
moonstone daydreams



10 Years
Extra large
11-24-2017, 08:11 PM
It was time.

Holed up in the very back of her cavernous home, protected from the violent of the high altitude elements, Lirika felt the first contractions. She had never really learned much about giving birth, as no one had expected her to have children anywhere but her homeland. Her mother had not lived long enough to teach her about the birds and the bees. Now, she had a vague concept of what to do- one part instinct and another part half remembered lessons from her youth. She paced the confines of the warm zone, wondering what she should do first. Walking felt better, her dark paws moved and stimulated the muscles around her womb.

Daring to step out into the open for even the briefest of moments felt like too much of a risk. She took it anyway. Called out in a sonorous voice for Mr. Morningstar. He would want to be present for the birth of his children, right? Sucking a deep breath as the convulsions in her gut intensified, she returned to the back of the cave. A nest of dried foliage and patchy animal skins had been her best attempt on such short notice.

Sprawling out on one side, she let her head rest against the floor for a while. Panting like a maniac wasn't good- she needed to calm down. Mercury gaze would slide closed, as she focused on the sound of the wind howling across the open mouth of the cave. Timed her breaths with her heartbeat, and the wind drowned out her anxieties. A massive roll of contractions shook her belly. The first one was coming. "Zhiva bless me." She invoked the creator's wife, praying that she would give her living children.

Lean frame meant that any bulky children would risk killing her and the remaining offspring. She prayed to anyone who would listen that they would be safely born, murmuring softly in harsh vowels of Russian.

One down. There wasn't much time, but she lifted her head to collect the little bundle. The protective sac had been broken on this one, and clung loosely across its back. A little girl. She was black in the face, and grey all over. Earlier generations would have culled her then, a child who wasn't blessed by Svarog. However, blue skin peeked out around her mouth and nose, in tiny little toes. This was not the Dark Times, not anymore. The child was pulled to her bosom, where hopefully she would begin to nurse. Tender strokes of her tongue along her body were offered, making sure the pup knew she was loved.

Time to admire her firstborn was cut short, and another wave of dizzying contractions hit. It was time to deliver the next, there was no time to wait. She stretched back out, letting her body do the work. As the contraction struck, she forced herself to push through the pain. Just like that, another child was born. Goodness, she didn't think her body to be capable of nurturing more than one. Wheezing with the effort, she curled around her belly to scoop up this child as well.

A soft gasp struck her, auds tipping back. Pure and unmarred white, blessed by the Father God of her line. The sac was draped over her shoulders like a tiny cape. Tears welled in her eyes, and she brushed her tongue over the spine of the sweet bundle. Already she knew she needed to take them to her homeland, so the Shaman may look the children over. Now, she knew that this litter was blessed. She tucked this daughter against her stomach as well, warming her body against the other girl and her own thick fur.

It seemed over now, two precious daughters. She would need to take the afterbirth to the entrance of the cave, and leave it to the creators. Deep, even breaths were heaved through her chest as she worked through the last of her labour. It didn't take much to expel the small sac. The phantom reached to pluck it from the cave floor, and found within it a squirming pup. Oh! Tearing it open as gently as she could, she pulled the tiniest of the litter free. This one was quite pale, but bore the marks of her sire as well. Gentle, affectionate kisses were pressed against the petite skull of the runt. Without hesitation, she was pressed tight to her bosom as well.

Three beautiful daughters. The Gods had favoured her, even in her advancing age. Lirika couldn't stop smiling. She didn't want to leave them, but her obligation to the creators bade her step away now. As the placenta was expelled, she carefully took it in her mouth- rupturing it would be a dark omen upon the litter. Carrying it quickly away from the children, she placed it near the mouth of the cave. A tiny pile of powdery snow had accumulated within the confines of the cavern, and she placed it there. Zhibog and Zhiva would consume it as they saw fit in the next few days.

"Many thanks, Mokosh." She murmured in her native tongue, settling down around her brood. It was time to rest, until their father arrived. Then, she would name them all.

avatar courtesy of trash-klng on dA



5 Years
Dire wolf
11-24-2017, 10:43 PM
He heard the howl from Lirika where he laid watching Micah and Forfax play in the fresh powder. It was time. Forfax and Micah needed to be moved soon anyway, he had explained to them why they did not stay in one place too long. That their uncle would likely kill them should he find them. Michael was too much an unknown to sam anymore for his comfort. None of his yearlings had met these two either. It was time they did. Sam wanted Lirika to be well guarded and know who she could count on to help her hunt should she need it.

He stood and moved with a wordless motion to the two. Micah followed diligently only once forfax did. He ran a quick cleansing kiss over the top of their heads to make certain both would come. He then moved off, at a slower pace to allow for his children. Micah stayed closed to Forfax. They would remain close to each other sam was certain. He was fine with this.

As he came to the den site he stopped and waited to see Lirika emerge. He didn't wish to surprise her with extra. He did however tilt back his head and let out a low resounding howl for his kids. The content of the howl should let them know that their best behavior was expected. Then did he move when she went to praise her gods and complete her ritual after the birth. "Is it okay for me and my children to come and meet our newest family members?" He felt as Micah his himself behind sam's back legs. A small chuckle came forth at that. His eyes moved to each of his younger two in turn as he introduced them, "The golden one is Micah, and the white one is Forfax. They are two of my now eight minus one children. their mother has left them to my care alone, not wishing for any children ever. I am hoping that ours can grow with them if that is okay by you."

He was hopeful that she would not mind two additional children to help rear. Granted these two were weened already and ate small chunks of meat so they would be less trouble. "Should others that bear my mask or scent come, know they are my other elder children and likely come to help guard you and aid however they can. Beezelbub will be the largest, Mammon and Leviathan the two that could be yin and yang twins and Sathanus is the darkest. They are the only ones i know are here in Boreas to date." he made sure to hide nothing. His ear tilted to Micah and forfax, making sure he kept an ear on them. But he however did not enter the den until he had permission. He knew of a mother's wrath and would not risk it.

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.



5 Years
Dire wolf

1KChristmas 2019
11-25-2017, 10:44 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2017, 10:46 PM by Darya.)
The world was about to change in minute and major ways and the being about to be birthed was aware of none of it. She was warm and safe and surrounded by the notion of others though she wasn't aware of them either. All she knew was the warmth and- cold! Sudden movement and freezing cold. Air flooded tiny lungs and she wailed her displeasure. Such a forceful sound from a body so small, her tiny form squirmed and moved into the warmth of her mother's belly. Instinct driving her to suckle. Another form would soon find it's way to her side, someone she'd at some point know as her sibling. But for the time being the unnamed being slipped peacefully into sleep unaware of the things her birth meant.



5 Years
Extra large
11-25-2017, 11:00 PM


Cocooned in the safety of a womb, the offspring was aware of only soft sounds. Twitching limbs from separated- and yet suffocatingly close- siblings. Their tiny murmurings, faint and infrequent. The space was too small, too tight. Delicate toes jammed against chins and bellies, butter soft nails far from a concern. It was peaceful here. Warm. The familiar vocals of a greater being would occasionally permeate their entire being, reverberating through their brittle bones. It was a comfort, but also deeply frightening. So loud, so sudden. Even when she crooned to them, the children often startled.

It was suddenly tighter than before. Squeezing! The sac burst under the pressure, and the babe was forced from the womb. Emerging into the frigid temperatures of the living world, the only reaction they could muster was a sharp cry of indignation. Torn from their puny jaws by the shock of the cold air, oxygen went screaming into their lungs. Ouch! No! Bad! Mewling with fear and pain from the harsh air, they were tucked tightly against a very soft wall of warmth. Pale nose pressed tightly to the skin of mama's belly, they found what instinct told them would be there.

Another one of them was here, suckling happily beside them. Ah, perhaps this wasn't so horrible after all.





10 Years
Extra large
11-26-2017, 11:49 PM
It was some time before the sire to her new children arrived. The crunch of snow beneath his massive paws was impossible to miss, even over the howl of the wind outside. Instinctively she curled her paws around the bundles at her belly, eyes narrowing suspiciously. The male called, deep and resonating, for others. The children mewled and squirmed. Their fear tightened in her chest, and she was ready to fight anyone who might threaten the pups. Why did he do this? Who was he summoning? Very real fear claimed her, that perhaps she had misjudged him. Here she was, laid up with newborns and struggling with exhaustion, and he called others to where she had worked so hard to find a safe place to keep them? A low growl shook her chest. There were others with him, walking delicately. He poked his ebony marked head into view, expression calm. "Is it okay for me and my children to come and meet our newest family members?"

A tiny golden child tumbled past his forelegs, giddy and far from threatening. The tension in her shoulders dared to loosen only a little. Another plodded into view, the pair wandering into the den with little care or fear. Soft breath wheezed forth from her lips, head shaking lightly. "Please, Mr. Morningstar, come in." She murmured. To the little ones, she said "Careful, chlidren." Not too late afterwards, their father introduced them. "The golden one is Micah, and the white one is Forfax. They are two of my now eight minus one children. their mother has left them to my care alone, not wishing for any children ever. I am hoping that ours can grow with them if that is okay by you."

Taken aback, she glanced down at the three who suckled greedily at her belly. "I do not know if I can feed five mouths, Mr. Morningstar." She murmured, lowering her crown to nuzzle across the backs of the children. They were so beautiful, she was utterly awed. In regards to who he had summoned, she finally found an answer. "Should others that bear my mask or scent come, know they are my other elder children and likely come to help guard you and aid however they can. Beezelbub will be the largest, Mammon and Leviathan the two that could be yin and yang twins and Sathanus is the darkest. They are the only ones i know are here in Boreas to date." He told her, making a point to lingering near the entrance of the den.

She was too tired to care. This was too much to deal with right now. Her focus had turned back to her new brood, and their wellbeing. Elder children and pups she hadn't birthed just now were beyond her. "They still need names," She murmured, lovingly snuffling at the downy fur of the smallest. When she disturbed the babe, she cried out feebly. "Ничего себе, все в порядке." She crooned softly. Nudging her small form in between the other, larger pups, she made sure warmth was not a concern. She had made very little noise, and was smaller than the others. It was worrying. She needed a mighty name, to lend her strength and let her grow big like the others. "Dominika Elizaveta." she said resolutely. Loosely translated, this child was close to the gods, donning their strength through naming.

The biggest of the bunch, swathed in darker colours, was next. Only time would tell what she would truly look like, but Lirika would love her no less. A tender kiss was applied to her itty bitty crown. "Darya Ilari." The name was easy to bestow upon this child, even in her delirium. Darya, loosely translated to the common tongue, meant positivity. A child of purity and goodness, blessed by the gods. Let none of her family impose their old time hatred upon this sweet babe. Ilari was a diminutive, meaning cheerful. Naming children was supposed to imbue the traits one desired from their children, be they good or bad. She only wanted good things for her brood.

The last one, second born, was the child blessed by Svarog. Pale as the fresh snow outside. "Divo Sveta." she called this one; a marvelous star. Divo was the word to mean marvel, and she chose not to alter it in favour of femininity. Somewhere in her travels she had learned that being called a diva was not positive. Sveta was the name for a child of the stars, and she wanted to pay homage to her estranged brother Svetovid as well. She had been gifted healthy children, and no stillborns. Now her attention turned to their father. Mercury gaze fell upon him, and she smiled. "They are beautiful." She said, and finally let herself lie down again. "You are welcome to stay here, Mr. Morningstar. For now, I think I'll rest." She said softly, sighing with contentment. The worst of it was over, and now she was free to sleep, knowing she was safe here.

avatar courtesy of trash-klng on dA



3 Years
11-30-2017, 10:43 PM

How many times had she done this in the past few seasons? Her father would call and like the dutiful daughter she pretended to be she’d follow him to discover whatever new development he was announcing. A part of her was knotted in terror that she’d arrive to find another of her sibling’s mangled corpses littering the ground. She’d been lingering more towards the north lately, more time spent away from Levi than she’d have liked but she had been eager to keep tabs on her father, she was vaguely aware he had been meeting with two particular women but the reason did not become clear till she approached.

"You better hope Bee doesn’t show up, he’d wake even those scent blind pups with his stench; that pretty little woman of yours will have to take her brood halfway across the continent just to escape it." She approached as her father mentioned his older children. She spared a quick glance to the cave entrance. 

The girl settled herself outside the entrance, she would let her father have his time admiring his new little mistakes before she’d speak again, softer this time. She could hear soft snoring from inside and as much as she had little thought for the woman who had birthed her new siblings she knew that letting the new mother rest was best. "I see you wasted no time making some replacements for Bel." Her tone was hard and she stared straight ahead. "I hope for their sake none of them look like you." She sighed and finally looked at her father, her gaze softened. "Does she know that if a single one of them bears your genes that they will be hunted, that they’re lives could be forfeit before they even have a chance to know why?"

Mammon shook her head. "I could care less who you sleep with." Liar! "But at this point I’d thought you’d be more careful with your seed… They don’t deserve the curse they carry." For the first time she glanced back at the den, the shape of their sleeping mother and three small siblings at her belly. She hadn’t failed to notice the two older pups either. 

She settled onto her stomach, staring straight ahead again. "I’ll help in any way you need. They are my siblings and that means I’ll protect them with all I have, if I have to."

"Sweet nothings" & Dangerous thoughts

Image by Risketch
Leviathan or "Levi" as Mammon's brother and lover is welcome to crash all her threads regardless of tag rating.[Image: GMZH5Ns.png]



3 Years
11-30-2017, 11:17 PM (This post was last modified: 11-30-2017, 11:18 PM by Sathanus.)

ooc. mature tag for language and mature themes, Sath has exactly 0 chill. Sorry.

There it was, Father's call for the brood to rally. What was it this time? She had been searching halfheartedly for a new place to take up residence, since her own spot had been stolen while she'd been mourning a death. Part of her wanted to challenge the leader of this new pack for the rights to that mountainside. She had pissed everywhere, and still nothing was sacred to him. The bastard.

Regardless, she was on her way. Large paws thumping across the terrain without a care for who heard. If they wanted a fight, they'd have one. Nothing could stop her. The north was cold as a witch's tits right now that an early season storm had blown in. Who was her father to summon her in this weather? An inconsiderate ass, for sure. Ebony ears flat against her skull, she narrowed her eyes against the blistering winds that were sweeping straight into her. Shit, this was the worst thing ever. The wraith had half a mind to kick the shit out of her sire for this one. Dammit, she was losing feeling in her paws for this! It had better be important!

By entering the Dreamer's Col, the mountains provided some shelter. The winds lessened, and the snow that was whipped around by it didn't feel like bullets in her sides. She paused to shake the infernal flakes from her dark pelt, and began to climb to the higher altitudes. Someone else had been traipsing all over the place here, too. Now, who could be here? It smelled like a woman, the closer she got. A big one, if the old tracks she found scattered around were any indication. Bigger than her and her siblings, without a doubt. Not quite the size of her father, of course. Her sides heaved with exertion as she ascended higher and higher, the slope becoming much steeper. Mammon's scent filled her nostrils very suddenly. Oh great, she was already here. Whining like a bitch, no doubt.

Finally, she saw them. Gathered around a cavern in the side of the mountains. Oh? Prowling closer, she found Mammon lounging near the mouth. Father was lurking near the entrance as well, with two children in tow. Oh great, more siblings? These two looked like him, without a doubt. They looked like.. Gabriel. "How in sweet fuck did you manage to get kids that look like your creepy incest crush?" She drawled cruelly, narrowing her eyes at her father. That was just weird, and no one could deny that. Not even Mammon. Boys didn't have babies, she knew that. And she had more uncles than aunts, as little as she knew about them, she was aware of that much. Was her father fucking his whole family tree now? Ew.

"I see you wasted no time making some replacements for Bel." Mammon snarled coldly. Oh boy, here we go. Crimson eyes rolled heavenwards. Man, did this have to happen every time she was around them? "I hope for their sake none of them look like you." At this one, the demon snorted. Okay, that one was funny. "Yeah dad, you're ugly. Don't wanna pass that on to your poor offspring- well, any more of them. It's too late for Levi and Mammon." She stuck her tongue out at her sister, knowing how much it would irk her.

"Does she know that if a single one of them bears your genes that they will be hunted, that they’re lives could be forfeit before they even have a chance to know why?" Sweet fuck, what a drama queen. Sathanus thought to herself, rolling her eyes again. The bitch sighed as loudly as she could, and found herself watching the two older pups frolic in the den. Inside, there was a rather large woman, nursing a few bundles of squirming fluff. She was out cold, no doubt exhausted from the strain of giving birth so recently. Note to self to keep her voice down.

"I don't think you need to worry, Mam. I mean, look at their parents! I'm sure they'll take out ol' Mikey with a swat of their paws when they're just a few weeks old!" She snarked, grinning from ear to ear. So, maybe she was trying to lighten the mood a bit. Sue her. Mammon was such a whiner, always making everything out to be the worst thing ever. "I could care less who you sleep with." Mammon had a lot to say, like always. Shit, would she ever shut up and just enjoy the birth of their new siblings? "But at this point I’d thought you’d be more careful with your seed… They don’t deserve the curse they carry." Blah blah blah, whine whine. "Who are you to tell your father what to do, sis? You're not exactly the prime example of using your pussy wisely." She sniped, tossing her gaze over her shoulder to shoot a raised eyebrow at her sister.

"I’ll help in any way you need. They are my siblings and that means I’ll protect them with all I have, if I have to." There, Mammon was making sense finally. Sathanus hummed affirmatively, turning around to face her father and sister finally. "Same here, I'll help out where you need me to. Just point me, and I'll shoot." She murmured, flopping down a few feet from the mouth of the cave. The rambunctious kids were still tussling, but they were being quiet, to their benefit.

Walk "Talk" Think

Sathanus is an asshole with no morals who loves getting into fights. Plz know that Denny loves you and Sath's acts are nothing against you (the player) <3


12-02-2017, 12:31 AM


His dad's howl reached him right after he finally caught himself a big old fat rabbit. His ears pressed back. The fuck? First Bel up and got killed by their stupid uncle, now his dad had the balls to summon him in the middle of a meal. He was angry, and regretful over his last moments with Bels. The last thing he remembered was Bels being mad and calling a stupid fat ass who couldn't think of anything or anyone but his next meal. He had actually told Bels that he was a lazy ass good for nothing who could care less about anything but his own self. None of it was true though, they'd just been mad at each other because their little deal had been broken. Bels had started hiding his scraps from Bee and bee had been stealing more than his fair share. IT had been bound to blow up eventually. 

He lifted himself and brought his rabbit with him. He set off in a slow pace, his idea of being on his best behavior was being late and not eating Levi if he was there. He had never been a fan of how he treated Mammon, one day it would bite him in the ass. If Bee didn't do it for that day. Course there was a thought that he could easily steal her away, but he knew that was unlikely. They were twins and apparently Mammon liked her guys to be dicks and not fat. 

He got there in time to hear his sisters he was sure were bickering. He rolled his eyes. The scent told him what he needed to know. There was a birth. Their siblings had just expanded. He wasted no time pushing between his sisters, making sure he got his smell up their noses. Then he stopped in front of his dad. His eyes glared at him. Then went to the pups inside. Five kids. One looked like his stupid uncle. The rest like his dad, or a combination of his dad and that stupid woman inside. He scrutinized them for a moment. The fresh rabbit still in his mouth. 

He knew he should probably say something. His hair stood on end though. Everything about this said their dad was replacing Bels and their missing sibling. Asmodeum would not be pleased. He was not pleased. As if the blow of loosing his best friend hadn't been enough. 

He was suddenly feeling sick to his stomach and for the first time wasn't hungry. He pushed past his dad and purposely made sure to shoulder him out of the way. He didn't wait for permission. He moved into the den and glared at the two older ones briefly before moving to eye the newborns. They were squeaky and looked like rats. Yup they were rats. None of them deserved a name. He dropped the rabbit at the woman's paws and looked at his newest siblings for a brief second. He was then moving again, out of the den, now without his food for the first time ever. He wasn't dumb enough not to see the shock on his dad's face at  that. He didn't even look at his sister's but he could bet they had been just as shocked. He was never that willing to give food away and he never had shared his food a day in his life. He was sure his sister's could even remember getting bit for trying to take even a bite of his food. 

He stopped for the breifest of seconds next to his dad to speak in a low deadly voice. The first time in his life he had ever let his anger out, even growled at anyone. "I'll help, but those rats will never be my siblings. You didn't even think about how we felt before you decided to go off replacing Bels or Asmodeum. The latter of which no one knows if hes dead or alive and here you stand not even trying to find him. FUCK YOU!" He wasn't concerned with the woman's sleep right now. He was quick to move then, pushing past Mammon and Sath. If they tried to stop him he was quick to turn and snap his teeth at them. 

It was unlike him to be so angry he knew but he wasn't bout to apologize or take it back. He stomped off aiming to linger in the shadows for right now. If his sisters wanted to find him later he wasn't going to stay away from them. 

-exit bee-
