
Always and Forever


07-02-2013, 06:56 PM
The Albureich family is very prim and proper, contorting themselves as superior citizens. They are extremely family driven, though qualms and quarrels cannot always be avoided. From their birth, the children were taught that family is everything and no one else is worth a dime. The children each have slightly differing moral standards, though somehow they all work together and forge a powerful alliance among themselves. They are often dependent only on those within the family, and tend to stick to themselves whenever possible. They seek only what benefits themselves, and tend to be undeniably selfish. They believe themselves to be better than everyone else, though they aren?t often open about it when in the presence of outsiders. Generally they are all charming, charismatic, sly as foxes, and extremely intelligent. They have an equal balance of brawn and wit, though wit tends to be more dominant when they can help it. Their mantra, which is often said when departing one another?s company, is ?always and forever.? Promiscuity is not frowned upon in their family group, though it is expected to get approval from Niklaus if any of the siblings take a steady mate.

History ? Mikael and Esther married and sought to create the perfect family. Upon their first litter of two males, they were off to a grand start. Niklaus showed himself as a prime leader among the children, even as more litters came forth from Esther?s loins. Upon the birth of Rebekah, Mikael and Esther ceased trying to have children and focused on teaching their kids everything they knew. At the age of three, Niklaus ended this teaching by killing his mother ? sending Mikael into hiding. Mikael returned later and tried to reunite his family, but was subsequently killed by Elijah at Niklaus? bidding. Rebekah, Kol, and Finn do not know how either of their parents died.

Mikael Albureich ? Patriarch (deceased)

Esther Albureich ? Matriarch (deceased)

(3 yrs) Niklaus Albureich ? firstborn son, leader of the family (taken by: Andy)
Ever strong and courageous, Niklaus, often referred to as ?Nik or Klaus? is perhaps the most selfish of the siblings. He often is the one who thinks more of himself than the family and tends to make decisions that ultimately benefit his own goals or objectives. Though he pledges his love and loyalty to his family, it is not uncommon for him to throw them under the bus if he deems it necessary. He is rather difficult to read and incredibly temperamental. Niklaus is very close to Rebekah and dotes on her quite a bit.
(3 yrs) Elijah Albureich ? second born son (taken by: n/a)
Elijah is the most morally responsible of the siblings. He strives always to do what is right and fair, though often it isn?t clear right away where his loyalty lies. Deep down he would do anything for his family, but he is not opposed to going against the minority in order to benefit the majority. Elijah is often very quiet and calculating, and isn?t quite as boisterous as Niklaus when he makes plans.
(2 yrs) Finn Albureich ? third born son (taken by: n/a)
Finn is the momma?s boy of the bunch. Ever loyal to their mother even upon her death, Finn strives to keep her memory alive and do what he believes she would have wanted him to do. He always works to keep the family together and working as a group, and is often the mediator when arguments arise. Finn tends to disagree with Niklaus quite often, though has a good relationship with Elijah. Finn is often considered to be the weakest brother and is usually overlooked when it comes to making plans.
(2 yrs) Kol Albureich ? fourth born son (taken by: n/a)
Kol is the chaotic of the group. While he is close with his family, he is often off doing his own thing ? which usually is getting into trouble. He has a rivalry with his older brothers Niklaus and Elijah and butts heads with them whenever possible. He tends to be antagonistic toward his younger sister, Rebekah. Kol, as the youngest brother is a troublemaker. He is also quite a bit of a daredevil and often bites off more than he can chew, resulting in his older brothers having to rescue him.
(1 yrs) Rebekah Albureich ? fifth born daughter (taken by: n/a)
Rebekah is a bit of a daredevil, and growing up with four older brothers tends to make her incredibly tough and strong-willed. Despite her femininity she holds her own among the group of boys. She is closest with her elder brother, Niklaus, and often can be seen in his company. Rebekah is careful with her planning and tends to lean on her intelligence rather than brute force, though she certainly is tough.


Their appearances should include brown, black, or a mix of the two (different shades are allowed). Their eyes are usually heterochromatic (each eye is a different color) though there could be one or two of them who don't have the gene. Their build can vary, i'm not too concerned about that. Lastly, they all have rather long, plush fur and tend to be immaculate about their appearance, so keep that in mind.


So you want in on this amazingly awesome family? Well, I do have to say that I am going to be picky with these guys, but that doesn't mean I won't give everyone fair chance at them! They will most likely be rogues for at least a while (unless an appealing pack comes along cough: glaciem), so no need to worry about pack dramallama or whatever. Uhm.. as for requirements I'm not going to make too many demands. I request at least 150 words for both appearance and personality, and at least 300 words for a roleplay sample. When I return from vacation I'll start looking at apps, so you have until then to wow me, XD.

FYI if you have questions/comments/whatever don't hesitate to post them here.


07-02-2013, 08:57 PM


07-02-2013, 09:25 PM
Going after Rebekah

Appearance: Rebekah's oddly colored eyes tend to stop others in their tracks both with their beauty and the oddity they hold. Though both are blue they are two completely different shades, The right eye being a royal blue and the left being an aqua blue. Long, thick, soft, pitch black fur blankets a slim and very feminine body. But don't let the girly features fool you, she is much stronger than she looks. She is a medium sized wolf standing at 35 inches tall makes her only an inch too short to be considered large. Though a slim build the lass weighs 125 pounds. This girls pelt holds no visible scars as her three older brothers have never given her more than tiny nicks and scratches while they were all pups. Rebekah doesn't slouch and look pitiful, she's too proud for that...the only way you will find this girl is standing tall and proud as it is one of her many ways of showing others she is better than them. Unlike most of her family she has no brown markings to taint her beautiful black pelt.(190 word count for appearance)

Personality: Rebekah Albureich is exactly like the rest of her family and nothing like them all at once. Shes selfish and loves her family...the two most important things to this girl is herself and her brothers. She believes she is better than every one and seeks only to better herself and her family, but mostly just herself. The brother she is closest to is Niklaus even though he would be the most likely to through her under the buss...unlike him she would never do that to any of her family. She loves all of her brothers even though Elija is rather quiet, Finn is a mama's boy and Kol antagonizes her and butts heads with eldest of the 4 of them. She is quite a dare devil and will try almost anything once. This black lady also prefers to use her brain instead of her brawn...and you can bet if you harm/kill one of her brothers she will use both to get her revenge. She also gets around and has been known to flirt with anyone(and when she is old enough sleep with anyone) and not only guys...she goes for the ladies too. And fair warning...don't play with this girls heart because when she falls, she falls hard and if you break her heart she will find several ways to torture you keeping you alive for you to suffer and only when she sees fit will you die.(246 word count for personality)

Role Play Sample: The girl walked along side Niklaus silently as she didn't want to take out her anger on him. Kol had pissed her off early in the day and the only thing that had kept her from blowing up on him was that he was one of her brothers. The anger was written all over her, yet she still stood tall and proud as always. Didn't matter what mood she was in, her posture always told everyone else that she was better.

Glancing up at the sky she sighed, surprised Kol hadn't sent Elijah or Finn to come get Klaus so the three of them could get him out of what ever trouble he had gotten himself into. He never sent for her, then again he always seemed to piss her off just before he got into trouble. Her guess was he either thought she wouldn't be any help or that she wouldn't help. The second one was more likely...unless they hurt him, then they would die painfully.

"Klaus!" Right on cue Elijah called out for their brother as he and Finn jogged up to them. Both she and Niklaus stopped as they stopped in front of us. Rebekah couldn't figure out why Klaus and Elijah always ran to his aid almost directly after they would fight but they weren't like her...she held a grudge. Finn offered her a brotherly smile while Nik and Elija tried to decide how to pull him out of the muck this time.

Niklaus turned back to Rebekah and Finn and they both knew a decision had been made...though by the look on Elijah's face, he hadn't quite gotten his way. She looked at Finn as he got to his feet looking aggravated that he had been left out of the plan once more and moved over to the two eldest. All three looked at her and in Unison said "Always and Forever, sister" the three of them together sounded powerful and that alone made her smile before she answered them "Always and Forever, my brothers" she too sounded powerful though their voices were much deeper than her own. That was alright though because when she wanted to be heard, she was heard. (386 word count for role play sample)