
Creeps and Crawlies



3 Years
Extra large
10-19-2017, 09:01 PM

Dusk hung over the forest like a shroud, muffling sounds and deepening shadows. The branches overhead were dark claws scratching against a moonless night sky. What few stars that could be seen between patches of clouds were further obscured by the fog. The winding forest trails were difficult for Asharya to keep track of, so she contented herself with getting lost and figuring out how to get home later. It worked out a lot better these days than it had in moons past, when she was still too inept to do much on her own. Of course those days were not long behind her, or even entirely gone. She preferred to believe otherwise, which had thus led her to wandering through a murky forest with a dark, cold night chomping at her heels.

Then again, what was life without a little adventure?

The astral ember made her way as stealthily as she could, but there was no keeping a jovial pep out of her step. Her paw pads seemed to spring up against the forest floor, propelling her forward in a way that said 'Just a bit longer. We don't need to turn around quite yet, do we?' Anyways, she could had sworn she saw something slinking around in the shadows up ahead, always just the smallest bit too far ahead to see clearly. It hardly seemed more than a gout of the same fog which clung to the forest floor, but she would swear it was too distinct. No, this was definitely worth investigating. She'd heard stories of will-o-wisps, evil spirits who liked to lead wanderers astray. That story was likely meant to deter children from following strange things too far from the den, but it had an unfortunate opposite effect on Asharya. Oh no, she planned to catch the strange thing and bring it back to show her family! What could possibly go wrong?

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox



8 Years
Chrono I
10-22-2017, 09:18 PM

Agria was finding herself wandering around in the night quite often lately. Maybe it was that she felt useless when she wasn't around tormenting Kaine or visa versa. She had been wandering close to a year now, just surviving and pissing off a few wolves here and there. She supposed it was better than her time with Angeal. She wasn't running around murdering everyone.

She was starting to get lost in these mysterious woods though she wouldn't have a fear at all. They were rather creepy, she had to admit that, but the surrounding darkness was something that comforted her. Nothing new or surprising to the twisted woman.

The sound of scuffling ahead, she halted instantly, a keen eye on the deep blue shaded trees. Eyes squinted as she crept forward, one small paw after another she eyed a mysterious looking figure a good fifteen feet in front of her. A shadow, demon-like she immediately thought it a monster that escaped the cages of her mind. But as she dared closer, the thing took off into the distance and she wouldn't hesitate to chase after it. Maybe it was her destiny to chase this delusion down and kill it, she didn't know.

But as she raced in between the trees, hopping over her obstacles and even bumping her bones on some debris, she suddenly jumped in front of the young girl's path who had also been trying to chase the demon, if not another one. She was scared shitless, nearly flipping over since she came in from a cross path of the other. She gathered her footing and turned to look at the pup, her breath taken away. "The hell? What are you doing wandering around the woods in the dead of the night?!" She scolded as if a mother, only because she had jumped out of her skin. What was the young girl doing out here, didn't she have parents?

Walk "Talk" Think



3 Years
Extra large
10-23-2017, 05:27 PM

Asharya was poised, legs bunch beneath her, ready to follow her mysterious quarry. Only a breath away from springing forward herself, another body crashed onto the path in front of her. Asharya reeled back, having been oblivious to the approach in her mounting excitement. The stranger seemed even more shocked than she was, and nearly fell backwards at the sight of her. "The hell?" the woman exclaimed. "What are you doing wandering around the woods in the dead of the night?!"

Asharya did what she could to gather her senses, which was a considerable task given the recent turn of events. Foremost, this wolf was weird lookin', and that was saying something coming from Asharya. Also, even though she was very obviously older than Asha, Asha herself was nearly full grown and they were of a comparable size. Eye to eye, Asha oggled her. "Oi! Did you see that weird thing? Were you chasing it?" Utterly ignoring the woman's own questions, Asharya professed her own. Really, wasn't it obvious that she was exploring? She sighed and waited for the woman to reply. They could maybe hunt the thing down together, and then she'd have two weird creatures to show Mama!

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox