
When the Stars Align [birth]



8 Years
11-02-2017, 08:08 PM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2017, 09:21 AM by Solveiga.)

It seemed to grow colder each day, which meant Solveiga was growing more and more worried. Well, and she was just growing, period. Even with only two or three pups, which is what she and Regulus were estimating now, she still looked fit to burst. After all, she was a very petite little lady. Which meant this pregnancy was affecting her more than it might have affected other, more robust women. She practically waddled when she walked, and walking was beginning to make her paws sore. And so, she spent most of her time in the warmth and comfort of the den. But Solveiga was an explorer at heart, so being confined like this was making her antsy.

And other things made her antsy, as well. The weather grew colder, which made her worry more and more for her children. She wanted them to be as warm and comfortable as possible, and Regulus had made sure their den was plenty insulated. But still. It would be unlike a mother not to worry. And then there was the matter of the birth itself. She had helped with a delivery once, so of course she understood the basics of it. But she knew nothing could compare to the actual experience. The little healer would just have to hope that her pain tolerance was high, and with a knowledgeable healer at her side everything should go smoothly.

Any day now, she thought, as she gathered the strength to stand and walk slowly from the den. She needed to stretch her legs, maybe get a drink of water or find some late-season fruit to snack on... but it seemed the little pups inside her had another plan for today. She had barely made it two steps from the network of dens when a pain shot through her body and made her suck in a breath. She stopped moving, waited a moment to assess the feeling, when it hit her again. Stronger this time. Solveiga let out a soft whine and very carefully walked back toward the den. It was time. Oh, gods above. It was time.

She paused just long enough to howl for her mate and for a healer, a great deal of urgency in her voice. And then she returned to the den that she and Regulus shared, and made herself as comfortable as possible. Deep breaths, the lady reminded herself. Deep, slow breaths...



12 Years
Extra large
11-20-2017, 08:14 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He’d been getting quietly more restless as Solveiga’s due date drew nearer. Excitement and nerves danced and roiled in his heart and gut. He was expending the extra energy on a walk around the outside of the wooded hill. He was reluctant to stray too far from the cave system, and had indeed fairly stuffed their alcoves with moss over the last two weeks.

It was some instinct that had him turning even before her call came. A vibrant spark ran through his spine, energy buzzing through each limb as he hurried back along the path and down the ravine, taking his own deep breaths and reminding himself that he needed to be calm and strong for her.

As he entered the main chamber of the cave, he nodded as he saw Paladin, already busily at work setting things up. The young cleric tipped his head toward the alcove, a clear indication to go in and get settled, and Regulus gladly took the suggestion, pausing as he entered the alcove.

It struck him that he had seen two births here in this small, comfortable chamber. But both times from the outside, watching his mother labor to bring his younger siblings into the world. His father had been there, settled behind Surreal. Now Regulus himself would be in Falk’s place, though with Solveiga.

He lightly shook the introspective thoughts away and stepped around to snuggle gently behind the small cream and tan healer, pressing a comforting lick to her ears, and trying to take away some of her anxiety. His own was still there, but half-forgotten and ignored in favor of focusing on her.

“You can do this.”

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



8 Years
11-24-2017, 09:45 AM

Another contraction struck the little healer, and she let out a whimper. It was scary to be alone. Fortunately, she didn't have to know that feeling for long. The help she needed arrived very quickly, with Paladin arranging herbs outside and her mate coming to support and comfort her. His prescence was comforting as always, with his much larger form snuggled up against hers, making her feel safe even in such a frightening time. Solveiga took a moment to feel grateful for all that she had. She did not know how she would have handled this on her own.

She let out a shaky sigh as Regulus licked gently at her ears, and for a moment she relaxed before another contraction drew a whine of pain from within her. She wanted to be strong, but gods above, this was painful already.

"Just... stay right here, okay?" she whispered, panting a bit before reminding herself to take those deep, slow breaths again. She needed some herbs, to help ease the pain. "Paladin?" she called out, hoping he was ready to assist her now. Something told her these pups would be here very soon. They were ready to come out into the world and they didn't want to wait any longer. The urgency in her voice made that clear.



12 Years
Extra large
12-04-2017, 05:56 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He grinned at her words, nuzzling softly into her ears and cheek. “Wild Bison couldn’t drag me away, love.”

He nestled closer to her, offering his strength to her, feeling a wash of nervous excitement prickle through his skin as his hackles lifted. Far from any feeling of aggression, there was joy everywhere in his veins. His head shifted to rest over her shoulders, watching for his young cousin.

He knew Solveiga was in good paws. Paladin had focused a lot of his learning among the Nomads on whelping and pregnancy, and he knew uses for herbs that many healers might not consider for certain things. Nomads, however. They were the elites among healers. His grandmother’s mother had been a Nomad, as well as her mate, though they’d settled with Redwood pack when his great Aunt had mated with the pack’s leader.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-07-2017, 02:36 PM
Paladin 'Knight' Ancora

When Paladin came in with a small rabbit skin wrapped around the herbs for Solveiga, he was only half there. The side he needed to conduct the birthing was all there, and the natural excitement of new life, but the other side, the side that loved his family, was in turmoil. He knew that as these children came into the world, his mother was leaving it. But he wouldn’t let that cloud the current situation.

He settled the rolled-up skin in front of his fellow healer, nosing it open to reveal the proper dosages of plants she’d need for a relatively painless, easy birthing, habitually naming them and their intended uses aloud to her as he went. Sure she probably already knew them, but it was something to draw her mind to, in any case.

Motherwort, of course, to ease her body’s contractions and give her strength, as well as a little Valerian to help settle her fear and anxiety. Rosemary was in there as a simple aromatic to focus her mind. Trillium and Lavender finished off the line-up for the actual birthing herbs, but he had a few set aside for later in case she had any issues producing milk.

“You’re doing very well, Cousin.” His easy brogue was soothing, holding none of the silent grief he felt on that other side of his mind that he was compartmentalizing, as he circled around to settled at her side , toward her hind end, a paw lifting to press gently on her belly. A great part of him that was the lover of learning and sharing knowledge wanted to call Justice and Domari in to both assist and learn, but a glance at Regulus told him that while the Archangel would approve of the decision, Regulus, the new father might not be so keen.

But he did offer the suggestion, nonetheless. Who knew when the next chance for a paws-on experience of birthing might come. But he asked it of both parents. “Myself, you, and maybe Kalliope may be the only healers in the pack who’ll know their way around birthing. Would it be alright with you if Domari and Justice participated to learn? If not, that’s alright. This is your time, after all. Solveiga, I’ll be holding a birthing lesson for the healers later on, in spring.”

Part of the dialogue in the end of his question was mere banter for both of them, something to chat about while the labor progressed. By his judgement, she was only in the end of her first stage and about to go into the second of three – adjusting, active labor, and actual birth, where the first pup would enter the world.

Her body was preparing for the most part, and the contractions he felt under his paw hadn’t begun to really settle into a solid rhythm, but were getting there. It wouldn’t be too long, though. Once those preliminary spasms of the uterus had finished working the pups into line, it would be go time. And she was almost ready to go into stage two.

Paladin has a thick, Educated Irish Brogue type accent. It's understandable.



8 Years
12-10-2017, 05:23 PM

Solveiga let out a soft whimper of relief as her mate nestled closer, promising to stay by her side through all of this. She thought she had prepared herself, physically and emotionally, for this. But maybe it was impossible to truly prepare for something like birth. Still, she focused on the things she knew to do, like deep breathing. She knew enough about birthing to know that she was nearing the end of the first stage and that the pain was about to get a lot worse. So she obediently took the medicinal plants offered to her, hoping they wouldn't take long to kick in. And then Paladin began to speak to them and she looked up, allowing the bit of conversation to distract her from the worry and the pain.

He was asking how they felt about having other healers observe the process. It took a moment of thought for Solveiga to decide what would be best, but in the end she gave a nod to express her assent. Of course, it was up to Regulus as well, so she looked back at him. "I think it would be a good learning experience," she said softly, taking another deep breath as another twinge of pain ran through her body. "I don't think I'd mind the intrusion... but after the birth is over I think we'd like to be alone, to..." another wince of pain, another deep breath before continuing " rest and have a moment alone with our newborn children."

She had a feeling Regulus would agree. If he didn't, she wouldn't be upset. After all, it would be a bit embarrassing to have an audience while she was in pain like this. But she was willing to go through that extra bit of discomfort in order to give Dómari and Justice the opportunity. What she meant to say was, she was fine one way or the other. Audience or no audience, she was focused on bringing these pups into the world. And, speaking of which, she had a feeling that second stage was underway. Those last few contractions had seemed awfully close together. This was really happening. It wouldn't be long now before their children were here, cradled safely in the warmth of their mother and father.



12 Years
Extra large
12-18-2017, 05:34 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

His eyes lifted from Solveiga’s side as Paladin came in with the herbs, and he listened to the stated properties of each as the Cleric laid them out for Solveiga. The proposition Paladin made did indeed bring a furrow of conflicted indecision to the crimson male’s brow. Duty warred with the growing protective father’s nature, but as Solveiga accepted the idea, both sides were mollified and Regulus nodded.

He’d been noting the contractions as well, and flashed a slightly nervous, toothy grin at his mate and Paladin. “If they’re going to learn anything by watching, we’d best get them in here quickly.”

He nodded to Paladin, a silent suggestion for the young male to go and call his sister and Domari, then lowered his head to rest his chin on Solveiga’s shoulders, wriggling closer to plaster himself against her.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]