

Medusa i


5 Years
07-02-2013, 06:56 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2013, 06:56 PM by Medusa i.)

She had heard whispers of a successful challenge, a neighbor who had earned victory much like Medusa had. The serpent knew nothing of Glaciem, and yet she was intent of going there, of learning about her neighbor. Alliances were possible, but they were tricky things. There were only so many whom the serpent could pledge her allegiance to, and there was only so much she was willing to sacrifice in the name of her pack. Well, it wasn?t much of a pack just yet. She had to build it up from scratch, starting with those who would come to her summons. From there she would worry about keeping them safe, but for now she was a pack of one, a snake in possession of a vast, empty territory.
The journey was not one that was easy, not with the wounds upon her blackened pelt that would take quite some time to heal up. Medusa would remain mostly composed, hoping that the only weakness she would show were the wounds on her otherwise pristine pelt and the limp in her gait. There was a renewed confidence about her, a look in her eyes that said I am a more than a fucking sad story. A while ago, she may have been less confident, but the crown upon her head put a fire through her veins.
Her arrival at the borders of Glaciem was made in time. The serpent took a moment to note the border, careful to give it a respectful distance. She had no intentions of pissing off the rulers who sat within this kingdom, not when she already had many enemies. That didn?t mean she?d resist her usual way of dealing with things, but rather Medusa would play by their rules. Lifting her maw to the sky, the harlot Queen would call forth the ruler of the lands, curious about what face she would find.
OOC: open to any Glaciem members, but particularly Eos xD Medusa?s going to be discussing pack relations and stoof c:


07-02-2013, 07:25 PM

Fagile murmurs of a lurking presence would encourage the banshee to pace, moving with manifest purpose towards the recently staked boarders of her new kingdom. Agile figure wound between the irregular spotting of baby-pine?s, adequate muscle fluctuating beneath the russet surfaces of stoic leather as the youth carried herself at a resolute trot. Scabbing wounds bound her nape, superficial grazes etching against the structures of her limbs, but still she moved with poise, with soundness; only the pleasurable reminders of a well-won victory carried proudly upon her shoulders. The numbers of her pack were still unknown, but there was no doubting they would be slim; as were the suggestions of close family ties within Glaciem, their elders luring relatives and friends alike to an unadorned haven. It didn?t bother her really, numbers were not of importance to the youthful queen.

The banshee moved with poise, an obvious spring of royalty evident within her wounded gait. Ebony pelt contrasted greatly with her pallid surroundings, meandering a respectful few yards from Glaciem?s novel border. Though what was this? A sudden sense of familiarity clawed at the russet youth?s senses, nostrils quivering with interest as the memories ofa brief meeting came crawling back. The fae?s name had slipped her mind, but Eos? remembered her as a tolerable personality; frisky and testing, perhaps, but tolerable. Had she herself also recently come out on top of a battle? The tell-tale markings of war tattered her dark flesh. Eos paused a safe distance from the elder lady, limbs squaring beneath her as elegant tail would raise in a mild show of dominance; she was queen now, and she would ensure visitors were aware. ?We are not as unacquainted as I had predicted, what conveys you to Glaciem?? speech was balanced, void of evident emotion, pale gaze skimming the extents of the vixen?s injury.

Medusa i


5 Years
07-07-2013, 11:15 PM

Ah, she was not quite as foreign to this leader as she might have expected. Moonlight-colored eyes settled upon the earthern-pelted woman, making no secret as she admired the girl?no, the woman. She carried herself high with all the presence of an alpha, and Medusa immediately let out a satisfied purr. The snake knew not if an alliance would bud, but at the very least it was good to know ones neighbors. ?No warm welcome, my love? Just straight to business?? she hummed, as if she actually considered such a thing rude. The wicked curve of her lips and the glint in her eyes revealed otherwise, making it obvious that she was simply attempting to tease.
Nonetheless, she knew that the other did not appreciate small talk. It was fun to irritate others, but was it really worth it at the risk of her pack? She did not believe so. ?I have defeated the ruler of Amenti in battle, and thus the lands are mine. I am assuming you have done the same to whatever crusty old fuck used to run this place, unless you were deceiving me at our last meeting,? she hummed, frowning as if such a thing was truly tragic and heartbreaking. ?Did you do it so we can be neighbors? You needn?t do such a thing, although that seems to be quite a popular way to try to get to my heart. Many a woman has won me a kingdom to try and win me over,? she teased. She wondered if she had crossed a line somewhere in her speech, and then once more wondered if she truly care. Yes. The answer was obvious, mostly because Medusa was doing it all for Jupiter.
?Now, my dear, considering we are both new rulers and neighbors, why do you think I have come across our border?? she said. It was a statement of intent, although not a very clear one. She was getting to the point, but in her own way.


07-09-2013, 09:58 PM

The midnight fiend would stretch beneath her skin, a fizzing of pleasure seeming to effervesce from ebony pores as Eos made her occurrence accredited. The ladies personality would begin to twist and contort, salmon tongue lashing forth with irrefutable tease, vocals dripping with play. Russet ears would begin to roll, stretching the leather of feminine fa?ade athwart, a scrutinizing gaze unfolding in acknowledgement to her companies words. Puerile comments would go without response, shoulder sinew twitching with half-hearted distaste, standing in imposing silence as she would linger for the snide vixen to rejoin prior matters. Playoffs were not something that tickled the youth?s interest, lack of humour and inflexible moral-fibre to guilt.

Nattily, the ebony familiar would give in to her glowing nature, jaw-joint rolling as she would expose the reality behind her emergence. Eos had been proven accurate, and the twisting fae that presented her wounded self before the novel queen had come upon battle-victory. Good for her. Though alas, the teasing would continue; sarcastic lyrics seeming to float free with effortless fervour. Again, no response would be required. The alpha would soon learn that such a proud tongue would go unnoticed in the company of her ?neighbour?. ?Did you come purely to play your games of moral insignificance, or have you a purpose?? tail would fan with intolerance behind tall hinds, ?I have no interest in being your disposable pastime.?

Medusa i


5 Years
07-13-2013, 10:53 PM

Although she much enjoyed her ability to irritate the Glaciem alpha, she would not push much further. It would defeat the purpose of her arrival at the borders, and it would not serve her well in the future. Medusa was in need of neighbors who, at the very least, would not be tempted to let her enemies in through an easy area of access. ?Life very rarely has a purpose, my sweet, and so I very rarely do,? she hummed, before chuckling. It was a joke; Medusa had a purpose, after all. Her purpose was to please herself, well, and her beloved. Then again, pleasing her beloved made herself pleased, so it was hard to argue that the serpent was anything but selfish.
?This time I do have reason, however. I do not wish for you to be disposable, either,? she noted, offering a bit of a wicked grin. ?I have come to you because we are neighbors, and I wish to discuss relations between our packs. I do not care if we forge alliances or not, but I would like to reach an agreement of neutrality. I have my enemies, and I am certain you might have some as well, so why not promise we will not aide those enemies against each other?? she said. It was a bit of a neighborly agreement, a pact made out of good will. If that went well, perhaps in the future they could find themselves allies. ?Unless, of course, you are open to an alliance,? she said, curious. From the way this woman clearly didn?t enjoy her presence, Medusa had her doubts about that.