
havens of solitude at high altitude



10 Years
Extra large
11-15-2017, 02:05 PM
Something was very wrong. She had been nauseous for days, weeks possibly. She was horribly bloated. What kind of illness was this? At the start of her illness, she had felt a little feverish. Thus, she had turned to the safety and sanctuary of the north. The mountain passes were safe, and could easily be traversed. Perhaps the stress of Fiori falling so soon after her joining had made her feel this way.

Had it been her fault, that it had fallen? Was there something she should have been doing, to aide her Queen? She had taken her time to settle in, after all. Perhaps that had been her downfall. A lack of activity on her part could have caused something to this degree, surely. Granted, kingdoms did come and go in this land, but so soon after her arrival?

Getting to her feet, she pawed at the nest she had made. The furs were more of a cushion than anything, keeping her joints from bruising on the cold stone floor. She had been laying around like a useless lump for the morning, and it was becoming irksome. Food held no appeal, but she forced herself to eat nonetheless. Now, she opted to go out and seek out something to eat for the day. Even just a hare would be enough.

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5 Years
Dire wolf
11-15-2017, 02:44 PM

The death of one of his children had inflicted much pain on him. He had burried his son with all honors that he could. No parent should have to do that.

He moved through the col with no destination in mind. Merely just letting his paws select his path. He hadn't intended to let others cross his path today, only let himself mourn in peace. Each of his children were well loved and Belphegor was the most like him so as such probably the most lovable.

A scent passed into his mates and he gave pause. He knew the scent but it mingled with one he hadn't expected. What was she doing so far north? She lived in the south area he thought. He turned his direction then. Following her scent. He needed to be sure. He didn't want to leave someone pregnant without help.

As he came upon a place he stopped. She was there. Pelts made her bed and no pack scent was here either. But there she was, rotund with pregnancy. He was familiar with the smells that accompanied it, so the smell of sickness didn't bother him. He moved closer until he was sure she would not only see but smell him. There was no need to scare her or irritate her. Her hormones would be high enough without his aid. "Greetings miss Lirika. I see you've been having an interesting few weeks since last we met." he was casual and careful as he spoke to her.

He sat just outside her den so he wouldn't be intruding.

Walk "Talk" Think


As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.



10 Years
Extra large
11-15-2017, 02:57 PM
Just a few steps from the den, and a familiar scent wafted towards her. Mr. Morningstar was here, for some odd reason. Tired as she was, she put on a brave face. A wave of nausea washed over her, and then was gone just as quickly. Seeking out his immense form, she found him approaching with a casual swagger. She paused, giving him a weary smile. "Good afternoon, Mr. Morningstar." She said warmly as she could, tail flicking to and fro in a friendly manner.

"Greetings miss Lirika. I see you've been having an interesting few weeks since last we met." He said, in a kind and almost joking manner. She snorted softly, shaking her head. He was such a wild card, but she had come to enjoy his presence by now. Looking around, she was sure he was wondering how she had found herself in this spot. "My pack, Fiori, fell apart not long after we saw each other. On top of it, I have found myself quite ill." She sighed, lowering her rump onto the snowy ground. "I thought a taste of home would be able to chase the illness away." A soft shrug of her delicate shoulders, and she offered him another soft smile.

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5 Years
Dire wolf
11-15-2017, 03:30 PM

Her smile brought one to his face, though it was still sad and even haunting for now. Though the thought that more children would come in the wake of their brother's death did put a little note of happiness in his heart.

When she spoke of her recent pack loss and then of her illness he held back the laugh. So she had no idea then? Or could she just not connect the pieces? Nevertheless she would need to know. She likely had already felt the pull to make a den in a remote place and to bed. "Hmmm, perhaps some motherwort, and a decent fawn would help you to feel better.... But perhaps I should elaborate more " he wasn't joking. Though half joked at the second part.

"let me guess. Bloating. Sickness when you eat. A want to bed down in a den and stay near it. And finally a feeling of butterflies in your belly for no reason." he listed off her likely symptoms as if he were positive of each. She looked like she could pop soon. He couldn't smell any other male on her so it was likely they were his. He watched her and waited for the realization to hopefully hit her. She wasn't stupid so it would likely take her just a few moments.

Walk "Talk" Think

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.



10 Years
Extra large
11-15-2017, 03:54 PM
"Hmmm, perhaps some motherwort, and a decent fawn would help you to feel better.... But perhaps I should elaborate more." Samael seemed in good spirits about all of this. Was her misery really all that amusing? She frowned at him a little. Yes, a fawn would be delicious, but it was autumn. In the mountains. Where was anyone supposed to find one? "let me guess. Bloating. Sickness when you eat. A want to bed down in a den and stay near it. And finally a feeling of butterflies in your belly for no reason." He continued to speak, and she felt dread pull her stomach into her paws. Then, it was whisked away by her frown tightening.

"Ha ha." Her laughter was stern, unamused. "I have reached my seventh year, Mr. Morningstar. You were there for my last heat season, and nothing resulted from that coupling. It is impossible that I am pregnant now." Right? It had to be. Everything matched up, sure. She was practically an old maid now, there was no way she was carrying his offspring. Her uterus had probably dried up, shrivelled into nothing.

"Besides, I am in no position to be having children. There are no shamans here, or holy places nearby. There are ceremonies that need to be performed, and no one to perform them." There it was, the dread in her guts again. Or was it the kicking of feeble, undeveloped paws? Gods above, she was putting tiny lives in jeopardy now. This was not how she had wanted her life to go. Not at all. Mercury gaze would drift to her charcoal paws, sides heaving with breaths that she couldn't stop.

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5 Years
Dire wolf
11-16-2017, 08:53 PM
She seemed to freak out and he stood and moved close to her. His paw aimed to be placed on her shoulders. He was gentle and did not force her but the wordless command was there. She needed to lay down. Only once she had did he sit with his hip against her side.

"Calm yourself miss lirika, your scent tells me your pregnant as does the sight of your stomach. Age will not define if you have a litter always. As for holy places, I know of one that I feel is. Should you like I could claim that land when the time comes. Our litter will be safe and you can pray there if you wish." he was of course talking of cathedral point. The land was gorgeous There, especially when it was bathed in the hellfire of the morning sun. "I'll not make you have to raise these children alone. Perhaps you would like to meet Dafodil, who is also pregnant with mine and wishes to leave the moment they are birthed." he was sincere and truthful as always. He was sure his other children would like to help raise these children.

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.



10 Years
Extra large
11-16-2017, 09:55 PM
His large paw was placed between her shuddering shoulder blades, and she felt the weight of his forelimb pressing gently between them. Yes, laying down would be a good idea right now. Shivering limbs lowered her onto the snow, where a large breath whooshed from her lungs. Blinking a few times, she raised her head to look out at the surrounding col. "Calm yourself miss Lirika, your scent tells me your pregnant as does the sight of your stomach. Age will not define if you have a litter always." Gods above, the horror of it all was still washing over her, more and more he spoke. She was in no place for children to be born. She hadn't consulted with shamans, nor met with any relatives about it. "As for holy places, I know of one that I feel is. Should you like I could claim that land when the time comes. Our litter will be safe and you can pray there if you wish."

Our litter. He had said. It was theirs. She enjoyed his company, sure, but she had never imagined herself raising children with this male. Did she even want to? "I'll not make you have to raise these children alone. Perhaps you would like to meet Daffodil, who is also pregnant with mine and wishes to leave the moment they are birthed." It was a nice gesture, but could she really burden him with children? A moments pause, and she couldn't hide the expression from her face as she thought. Had she not heard that he had children already? "I appreciate the offer, Mr. Morningstar. However, I would rather endure this.. pregnancy.. in solitude. I shall seek out a healer tomorrow morning, and make sure the health of these children is in order. Once they are born, I will be sure to call for you." She said softly, but with strength in her voice.

"That is, if you are truly interested in being part of their lives." Accented lyrics would utter with hesitation.

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