
Mr. Big Stuff



5 Years
Extra large
08-29-2017, 12:11 PM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2017, 12:17 PM by Tealah.)

Evangeline's long-legged gait carried her quickly over the ground with elegance and grace - as well it should, since she had been working on her elegance and grace since she was still a pup in Imperium. The princess, her daddy's only daughter until SHE had come along... even in her own mind she wasn't quite sure if she meant Rhythm fucking Destruction or the uncouth mud colored rodent she'd birthed, but Vana finally settled on both. Yes, until Rhythm had come along and stolen her daddy away and dared whelp Rhys to take away all of Evangeline's glory as the sole princess of Imperium. But that was all ancient history, because Rhythm had run off and brought her brats with her, and Evangeline was still  here.

She arched her neck proudly at the thought. Yes, that was right. She was once more the princess of the Imperialis line, and even most of her equally-uncouth brothers had wandered off over the years. Chaos was seemingly the sole exception to that so far, but he wasn't really an Imperialis, was he? Because he'd been given their mother's surname instead, to carry on her family's legacy, which left Evangeline as the eldest of those who remained as the heir apparent to the Imperialis legacy. The sole heir to Imperium, really, if it hadn't crumbled because her daddy had had to go looking for Rhythm and the brats.

A faint pout crossed her muzzle at that old injustice, and she sniffed haughtily. That didn't matter. She was still here, even if all the other members of Imperium had run off and abandoned her daddy the second his back was turned. That Avalon and her kids to start with, the ungrateful little bastards. Guess they weren't so different from the rest of that stupid pack they'd come from, after all. Sonticus... or Boreas... or whatever the fuck they'd changed the name to after her daddy had gone and challenged for the bratty curs.

The Imperialis shook herself to settle her pack more firmly in place. Ugh. Well, who cared about them anyway? They had never belonged in Imperium to begin with. The thought was interrupted, anyway, as she stopped to investigate a clump of kelp. She'd had to thread her way through an irritating amount of packs to reach this place, including those weak little mongrels in Abaven more's the pity - though she was terribly pleased and amused to have scented that Bass Destruction's scent was gone from that pack's lands. She could just see the smug look on his whiny little face when his pack had outlasted Imperium... well, stupid Abaven wouldn't have lasted even as long as Imperium did if they hadn't won Bass' stupid little siege for him, would they have? If she and the other Imperium wolves hadn't risked their own necks to save his weak little so-called warriors from dirtying their paws. It had been Imperium that had taken down the Hellstroms, though feeble as they'd been it had not been terribly difficult. And look who was laughing now... it was Evangeline Imperialis who was still here and Bass Destruction gone.

She eyed the kelp doubtfully. She'd been led to believe that it had many medicinal uses, but this... gooey mass of plant matter couldn't possibly be useful. It was... disgusting. She poked at it, shuddered, then glanced at the water. Maybe it had to be gathered fresh, rather than washed up on shore.




7 Years
Dire wolf
10-06-2017, 02:18 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2017, 02:19 PM by Angelus.)
There was no mistaking that scent. Evangeline. Who else literally exuded pomp and sass? Angelus dropped to the ground and peered around in search of his sister. She was close, he could tell. There! His gaze zeroed in on the tall woman as she wandered down the beach. He crept closer and took up refuge on the backside of a sand dune before peeping over top of it to see if he'd been spotted.

Up ahead Evangeline seemed to messing with something on the ground, but whatever she was poking at didn't concern the giant. Nope, his gaze was fixed firmly on the woman doing the poking. It had been years since he'd seen her and he was eager to see what she'd been up to since he'd taken off in search of their father. His elated feelings quickly turned devilish. If she didn't maul him to death he was sure they could catch up later. In the long had it been since he'd messed with his little sister? Two years? Well, he needed to make up for lost time, didn't he?

Angel waited until he thought Evangeline looked engrossed in whatever she was doing before he made his move. He slithered over the dune and then began to quietly creep towards his sister. Her back was to him and she looked unsuspecting, so once he was within charging distance he did just that. Angelus gave up all pretense of stealth and bolted for his sister. His jaws flung wide as he locked eyes on his target: Evangeline's rump. A hard pinch aught to send her leaping for the heavens. If he were lucky she might even squeal, although it was far more likely that she'd whip around and go for his throat. Eh, it was worth the risk. At least then he'd die smug and happy.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Think rude thoughts about the devil and he might just have to reappear after two years away for no other reason than to sneak up behind you and bite you on the ass.



5 Years
Extra large
10-14-2017, 02:07 PM

Vana was still staring in affront at the gooey mass of kelp at her paws when a sharp pain suddenly pinched her in her rear.

It was so unexpected, so... so... appalling... that for a long heartbeat Evangeline could only stiffen and squeak inelegantly. But immediately on the heels of her shock came fury, and she spun with jaws gaping and spitting out a sound have screech and half roar, giving the impression of the yowling of an injured cat.

The sight of her long-absent older brother's face hardly registered, certainly not enough to stop her from trying to take a chunk out of whoever had dared nip her in the butt, but it must have made enough of an impression because rather than try to rip his face off her jaws veered slightly out of their way to aim a retaliatory snap towards his ear instead as she threw herself at the (admittedly still larger) male in a furious attempt at a tackle. She was clearly spitting mad, and the bulky herb-pack on her back notwithstanding, she fully intended to rub this scoundrel's face in the equally frustrating, gooey mass of the kelp she'd come all this way for.




7 Years
Dire wolf
10-21-2017, 05:02 PM
His jaws closed firmly on Evangeline's left butt cheek, delivering a hard pinch and hopefully making up for all the aggravation she'd missed out on since they'd parted ways. No doubt she'd missed this. Who else could irritate her so thoroughly? And if he knew anything at all about Evangeline he knew this: she never missed an opportunity to be irritated.

Moments after achieving success Angelus released his grip and backpedaled as fast as he could. He wasn't fast enough though. In her fury Evangeline was lightning fast. With a wildcat screech she was on him. Instead of fighting her Angelus allowed himself to be bowled over backwards. He was genuinely happy to see her and was willing to take whatever she threw at him.

Even if that meant getting his ear chew off.

Pain or no pain - did he feel blood running down his neck? She hadn't actually bitten it off, had she? - Angelus couldn't stifle an ear to (maybe) ear grin. He had missed this. Where else could he get this kind of abuse? "Admit it," he rumbled, "you missed me."



5 Years
Extra large
11-12-2017, 03:45 PM
The pair went over in a tangle of limbs in the sand, with Angelus' big stupid face grinning up at her so... so... infuriatingly smugly. Without thinking, Vana reached out one forepaw to scoop up a big heaping helping of that gooey rotting kelp... and sent it flying at Angelus' face.

Any sense of 'it serves him right if it gets in his mouth' and 'take that you big idiot' was suddenly swamped in the horror of the fact that it was all over her paw. EVEN BETWEEN HER TOES.

With a horrified squeal she backpedaled off her larger littermate, literally throwing herself backwards to scrub her paw frantically on the sand. Oh that was so gross. "I did not, you... you... jerk!" she spat out at him with a distinct pout to her muzzle. "I have been much too busy to even notice you were gone." She sniffed, giving her paw a shake. Eww, was it still on there?



7 Years
Dire wolf
11-24-2017, 08:55 PM
Somewhere in the midst of the biting and kicking tangle, Angelus felt a shift in the assault. He sensed more than saw that his sister wasn't done with her retaliation, so when he saw her paw arching towards him, he wasn't surprised. He braced himself and closed his eyes, still grinning, as Evangeline slapped a pawful of muck across the left side of his forehead. The smelly tangle of kelp and sand splattered down the left side of his face and neck, but his was unperturbed. He found it endearing, really. This was his Evangeline. She was a prickly hag, but he wouldn't have had her any other way.

With a girlish shriek Evangeline was off him in a heartbeat and dancing away as if her backside were on fire. Angelus blinked in surprise and lay frozen for a moment as he tried to figure out what had just happened and why she'd jumped off of him as if he'd farted in her face.

"Yeah, you did," he said confidently as he rolled over and got to his paws. "You missed me terribly and you know it." He eyed her paw and put two and two together. Of course. Why hadn't he realized that sooner? "It's a lost cause, Eva. Might as well gnaw it off and be done with it."