
My Heart I Surrender



2 Years
Extra large
09-18-2017, 02:45 PM

Things had felt slightly better now that Jewell was home. He'd manage to free her from that damn bastard that had stolen her away and harmed her. He was still uneasy and mostly guilty that anything had happened to her in the first place. After all, his mother had left him in charge and she was now his responsibility as well as the rest of the pack. Had anyone else gone missing he might have considered just tracking Faite down and handing his mother the pack back. A part of him still didn't feel ready for this kind if responsibility.

The only solace the young male felt was the fact that the male responsible had been punished accordingly. He'd managed to take the other male captive, but his sense of peace had been rather short lived considering the male was now in Lirim's lands. Rory had stuck close to home lately to keep an eye on both Jewell and the captive. He didn't trust him as far as he could throw him and he'd continue to watch him until he could figure out what to do with him. Letting him go wasn't an option considering Rory wasn't sure he wouldn't just go out and capture more young wolves. He also didn't trust him in the pack lands. If the man so much as touched a hair on anyone's head then Rory was going to make sure he suffered for it.

Either way, he felt on edge. He was literally living with the enemy. His only hope now was that Faite would return home soon and tell him what he was supposed to do. Talking with Frostbite was an option, but he wanted multiple opinions on the matter. He was sure Faite would be more than pissed about what he'd done to Jewell - would she want to kill him? It was certainly an option, but that didn't sit right with him. Maybe Frostbite was the best wolf to talk to.

Rory found himself at the lake's edge now and he gazed absentmindedly off into the distance. It was still rather early in the morning. He'd been up half the night stressing over his options. There was just too much going on in his head for him to be able to sleep. He found some peace in the stillness of the cool morning so he took a seat by the lake as he wandered off into thought.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]



4 Years
09-20-2017, 04:31 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2017, 04:32 PM by Jewell.)

Getting home hadn't been an easy feat. If anything it was harder than trying to understand just what had been done to her. She was alienating herself to stay away from everyone. They seemed to view her with pity and she didn't much like it. She didn't want to see that look in their eyes. There was also the fact that she didn't much want to have anyone she didn't know close to her. She was pathetic she was sure. She just didnt know what to make of her home now. Faite wasn't around and that was confusing, then they had brought Ariet here and that was confusing. She just wanted to leave him behind and find those two other smells she had smelled.

She sighed as she hobbled towards the lake. She needed some fresh air and a drink. It was peaceful, if she didn't have the need to look over her shoulder for Ariet every minute. She stopped to do so. Her ears pinned and her tail curled under her. She was having to cope with alot of things and having serious needs to ensure that no one was behind her anymore. There was pain as well. Her leg was always hurting now, even though she did her best to stay off it. She turned her gaze ahead when she was certain no one was behind her. She then proceeded to hobble to the lake side where she could see Rory. She guessed he was taking a break or something. Being the boss had to be stressful. She moved to take a seat near him, though subconsciously she kept him in full sight of her.

She took a few small laps of the water then before flopping over so she was facing Rory and her injured leg was above the other. Flopping was becoming the easier way to lay down for her while her leg healed. She looked to Rory then before she let out a sigh. "Jewell misses Faite.... Wishes Faite come home, explain what Jewell did make Ariet so angry at her. Wishes Rory not be so stressed too. Jewell is sorry, not mean cause Rory stress." were those the right words? She wasn't sure. She sighed then and resorted to her native tongue. "Je pense que je t'aime, Rory. Vous êtes ma sécurité, mon sauveur, et je veux vous aider, je ne sais pas comment. Je ne peux même pas m'aider." her words were breathy and soft as she spoke in French. One day he would understand the words she was sure. But she probably had just confused him. She rolled over to lay on her stomach and stretched her leg out. She eyed the water ahead of them. She couldn't remember if she had come her on chance or perhaps if she had smelled him and subconsciously followed his scent. Either way it didn't much matter now.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.



2 Years
09-21-2017, 06:32 PM
Take one last look behind

A rabbit hung limp from Leshia's jaws and she maneuvered through the willows back toward the valley.  Her mind was a mess, her stomach turning with all that had happened.  She didn't even know how to process everything and what exactly Lirim should do with their new prisoner.  Personally, she was debating between blinding the bastard or chewing off one of his legs.  Having him in Lirim mostly in tact bothered her, he was still dangerous.

Leshia had tken to hunting to try and keep her mind distracted but that really was the problem wasn't it?  She had problems to address and here she was doing her best not to even think about them.  She wondered how the new alpha was holding up as well as Jewell.  As luck would have it as she turned around a particularly knotted willow she spied the two wolves she'd been wondering at.  Smiling she trotted up to them and laid the rabbit down so that she could speak.  "Good morning, Jewell, how are you holding up?  Are you hungry?"  She nudged at the rabbit with her foot, gesturing toward Jewell.  She wasn't sure how much of the common tongue the girl knew.  Turning to Ruaidhrí she dipped her head in respectful greeting. "Good morning to you as well alpha, how are you doing?"




2 Years
Extra large
10-07-2017, 02:45 PM

Rory has been so absorbed within his own mind that he didn't hear Jewell come up from behind him. He flinched and whirled his head to see who had crept up on him, but he relaxed when he realized who it was. He loosened his tense muscles as he went back to looking out across the lake for a brief moment. Having the male around had him on edge and Rory wasn't too keen on having to fight him again. He certainly didn't trust the other male in his pack, but what choices did he have? All he knew was that he had to do something with him and soon. Just having him here made his skin crawl and eventually the lack of sleep would catch up to him too. Besides, if he was so perturbed by having him here then he could only imagine how the others felt.

His gaze went back to Jewell as she drank some water before flopping over next to him. He noted how she still favored her leg and it made anger flare up in him once more. The more immature parts of his brain told him to go find the male and beat him up again, but this time make the damage far more severe. He managed to calm himself though. He still wouldn't do anything until he got a census on what the pack thought.

Ears flicked as Jewell spoke and he let out a soft sigh as she mentioned his mother. Honestly he missed her too. How would she have handled things? Was he even doing any of this right?
"I miss her too, but I'm sure she'll come home. She just has to find my cousins." He tried to sound reassuring, but in reality, he wanted her to be home already too. She had so much more experience with this than he did. "You're not causing me stress." It wasn't exactly a lie, but he worried about her constantly now. "You just need to learn how to defend yourself Jewell. You're old enough now that you can be taught, especially since you have a better grasp with our language." That would help ease his worries for the most part. She was practically an innocent little rainbow right now. She needed to toughen up and at least learn how to defend herself long enough to run away from things. He just wasn't sure who could teach her. Maybe Faite when she got back? He'd do it himself, but his knowledge was limited.

His thoughts were side tracked as Jewell started speaking in french again. His head tilted slightly as he tried to make sense of what she was saying, but he hadn't learned enough of her language to be able to understand what she meant with her words. The only thing he picked up on was his own name. He gave her a confused look for a moment before his ears flicked as he heard the approach of a second wolf. His muscles tightened again as he prepared himself to put himself in front of Jewell if it happened to be the male. It was just paranoia really considering the male had been left with Zell to be watched for a while, but Rory didn't want to be off guard, especially with Jewell around. She'd already been tormented by him enough. he relaxed when he spotted Leshia with a rabbit hanging from her jaws.

He flashed her a small smile and his tail waved slightly in a friendly greeting. It was his way of inviting her to join them. She'd been there with him when they'd found Jewell and he appreciated her support. Honestly, if he hadn't decided to follow her, then he was sure Jewell wouldn't be here with them now, so he supposed he had to thank her for that. He watched as she offered the rainbow colored girl her rabbit before greeting him. "You can just call me Rory." Being called alpha still sounded kind of funny to him and it definitely was too formal for his liking. "I'm fine though, just trying to figure out what to do with you know who." His voice trailed off before he glanced to Jewell and then back to Leshia expectantly. Maybe she had some ideas?

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]



4 Years
11-20-2017, 12:01 AM
She was silent as Rory told her why faite left and that she needed to learn to fight. It really didn't hold any appeal to her though. Fighting wasn't her thing, she liked playing and walking the borders and things like that. She was more of a political girl than a fighter. She was way to friendly she knew, but why couldn't they just be friendly with everyone? Fighting just seemed barbaric, much like that male that had hurt her.

She was lost in her own world for a brief moment before another joined them. She jumped before she even realized who it was. Having Ariet here made her jumpy. She gave an apologetic smile before she answered. "Jewell is being good. Jewell not good theron now, thanks you for meal." Despite her not being hungry really right now she felt she should still thank her for the rabbit. Then rory spoke and she looked out at the water. She knew what she wanted to happen to the male, yet she felt it was too much. It was such a dark thought for her that she wasn't sure she should have it. She pinned her ears and spoke out though. "Jewell not like Ariet, Want see Ariet disappear. Ariet not good pack mate, hurt other pack mates, want him no more."She was quiet with this. It was so dark for how she normally was but he had hurt her and taken so much away from her. Though she still didn't know what rape actually was.

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.