
To Infinity and Beyond


07-06-2013, 04:12 PM
{ooc. I'm sorry for the crappiness, I suck at starting..}

On a small island, appeared a dark figure from the sea. A wolf. A strange one at that. She was quite tall, with defined muscles and a thick mane of fur around her neck. She had been paddling from island to island in search of somewhere to call home, even temporary. This island had a single, straggling tree, barely clinging to life here in the open. Udosa scrambled into the shade of it, however meager, and panted a bit. The ocean was strong, and Udosa was still recovering from her long journey. Her fur was starting to become sticky as it dried, and smelled of the ocean. Thick ebony fur offered no help on the growing heat, even with the russet blaze on her chest, and her red stained legs. Long tongue dangling from her parted jaws, she tried to regulate her body heat. Bi coloured orbs stared out at the distant land mass, seperated from her by the ocean. Clouds scuttled across the sky, but none blocked the sun from beating down on her. The ebony and russet dame got up from her place in the shade, and decided to head for the next island. It was slightly larger, with more shade, provided by a large stone and a few trees. So she leapt into the cold sea, powerful legs launching her as far as they could. She hit the water with a splash, and the shock of it froze her in place for a second. Then she started pumping her legs, clawing furiously at the murky water, fighting the current to reach the sand of the shore on the other side. Growls escaped her maw as she fought the waves, until she felt a hind leg scrape sand. Finding her footing, she walked the rest of the way onto the land. Collapsing in the shade of the boulder, she relaxed. Once her strength returned, she would make her way to the largest island. There might be prey there, maybe even a place to make her home. So she rested, content with the work she had done.

Ezekiel I


07-06-2013, 05:57 PM
[Image: ezekiel_by_wolftaske-d60lag9.png]


Being a bird whose homeland was generally mountainous, it was no surprise that the bearded vulture had found himself venturing through the caves on the largest landmass of the interesting chain of islands. Within these caverns, the primary scavenger had found a new favorite food (other than bones, of course)--bats. Though they were a bitch to catch, they were quite the treat when he managed to get a hold on one.

After his initial success, the avian had grown bored of what became repeated failure, and left the area, instead seeking out dead things to ravage on the smaller islands. It was in this search that he found what he considered to be his next victim, collapsed in the shade of a boulder and, from his great altitude, appearing deceased.

He began to circle downwards, slowly and without haste, examining the fae from above. Her bodice was dark and tinted with crimson hues that seemed almost blood-like, except somehow different in a way he couldn't identify. His beady eyes of obsidian narrowed as he neared the woman, descending upon silent wings, casting a large shadow of pitch down below. His claws found the earth several yards from the being and it was then that he allowed the disappointment of her living state to wash over him.

"Oh, you bitch--

you blubbering tease!

Here you had me thinking

I'd eat with ease!

"Next time move a little

when you're laying by a rock

or I'll bash your head right into it

instead of sitting here to talk!"

His beak clacked with severe irritation as he shifted his weight from side to side, ruffling his feathers and shuffling his wings with impatience. Cold eyes remained on the she-wolf, never leaving and filled with expectancy, as if he was waiting for her to get up and go make up his lost food to him. Heck, maybe he was.


07-06-2013, 06:18 PM
The rustling of feathers alerted Udosa to the presence of a large avian creature. Its beak opened and closed, words spilling from the sharp mouth; harsh words. She wasn't surprised, she would have felt the same no doubt. Bi coloured orbs flew open, taking in the vulture standing in the sands a few paces before her. She propped herself up on her front legs, eyeing the bird cautiously. I'm sorry, She replied, smiling at the crimson and obsidian bird. Would you like to go search for something to eat with me then? She asked, since she was hungry anyways. Standing, she shook out her pelt slightly, sand spraying to her left and right. Cyan and evergreen orbs met the avains own beady black optics, head tilted quizzically. Strong legs were covered in cords of muscle; obvious, but not bulky. Thick mane of ebony fur stuck out in an unruly manner around her neck, hiding thick muscles, which attached to her lower jaw to enforce a powerful, bone crunching bite. She sat down, examining the massive flying beast. What an intruiging creature he was, wildly beautiful in his own way. Massive black wings allowed the monstrous entity to travel in a way wolves could not, to be able to soar right over mountains that would take a wolf days to trek. She envied the bird, but tried not to show it. So she waited, for an answer, until she realized she had not introduced herself. I'm Udosa by the way. She told him, smiling. She didn't ask for a name in return, for if the avian wished to give it to her, he would.

Ezekiel I


07-06-2013, 07:01 PM
[Image: ezekiel_by_wolftaske-d60lag9.png]


An apology slipped from her lips but he cared not for it, clacking his beak more loudly with a rumble and waving his wing in blatant dismissal. He made a great deal of scoffing when her name also found its way to his ears.

"Who? Oh, who?

Who do you think I am?

An eagle, a falcon?

I don't give a damn!

"Who you are doesn't matter to me

as long as I get some bones!

So I'd suggest you move now

instead of speaking in such tones!"

Though the she-wolf would probably think him rude for such a continued outburst, it was the best she'd get from the large creature. He hopped into the air, wings pumping several times to get him some altitude, and then he began to circle, planning on following her until the found something for him to nourish himself on.


07-06-2013, 09:41 PM
She watched his simple dismissal of her apology, the smooth wave of a massive wing. He seemed to care not for names, given his outburst. Clearly this massive flying beast was hungry, so Udosa began trotting towards the massive island, now only interrupted by another, smaller land mass. So she leapt into the brisk water, powerful muscles pumping through the shallower aqua and to the other island with much more ease. Pausing for but a moment to take a deep breath, Udosa sprinted across the sands, once again leaping into the sea in search of a meal.

Once her paws touched the sand again, the woman was off, racing through the dense, shaded forest with her nose to the air in search of something to eat. A faint trace of deer caught her attention, and she began bounding towards the scent until she could hear snuffling ahead. Her lean, black body lowered to the ground, moving like a shadow towards the unsuspecting ungulate. Before she broke into view, she tensed her thick muscles, and sprang through the air. The cervine creature was small, just barely smaller than Udosa herself. It's spine cracked under her weight, legs buckling. The pale brown doe crashed to the ground, finished off before it could suffer by a swift crushing bite to the neck by the obsidian wolf.

She tore off a hind leg violently, gripping the ankle in her mouth and shaking her head vigorously until the joint made a faint popping sound and the flesh ripped apart. Dragging the prize off a bit, she left the remainder for the giant avian to pick off what it desired before Udosa ate what was left. Her teeth sank into the still warm flesh, removing chunks and devouring them quickly. She was hungry after her long day of swimming and trekking, so the food provided by the deer was welcomed.