerged from her place in the dark forest before them. Iskra relaxed with the rest of the group as the immediate sense of danger quickly passed. She wasn't sure she was ready to go and trust the creature that had chased Arwen and left her so scared, but she wasn't going to stand with hackles raised for no reason either. "It would seem so," she replied dryly, eyeing the interaction between the felines but soon losing interest when Dragon asked about Arwen. Smiling and nosing gently as Arwen's neck she sighed, "Well, it's an interesting story I guess. She's not exactly mine per se, meaning I didn't have her. I found her. And her sister. Ily disappeared, but now I kind of look after Arwen I guess." Iskra shrugged, wondering if he might lose interest knowing she'd taken on this responsibility on a whim. Who else was gunna do it though? Iskra couldn't exactly let someone else adopt the little rascal. Plus she figured Arwen could benefit from having someone around who looked somewhat like her.

Looking at Dragon, Iskra smiled apologetically, hoping he knew she was sorry their little chat had been disrupted so suddenly. But, sometimes duty called at inconvenient times, and that was okay. Iskra could roll with it. "Arwen, this is Dragon. He's pretty nice, so don't be nervous." Glancing at Dragon, she continued, "And Dragon, this is Arwen. She really enjoys following me to all kinds of places." Iskra giggled, thinking of what an effective tracker Arwen might grow up to be. She sure was good at finding Iskra almost anywhere.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
01-15-2018, 06:11 PM

When all was relaxed and not so...tense. Dragon's attention would be focused on Iskra and this odd little furball. His companion and the she-cat would disappear into the forest, Dragon figured they were old comrades and had gone to catch up and the like. He'd focus on that later, right now he listened to Iskra's explanation and found it a bit fascinating. He had never had kids, biological or adopted, so it was a bit of a strange concept to him. He glanced at Iskra, then at Arwen. He didn't think he'd ever seen a creature that glowed before, but he had seen his share of mutant bears and cougars. Was she a mutant too? "That's pretty interesting. I've never adopted anyone before, and I don't have any pups myself. So I take it you two travel a lot then?"

He kept his gaze on Arwen, wondering if the weird little kid would say anything. Or maybe she was just too afraid to say anything? "Nice to meet you, Arwen. Do you enjoy your travels?" He questioned, though he was really curious just where she come from.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



2 Years
01-24-2018, 09:41 PM

Her ear flicked when Iskra introduced her and the man with the cat. Cat with the man? Cat and man? Cat man! His name was given and she inwardly scoffed, nope he was, from now and forever more, cat man. Yup she was a genius! She was unfocused but then his deeper vocals reached her and she snapped back to attention. A vigorous nod of her head about the travelling together a lot and a lifting of her hardening paw showed him she did in fact travel a lot. She gave him a big grin and sat proudly too.

When Iskra praised her tracking abilities she gave as big a grin as she could manage and puffed up her chest proudly. Pride was something she had no control over with herself. In fact Iskra and many others constantly fed her compliments and made that pride swell in her chest. When dragon asked if she enjoyed her travels and nodded enthusiastically. She had heard the part where he hadn't taken in kids or had any of his own though and she could of laughed at that. Of course he didn't have kids he wasn't a girl so therefore would never have kids.

She looked to Iskra for just a second, she wanted to share her genius with her. She looked to the direction the cat had left and then to Dragon and grinned. Cat man, forever cat man to her.


[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



6 Years
01-28-2018, 10:03 PM
This wasn't exactly how Iskra planned for this to go, and now that things weren't so tense she kind of wished she could go back to her conversation with Dragon but that wasn't happening anytime soon. Yup, this was what it was like having children around. They just magically appeared places when you'd prefer they'd stayed in the den, and then not be places you told them to be. Goodness, it was enough to drive anyone mad! Of course Arwen's enthusiasm was more than enough to make her chuckle. "I suppose it is. I wasn't really looking for pups but I couldn't just leave her." the crimson woman shrugged. For the most part Israel didn't think it was a big deal, though she figured if someone else found the two lost siblings they may not have been so generous.

Winking at Arwen, Iskra added, "We travel till we're positively exhausted. Then we do it again the next day," Grinning at Dragon, Iskra chirped, "There's lots of mischief to get into from boreas to auster, someone's gotta find it all." Watching the little glowing girl all excited was pretty fun. Reminded Israel of when she and Leto and Arry were small and exciteable.

Figuring it would be easier to get this part out of the way rather than wait for Dragon to catch on Iskra nonchalantly said, "She's mute, but," she side eyed Arwen playfully with a small smirk, "The little wonder still has lots to say, don't you?" glancing at where Arwen gestured, from the direction the two felines disappeared to Dragon beside her. Letting herself think over it a second, she'd then let out a soft "Pfft" and a chuckle.