
Times 'A Changin



5 Years
Dire wolf

11-10-2017, 03:21 PM

Amon forced his way through a line of hedge and bramble. He couldn't find it in himself to be bothered by the thorns that pricked and tugged at the skin beneath his coat. The titan was restless, and unwilling to stay still for even a moment too long, even if his task was so simple as roving the countryside in search of something worth his time. In a few short days his children and Pyralis's children would become a year of age, which meant that things were about to become very interesting for him and his family.

Without young, fragile pups to worry about Amon was confident that his family was capable of conquering this vast land. Their numbers were not as many as when he had come to this place but he was not dissuaded. As far as Amon was concerned, one Abraxas wolf was worth a thousand mortals. No, that was not his point of contention. There was something in the gargantuan male that urged him to wait for just the right moment. Amon was certain that there would be a sign of sorts indicating his moment to strike. He waited eagerly for the Fallen God's sign, hoping that perhaps he would find it in his wanderings. If not then, when? He was patient, but his patience only extended so far.

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



2 Years
11-10-2017, 04:16 PM (This post was last modified: 11-10-2017, 04:19 PM by Arwen.)

She had zero desire to meet too many more mean wolves. Pyralis was a jerk, and now she had met Leto, who was also a jerk. How could anyone as nice as Iskra have such a mean sister?

It just didn't make sense.

She padded into the southern land again. She had been hoping with all her heart that maybe she would find some sign of Ilithiel, though that hadn't been the case so far. She flopped defeatedly, not even noticing that she could be directly in the path of a giant. Her fur radiated with its pulsating glow and she huffed. So much for finding her. And where was Iskra? She looked behind her the way she came expecting to see her any moment, only to be disappointed. Her ears pressed and the girl gave a silent sigh. Well hopefully she could at least find Iskra again. She at least didn't seem to mind having a mute kid hang around her. 

Her ears twitched at the sound of someone moving closer and she sprang up. Golden eyes moved to find a giant and she pulled her head and ears back. Her nose told her this man was somehow related to Pyralis and she fixed a wary stare on him. Pyralis had wanted to use her as beaver bait and she could only imagine this man was somehow going to make fun of her too. Maybe she should run? No. Only cowards did that and she most certainly was no coward. At three seasons old she was only three quarters of the way grown and she barely had any height either, so outrunning him would be a joke anyway. 

Walk "Talk" Think

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



7 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
11-10-2017, 04:24 PM
Apollo, having been finally reunited with his siblings, was loath to allow the elder male of his litter to wander off without him. It was, after all, his duty and pleasure to protect and carry out Amon's orders, which he could not logically do without having been present to... well, receive said orders. With the whole of the remainder of their clan able to guard Amon and Pyralis' nearly-grown children, logically it was their patriarch who was the most at risk without Apollo's watchful presence. Of course, Amon hardly needed someone to take care of him, no. He was an Abraxas, a descendant of the Fallen God Himself. But for all that, they were still trapped within mortal forms, and therefore subject to the whims of nature as ordinary mortals were. So while most any Abraxas could take care of him- or herself, Apollo was well aware that no rational member of their family could possibly object to another watching their back.

The phantom had fallen back a short ways to investigate a commotion (it turned out to be simply two peacocks in a squabble - noisy and annoying but no threat) so it took him a time to catch his brother up once again. He was not terribly concerned about staying on his larger, elder brother's heels - Amon was no fool, and certainly less likely to fall into trouble than Pyralis (despite his aforementioned female littermate's near magical ability to dance her way out of any trouble in a manner that both stumped and vaguely impressed Apollo) so it wasn't as though Apollo needed to be there to babysit him. Just guard his back so he could concentrate on his path.

Though upon actually reaching his brother's heels, Apollo's staid face went even more blankly smooth than usual, and he wondered if he should revise his opinion on Amon falling into trouble.

His sun-bright eyes flicked between Amon's dark form and the strange, tiny, glowing child-spirit that stared at his brother so warily. "A spirit?" he rumbled in that deep, slow voice of his. This land must have been rife with them, or his family more prone than most to the discovery of them. Perhaps it was their god-blood that attracted the spirits so consistently. His young niece was certainly proof that her litter was the product of one, and was that not just like Pyralis to have that sort of luck? "Intriguing..." The word was drawn out just slightly, and he lowered his pale head below his spine to study the creature as he stepped up beside his brother.



5 Years
Dire wolf

11-14-2017, 08:37 PM

Amon had more or less taken Pyralis' story of encountering a spirit as a general representation of events as opposed to precise fact. Sure, it had been harder to deny after his niece was born, but still. Amon had seen many odd wolves since arriving in this land, but many had had the meek bearing of mortality. None had yet convinced him they were close enough kin to his own that they might be worth... well, much of anything at all. Suffice to say, he was not prepared to stumbled upon the small blue child in his path. A child which appeared to be glowing.

Amon's attention was trained on her entirely, so much so that he did not notice his brother's approach at first. The small blue thing was looking up to him with a fierce look in her eyes, though he could smell her initial fear in the air. Apollo's voice rumbled out to him, and Amon blinked in response. "It would appear so. What is your name, small one?" He kept his tone neutral, and quiet. He would not want to unduly stress the creature out, not until he understood more about it. Amon had begun to draw the conclusion that spirits in this world likely bred as his kin had. Many of those he encountered were of obviously weak lineage, but this girl appeared much different. He was alight with questions, but if he frightened the creature he did not know what it might be capable of.

Amon flashed a look towards his brother, relieved to see a similar mask of careful calculation covering whatever Apollo might have been thinking. The situation demanded caution, of course, but even so Amon knew spirits were mere play things of the gods. Some had been trapped here just as they had, according to his father. He would not hesitate to end the thing's life if it appeared to muster any of it's power, should it have any in the first place, or even threaten to do so. Still, the situation proved fascinating enough that he decided he must finally have a long chat about the creature who had sired their sister's children.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



6 Years
11-25-2017, 07:32 PM
Prancing, wandering and exploring every place she could find was simply her favorite way to spend her days now. Of course she tried her best to always keep tabs on Arwen, taking her places and having all kinds of fun. Occasionally she'd forget she was a 'very responsible adult' and do something that probably didn't make her the best role model ever, but for the most part she was pretty sure she was doing a good job. Arwen seemed to be turning out okay so far, right?

As she made her way through the brush, quietly skirting the worst of the brambles she'd run into in search of a clearer path, Iskra felt what she could only describe as her maternal alarm bells ringing. Danger? Was there danger? Where? Arwen's scent hit her nostrils and she quickly trailed after it, muscles tensed, bounding through the brush at a recklessly fast pace, thorns tearing at her skin and she moved with wild abandon in search of her adopted child. When she noted over scents hanging nearby Iskra knew why she felt this urgency and picked up the pace until she burst out from the bushes and came to find the blue girl she was charged with seated before two males that positively towered over both of them. Narrowing her eyes and studying the scene quickly to assess the situation, Iskra found Arwen unharmed for now. Shaking the debris from her coat, Iskra entered the scene cooly, striding over and placing herself over Arwen and taking a seat.

Fearless as always, the red woman looked over both men, one dark as midnight the other pale as the moon. Smiling sweetly she cooed, "Can I help you?"



2 Years
12-31-2017, 01:09 PM

Another appeared shortly after the first and the mute child could not help but feel the need to go back the way she came. Two huge males who shared a scent with Pyralis and likely as much of a personality. Then they started talking and she snorted through her nose. She was no more a spirit than they were small. The only magic thing she could even say she had was her glow, which pulsated without her consent. She did eye them both with uncertainty. When the one asked her name she pressed her ears back and looked down. There was that problem again, she couldn't just tell anyone anything. They had to play a long drawn out game of guessing and yes and no questions.

Then out of no where safety came to her once more. Iskra was there asking them if they needed help. She was relived to have the familiar face there. She attempted to scoot back and press herself to Iskra's leg. Iskra knew enough about her to answer their questions so she didn't have to. She was uncomfortable around them anyway. She watched now and listened. They could be trouble for Iskra if they chose to try to attack her. She was visibly uncomfortable with the situation. Pyralis was almost too much for her and if these two were anything like her she didn't want any of what they wanted.

Walk "Talk" Think

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.